A Proposed Analytical Customer Satisfaction Prediction Model For Mobile Internet Networks
A Proposed Analytical Customer Satisfaction Prediction Model For Mobile Internet Networks
A Proposed Analytical Customer Satisfaction Prediction Model For Mobile Internet Networks
Summer 7-19-2017
Zulkhairi Dahalin
Universiti Utara Malaysia, [email protected]
Azman Ta’a
Universiti Utara Malaysia, [email protected]
Recommended Citation
Yusuf-Asaju, Ayisat W.; Dahalin, Zulkhairi; and Ta’a, Azman, "A Proposed Analytical Customer Satisfaction Prediction Model for
Mobile Internet Networks" (2017). PACIS 2017 Proceedings. 102.
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A Proposed Analytical Customer
Satisfaction Prediction Model for Mobile
Internet Networks
Azman Ta’a
School of Computing
Universiti Utara Malaysia
Keddah, Malaysia
[email protected]
Subjective method (such as survey, interview, etc.) has been the most common and reliable method
used in analyzing customer satisfaction. However, the subjective method is expensive, time
consuming, lacks repeatability in real-time and may not capture the technical aspect of the telecoms
network service performance in telecommunication industry. As a result, perceived quality of
experience (QoE) has been traditionally used to evaluate the satisfaction of telecommunication
services from both Internet service providers and customer’s perspective. However, the result of
perceived QoE in relation to mean opinion score found not suitable enough to quantify customer
satisfaction, and it eliminates the diversity of customer assessment while quantifying satisfaction.
Therefore, this paper proposed an analytical customer satisfaction prediction model based on
perceived QoE, perceived QoE influence factors, perceived QoE measurements and perceived QoE
estimations to overcome the limitations of the subjective measurement. The paper presents how the
mean opinion score can be used to quantify customer satisfaction by ensuring the diversity of
customer’s assessment is not eliminated.
Keywords: Quality of Experience (QoE), Mean Opinion Score, Internet, Mobile Network Operators
(MNOs), QoE measurement, analytics, prediction, Mobile Networks
Telecommunications (Telecoms) industry considered customer satisfaction as a pivotal indicator used
to determine the extent at which the Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) are successful in providing
mobile internet services to their customers. In most cases, MNOs mainly focused on the monitoring of
technical constructs consisting of terminals, network, and service infrastructure to aid the provision of
internet services. However, the competitive nature of the telecoms market made MNOs to realize the
need not to only consider the technical aspect of the quality provided, but also customer expectations
and experiences with the aim of satisfying the customers.
The technical aspect of the network quality provided by the MNOs constitutes quality of service (QoS)
parameters of the network services. Among the QoS parameters are throughput, loss, delay,
bandwidth and jitter, these parameters are usually measured on network nodes of the MNOs
instruments or machines (Andrews et al. 2006). However, customers are more interested in the
experiences perceived from the service performance typically in the form of subjective and non
technical terms. Overall customer experiences reffered to as quality of experience (QoE), often used to
estimate the customer perception of the network level performance. Several studies assumed QoE to
be a measure of customer perception in relation to the QoS parameters, context, expectations and
other factors, which influence the customer perception to determine the degree of satisfied or
dissatisfied customers using a specific service or application (Alreshoodi and Woods 2013; Le Callet et
al. 2012). On the other hand, customer expectation is the ideal standards commonly in the form of
service level agreement (SLA), which is an agreement between the customers and the MNOs about the
service characteristics provided by the MNOs (Gozdecki et al. 2003).
Generally, expectation and other QoE influence factors are used to estimate perceived QoE, which is
represented using mean opinion score (MOS) (Alreshoodi and Woods 2013; Demirbilek and Gregoire
2016). MOS is determined through the prediction of the subjective measurement from the objective
measurement. However, recent studies argues that MOS is not sufficient enough to quantify the
satisfaction of customers, because MOS eliminates the diversity of customer assessment while
quantifying customer satisfaction (Hoßfeld et al. 2016). Therefore, this article proposed an analytical
customer satisfaction (ACSAT) predition model, which consists of QoE Influence factors, perceived
QoE and perceived QoE maximization to determine the diversity of satisfied and dissatisfied
customers of internet networks. The remainder of this article discusses perceived QoE, perceived QoE
influence factors, perceived QoE measurements, ACSAT prediction model and conclusions.
Perceived QoE
Qualinet described QoE “as the degree of delight or annoyance of the user of an application or
service. It results from the fulfilment of his or her expectations with respect to the utility and / or
enjoyment of the application or service in the light of the user’s personality and current state” (Le
Callet et al. 2012). Delight of the user of a service can be influenced by context, network, device
application and context of use depending on the application domain. Generally, MNOs need to
understand traffic characteristics, most especially the geographical and dynamic nature of the network
traffic commonly found in the mobile network. Therefore, to appropriately determine the user
perceived QoE, it is important to understand various influence factors of perceived QoE from both
users and network perspectives.
