Volume 56 (2) :9 26, 2016: Ammalian Diversity in The Avanna From Eru With Three New Addictions From Country

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Volume 56(2):9‑26, 2016

Mammalian diversity in the Savanna from Peru,

with three new addictions from country

César E. Medina¹⁴
Kateryn Pino¹
Alexander Pari¹
Gabriel Llerena¹
Horacio Zeballos²
Evaristo López¹³


Bahuaja Sonene National Park protects the unique sample of subtropical humid savannas in
Peru, which are known as “Pampas del Heath” with 6,136 hectares of area. Many endan‑
gered species and/or endemic from savannas occur there, however studies about the diversity of
mammals in Pampas del Heath are limited and only three assessments there have been carried
out since mid‑1970s. Therefore we surveyed mammals in three habitat types of the Pampas
del Heath (savanna, ecotonal area and forest) during late 2011. We used several methods
of record for the different mammal groups including 1) capture techniques with mist nets,
snap traps, Sherman traps, Tomahawk traps and pitfall traps, 2) and detection techniques
direct by means of camera traps, visualization of mammals during long walk, observation of
tracks and interviews to local people. Total capture efforts totalized 6,033 trap/nights, 136
mist-net/nights and 108 cameras/nights. Sixty-nine species of mammals were recorded: 33 in
savanna, 33 in ecotonal area and 38 in forest. Sixteen species are new records for the Pampas
del Heath and three are new records from Peru (Cryptonanus unduaviensis, Rhogeessa
hussoni and Rhogeessa io). Analyses on the sampling effort, relative density, diversity and
community structure of small mammals were made for the three habitats types. Moreover
eight species are Threatened and 24 are listed in CITES. The new records here presented
elevated the previous known mammal species richness in Peru from 538 to 541, and show
the importance to conduct inventories to describe the biodiversity in remote areas, like the
Pampas del Heath.

Key-Words: Distribution; Mammals; Pampas del Heath; Richness.

1. Colección Científica – Museo de Historia Natural de la Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa (MUSA).
Av. Alcides Carrión s/n. Arequipa, Perú.
2. Instituto de Ciencias de la Naturaleza, Territorio y Energías Renovables, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
Av. Universitaria 1801, San Miguel, Lima 32, Perú.
3. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias de la Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa.
4. Corresponding author. E‑mail: [email protected]
10 Medina, C.E. et al.: Mammals in Savanna from Peru

INTRODUCTION and Ciperaceae, occurring together with termite

mounds surrounded by clayey poorly drained soils.
The Cerrado Biome includes an array of forests Palms (Mauritia flexuosa) may also occur in the area
and savannas that border the southern edge of the either dispersed or concentrated along of marshes
Amazon rain forest, located mainly in central Brazil, and forming Gallery forests (Figure  2). There are
eastern Bolivia and some parts of Paraguay. These hab- also patch forests like small islands of 100 m2 com-
itats have tropical climates with strong temperature, posed by shrubs such plant of the family Melas-
rainfall seasonality, nutrient-poor, poorly drained ar- tomataceae (Macairea thyrsiflora, Graffenrieda
eas subject to annual flooding and desiccation sup- limbata, between others) and small tree (Matayba
port edaphic, fire- and flood-maintained grasslands, guianensis, Virola sebifera, between others) (MI-
and savanna woodlands (Gottsberger & Silberbauer- NAM, 2012).
Gottsberger, 2006). This mosaic of savannas is surrounded by sea-
The Bahuaja Sonene National Park (PNBS) sonal evergreen Amazonian forests, with a canopy that
protect the Pampas del Heath since 1996. These are reaches 30‑35  m and emergent of up to 40  m, and
the unique sample of savanna within Peruvian terri- the frequent presence of Bertholletia excelsa. The for-
torial limits, and home to many species known no- est develops on well-drained soils of the lateritic roll-
where else in the country, such as the Maned Wolf ing pen plain of the southwestern Amazon, where it
Chrysocyon brachyurus and the Marsh Deer Blastocerus represents the extensive matrix of vegetation cover in
dichotomus (Hofmann et al., 1976; Luna et al., 2002). areas with humid pluviseasonal bioclimate of south-
Studies about the diversity of mammals in Pampas del ern Peru, northern Bolivia and western Brazil (Josse
Heath are sparse and only three assessments there are et al., 2007).
since the mid‑1970s to nowadays (Hofmann et  al., The ecotonal area between the savanna and for-
1976; Emmons et al., 1994; Luna et al., 2002), which est has a variable size that could be of a few meters in
reduced the successful management of this protected burned areas, until 80 m in unburned area.
area. We surveyed mammals in three localities of the
Under this premise the “Asociación para la In- Pampas del Heath at the beginning of wet season,
vestigación y el Desarrollo Integral” (AIDER), the
“Museo de Historia Natural de la Universidad Nacio-
nal San Agustín de Arequipa” (MUSA) and “Servicio
Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado”
(SERNANP) together made possible carry out an im-
portant expedition to the Pampas del Heath in 2011
in order to fill this information gaps. This paper docu-
mented the diversity of mammals of three localities
placed in Pampas del Heath, according to three habi-
tats types (savanna, ecotonal area and forest).


Study area

The Pampas del Heath is located in the Madre

de Dios Department, southeastern Peru, near border
between Peru and Bolivia (Figure  1). It has an area
of 6,136 hectares (MINAM, 2012), and it is an ex-
tension of Cerrado Paceño (Ibisch et al., 2003) with
a warm, humid and tropical climate (Hanagarth &
Beck, 1996). Precipitation annual is approximately
2,000 mm and average temperature is between 24 and
26°C (Luna et al., 2002). FIGURE 1: Location of Pampas del Heath from Peru: (1) Aguas
The savanna in this region is characterized by Claras Camp; (2) Cocha Paujil; and (3) Refugio Juliaca. The gray
herbaceous vegetation composed mainly of Poaceae area represents the Savanna (from Josse et al., 2007).
Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, 56(2), 2016 11

