Mine Health and Safety Act 29 of 1996
Mine Health and Safety Act 29 of 1996
Mine Health and Safety Act 29 of 1996
.·. ,\ _:
To provide for protection of the health and safety of employees
and other persons at mines and, for that purpose -··
MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACT, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
Table of Contents
I . • _r • I ~0 '
OBJECTS OF ACT...................................................................... 10
Table of Contents
17. Exit certificates ... .. ... ......... ... .. ... .. ...... ... .... .. .. ...... ... .. ... ....... .. .... 23
18. Co~ts of exrunination ... ........... .. ... .. .... ... ... ..... ........ ... ... ... ... .. ... . 23
.- -·- ' ! ' ~ • '· 1 -" ~:
21:. :Manufacturer's and supplier's duty for health and safety .... 25
-.'' '
27. Designation of. working places .... .. ... .... ..... ..... ... ..... ......... ...... 33
.• ' ' ; ~ ·j ; . '. : . 1 :. • ; • • ' ' • •.... ; : ; ": .. • • ' :' ,• . • • -. • ":·
33. Negotiation
* •_ ,' • .
and consultation on establishment of ! _, ' I ' •, : ~ f. ~ j o • •• : ' - ;
MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
Table of Contents
··' · CHAPTER 4 · ·.
TRIPARTITE INSTITUTIONS.................................................... 46
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACf, 1996
Table of Contents
64. Reports on investigations .. ....... ...... ........ .... .. ... .. .. .... ............... 61
· 66. Investigation may be converted into inquiry ... ......... ...... .. .... 63
67. Chief Inspector may designate assistant in inquiry ..... ... .. .... 63
i 68. Inquiry to be public ...... ........ ..... ... .. .... .. .... .. .. .............. ............ 63
72. Inquiry records and reports .. ... ................ ......... ........... ... ..... ... 65
Table of Contents
81. Minister to table annual report .... ........... ... ... ..... ... .............. ... 70
. ~ . CHAPTER 7. ·
84. Safety equipment not to be interfered with .... ........ ........ ...... 72
87. . Breach of confidence ... .................. ........ ...... ........ ........ ........... 73
Act No. 29; 1996 MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, 1996
Table of Contents
95.' Proof of facts ·...:... :...·..... ;.; ... ;.:..... ::. ... :..................................... 77
.': 103. Occupational Health and Safety Act, ·1993, not applicable.. 94
MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACI'. 1996 Act NO: 29, 1996
Table of Contents
{ _;.;
Amendment of Laws ..................................... .'..... ... ..... ........ ... .. .. .. .. 98
Transitional provisions .......... :...;.~-. ..~.;;~;.......................................... 112
10 No. 17242 GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 141UNE 1996
Act No. l!l, 1996 MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACI', 1996
· Objects of Act
.· : · .. .:.. '
\ . ''·
(h) to promote-
MINE HEAL1H AND SAFETY ACf, 1996 Act No; 29, 1996
2•. (1). The owner of every mine that is being worked must-
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY Acr. 1996
3.- (l) The owner ofevery mine that is being worked must-
4(2)-The Chief Inspector is (2) An owner who appoints a person under subsection (l) 20
appointed in terms of s. 48, must notify the Chief Inspector of that appointment within
on page 52; and the Chief seven days, and must include in that notice-
Inspector's functions are set
out in s. 49, beginning on (a) the name of the person appointed;
the same page.
(b) the nature of the person's functions; and
MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACf, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
(b) ensl.rre that' persons who are not employees, but who
may be directly affected by the activities at the mine,
. are not exposed to any hazards to their health and
7(1 )-Employees have a 7. (1) To the extent that it is reasonably practicable, every 5
duty to comply with health , : . ;. manager: must·~ ·.
and safety measures. See
, (a)· ensure that every employee complies with the ·: , -:
requirements ofthis Act; · ,_. , ·
· ;, ·-
(b) institute the measures necessary to secure, maintain·.
and enhance health and safety; .. .. . . 10
\ ~ . . -
MINE HEALTH AND .SAFETY ACT, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
8(2)-The requirements for . . (2) The manager must consult with the health and safety
establishing' a health and .· ... ' committee on the preparation or revision of the document
safety committee are set and policies referred to in subsection (1).
out in Chapter 3, beginning
.. ···> .; ' .. ·. . -f • •• ' •
on page 30. -· ' .•. (3) The manager 'must'-'' . - ·:· .. ..
Codes of practice · 15
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACf, 1996
10(1)-Employees must not 10.' (1) As far as reasonably practicable, every manager
be made to pay for health must - 10
and safety training. See
s. 24, on page 29. (a) provide employees with any information, instruction, .
training or supervision that is necessary to enable
them to perform their work safely and without risk to
health; and·
MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACT, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, 1996
(ii) institut~ programme to monitor the risk to
which employees may be exposed.
MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
11 (B)-Section 60, on page . (6) . An. investigation n~ferred to in subsection (5) may be held
60, empowers an inspector jointly wi~ an investigation conducted by an inspector in 10
to investigate health and terms of section 60.
safetY haiaids if instructed
by the Chief Inspector or (7) If there is no health and safety committee at a mine, the
requested by a trade u~ion, consultations required in this section must be held with -
a health and safety
representative or a health . (a) the health and safety representatives; or
and safety committee. .j •
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACf. 1996
(a) if required to do so by regulation or a notice in the .
· Gazette; or 10
' '
(3) Every manager who establishes or maintains a system of 25
medical surveillance must -
MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACT, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
beginning on page 24.. (7). lfan employee is temporarily unfit to perform work as ':1.
result of any occupational disease, _but there is a .
reasonable ~xpectation that the employee's health will 20
improve so that the employee can return to work, the
occupational m'edical practitioner must record that fact and
notify.·both the
. .. .
and employee
; '
of it.
Act No. 29; 1996 MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY Acr, 1996
14. (1) The manager at every mine must keep a service record, in
··. ·"the prescribed ·forln, of employees at the mine who perform
.: ' .work 'hi respect of which medical surveillance is conducted
in terms of section 13. 5
•. ' . _,:(2) : 1be·l1uznager mustdeliver to the Medical Inspector a copy
. .. of the relevant' part of the record kept in terms of
subsectiori . (l) _ :'. ' .
' . . .- ~
· (a) · when an employee whose name appears in that record
.ceases to be e'mployed at that mine; or 10
MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACf, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
: -~: ' . ! .
Exit certificates •'··:, > • ; ;• .* .__)
18. The owner must pay the costs of all clinical examinations and
medical· tests performed in terms of this Act unless this Act
expressly provides otherwise. 30
24 No. 17242 GOVERNMENT GAZEITE. 14 JUNE 1996
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACf, 1996
19. (1) An employee may request, and the manager must then
provide; a copy of the record or of any part of it that -
19(1)(a)-Section 12(3), on (a) is being kept in terms of sections 12(3) and 13(3)(c);
page 20, instructs the and 5
manager to keep a record
of all occupational hygiene (b) relates to that employee.
measurements so that they
can be linked to each · (2), The. occupationa~. medical practitioner conducting an
employee's record of exainination in te~s of section 17 must provide the
medical surveillance. employee with a copy of the exit certificate prepared as a
19(1)(a)-Section 13(3)(c), result of that examination. 10
on page 21, instructs every
manager to keep a record Employee may dispute finding of unfitness to perform
of medical surveillance for
work · ··· ·
each employee exposed to
' I • • '
a health hazard. 20.· (1) An employee may appeal to the Medical Inspector
. . ag~nst -.. . . : .-
MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACf, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACf, 1996
MINE HEAL1H AND SAFETY ACf, 1996 Act No. 290 1996
22-lt is an offence to fail -· 22. Every employee at a. mine,.while. at that mine, must-
to comply with a duty under
this Act. Sees. 91, (a) . take reasonable care to protect their own health and .
beginning on page 74 . . safety;
22(c}-Employers have a . · (c) use and take proper care of protective clothing, and
duty to provide personal . other health and safety facilities and equipment
protective equipment for provided for the protection, health or safety of that
employees. See s.6, on employee and other employees; 20
page 13.
22-lt is an offence to · . · · · . (d) report promptly to their immediate supervisor any
discriminate against an : situation which the employee believes presents a risk
employee who has asserted · to the health or safety of that employee or any other
any right granted by this person, and with which the employee cannot properly
Act. See s. 83, on page 71. deal; 25
Act No. 29. 1996 MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACf, 1996
23-lt is an offence to 23. (1) The employee has the right to leave any working place
discriminate against an whenever--·
employee who has asserted
.· . ·.
any right granted by this (a) circumstances arise at that working place which, with
Act. See s. 83, on page 71. reasonable justification, appear to that employee to 5
; .
23(1)-A health and safety pose a serious danger to the health or safety of that
representative has the right - .. ' .. . · •employee; or
to direct an employee to ..
leave a dangerous working (b) the health and safety representative responsible for
place. Sees. 30(1)(b). on that working place directs that employee to leave that
. ..
working place. . . . .
·, •, ~
.· ·' . (2) Every manager, after consulting the health and safety :
committee at the mine, must detemiine effective procedures
·.--.. " ·for the general exercise of the rights granted by subsection
( 1). and those procedures must provide for -
MINE HEALTII AND SAFElY ACT, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEAL1H AND SAFETY ACI', 1996
25(1)-The process for 25. (1) Every mine with 20 or more employees must have a health 5
designating working places and safety representative for each shift at each designated
is set out ins. 27, on page · · working place at the mine.