Perceived QoE influence Factors
Influence factors is any characteristics consisting of user, system, service application context, whose
actual state or settings may have influence on the user perceived QoE (Le Callet et al. 2012). Perceived
QoE influence factors can be classified into diiferent dimensions as depicted in table 1. However, the
most common dimension is human, context and system influence factors (Barakovic and Skorin-
Kapov 2013; Le Callet et al. 2012). Human factors describes the demographic, socio-economic
backgroud, physical and users emotional state. System influence factors consititutes the technical
properties of application or service used by the user. Context influence factor involves the user’s
environment in relation to physical, temporal, social economic and techincal charateristics of the
service or application used by the user. Basic understanding of all the influence factors would enable a
better analysis of the perceived QoE of the users in relation to the specific service used by users.
Table 1. Perceived QoE Influence Factors
Author Dimensions Elements
Baraković et al. (2010) Technology performance Application/service, server, network and
Usability Behavioural usability, ease of use, device
features, emotions and feelings.
Expectations Application type, usage history, gender,
brand and personality
context Environment, personal/ social context,
technological context and cultural context
subjective evaluation Service, network and device
DeMoor et al. (2010) QoS parameters Delay, jitter, loss, throughput and
Context, Prior experiences,
User Factors Personalisation and emotions
Stankiewicz and Jajszczyk (2011) QoS factors, Grade of Service Terminals, type of content, application
(GoS), Quality of Resilience specific features,
Customer profiles, Emotions,occupation, education level
environmental, psychological and age
and sociological aspects.
Pricing policies Prepaid or Postpaid.
Skorin-Kapov and Varela (2012) Application Application configuration-related factors.
Resource space Delay, jiter, loss, throughput and system-
related factors)
Context customer location, time, and application-
related factors
User space Demographics, customer preferences,
requirements, expectations, prior
knowledge, behaviour and motivations
Le Callet et al. (2012) Human factors Age, education background, emotions,
gender and user visual aid
System factors Bandwidth, delay, loss, throughput,
security, display size and resolution
Context factor Location, movement, time of day, costs,
subscription type and privacy
In contrast to the subjective measure that focuses on customer perception through surveys or
experiments, the objective measurement is associated with quality estimation models usually in the
form of mathematical and/ or comparative methods that generate the quantitative measure of the
perceived QoE (Alreshoodi and Woods 2013). Several studies have used objective measurement to
estimate MOS (perceived QoE) using machine learning algorithms to interprete customer satisfaction
(Alreshoodi and Woods 2013; Anchuen et al. 2016). However, recent studies have argued that, it is
necessary to go beyond MOS calculations to allow for better understanding of the customer
population experiencing a satisfactory level of perceived QoE, because the MOS eliminates the
diversity of customer assessment (Hoßfeld et al. 2016).
In addition, Streijl et al (2016) highlighted that, MOS does not clarified what threshold values should
be appointed to identify the problems or acceptability of perceived QoE. Because the MOS measures
in most studies measures the amount of perceived QoE satisfaction rather than using the
maximization of perceived QoE to determine the satisfactory level of the service in relation to satisfied
and dissatisfied users or customers. The authors point out the MNOs might decide to maximize the
QoE for different reasons. Thus, maximizing the overall perceived QoE for multiple customers in the
network to allocate network resources, maximizing the QoE of a certain individual customers or
groups to increase the number of satisfied customers (Barakovic and Skorin-Kapov 2013; Streijl et al.
2016). In this respect, concentrating on the overall MOS alone can lead to unfairness among
customers if the MOS is not properly used (Streijl et al. 2016). Therefore, maximization of estimated
MOS can be achieved using standard deviation of MOS (SOS hypothesis), distribution and quantiles to
determine the satisfied and dissatisfied customers to guarantee certain level of customer fairness.
In CSAT model, expectation was used to analyze perceived utility. On the contrary, ACSAT prediction
model used expectation in two different forms, to estimate the perceived QoE and for expectation
update. Expectation as stated in the SLA along with the QoE influence factors would aid the analysis
of perceived QoE to identify maximum and minimum expected variable values along with variable
weights to determine adequate MOS through the machine learning algorithms (Tsiaras and Stiller
2014). Because, estimation of overall perceived QoE would inform the MNOs about issues causing
deterioration in the network performance, this will assist the MNOs to update customer’s expectation
Customer care support for service utilities in the CSAT model was used along with pricing policies and
bandwidth to aid the maximization of perceived to enable the diversity of satisfied and dissatisfied
customers (Barakovic and Skorin-Kapov 2013). Customer care support most especially the response
time has been confirmed in previous to studies to have a great impact on overall customer experience
(Diaz-Aviles, et al., 2015). As a result, customer care support in this study is for the purpose of
analyzing the reported cases and challenges experienced by the customer while using the mobile
internet services and the response time taken by the customer care support to rectify such issues. In
addition the use of pricing policies focused on different types of customer’s mobile internet
subscriptions that can be used for the maximization of perceived QoE to determine the diversity of
satisfied and dissatisfied customers.