Field methods

Marsupials and rodents were caught in Pitfall

traps, Victor traps, Sherman traps and Tomahawk
traps (Aplin et al., 2003). Pitfall traps were installed
in two transects of 60 m with 10 buckets of five gal-
lons each one and with drift fences (Voss & Emmons,
1996; Patton et al., 2000) which were checked every
12 hours. Other traps were placed in two transects of
one km in length each one and that were used a bait
composed of oat, vanilla and canned fish. In the for-
est, Victor traps were installed both on ground as to
1.5 m of height, meanwhile Tomahawk traps were in-
stalled at different heights (cero, two, eight and 15 m)
following to Graipel (2001) but with some modifica-
tions, and these used as bait banana essence.
Bats were registered with mist nets standard,
12  m long by 2.5  m high, which were installed in
different places of frequent passage by bats and to dif-
ferent heights, from level ground to 30  m, between
palms. The mist nets were open from 18:00 until
6:00 hours and were checked regularly during the
night. Additionally, we searched for bats in their shel-
ters, such as hollow trees, under leaves, among others
(Jones et al., 1996).
Cuddeback camera traps with motion detection
sensors were used in savanna following a trapping op-
portunistic methodology regarding the location and
number of cameras. Cameras were separated by one to
three km from each other, arranged on possible paths
of the animals and programmed to take all day with
a minimum interval of one minute between photos.
Walks were made for observation and traces search of
FIGURE 2: Panoramic views of the Pampas del Heath from Peru large mammals (feces, burrows, tracks, bones, etc.)
(top) with patches of forests (middle) and palms (bottom).
which were performed at a speed of about one km/
hour. Moreover interviews were conducted at park
since 30 November to 14 December 2011, which are rangers following to Dietrich (1995) and with the
following: support of color plates of species potentially present
in the study area (Emmons & Feer, 1999; Eisenberg
a) Aguas Claras Camp (‑12°57’20”S, ‑68°54’46”W, & Redford, 1999; Leite et al., 2009).
216 m), located in a patch of forest inserted in Specimens were collected as material reference
the savanna (Figure 1). The surveys were carried being preserved as skins or fluid following to López
out during 14 continuous days installing traps et al. (1998) and these were deposited in the Scientific
in two habitats (savanna and ecotonal area). Collection of Museo de Historia Natural de la Uni-
b) Cocha Paujil (‑12°53’33”S, ‑68°53’12”W, versidad Nacional de San Agustin (MUSA).
218 m), located to approximately 7 km north-
east Aguas Claras Camp. The surveys were car-
ried out the last four days of the expedition in- Data analyses
stalling traps in the ecotonal area habitat.
c) Refugio Juliaca (‑12°57’19”S, ‑68°53’08”W, Captured or photographed specimens and dif-
211 m), located next to Heath River. The sur- ferent tracks founded in field were identified with
veys were carried out during 10 continuous days taxonomic keys (Anderson, 1997; Emmons & Feer,
installing traps in the forest habitats. 1999; Gardner, 2007a; Voss & Jansa, 2009; Weksler
12 Medina, C.E. et al.: Mammals in Savanna from Peru

& Percequillo, 2011), specialized literature (Patton national and international institutions (MINAGRI,
et  al., 2000; Rossi, 2005; Percequillo et  al., 2008; 2014; IUCN, 2012; CITES, 2013). Endemic species
Leite, 2009) and by comparison with housed speci- were assigned following Pacheco et al. (2009).
men in MUSA. Taxonomy follows Pacheco et  al.
Specimens representing new records for Peru RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
were analyzed and compared with diagnostic char-
acters and measurements available in the literature During 15 days of survey, we used 136 mist-nets
(Goodwin, 1958; LaVal, 1973; Ruedas & Bickham, (59 in savanna, 47 in ecotonal area and 30 in Forest),
1992; Voss et  al., 2005; Bickman & Ruedas, 2007; 6,033 traps-nights (2,925 in savanna, 2,287 in eco-
Gardner, 2007b; Aires et al., 2011; Baird et al., 2012). tonal area and 1,599 in forest) and 108 camera-nights
Measurements obtained for each specimen include (all in savanna) in sampling for a total of 331 small
external measurements from tags or field notes: to- mammals caught and two large mammals photo-
tal length (TL), length of tail (LT), length of hind graphed. The capture effort was larger than previous
foot (HF), length of ear (Ear), length forearm only assessments in the Pampas del Heath (Emmons et al.,
for bats (FA) and weight (W); head-and-body length 1994; Luna et al., 2002).
was computed (HBL) by subtracting LT from TL. All
measurements are in millimeter (mm) and weights
are in gram (g). Cranial and mandibular measures Richness
were taken with help of a digital caliper to the nearest
0.01 mm. Marsupials were measured following defi- We reported 69 species of mammals, which be-
nitions and illustrations of Voss et al. (2001, 2005). long to nine orders, 24 families and 55 genera (Ta-
Vespertilionidae family bats were measured following ble 1). The families Phyllostomidae (15 species) and
LaVal (1973), and Ruedas & Bickham (1992) with Cricetidae (10 species) were the best represented fol-
some modifications by Baird et al. (2012). lowing of Didelphidae (nine species), Molossidae (six
Species accumulation curves for small mam- species) and Vespertilionidae (six species).
mals based on Clench model were calculated to de- The forest had the highest raw species richness,
termine if the sampling effort was adequate (Soberón followed by ecotonal area and savanna (38, 33 and
& Llorente, 1993; Moreno, 2001). The randomiza- 33 species, respectively). Likewise, 18 species were re-
tion of the data was performed with Primer v.6 pro- corded only in the savanna while nine were in the eco-
gram (Clarke & Gorley, 2006), while the curves were tonal area and 20 in the forest. In contrast, ten species
drawn in Statistica v.7 program (StatSoft, 1998) with were common in all three vegetation forms (Table 1).
the adjustment method Simplex & Quasi-Newton Sixteen species represented new records for the
(Jiménez-Valverde & Hortal, 2005). Pampas del Heath (Cryptonanus unduaviensis, Mar‑
Relative density of small mammals was estimat- mosa lepida, Marmosops bishopi, Marmosops sp., Euryo‑
ed by Trap-Day Index which relates the number of ryzomys nitidus, Neacomys minutus, Neacomys spinosus,
individuals caught with the capture effort employed Oligoryzomys sp., Micronycteris minuta, Platyrrhinus
(Calhoum & Casby, 1958). For bats, the Index ex- incarum, Cynomops abrasus, Eumops patagonicus,
presses the number of individuals captured (including Molossus coibensis, Rhogeessa hussoni, Rhogeessa io, and
those released) per 10 mist-net/nights, while for mar- Bassaricyon alleni) (Figure 3).
supials and rodents the number of individuals caught The outstanding records were three species un-
per 100 trap/nights. known to the list of mammals from Peru, which are:
The diversity of small mammals was analyzed
with the Margalef (DMg) and the Menhinick (DMn)
index based on data submitted previously to rarefac- ORDER DIDELPHIMORPHIA Gill 1872
tion (Magurran, 1988) while the community struc- Family Didelphidae Gray 1821
ture based on range-abundance curves (Feinsinger, Cryptonanus unduaviensis (Tate 1931)
2001; Moreno, 2001). Trophic groups were assigned Unduave Mouse Opossum
following Emmons & Feer (1999), Hice et al. (2004),
do Nascimento (2007), Percequillo et al. (2008) and Specimen examined: adult female (MUSA 12695),
Guichón & Cassini (2009). collected at Aguas Claras Camp, Pampas del Heath,
The conservation status of each species recorded Madre de Dios (12°57’20”S, 68°54’46”W, 216  m).
was evaluated according to the criteria adopted by Measures see Table 2.
Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, 56(2), 2016 13