(2) Every mine with 100 or more employees must have one or
more health and safety committees.
26. (1) The owner of any mine where there must be a health and
safety representative in terms of section 25 must meet,
within the prescribed period, with the representative trade 20
union of the mine to enter into negotiations to conclude a
collective agreement concerning-
MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY Acr, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
26(1)(i)-Section 31(3), on (i) the facilities and assistance that must be provided to a
page 37, requires a health and safety representative in terms of section
manager to provide health 31(3); 10
and safety representatives
with the facilities, . (j) the training of health and safety representatives;
assistance and training
necessary to enable them (k) a procedure that provides for the conciliation and
to function effectively.. ·. arbitration of disputes arising from the application or
the interpretation of the collective agreement or any
provisions of this Chapter; 15
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACf. 1996
.·.. (7) ' If there is no registered trade union with members at the , 15
mine,· the manager must, within the prescribed period -
· ·.···: · · (9) When a dispute exists in terms of subsection (8), any party
to the dispute may refer it to the Commission.
MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACf, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
Qualifications of representatives
·, .. ; ·..
. I '
28(1)-Sectici~ 25(1); 'ori 28.· (1) To qualify to ser-Ve as a health and safety representative
pag~ 30, ~tipulates that . _ ". .. referred.to in section 25(1), an employee must,-
. ::
every mine with 20 or more
employees must have a (a) . be employed in a full-time capacity in the de~ignated_
health and safety .working_place; and . .. .. - ' . . .. ~ ' :· .. ~ 30
representative for each shift . . . . . :·-· . ~ ; . ; . .. .. ~ : : .. . \
' . , I
at each designated working· (b) be acquainted with' conditions and ac~ivities at th~ .. .. '
place. designated working place. · ..
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACT, 1996
MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY Acr. 1996 . Act No. 29, 1996
Act No. 29, 1996 . MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACf, 1996
30(1 )(s)-Section 11 (5), on (s) co-operate with the manager in the conducting of
page 18, requires every investigations in terms of section 11(5);
manager working in
co-operation with a health (t) participate in an inquiry held in terms of section 65; 15
and safety representative to and
investigate health
threatening situations. (u) perform the functions -
Section 11 (6) provides that •'
this investigation may be (i) agreed by the health and safety committee; or
cond~cted jointly with an
inspector. · (ii~ prescribed.
30(3)-Section 25{1), on (2) The rights and powers referred to in subsection (1) apply 20
page 30, stipulates that to health and safety representatives referred to in section
every rriine with 20 or more. 25(1) only in respect ofthe working places for which they
employ~es must have a . are resp()nsible.
health and safety
representative for each shift (3) If a health and safety representative requests information
at each designated worl<ing or reports under subsection (l)(g), the inspector must· 25
place. supply the representative with the information or reports in
their possession.
MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACf, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
. health and. safety in their
' . .
working places; and
Act No. 29; 1996 MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACf, 1996
(b) employm_
e nt in.a position that is at least as favourable
as the position held immediately before being
appointed a full-time health and safety representative. 15
33(1)-Section 25(2), on 33. (1) The owner of any mine in respect of which a health and
page 30, provides that . safety committee must be established in tcnns of section
every mine with 100 or 2.5(2), must ineet, within the prescribed period, with the
more employees must have representative trade union at the mine to enter into
one or more health and negot~ations to concl~de a collective agreement 30
safety committees. concerning -.
(a) the number of health and safety committees to be
· .·· - · . established at the ·mine and the working places for
which they will be responsible;
GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 14 ruNE 1996 No. 17242 39
MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACf, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
\ ,< ·· ! .. • .1. . ; • ~ • ~; ~
Section 33(5}-See Part B (5) . The provisions applicable to collective agreements in terms
of Chapter 3 of the Labour of the Labour Relations Act, read with the changes 30
Relations Act. required by the conte~t. apply to agreements concluded in
.. terms of subsection ( 1).
40 No. 17242 GOVERNMENT GAZETI'E, 14 JUNE 1996
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACI', 1996
; \·.
MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACT, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
Committee procedures 5
36(1 )(c)-The rules (c) requ-est the Chief Inspector to review any code of
governing codes of practice prac~ce;
are set out in s~ 9, on 'page
15. ' (d) request relevant information from any person who is
required, in ternis of this Act, to provide that
information to the committee; 30
42 . No. 17242 GOVERNMENT GAZEITE, 14 JUNE 1996
Ac:t No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, 1996
(f) request - ··
MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACT, 1995 Act No. 29, 1996
37(b)-Section 2(1)(c), on. (b) supply the health and safety committee with the annual
page 11, requires .the owner. report referred to in section 2(1)(c) and any information
to compile an annual report necessary to perform its functions.
on health and safety at the
mine. Disclosure of information ·
38-Section 65, on page 38.·. (1) Whenever a manager, inspector or a person who conducts 5
62, requires the Chief an inquiry in terms of section 65, is required by the
Inspector to direct an · provisions of this Chapter to supply information or reports
inspector to conduct an · to a health and safety representative or to the health and
inquiry into the death of any safety" committee, that manager, inspector or person -
person and into any health
and safety contraventions.
(a) must not disclose any information that is private 10
3~1mproper disclosure· of persona~ information relating to an employee, unless
confidential information is ·-·. ·' the_ employee consents in writing to the disclosure of
an offence. Sees. 87, on · that information; and
page 73. (b) is not required to supply any information -
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACT, 1996
' (4) If the· dispute remains unresolved, any party to the dispute·
· may request that the dispute be resolved through :
arbitration. ..
MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACf, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
40(1)-Section 26(8), on .: 40•. (1)'. Any party. to a dispute about the interpretation or
page 32, provides that a application of any provision of this Chapter, other than a
dispute exists if no dispute contemplated in section 26(8) or 39, may refer the
collective agreement is dispute in writing to the Commission. 5
concluded or reached on·
the number of full-time (2) The party who refers a dispute to the Commission must
health and safety satisfy it that a copy of the referral has been served on all
representatives. · the other parties to the ·dispute.
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALll{ AND SAFETY ACf. 1996
Tripartite Institutions
41(3)(c)-The South African (c) linking the qualifications framework for the mining
Qualifications Authority Act industry to the National Qualifications Framework
provides for a National referred to in the South African Qualifications
Qualifications Framework Authority Act, 1995 (Act No. 58 of 1995).
which aims to enhance the
quality of education and Mine Health and Safety Council 25
42. ( 1) The Council consists of -
MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT. 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
Tripartite Institutions
(2) The Minister must appoint the members of the Council and
the pennanent committees of the Council in accordance
.with the regulations.
42(3~Section 97(3), on (3) The Council, and the pennanent committees of the
page 78, empowers the Council, must govern themselves in accordance with the 10
Minister, after consulting the constitution contemplated in section 97(3).
Council and by notice in the
Gazette, to add a Schedule (4) The Council may delegate any of its powers or assign any
containing the constitution .. of its duties by or under this Act to any of its committees.
of the Council and its
permanent committees. (5) A delegation or an assignment under subsection (4)-
(a) must be in writing; 15
(7) Each year, the Minister, with the agreement of the Minister
of Finance, must provide sufficient funds for the
administration of the Council, and committees of the 25
Council, from public funds.
Council's duties
Act No; 29, 1996 MINE HEALTH AND SAFElY ACT, 1996'
Tripartite Institutions
MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACT, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
Tripartite Institutions
Mining Qualifications.Authority
Act No; 29, 1996 MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, 1996
Tripartite Institutions
45(3)-Section 97(4), on (3) The Mining Qualifications Authority must govern itself in
page 79, empowers the ~ccordance with 'ilie constitution contemplated in section
Minister, after consulting the 97(4). 10
Council and by notice in the
Gazette, to add a Schedule
containing the constitution
of the Mining Qualifications
Mining Qualifications Authority's functions
' .: .
Tripartite Institutions .,
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, 1996
Inspectorate established
Chief Inspector 10
48. (lf The Minister must appoint an officer, with suitable mining
qualifications and appropriate experience in health and
safety at mines, to be Chief Inspector:
Chief' Inspector's
. . .
49.' ·(l) Without limiting any statutory duty of any other person in 20
terms of this Act, the Chief Inspector must -
MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
(i) each year, after consulting the Council and with the
approval of the Minister, publish and distribute a plan
of action for the activities of the Mine Health and
Safety Inspectorate;
(j) complete a report on health and safety at mines and 15
the activities of the Mine Health and Safety
Inspectorate for each year and submit the report to the
Minister within three months of the end of the year
concerned; and
(k) perform any duties relating to. health or safety at 20
mines that the Minister directs or prescribes.
Act No. 29, 1996 MlNE HEAL111 AND SAFETY ACT, 1996
Inspectors' powers·
50(2)-lt is an offence to (2) While the inspector is at any mine or place referred to in
interfere with or hinder an . subsection (1), the inspector may, for the purposes of
inspector. See s. 88, on monitoring or enforcing compliance with this Act - 20
page 73.
