X-Rays Benefit Risk
X-Rays Benefit Risk
X-Rays Benefit Risk
benefit and risk
What is X-radiation?..................................................................... 4
What is X-radiation?
As soon as the X-ray machine is switched off, X-radiation will not
be produced any more. This is the difference between X-radiation
and nuclear radiation which emanates from radioactive substan-
ces and is emitted until all atoms have decayed.
Estimates of radiation risk assume a steadily increasing relation-
ship between dose and cancer risk; that is, the higher the dose,
the higher the risk. This is a precautionary assumption in radia-
tion protection, implying that every medical examination using
radiation involves an additional, albeit low risk.
Medical X-rays facilitate monitoring of the healing process.
i.e. a special kind of medical X-rays. This procedure permits to
confirm or refute suspected bleeding within the skull, thus either
enabling timely surgery or avoiding unnecessary operation.
Breast cancer early detection, or the detection of narrowings of
the blood vessels are additional examples for the use of medical
Doctor using X-ray pictures to explain diagnostic findings.
When balancing benefits and risks, the potential benefit for the
mother must be compared with the potential risk for the child.
In the case of special risks to the mother’s health and life, X-rays
are justified in order to rapidly establish safe diagnosis and begin
Ultrasound picture of an unborn baby’s head in week 20 of pregnancy.
Ranges of typical values of effective dose for frequent X-ray
examinations in millisievert (mSv)
CT braincase 1–3
Stomach 4–8
CT abdomen 8 – 20
etc.) require additional X-ray fluoroscopy, where the radiation
dose to the patient is usually higher compared to conventio-
nal X-rays. CT is a tomography procedure of high diagnostic
significance which is, however, associated with a relatively high
radiation dose.
Due to the progress made in X-ray technology, doses from many
X-ray examinations have been reduced over the course of the last
three decades. Particularly the development of more sensitive
film-screen systems, advanced generator and image intensifier
technology and digital systems have added to the reduction of
radiation exposure. In spite of these technical advances, the
mean radiation exposure of the general public is increasing,
because X-ray examinations involving high doses, such as CT, are
carried out more and more frequently.
The dose levels for one and the same examination procedure
vary widely from case to case. This is due to individual diffe-
rences between patients in terms of constitution, weight, etc,
but also to technical, medical and diagnostic factors. A crucial
factor is the experience of the medical staff (physicians and
radiology assistants) as well as the quality of their advanced
• Ask the medical staff to tell you why the planned X-ray exa-
mination is necessary.
• Prior to an X-ray examination, women should tell whether
they are, or suspect to be pregnant, because X-rays during
pregnancy should only be taken if there is good medical
• Make sure that shielding of the parts of the body not under
examination is considered (lead apron)