TABLE 1: Mammals registered in Pampas del Heath (Bahuaja Sonene National Park). New records from the Area is denoted with triangles,
meanwhile new records from Peru is with squares. Numbers in brackets include the relative densities of small mammal species. Previous
records: α, Emmons et  al. (1996); and β, Luna et  al. (2002). Trophic Group: Fu, Fungivorous; In, Insectivorous; Fr, Frugivorous; Gr,
Granivorous; He, Herbivorous; Cr, Carnivorous; Om, Omnivorous; Ne, Nectarivorous.

Vegetation forms Previous Trophic

Code Species Accounts Common names
Savanna Ecotone Forest records Group
Caluromys lanatus Brown-eared Woolly Opossum α, β Fr, In
A Cryptonanus unduaviensis ▲■ Unduave Mouse Opossum X (0.04) In, Fr
Didelphis marsupialis Common Opossum X α, β Om
B Lutreolina crassicaudata Lutrine Opossum X (0.03) β Cr
C Marmosa lepida ▲ Rufous Mouse Opossum X (0.04) In, Fr
Marmosa murina Murine Opossum β In, Fr
D Marmosa (Micoureus) regina Bare-tailed Woolly Mouse Opossum X (0.04) α, β Om
E Monodelphis peruviana Peruvian Short-tailed Opossum X (0.17) X (0.19) β In
F Marmosops bishopi ▲ Bishop’s Slender Opossum X (0.09) X (0.31) In, Fr
G Marmosops sp. ▲ Slender Opossum X (0.03) X (0.13) X (0.13) In, Fr
Marmosops impavidus Tschudi’s Slender Opossum β In, Fr
H Marmosops noctivagus White-bellied Slender Opossum X (0.06) α In, Fr
Philander opossum Gray Four-eyed Opossum α, β In, Cr
Dasypus novemcinctus Nine-banded Armadillo X β In, Cr
Dasypus cf. septemcinctus Brazilian Lesser Long-nosed Armadillo α In
Priodontes maximus Giant Armadillo X α In
Myrmecophaga tridactyla Giant Anteater α In
Tamandua tetradactyla Southern Tamandua β In
Cebus albifrons White-fronted Capuchin X β Fr, In
Saguinus fuscicollis Brown-mantled Tamarin α, β Fr, Ne, In
Saguinus imperator Emperor Tamarin β Fr, Ne, In
Aotus azarae Azara’s Night Monkey X α, β Fr, In, Ne
Saimiri sciureus Tufted Capuchin α, β In, Fr, Ne
Sapajus apella Guianan/margarita Island Brown Capuchin α, β Om
Callicebus sp. Titi X α, β He, Fr
Alouatta sara Bolivian Red Howler X α, β Fr, He
Ateles chamek Peruvian Spider Monkey α Fr, He
Sciurus ignitus Bolivian Squirrel α Gr, Fr, Fu
Sciurus sanborni Sanborn’s Squirrel α Gr
Sciurus spadiceus Southern Amazon Red Squirrel X α, β Gr, Fr
I Cerradomys maracajuensis Maracaju’s Rice rat X (0.21) X (0.26) α, β He, In
J Euryoryzomys nitidus ▲ Elegant Oryzomys X (0.03) X (0.31) X (0.50) Fr, In, Gr
K Hylaeamys perenensis Western Amazonian’s Rice Rat X (0.07) X (0.39) X (0.50) α, β Fr, In, Gr
L Pseudoryzomys simplex Brazilian False Rice Rat X (0.79) X (0.04) β ¿?
14 Medina, C.E. et al.: Mammals in Savanna from Peru