(a) question any person on any matter to which this Act
relates; ·
. '
(b) require any person who has control over, or custody
of, any document, including but not limited to, a plan,
book or record to produce that document to the ·: · 25
inspector immediately or at any other time and place
that. the· inspector requires; ·
MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
(e) inspect -
.:· J •
~ I
50(3)-lt is an offence to :(3) An inspector may instruct any owner, manager, employee
fail to comply with an or any other person who performs an activity regulated by
inspector's instruction. See · ; '· . this Act or any former owner, manager or employee or 15
s. 91, beginning on page person who formerly performed ari activity regulated by
74. this Act; to appear before the inspector to be questioned on·
. any matter to which this Act relates. · ·~
Act No. 29, 1996 MlNE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, 1996
(8) For the purpose of this section, "mine" does not include
· any home, or residential quarters, situated at the mine.
51. When performing any function under this Act, an inspector may
• he accompanied by an interpreter or any other person 5
· reasona~ly required. to assist the inspector.
52(1)-lt is an offence to . 52~ (1) ·When an inspector enters any mine or place referred to in
fail to comply with an section 50 (1), the owner or manager and each employee
inspector's instruction. See performing any work there must provide any facility that lO
s. 91, beginning on page the inspector reasonably requires.
(2) Persons questioned by an inspector under section 50(2)(a)
or (c) or (3) must answer each question to the best of their
ability, but no person is required to answer any question if
·· the answer may be self-incriminating. 15
53-It is an offence to ·· · 53. ·. Ariy person who holds or should hold a permit, licence,
obtain a required certificate pennission, certificate, authorisation or any other document
of competency by issued in accordance with this Act or the Minerals Act, must
fraudulent means. See s. produce it at the· request of the Chief Inspector or any 20
89, on page 74. ·inspector.·.
54(1)-lt is an offence to · :54.·. (1) If an inspector believes that any occurrence, practice or
fail to comply with an · : ·:·... condition at a mine endangers or may endanger the health
inspector's instruction. See or safety of any person at the mine, the inspector may give 25
s. 91, beginning on page any instruction necessary to protect the health or safety of
74. . .. persons at the mine, including but not limited to an
instruction that -
(a) operations at the mine or a part of the mine be halted;
MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
' • (c) the manager must take the steps set out in the
• · r. ., ·· · instruction, within the specified period, to rectify the
occurrence,. practice or condition; or
, (d) . all affected persons, other than those who are required
· to assist in taking steps referred to in paragraph (c), 5
be moved to safety.
,• :
(6) 'Any instruct!~~ issued under subsection (l)(a) is effective
.· from _the time. fixed by the inspector and remains in force
until set aside by the Chief Inspector or until the
:. ; inspector's instructions havebeen complied with.
(7). Befo!e giving any instruction under subsection (l)(a) the 25
. inspe_ctor must allo~ the manager or the managers
.representative and _the.representatives of employees a
reasonable opportunity to make representations.
: ·· -
. ,, ' '
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTII AND SAFEIT ACf, 1996
(c)· if paragraphs (a) and (b) do not apply, the health and
· safety representatives responsible for the working
··.··places which will be affected by the instruction; or
. (d)' if paragraphs.(a); (b) and (c) do not apply, the
. employees who will be affected by the instruction or 5
~ . · an employee or employees nominated or elected by
. (9) lfan inspector has reason to believe that the delay caused
by allowing representations could endanger the health or
safety of any. person, the inspector is not required to allow 10
representations before issuing an instruction under
subsection (1 )(a).
55(1}-lt is an offence to 55. (1) If an inspector believes that an owner or manager has
fail to· comply with an failed to comply with the provisions of this Act, the
inspector's instructions. See ·. · · inspector may instruct that owner or manager in writing to
s. 91, beginning on page take any steps that the inspector - 20
(a) considers necessary to comply with the provision; and
· (b) · specifies in the instruction.
MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
Act No. 29, 1996 MlNE HEALTH AND SAFETY .ACT, 1996
(3) The Labour Court must consider the appeal and confirm,
set aside or vary the decision.
(2) Despite subsection (1), the Labour Court may suspend the
··operation of the deCision, pending the determination of the
matter~ 'if there are reasonable grounds for doing so.
Initiating investigatio.ns · · - · · ·
· ~
'(b) requested to do so by·-
.: .:.
.. . (ira registered trade union with members at the
mine or mines; 25
MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACT, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
Enhanch1g effectiveness of investigation
. . '
Reports on investigations
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACf, 1996
lnitiating__inquiries . ·
(4) This section does not limit any other law regulating the
holding of an inquest or other inquiry into the death of a ·
person. 35
GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 141UNE 1996 No. 17242 63
MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACf, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, 1996
MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
(4) When a directive has been issued under subsection (3), the
person involved is not entitled to refuse to answer any
relevant question only on the grounds that the answer .,
could expose that person to a criminal charge.