Similar to CSAT model is the use of customer satisfaction result for market segmentation, market
growth and revenue and profit generation. However, customer satisfaction result can also assist the
MNOs in allocating appropriate network resources in location where high dissatisfaction is
experienced as depicted in figure 1.
Service Utilities
System Perceived Pricing Policies,
QoE Customer care Support
Perceived QoE and Bandwidth
Customer Satisfaction
QoE Expectation Market
Influence Customer
Behaviour Dynamic
Expectation Market
Update Growth
Revenue Network
and Profit Resources
The second phase is data preparation, which involves different methods such as data exploratory
analysis (EDA), data pre-processing, clustering techniques, feature selection and extraction.
Generally, EDA aids understanding of the interdependencies among the data attributes to become
familiar with the content of the data along with its quality and limitations. Data pre-processing
involves data cleaning, data integration and data transformation. Data cleaning is concerned with the
process of filling in the missing values, smoothing noisy data, identifying, or removing outlier as well
as, resolving inconsistencies and imbalances in the data. Data integration is the process of combining
datasets residing in different sources and providing a unified view of the datasets. Data
transformation involves transforming the raw data obtained from the data sources into the form that
would be appropriate for the analytical modelling stage. Feature selection and extraction process
enables the selection and extraction of the perceived QoE influence factors from the dataset obtained
from the network traffic. These processes allow better understanding of the underlying process that
generate the data to be used for the estimation of perceived QoE, improve the prediction performance
of the predictors, provide a fast and cost-effective predictor to be used for the estimation of perceived
QoE. Clustering techniques allows the grouping of a set of objects together in such a way the objects in
the same group are more similar to each other than those in the other groups. Specifically, use of
expectation maximization clustering algorithm (EMCA) that is suitable for continous and categorical
variables can aid in grouping the selected and extracted variables into different clusters in relation to
Pricing policies, Bandwidth and customer care response. This phase would aid the preparation of the
dataset for the perceived QoE modelling phase.
The third phase involves the modelling of the perceived QoE, which is an abstract representation of
data and its relationship within the dataset. This phase allows the splitting of dataset into training and
testing set usually in the ratio of 70:30. This stage can be carried out by using machine learning
algorithms such as decision trees, random forest, support vector machine, K-nearest, and artificial
neural network (in case of large data set) or data mining algorithms. The modelling of perceived QoE
using machine learning algorithms would map the combination of input parameters to a class value to
build an efficient model that classify extracted features with the maximum precision through the
perceived QoE function described as QoE≔f (User, Service, Variable) (Tsiaras and Stiller 2014). After,
the estimation of the perceived QoE, the next phase is the maximazation of perceived QoE to
determine satisfied and dissatisfied customers.
The last phase which is the maximization of perceived QoE to analyze customer satisfaction is
concerned with using the identified clusters in the second phase to determine the diversity of satisfied
and dissatisfied customers. This can be executed firstly, by predicting expected MOS (mean of the
random variable which represents the quality ratings) and SOS as a function of MOS for each cluster.
Secondly, by determining quartiles for both discrete and continuous with either probability mass
function or probability density function respectively through the q-quantiles for the ratings,
estimated as (Hoßfeld et al. 2016). Thirdly, analysing
acceptability , which can be determined in relation to the probability of the MOS above a certain
threshold , where U is the random variable for quality ratings (MOS). This would enable
the estimation of acceptance in relation to the quality ratings defined as Where 0 and 1 is
accepted and not accepted; satisfied or dissatisfied respectively and is analysed through percentage
good or bad (%GoB) and percentage poor or worse (%PoW). The estimation for the %GoB is defined
as while %PoW is defined as (Hoßfeld et al. 2016). This phase will enable
the estimation of satisfied and dissatisfied customers.
This study proposed an analytical customer satisfaction prediction model, to predict the customer
satisfaction based on the the previous customers experience to assist the MNOs understand the trends
of the network traffic, and make intelligent decisions that would enable them to improve their network
performance by allocating approriate network resources to enhance their service provisioning. This
study contributes to the literature by demonstrating the conceptual view of the ACSAT prediction
model by incorporating the perceived QoE influence factors, measurement, and estimations in
customer analysis process. The proposed model would assist the MNOs to predict the customer
satisfaction ahead before the customer would perceive the rendered services Further research of this
study is to employ the use of big data obtained from the telecoms network traffic for the
implementaion of the ACSAT prediction model. In addition, the study would design a prototype to
enable experimental study through focus group method.
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