Vegetation forms Previous Trophic

Code Species Accounts Common names
Savanna Ecotone Forest records Group
M Neacomys minutus ▲ Tiny Bristly Mouse X (0.04) X (0.06) In, Fr
N Neacomys spinosus ▲ Bristly Mouse X (0.04) X (0.13) In, Fr
O Necromys lenguarum Bolo Mouse X (2.70) X (0.22) α, β In, Om
P Oecomys bicolor White-bellied Oecomys X (0.13) X (0.19) α, β Fr, Gr
Q Oligoryzomys microtis Small-eared Pygmy Rice Rat X (0.04) β Gr, In
R Oligoryzomys sp. ▲ Pygmy Rice Rat X (0.03) Gr, In
Dinomys branickii Pacarana α He
S Cavia aperea Brazilian Guinea Pig X (0.21) α, β He
Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris Capybara X α, β He
Dasyprocta variegata Brown Agouti α Fr, In
Mesomys hispidus Ferreira’s Spiny Tree Rat α Fr, In
T Proechimys simonsi Simons’ Spiny-Rat X (0.31) X (0.25) α, β Gr, Fr, Fu
Rhynchonycteris naso Proboscis Bat X α, β In
Saccopteryx bilineata Greater Sac-winged Bat β In
Peropteryx macrotis Lesser Dog-like Bat β In
U Glossophaga soricina Pallas’s Long-tongued Bat X (0.17) X (1.06) X (0.33) α Ne, In, Fr
Lonchophylla thomasi Thomas’s Nectar Bat α Ne, In
Lophostoma silvicolum White-throated Round-eared Bat α, β In, Fr
Chrotopterus auritus Woolly False Vampire Bat α Cr, In
Micronycteris megalotis Little Big-eared Bat α In, Fr
V Micronycteris minuta ▲ Tiny Big-eared Bat X (0.33) In, Fr
Phyllostomus elongatus Lesser Spear-nosed Bat α, β Fr, In, Ne
Phyllostomus hastatus Greater Spear-nosed Bat α, β Fr, In, Ne
Tonatia saurophila Stripe-headed Round-eared Bat β In, Fr
W Trachops cirrhosus Fringe-lipped Bat X (0.21) α Cr, In
Carollia benkeithi Southern Chesnut Short-tailed Bat α, β Fr, In, Ne
X Carollia brevicauda Silky Short-tailed Bat X (0.21) X (0.67) α, β Fr, In, Ne
Y Carollia perspicillata Seba’s Short-tailed Bat X (0.34) X (0.85) X (0.33) α, β Fr, In, Ne
Z Rhinophylla pumilio Dwarf Little Fruit Bat X (0.33) α, β Fr, In, Ne
AA Artibeus gnomus Dwarf Fruit-eating Bat X (0.17) X (0.21) X (1.33) α, β Fr
AB Artibeus lituratus Great Fruit-eating Bat X (2.20) X (0.64) X (1.33) α Fr, In, Ne
AC Artibeus obscurus Dark Fruit-eating Bat X (0.21) X (1.33) α, β Fr, In, Ne
AD Artibeus planirostris Flat-faced Fruit-eating Bat X (0.34) X (0.21) X (1.33) α Fr, In, Ne
Chiroderma trinitatum Little Big-eyed Bat β Fr, In, Ne
Chiroderma villosum Hairy Big-eyed Bat α Fr, In, Ne
Mesophylla macconnelli MacConnell’s Bat α Fr, In, Ne
AE Platyrrhinus incarum ▲ Inca Broad-nosed Bat X (0.17) Fr, In, Ne
Sturnira lilium Little Yellow-shouldered Bat α, β Fr, In, Ne
Sturnira magna Greater Yellow-shouldered Bat α Fr, In, Ne
AF Sturnira tildae Tilda’s Yellow-shouldered Bat X (0.33) α, β Fr, In, Ne
AG Uroderma bilobatum Common Tent-making Bat X (0.85) X (0.21) X (0.33) α, β Fr, In, Ne
AH Uroderma magnirostrum Brown Tent-making Bat X (0.34) X (0.64) α Fr, In, Ne
AI Vampyriscus bidens Bidentate Yellow-eared Bat X (0.21) X (0.67) α Fr, In, Ne
Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, 56(2), 2016 15

Vegetation forms Previous Trophic

Code Species Accounts Common names
Savanna Ecotone Forest records Group
Vampyrodes caraccioli Great Stripe-faced Bat α Fr, In, Ne
AJ Noctilio albiventris Lesser Bulldog Bat X (0.34) α, β In
AK Cynomops abrasus ▲ Cinnamon Dog-faced Bat X (0.34) In
AL Eumops maurus Guianan Bonneted Bat X (0.51) β In
AM Eumops patagonicus ▲ Patagonian Bonneted Bat X (1.02) In
AN Molossus coibensis ▲ Coiban Mastiff Bat X (0.51) In
AO Molossus molossus Pallas’s Mastiff Bat X (0.17) X (1.33) α, β In
AP Promops centralis Crested Mastiff Bat X (0.51) β In
Eptesicus brasiliensis Brazilian Brown Bat α, β
AQ Eptesicus furinalis Argentinian Brown Bat X (0.51) β In
AR Myotis albescens Silver-tipped Myotis X (0.33) β In
AS Myotis nigricans Black Myotis X (1.86) α In
AT Myotis riparius Riparian Myotis X (0.17) α, β In
Lasiurus cinereus Hoary Bat β
AU Rhogeessa hussoni ▲■ Eastern Little Yellow Bat X (0.17) In
AV Rhogeessa io ▲■ Southern Little Yellow Bat X (0.21) In
Leopardus pardalis Ocelot β Cr
Leopardus wiedii Margay α Cr, In
Panthera onca Jaguar X α, β Cr
Puma concolor Cougar β Cr
Atelocynus microtis Short-eared Dog X α, β Cr
Chrysocyon brachyurus Maned Wolf X α, β Cr, Fr
Eira barbara Tayra α, β Cr, In, Fr
Lontra longicaudis Neotropical Otter X β Cr, In
Pteronura brasiliensis Giant Otter X α, β Cr
Bassaricyon alleni ▲ Allen’s Olingo X Fr, In
Nasua nasua South American Coati α, β Om
Potos flavus Kinkajou X α, β Fr, In
Tapirus terrestres South American Tapir X X X α, β He, Fr
Pecari tajacu Collared Peccary X X α, β Fr, In, Cr
Tayassu pecari White-lipped Peccary α, β Fr, In
Blastocerus dichotomus Marsh Deer X α, β He
Mazama americana South American Red Brocket X α, β Fr, Fu
Mazama nemorivaga South American Brown Brocket α, β Fr
Total orders 7 6 8
Total families 12 10 17
Total genera 27 25 32
Total species 33 33 38
16 Medina, C.E. et al.: Mammals in Savanna from Peru

Remarks: The genus Cryptonanus contains five species dorsal surface of tail covered by tiny sows, plantar sur-
distributed in Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and face of manus with distinct plantar pads, manual dig-
Uruguay (Tate, 1931; Voss et al., 2005); here we pres- its III and IV subequal in length (Voss et al., 2005).
ent the first report of this genus for Peru based in a Nasals distinctly wider posteriorly than anteriorly,
specimen caught in a pitfall trap (Figure 3). secondary foramen ovale absent, petrosal exposed on
Our specimen was identified as Cryptonanus by poster lateral surface of braincase through fenestra in
the following combination of characters: small size, parietal-squamosal suture, P3 taller than P2, unworn
prehensile tail longer than head-and-body (Table 2), C1 with small accessory worn-out cusps (Figure  4).