(5) A person instructed in tenns of section 70(c) must comply 5
. with that instruction unless the person has sufficient cause
. for not doing so.
(3) The Chief Inspector may submit a copy of the report to the
appropriate Attorney-General.
74( 1)-The Inquests Act 74. (1) An inquiry in terms of this Act into the death of a person
provides for the holding of · may be held jointly with an inquest in terms of the
inquests in cases of deaths Inquests Act, 1959 (Act No. 58 of 1959).
apparently occurring from
unnatural causes. · (2)· The judicial officer contemplated in the Inquests Act, 1959 5
(Act No. 58 of 1959), must preside at a joint inquiry
referred to in subsection (1) and the person instructed to
hold the inquiry in terms of this Act must be deemed to be
an assessor appointed in terms of the Inquests Act, 1959.
(b) _submit the report and the record of the joint inquiry to
the c;hief Inspector. 15
GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 14 JUNE 1996 No. 17242 67
MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACf, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
Minister's Powers
Minister may prohibit or restrict work
75. (1) For any reason relating to health or safety, the Minister, by
. , ·.. notice in the Gazette, may prohibit or restrict any work or 5
. any exposure of a person to a substance or an
· environmental condition; if -·
·.· ·.
(a). th_e Minister h~s consulted the Council on the
' .'
.. · prohibition or restriction; and ·
.. . t.'- ·_; ·; ' _. , . •
76. (1) The Minister;by notice in the Gazette, may declare that an
environmental condition or' a substance present at a mine is
a health hazard to employees who are or may be exposed 25
to. that condition or .substance, if-·
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, 1996
Minister's Powers
· Minister has -
MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
Minister's Powers
s79."' ·
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEAL1H AND SAFETY ACT, 1996
Minister's Powers
80(1)-The Occupational . : 80. (1) After consulting the Council, the Minister, by notice in the
Health and Safety_ Act Gazette, may declare that any provision of the
provides for the health and Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 181 of
safety of persons at work 1993), or any regulation made under that Act, or the 5
and for the establishment of provisions of any other Act or regulations, must apply to a
an advisory council for mme;
occupational health and
safety. (2) . A declaration in terms of subsection (1) may differentiate
between mines, types of mines, parts of a mine,
occupations and types of work. 10
81. . (l) . Within 30 days of receiving the annual report of the Chief
Inspector, the Minister must table it in Parliament.
MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY Acr; 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACf, 1996
84(1 }-Section 50, 84. Unless specifically authorised by the manager, no person -
beginning on page 54,· ·
outlines the inspector's (a) other than an inspector acting in terms of section 50, 5
powers which includes may remove personal protective equipment from a
entering any mining area mine, or cause that equipment to be removed;
and questioning persons
and examining documents, (b)-· other than an inspector acting in terms of section 50,
and machinery. may remove anything that is provided in the interest
of health or safety, or cause that equipment to be 10
removed; or
85._ (1~ No person may cause or permit an employee under the age
'?f 18 years to work underground at a mine.
~ ..·, : j: . . . ~ ' ~ • i •
·: ·' · .r (2) · No. employee. under the age of 18 years may work 20
underground _at~ mine.
~ ~-- _; ~- ~·~ -. ·_, . • J
· .c3> ·Despite. sub~ections c1) and (2), an employee unde~ the age
of 18. years' but over the age of 16 years may work
. , :: . I
underground as part of vocational education or training.
' . . 1 • j ~ ,
. ;·
mine or causes serious injury to a person at a mine,
'.. commits all offence. .
MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
(b) the working environment at the mine was not safe and
was not without risk to the health of employees; and 5
Breach of confidence
87. · (1) Any person who discloses any information that they 15
acquired in the performance of a function in terms of this
· Act and that relates to the financial and business affairs of
an owner or employer, commits an offence. .
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACT. 1996
Falsifying documents
MINE HEALTI-1 AND SAFETY ACT, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
91 (2)--Chapter 3 deals with (2) Despite subsection (l)(a)/a contravention of the provisions
health and safety · - .: :_·:··_of Chapter 3 or secti~n 83 _d?es not constitute an offence.
