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Gravity Dams
By Gregory Fenves," A. M. ASCE, and Anil K. Chopra,’ M. ASCE
Aes: A to-atage procedure was propoted in 1978 forthe analysis phase
Of asi design an snferyevlantion of concrete gravity dame () A amped
Snaljis procedure in which the response due ony tothe fundamental vba
tion mode i estimated directly fromthe eartngsake design spectrum and 2)
‘tvoned report history analysis procedure for frie element sdeazaions Of
the dam monolith, The former was recommended for the Preliminary design
sre sey evaluation of ams and theater for accurately crmpating the
‘namic response and chesking the adequacy ofthe preliminary evaluation. In
thi paper the simplifed analysis procure has been extended fo include the
‘ects of damfoundation rock interaction and of reservoir bottom sediments,
in addition tothe effects of dam-wster interaction snd vrater compress
[cluded in the enter procedure. Alo cluded now inthe implied proce-