TABLE  2: Measurements (mm) and weights (g) of the specimen of Cryptonanus unduaviensis from Peru and referred material to
C. unduaviensis (data from Voss et al. 2005).

Bolivia Peru
Santa Cruz La Paz Beni Pando Madre de Dios
157 58508 725631 209156 70752 209154 114658 57000 12695
Sex m m m f f m m m f
Head-body length 1212 86 102 97 111 106 110 105 96
Total length 135 120 120 112 112 132 115 133 119
Length of hind foot 18 17 17 17 16 17 15 19 17.2
Length of ear 18 14 — 14 16 17 17 17
Condylobasal length 30 25.9 — 25.6 26.9 28.2 — 28.3 26.3
Nasal breadth 4.4 3.3 3.3 3.5 3.7 4.2 3.5 4.2 3.7
Least interorbital breadth 5.3 4.8 — 4.7 4.6 5.2 4.9 5 4.8
Zygomatic breadth 17.6 14.7 — 14.2 15.3 15 — 16.3 14.8
Palatal length 16.2 14.2 — 14.1 14.6 15.7 14.8 15.5 14.5
Palatal breadth 9.6 8.4 — 8.2 8.3 8.1 8.6 8.3 8.6
Maxillary toothrow length 11 10.5 10.9 10.3 10.5 10.9 10.7 10.7 10.5
Length of molars 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.6 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.6 5.7
Length of M1-M3 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.8 4.8 5 5.1 4.8 4.9
Weight 40 15 — 18 21 24 28 26 22
holotype; 2 atipical measure.

FIGURE 3: Some species registered in Pampas del Heath from Peru: (A) Lutreolina crassicaudata˅; (B) Cryptonanus unduaviensis*; (C) Rho‑
geessa hussoni*; (D) Eumops patagonicus*; (E) Cavia aperea*; and (F) Chrysocyon brachyurus* (Photos by K. Pino˅ and A. Pari*).
Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, 56(2), 2016 17

All this characters agreed with the description of this Distribution: The specimen MUSA 12695 extends
genus (Voss et  al., 2005; Voss com.  pers.). Further- the distribution range of C.  unduaviensis southwest
more, our specimen can be identified as C. unduavi‑ from Independence, Pando (Bolivia) by 223 km (An-
ensis by the following combination of characters: tail derson, 1997).
length more than 111  mm (Table  2), condylobasal
length more than 25.5 mm, maxillary too throw more
than 10.0 mm, length of upper molar series (M1‑M4) ORDER CHIROPTERA Blumenbach 1779
more than 5.5 mm; venter self-colored light yellowish Family Vespertilionidae Gray 1821
buff. The characters and measurements of our speci- Rhogeessa hussoni Genoways & Baker 1996
men fell within the range of variation described for Husson’s Yellow Bat
C.  unduaviensis in the literature (Voss et  al., 2005;
Gardner, 2007b; Voss & Jansa, 2009; Voss, com. pers.). Specimen examined: adult male (MUSA 12902), col-
lected at Aguas Claras Camp, Pampas del Heath,
Habitat: Voss et  al. (2005) reported that one indi- Madre de Dios (12°57’20”S, 68°54’46”W, 216  m).
vidual of C.  unduaviensis was collected on a tree is- Measurements see Table 3.
land surrounded by seasonally flooded grassland and
another was in grass at the edge of a marshy stream. Remarks: The genus Rhogeessa is endemic to the Neo-
Our specimen was caught in the ecotone of the Aguas tropical region and one group in that genus exhibits
Claras Camp, on the sixth day that the pitfall traps high species diversity despite a lack of morphologi-
line was working. Others small mammals caught in cal differentiation. The previously known complex
the same trap lines are Marmosops bishop, Neacomys of species named as R.  tumida consists of five spe-
minutus, and Necromys lenguarum. cies (R.  aeneus, R.  genowaysi, R.  io, R.  velilla, and

FIGURE 4: Left to right, dorsal, ventral and lateral views of cranium and mandible. (A) Cryptonanus unduaviensis MUSA 12695; (B) Rho‑
geessa hussoni MUSA 12902; and (C) and Rhogeessa io MUSA 12903. Scale bar equal to 10 mm.
18 Medina, C.E. et al.: Mammals in Savanna from Peru

TABLE 3: Measurements (mm) and weights (g) of the specimens of Rhogeessa hussoni and R. io from Peru compare with referred material of
the genus Rhogeessa in South America (data from Goodwin, 1958; Ruedas & Bickman, 1992; Genoways & Baker, 1996; Aires et al., 2011).
Holotype is denoted with asterisk and numbers in brackets include ranges.