represe-ntatives and
committees. (3} A pers<?ii appoirifed.unde~ _section 4(1) to perform any
·function entrusted to an owner by this Act commits an 10
offence if that person fails to. exercise reasonable care in
performing that function. : _
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALlli AND SAFETY ACT, 1996
Column 1 Column 2
Section under which convicted Maximum tenn of imprisonment 5
2(1)(a) or (b) 2 years
2(2) 2_years
3(1) 2 years
4(2) 1_.rear
4(3) 2_years 10
5 2_.rears
6 2_years
7 2_years
8 1 year
9(2) 2 _years 15
9(3), (4) or (5) 1 y_ear
10 2 years
ll(l) 2_years
11(2) 2 years
11(3) 1 year 20
11(4)(a) 2 years
11(4)(b) 1_year
11(5)(a) · 2_years
11(5)(b) 1_year
11(5)(d) 2 years 25
11(8) 1 year
12 2_years
13(1), (2), (3), (4) or (6) 2_years
14 2_years
15 2_y_ears 30
16(1) 1 year
17 2_y_ears
21(1), (3} or (4) 2~ars
22 2~ars
24 l~ar 35
32(2) or (3) 1 _year
52 2~ars
53 2 years
54(1) 2 years
55(1) 2_years 40
62 2_y_ears
66(4) 2_years
70 2_years
71 2 years
84 2 years 45
85 1 year
86 3 _years
88 2 _1_ears
89 I _year
90(b)(ii) or (c)(i) 2 years
GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 14 JUNE 1996 · No. 17242 77
MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACI', 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
_Serving of documents 5
94. Unless otherwise provided in this Act, a notice, order or other
document which, in tenns of this Act, must be served on or
delivered to a person, will have been properly served or
delivered if it has been either-
(a) served on or delivered to that person; or 1o
Proof of facts
questioned at an inquiry. ·
78 No. 17242 GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 14 JUNE 1996
General Provisions
Delegation and· exercise of power
(2) The Chief Inspector may. delegate any power or assign the
perf~rmance of any duty conferred or imposed upon the
Chief Inspector by or under this Act to-
(a) any inspector, or 10
97~ · (1) The Minister, after consulting the Council, by notice in the
·Gazette rriay add to, change or replace·any Schedule to this
Act other than Schedules 2, 3 and, subject to subsection
· (5), Schedule 4·. 25
General Provisions
(7) · The Minister inay add to, change or replace any page 15
header or sidenote by notice in the Government Gazette.
98. (1) The Minister, after consulting the Council, by notice in the
Gazette may make' regulations regarding -
Act No. 29; 1996 MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, 1996
General Provisions
98(1 )(o)-Section 49(3)(a), .(o)_ the monitoring and control as contemplated in section
on page 53, empowers the 49(3)(a) of those environmental aspects at mines 30
Chief Inspector to monitor · which affect, or may affect, the health and safety of
and control those .· employees or other persons;
environmental aspects at
mines that affect the health (p) standards of housing and nutrition of employees who
and safety of employees or are accommodated at the mine;
other persons.
GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 141UNE 1996 No.. 17242 81
MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY Acr; 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
General Provisions
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, 1996
General Provisions
MINE HEAL1H AND SAFETY Acr, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
General Provisions
98(1 )(zG)-Section 71, ., (zG) the manner in which the presence of witnesses at
beginning on page 64, inquiries must be obtained in terms of section 71, and 10
deals with the duty of every the procedures to be followed at inquiries;
person summoned at an
inquiry to answer any . (zH) procedures to be followed in respect of appeals to the
question. Chief Inspector or Medical Inspector under this Act;
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT. 1996
General Provisions
MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
General Provisions
(5) The Minister may incorporate all or part of any health and
safety standard, without restating the text of it, in a 5
regulation by referring to the number, title and year of
issue of that health and safety standard or, to any other
particulars by which that health and safety standard is
sufficiently identified..
(8) For the purposes of this Act, any health and safety
standard referred to in subsection (5) incorporated in a
regulation is deemed to be a regulation, in so far as it is
· ·not repugnant. to any regulation rria~e under subsection (1).
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACf, 1996
General Provisions
(ll) The Chief Inspector must allow any person to inspect the
register kept in terms of subsection (9) and to make an 5
extract from it.
Amendment of Jaws
. '
99. Each of the laws referred to in Schedule 3 is hereby amended
to the extent specified in that Schedule.
Transitional arrangements 15
Interpretation 20
101. (I) . The provisions of this Act bind the State except in so far
as criminal liability is concerned.
101(2)-Section 26, (2) Subject to sections 26 and 33, no agreement may affect
beginning on page 30, any-
deals with the election and
appointment of health and . · · (a) provision of this Act; 25
safety representatives.
Section 33, beginning on , (b) condition, notice, order, instruction, prohibition,
page 38, deals with the authorisation, permission, consent, exemption,
election and appointment of , . certificate or document determined, given, issued,
members of health and . promulgated or granted by or under this Act by the
safety committees. Minister, Chief Inspector, inspector or any other
person authorised under this Act; or
GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 14 JUNE 1996 No. 17242 87
MINE HEALTH AND SAFElY ACf, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
General Provisions
Definitions ··"· :.