Rhogeessa hussoni Rhogeessa io

Measures Suriname Brasil Peru Venezuela Peru
* n = 4 MUSA 12902 * n = 10 MUSA 12903
Total length — — 81 — — 70
Tail length — — 31 — — 30
Hind foot length — (5.02 – 6.43) 6.1 — — 6.3
Ear length — (8.07 – 11.84) 12.5 — — 11.6
Forearm 30.2 (28.8 – 30.91) 28.6 28 — 28.8
3rd digit metacarpal 29 (26.3 – 28.2) 28.5 — (26.2 – 28.4) 26.8
4th digit metacarpal 27.8 — 28.1 — (25.9 – 27.4) 26.4
Greatest length of the skull 13.2 (12.6 – 13.2) 13.2 12.1 (11.7 – 12.6) 12.5
Condylobasal length 10 — 11.1 s/m (8.5 – 9.1) 10.6
Mastoid width 7.1 — 7.3 7+ — s/m
Breadth of braincase 5.7 — 6.2 6 — 6.1
Zygomatic width 8.9 — 8.9 8.1 — 8.3
Postorbital width 3.2 (3.41 – 3.80) 3.4 — — 3.2
Width across upper canines 3.8 (3.78 – 4.09) 3.9 — (3.4 – 3.6) 3.6
Width across second upper molars 5.6 — 5.7 5.5 (5.0 – 5.4) 5.6
Maxillary toothrow 4.7 (4.56 – 4.89) 4.9 4.6 — 4.8
Postpalatal length 4.7 — 4.9 — (4.0 – 4.4) 4.8
Mandibular toothrow 5.2 (5.06 – 5.34) 5.6 — (5.4 – 5.7) 5.4
Width across lower canines — (2.56 – 2.78) 2.8 — — 2.6

R. hussoni), which are distributed in Middle America out citogenetic and molecular studies to confirm that
and north of South America (Audet et al., 1993; Baird (Backer, com. pers.).
et al., 2008; 2012).
Genoways & Baker (1996) described R. hussoni Habitat: Rhogeessa hussoni has been found in mixed
based on one specimen from Sipaliwini Airstrip, Dis- savanna, gallery forest, lowland evergreen rainforest
trict of Nickerie (Suriname), and included other re- and Atlantic Forest (Genoways & Baker, 1996; Aires
port from Maranhão (Brazil). Years afterwards, Aires et al., 2011). Our specimen was caught in the open sa-
et al. (2011) presented new locality records extending vanna of Refugio Juliaca, the first night that the mist
the west distribution extension in Brazil (Nova Lac- net was set. Others bats species caught in the same
erda, Mato Grosso). Here we present the first report net were Artibeus lituratus, Carollia perspicillata and
of this species for Peru based on a specimen caught in Noctilio albiventris.
a mist net installed at ground level in open savanna
(Figure 3). Distribution: Our specimen MUSA 12902 extends
Our specimen is identified as Rhogeessa hussoni the distribution range of R. hussoni in 1,031 km west-
due to following combination of characters: one up- wards from Córrego Areia Branca, Nova Lacerda, Bra-
per and three lower incisors on each side; space be- zil (Aires et al., 2011).
tween upper incisors narrow; one upper premolar on
each side; upper surface of uropatagium not densely
furred; dorsal and ventral coloration golden brown Rhogeessa io Thomas 1903
with brown tips; pads inflated above the muzzle Thomas’s Yellow Bat
(Figure 3). Forearm greater than 27.1 mm. Parietals
not inflated at juncture of the sagittal crest with the Specimen examined: sub-adult male (MUSA 12903),
lambdoidal crests (helmet lacking) (Figure 4); great- collected at Aguas Claras Camp, Pampas del Heath,
est length of skull more than 12.6 mm; width across Madre de Dios (12°57’20”S, 68°54’46”W, 216  m).
first upper canines more than 3.7 mm (Table 3). All Measures see Table 3.
this characters agreed with the description of R. hus‑
soni (Genoways & Baker, 1996; Bickham & Ruedas, Remarks: Pacheco et al. (2007) were the first to report
2007; Aires et al., 2011), however it necessary carry Rhogeessa in Peru, the species R. io, based in specimens
Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, 56(2), 2016 19

from northwest Peru (Zarumilla, Tumbes), however irrupta, Marmosa rubra, Marmosa (Micoureus) de‑
Pacheco et  al. (2009), following Baird et  al. (2008, merarae, Metachirus nudicaudatus, Holochilus sciureus,
2009), tentatively assign that samples as R.  velilla Juscelinomys sp., Diclidurus albus, Peropteryx kappleri,
and therefore R. io was not considered in the last list Saccopteryx leptura, S.  canescens, Desmodus rotundus,
of mammals of Peru. Nevertheless, here we present Diphylla ecaudata, Micronycteris minuta, Phylloder‑
the first report of R. io for Peru based on a specimen ma stenops, Artibeus anderseni, Vampyrum spectrum,
caught in a mist net installed 2 m above level ground Sphaeronycteris toxophyllum, Noctilio leporinus, Pter‑
in the ecotone. onotus parnelli, and Myotis simus. Because of they
MUSA 12903 was identified as Rhogeessa io by have been recorded Protected Areas near to Pampas
the following character combinations: one upper and del Heath, or are commonly caught in the Bolivian’s
three lower incisors on each side; space between upper savanna (Emmons et al., 2002; Emmons et al., 2006a;
incisors narrow; one upper premolar on each side; up- 2006b; Solari et al., 2006; Terán et al., 2008; Emmons
per surface of uropatagium not densely furred; dorsal & Patton, 2012).
coloration light brown and ventral coloration pale yel- Our new records for Peru add one more genus
low; pads inconspicuous above the muzzle. Forearm and three species to the country reaching to 541 mam-
greater than 27.1 mm. Parietals not inflated at junc- mal species in Peru (Pacheco et al., 2009; Lim et al.,
ture of the sagittal crest with the lambdoidal crests 2010; Velazco et  al., 2010a, 2010b; Gregorin & Al-
(helmet lacking) (Figure  4); greatest length of skull meida, 2010; Gutiérrez et al., 2010; Mantilla-Meluk &
less than 12.6  mm; width across first upper canines Baker, 2010; Díaz, 2011; Velazco & Cadenillas, 2011;
less than 3.7 mm (Table 3). All this characters agreed Hice & Velazco, 2012; Larsen et  al., 2012; Medina
with the description of R.  io (Thomas, 1903; Bick- et al., 2012; Jiménez et al., 2013; Marsh, 2014; Me-
ham & Ruedas, 2007; Aires et al., 2011), however it dina et al., 2014; Pacheco et al., 2014; Rengifo et al.,
necessary carry out citogenetic and molecular studies 2014; Velazco et al., 2014; Zeballos et al., 2014; Patton
for confirm that (Backer, com. pers.). et  al., 2015; Hurtado & Pacheco, 2015; Vermeer &
Tello-Alvarado, 2015). That show the importance of
Habitat: Rhogeessa io is the most widely distributed conduced Flora and Fauna Monitoring Programs for
Rhogeessa in South America and it inhabits a variety knowing better the diversity of Peruvian mammals in
of habitats, including evergreen and deciduous for- Peru as a whole and in Pampas del Heath in particular.
est, thorn shrub, open areas, and villages (Bickham &
Ruedas, 2007; Soriano & Tavares, 2008). Our speci-
men was caught in the ecotone of Refugio Juliaca, in Sampling effort
the second night that the mist net was set. Others bats
species caught in the same net were Artibeus lituratus, Graphs of the species accumulation of small
Artibeus obscurus, Carollia brevicauda, Carollia perspi‑ mammals built with the observed data show a trend
cillata, Uroderma bilobatum, and Vampyriscus bidens. of increasing richness species if it rises the sampling
effort in each of the vegetation forms studied (Fig-
Distribution: The specimen MUSA 12903 extends ure 5), suggesting that not overall species richness was
the distribution range of R. io 444 km westward from registered.
Caravana, Beni, Bolivia (Bickham & Ruedas, 2007). Clench models obtained for the savanna, eco-
Our results suggest the existence of at least 111 tonal area and forest had a good adjust with R2 values
species of mammals in Pampas del Heath and sur- of 0.9992, 0.9993 and 0.9997, respectively. The mod-
rounding habitats, resulting number of the 69 spe- el estimated a total of 45 species for the savanna, 53
cies recorded here, 74 documented by Emmons et al. for the ecotonal area and 49 for the forest (Figure 4),
(1994) and 72 listed by Luna et al. (2002). However, but in neither case is the asymptote reached (pending
due to isolated location of Pampas del Heath from 1.52 in savanna, 1.65 in ecotonal area and 1.52 in
rest of Cerrado, it possible that several forms of small forest). Moreover, the model indicates that 61% of
mammals reported here (e.g., Lutreolina crassicaudata, total species have been registered during our assess-
Cerradomys maracajuensis or Pseudoryzomys simplex) ment in the Savanna, while in the ecotone and forest
could be different afterward taxonomic studies more have been 53% and 51%, respectively. The model es-
detailed (molecular analyzes). timated that 17, 28.9 and 29.8 days (sampling events)
Others small mammals species that could be of assessment would be capable of recording the 80%
potentially registered in the Pampas del Heath and of predicted species in the savanna, ecotonal area and
surrounding are Kunsia tomentosus, Caluromysiops forest (respectively), while Aguirre (2002) estimated
20 Medina, C.E. et al.: Mammals in Savanna from Peru

30 50
Species Accumulation


Species Accumulation
15 25
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Days Days

Savanna Ecotone Forest Upper-limit Cle Clench model

60 60

Species Accumulation
50 50
Species Accumulation

40 40

30 30

20 20

Ecotone 10

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Days Days
Upper-limit Clench model Upper-limit Clench model

FIGURE 5: Species accumulation curves for each vegetation types evaluated. Empirical curves (upper left) and Clench models (the rest).

30 nigths of sampling effort for to register the 88% of insectivores bats (Myotis nigricans and Noctilio albi‑
bats species in Bolivian’s savanna. ventris) were the most commons, respectively (Agu-
irre, 2002; Emmons et al., 2006b).
In the ecotonal area, the marsupial Monodelphis
Relative density peruviana, the rodents Euryoryzomys nitidus and Hy‑
laeamys perenensis, and the bats Glossophaga soricina
The marsupial Marmosops bishopi, the rodent and Carollia perspicillata were the most abundant
Necromys lenguarum, and the bats Artibeus lituratus species, meanwhile in the forest were the marsupial
and A. planirostris were the most abundant during the M. bishopi, the rodents H. perenensis and E. nitidus,
survey. Less abundant species were usually represented and the bats Artibeus gnomus, A. lituratus, Artibeus ob‑
by a single individual: the marsupials Cryptonanus un‑ scurus and A. planirostris (Table 1).
duavensis, Lutreolina crassicaudata, Marmosa lepida, There were species occupying the three vegeta-
M. (Micoureus) regina and Marmosops noctivagus; the tion forms but these have fluctuation in their densi-
rodents Oligoryzomys microtis, Oligoryzomys  sp.; and ties surely as response to the environments resources in
the bats Myotis riparius, Platyrrhinus incarum, Rho‑ each vegetation form (Mohammadi, 2010). Thus, we
geessa hussoni, R. io, and Trachops cirrhosus (Table 1). found some species more abundant in forest environ-
In the savanna, only two species of marsupials ments (e.g., Marmosops sp., E. nitidus, H. perenensis and
were reported and this were equally abundant (Mar‑ A. gnomus) than in open environments (e.g., Uroderma
mosops  sp. and Lutreolina crassicaudata). The most bilobatum and A. lituratus), and vice versa (Table 1).
abundant rodents were Necromys lenguarum and Pseu‑
doryzomys simplex, meanwhile in the bats were Artibe‑
us lituratus and Myotis nigricans (Table 1). Respect to Diversity
the bats, our relative densities in the savanna are simi-
lar to the surveys in Noel Kempff Mercado National The diversity of marsupial and rodents in the
Park and Espiritu’s savanna, when frugivores bats ecotonal area (DMg = 3.53 and DMn = 2.26) and for-
(Carollia spp. and Artibeus lituratus) and slow-flying est (2.49 and 1.64) were upper than savanna (1.26
Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, 56(2), 2016 21

and 0.91), however the diversity of bats was similar been well documented for several nocturnal mammals
between the Savanna (3.52 and 2.51), Ecotonal area by reducing their use of open space, or restricting
(3.51 and 2.50) and Forest (3.53 and 2.52). their activity to darker periods of the night (Morrison,
These fluctuations could be explained since sev- 1978; Gilbert & Boutin, 1991; Wolfe & Summerlin,
eral approaches (resource foods, refuges, temperature, 1989; Upham, 2008).
between others) nevertheless we suspect of the influ-
ence of moonlight on behavior of the marsupials and
rodents, due to during the survey in the savanna the Community structure
moon was in waxing crescent (November 31), like-
wise in the ecotonal area and forest that was full (De- Savanna’s range-abundance curves showed bats
cember 10) to waning gibbous (December 14) (US assemblages dominated by two species, one frugivorous
Naval Oceanography, 2012). Effect of moonlight has and other insectivorous, being remarkable the presence