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, 1996
General Provisions
•.· ' "health and safety committee" means a health and safety
committee established in terms of section 34;
MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACf, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
General Provisions
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACT. 1996
General Provisions
General Provisions
Act No; 29, 1996 MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACf. 1996
General Provisions
MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACf, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
General Provisions
s102 · ·
.·. (a) · the section numbers, but not the page headers,
•· headings or sidenotes;
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTii AND SAFETY ACf. 1996
General Provisions
104. The State does not incur any civil liability only because an
officer took an action or failed to take an action that the officer
' · may take or is required to· take under or in terms of this Act, 10
and in taking or failing to take that action the officer acted
without negligence and in good faith.
105. The provisions of this Act bind the State except in so far as
ariy criminal liability is concerned. 15
I • '•
,., '
106. (1) This Act is called the Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996.
Schedule 1 - Guidelines for Determining the Number of Full-time Health and Safety Representatives -.
• , , .• 1 SCHEDULE 1
1. Introduction
" . ·,.
(2) This Act places the highest value ·on agreement. The parties
referred to in section 26 must refer to this Schedule, using
its guidelines in a manner that best suits the particular
mine. 10
2. Minimum threshold
(2) The guidelines as to the size of the mine that should have
a full-time health and safety representative is a mine with
500 employees. 25
MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACf, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
Schedule 1 - Guidelines for Determining the Number of Full-time Health and Safety Representatives , , ·- , , > -
MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACT, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
. :-sCHEDULE.2.
or 10
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEAL111 AND SAFETY ACf, 1996
.- . ~- - . Schedule 3 - Amendment of Laws
· ..
MINE HEALrn AND SAFETY ACT, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
. ~
of section
.. 8 of Act 50 of 1991
~-. -, I
4. Section
' r; ·
9, of·: the principal
r, •
Act is hereby amended -
f ~ • ·
"(c) that such applicant has the ability and can make the
. - ·_necessary pro~ision to rrune such mineral optimally
100 No. 17242 GOVERNMENT GAZETIE. 14 JUNE 1996
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACf, 1996
MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACf, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACI', 1996
"he -
or she
- shall consult as to that with the Chief
Inspector and each department charged with the
administration of any law which relates to any
matter affecting the environment.". 10
MINE HEAL1H AND SAFElY ACf, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
. .. 53A. 1 If officer authorised b the Director-General is of
the opinion that any contravention or suspected
contraveri~iori of or any failure to comply with any · 10
provision of this Act or any condition to which any
.. authoriz~tion, exemption, environmental management
·· programme .or permission granted or approved in
terms of this Act, is subject, occurs at any mine or
place presumed to be a mine, such officer may- 15
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACf, 1996
MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY Acr, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
(i) to be heard;
(ii) to call any witness or to request the 25
investigating officer to direct or summon
any witness on his or her behalf, either to
give evidence thereat or to produce any
document or thing;
(iii) to cross-examine anybody giving evidence 30
at such inquiry; and
(iv) to peruse any document which has been
.. presented as evidence.
(3) Any person who satisfies an investigating officer that
he or she has a material interest in any inquiry held in 35
terms of section 53B(l) or (4) may, either personally
or through a representative, put such questions as the
investigating officer may consider relevant to such
inquiry, to a witness giving evidence thereat.
106 Jllo. 17242 GOVERNMEJIIT GAZETTE, 14 JUJIIE 1996
Act Jllo. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACf, 1996
MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACI', 1996 Act No; 29, 1996
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT; 1996
.. ..(viii)
. [section
. . •.
. '- ' .-
53D(a); or
.• -· ~ ; ;:. : . - ' .
MINE HEALllf AND SAFETY ACT, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
Section· 61· of the prlnCipal· Act i~ ·hereby amended by the
' , ' . · ' · . . · · ' ,•.: , ..
· · ··deletion of paragraphs (d), (e) and (f) of subsection (1).
.' ·'; - 0 ' : • : • • •• ' ·: •I ' • -. • ._ ' ~ · ·. : : • f •; .. ,·· ':' ~ ·: .
(a) by the deletion of paragraphs (a), (b), (h)(iv) and {v), (i),
(j), (k), (l), (n), (u), (v), (w) and (x) of subsection (1);
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTII AND SAFETY ACT. 1996
17. The principal Act is hereby amended by the substitution for the
expression "regional director", wherever it occurs in the Act, of
the expression "Director: Mineral Development" .
18. The following long title i_s hereby substituted for the long title
of tl.Ie. principal Act:
MINE HEALTI{ AND SAFETY Acr, 1996 Act No. 29, 1996
. The following Acts are hereby amended by the substitution for the
expression ...Government Mining Engineer", wherever it occurs. of 5
the expression ..Chief Inspector as contemplated in the Mine Health
and Safety Act. 1996.":
Act No. 29, 1996 MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, 1995
· .·~ .... .., . ··:
.... . .·