3,00 O

2,00 AS


1,00 AG
1,00 L
0,00 0,00


Ecotonal area


X AI 1,00

0,00 0,00




1,00 Y
AB AH 1,00
0,00 0,00

Bats Marsupials and Rodents

FIGURE  6: Range-abundance curves (pi) for small mammals from Pampas del Heath. Codes of each species are denoted in Table  1.
Trophic group: Insectivorous (full triangles), Frugivorous (circles), Herbivorous (empty circles), Carnivorous (stars), Omnivorous (empty
triangles), Nectarivorous (diamonds) and Granivorous species (squares).
22 Medina, C.E. et al.: Mammals in Savanna from Peru

of a greater number of insectivores species (1 sp.) com- are in Data insufficient (IUCN, 2012; MINAGRI,
pared with the rest of trophic groups (eight  sp., fru- 2014). Additionally 24 suffer pressure of Internation-
givorous and nectarivorous). On the other hand the al Trade (CITES, 2013), which seven are categorized
marsupials and rodents assemblages showed a wide on Appendice I, 15 on Appendice II and two on Ap-
variety of trophic groups, which were greatly domi- pendice III (Table 4).
nated by insectivorous species (Figure 6). Both curves Eight species corresponding to endemic mammals
resemble the Fishers’s logarithmic series model (Fisher from Neotropical savannas (Table 4) (Emmons et al.,
et al., 1943), which describes a community dominated 1994; Luna et  al., 2002; Voss et  al., 2005; Emmons
by one or two species very abundant followed by many et al., 2002; 2006a; 2006b; Percequillo et al., 2008).
with lower abundances. This model generally applies
TABLE 4: Conservation status of mammals registered during the study.
to small communities under stress or pioneers, where
one or a few factors dominate the ecology of the com- Conservation status Endemic
munity (Moreno, 2001; Magurran, 1988). Species Accounts DS
Ecotone’s range-abundance curves showed a 04‑2014 Savanna
bats assemblages dominated by frugivorous species, DIDELPHIMORPHIA
Cryptonanus unduaviensis X
followed by some insectivorous and nectarivorous
Lutreolina crassicaudata X
species. Whereas for the marsupials and rodents com-
munity showed a wide variety of trophic groups,
Priodontes maximus VU VU I
whose species had similar abundances (Figure 6). PILOSA
Forest’s range-abundance curves showed a bats Myrmecophaga tridactyla VU II
assemblages dominated by two species, one nectar- PRIMATES
ivorous and other frugivorous, with the presence of Cebus albifrons II
a greater number of frugivorous species (nine  sp.) Saguinus fuscicollis II
compare with the rest of trophic groups. Whereas the Saguinus imperator II
marsupials and rodents assemblages showed a slight Aotus azarae II
dominance by frugivorous species and there was a Saimiri sciureus II
greater richness of insectivorous species (six species) Sapajus apella II
compared with the other trophic groups (four species, Callicebus sp. II
Alouatta sara II
frugivorous and granivorous) (Figure 6).
Ateles chamek EN EN II
Curves constructed for the ecotonal area and
forest seem fit to a Log normal distribution model
Cerradomys maracajuensis X
(Sugihara, 1980), which describe communities with Pseudoryzomys simplex X
light equilibria between number of the most abun- Oligoryzomys sp. X
dant species and least abundant species. This model Dinomys branickii VU VU
generally characterize samples of large, mature and Cavia aperea X
diverse communities due to there is a hierarchical CARNIVORA
segregation of niche used by the organisms (Moreno, Leopardus pardalis I
2001; Magurran, 1988). Leopardus wiedii DD I
Emmons et  al. (1994) and Luna et  al. (2002) Panthera onca NT I
reported a high richness of insectivorous bat species in Puma concolor NT II
Pampas del Heath, however it is notable replacement Atelocynus microtis VU
Chrysocyon brachyurus II X
of organisms between the savanna, ecotonal area and
Eira barbara III
forest. Our data showed a great dominance of insec-
Lontra longicaudis I
tivorous species in open habitats, like savanna, which Pteronura brasiliensis EN EN I
are gradually replaced by frugivorous species conform Potos flavus III
the vegetation change forward arboreal habitats, like PERISSODACTYLA
ecotonal area and forest (Figure 6). Tapirus terrestris NT VU II
Pecari tajacu II
Conservation status Tayassu pecari NT VU II
Blastocerus dichotomus VU VU I X
Thirteen species are categorize as threatened ac- Mazama americana DD
cording to Peruvian and international law, which two Total species 13 7 24 8
Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, 56(2), 2016 23

Future studies that may be interesting to Pam- of Natural History) and J. Salazar-Bravo (Museum
pas del Heath are the dynamic between particular veg- of Natural History, Texas Tech University) for sug-
etation of the savanna and mammal with the skilled gestions that improved an earlier version of the
of modifying that such as Cavia aperea and Blastocerus manuscript. Finally R. Gutiérrez and D. Huamán
dichotomus (herbivorous species), or studies about for fieldwork support. This study was supported by
population status of carnivorous species (Lutreolina Asociación para la Investigación y Desarrollo (AID-
crassicaudata and Chrysocyon brachyurus). ER), Museo de Historia Natural de la Universidad
Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa (MUSA) and
Bahuaja Sonene National Park, which it had the help
RESUMEN of Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). We also
thanks the Ministerio de Ambiente and SERNANP
El Parque Nacional Bahuaja Sonene (PNBS) alberga la for the permits to capture and collect specimens
única muestra de la sabana húmeda tropical sudameri‑ (RJ 007‑2011).
cana en Perú la cual es conocida como “Pampas del Hea‑
th”, con sólo 6,136 hectáreas de superficie. En su ámbito
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Aceito por Mario de Vivo em: 02/12/2015

Impresso em: 01/09/2016

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