Pressiometer in Soil-2013-11

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Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013

Parallel session ISP 6

Is it Possible to Determine the Soil Shear Strength and Deformation Characteristics

from the Studies of Pressuremeter Tests?

Est-il possible de déterminer la résistance au cisaillement et les caractéristiques de la déformation

du sol avec des essais pressiométriques?

J. Mecsi
University of Pécs, Faculty of Engineering, Hungary

ABSTRACT: The paper deals with an application of the cavity expansion theory for the determination of soil strengths and nonlinear
deformation parameters using pressuremeter tests. The developed cavity expansion theory takes into consideration the facts that even
the initial soil stress-strain state itself is anisotropic, and that due to expansion soil density increases. By having introduced the
deformation modulus, we have introduced two soil constants; (EO) that is the basic deformation modulus, and (a) an exponent. The
soil strength parameters, namely cohesion (c) and angle of friction (φ), as well as the deformation parameters represent the soil
properties. We can determine only the combination of the interrelated and suitable soil parameters from the pressuremeter test. The
paper presents an example, and proves that the measured diagram very well approximates the theoretically calculated diagrams with
different cohesion - basic deformation modulus combinations.

RÉSUMÉ : L’auteur s’occupe de l’application de la théorie de l’expansion d’une cavité pour déterminer la résistance du sol et les
paramètres de la déformation non-linéaire du sol par des essais pressiométriques. La théorie avancée de l’expansion d’une cavité tient
compte du fait, que l’état contrainte-déformation d’origine est anisotrope, et la densité du sol s’accroît à cause de l’expansion. En
introduisant le module de déformation, deux constantes caractérisant le sol ont été introduites: le module de base de déformation (E0)
et l’exposant (a). Les valeurs déterminant la résistance du sol, c’est à dire la cohésion (c) et l’angle de frottement interne (φ) ainsi que
celles de la déformation reflètent les propriétés du sol. Avec l’essai pressiométrique on peut déterminer seulement une combinaison de
certains paramètres du sol qui sont liés entre eux. Un exemple est présenté qui prouve, que la courbe reflètant les résultats des essais
pressiométriques s’ajuste bien aux courbes théoriques calculées en utilisant différentes combinaisons cohésion - module de base de
KEYWORDS: Cavity expanding theory, pressuremeter test, nonlinear deformability of soil.
MOTS-CLÉS : théorie de l’expansin d’une cavité, essai pressiométrique, déformation non-linéaire des sols


The pressuremeter test covers the in situ measure of the 2.1 Basic assumptions
deformation of soils and weak rock based on the expansion of a
cylindrical flexible membrane under pressure. The determination of the soil parameters from the cylindrical
The pressuremeter is recognized as a worldwide field test with cavity expansion - cavity stress relationship curve is not an easy
good potential to be used together with analytical task, because the soil deformation and strength parameters are
interpretations, in establishing constitutive models for soils. in combination with each other. We can only determine the
The expansiometric characteristic of the test has a good combination of the interrelated and suitable soil parameters.
agreement with the expansion of a cylindrical cavity. The The specific deformations (strains) are defined as the
parameters identification by inverse analysis of pressuremeter compression/dilation of a layer of soil of unit thickness. By
test for soil strength and deformation parameters offers good convention, compression of the soil is taken as a positive value,
possibility to interconnect the conventional geotechnical models while loosening (expansion) will have a negative sign. Strains
to the in situ tests. The pressuremeter test may be the most are dimensionless quantities mostly expressed as percentages
suitable method for ground which is difficult to sample. but for calculations used as ratios. The specific deformations are
Pressuremeter technology has been greatly affected by always conceived as the changes in the dimensions of a soil
developments in measurement technology and computer mass, i.e. as macro-variations and not micro-variations.
technology. It is important that the basic principles forthe design Clearly, the change in density due to changes in the complex
of pressuremeters, the measurement procedures and the analysis state of stress results from the micro-movements of the
of the data resulting from the tests should always be based on individual soil grains. The micro-movements of the grains are
the same internationally accepted principles. determined by themselves and occur at random, but as the
The Ménard type pressuremeter is popular in the geotechnical resultant of the cumulative movements they become apt for
praxis. Two basic test procedures can be differentiated: a engineering calculations.
procedure to obtain a pressuremeter modulus EM, and limit In the case of granular soils and soils of low cohesion
pressure pLM, that may be used in design procedures formulated relationships based on tests can be used. In the case of materials
for the Ménard pressuremeter; and another procedure to obtain exhibiting high cohesion the structure of the material becomes
other stiffness and strength parameters. decisive since under heavy load the structure collapses.

Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013

Parallel session ISP 6

We are supposing axially symmetric stress condition in b.) Non-linear relationships between the increasing soil
normally consolidated soil with incompressible soil grains. stresses and soil strains
The developed cavity expanding theory takes into consideration Being on the basis of the Mohr-Coulomb condition, the
that already the initial soil stress-strain state is anisotropic, at increments of the radial and hoop stresses are in linear
the initial stage we can find the compressive stresses in vertical relationship with each other, therefore, the correlation between
direction (σv), and earth pressure at rest in horizontal direction the average soil pressure and the volumetric deformation of the
(σΗ) soil is similar to the correlation that evolves between the radial
Practical application of the expansion pressure has to pressure and the radial specific deformation.
follow some time-dependent rate. If the loading rate is faster With increasing the external pressure continuously on the wall
than what the soil may endure, a consolidation process arises of the cylinder, the pressures in the elementary soil cube also
and the deformation of the soil mass extends to longer periods. increase proportionally and the soil becomes ever denser and
This is particularly influenced by the dissipation of the pore- less compressible.
water pressure. The model deals with the ultimate rate of Based on the above defined relationships, the relation
deformations. between specific deformation and average soil pressure can be
The expansion of the cylinder has a complex effect on the approximated by introducing an exponential equation which
stresses, the displacement of soil particles and the soil incorporates a term for equating the dimensions.
compaction as well; the cavity stress/strain diagram is obtained So, the relation between specific radial deformation and radial
as a resultant and consequence of these effects. In this diagram, soil stresses can be described in the following form:
we can’t distinguish elastic or plastic sections, nevertheless, a2
σ 
professional engineering literature often refers to the initial ε r = a1 ⋅  r  0 < a2 <1 (4)
section of the diagram as ’quasi elastic’.  σe 
If we want to determine the diagram demonstrating the
expansion process on the grounds of the basic (not derived) where σ e = 100kN/m 2 is the reference stress introduced to
properties of the soil, we need to carry out a detailed analysis of restore dimensional consistency between the two sides of the
the volumetric changes of the soil and the changes in soil equation.
stresses exerting in different directions. By derivation and inversion we get the deformation modules:
Special attention must be paid to the fact that the cylinder is a
surrounded by a soil mass of infinite extent. The movement of 1−a1 a
particles is impeded by the gradually compacting soil mass. The dσ r σe σ  σ  and a<1 (5)
Er = = ⋅  r  = E ⋅  r 
compaction is mainly due to the limited expansion in the hoop dε r a 1 ⋅ a 2  σe  o  σe 
direction. Eo

2.2 Summary of the elements of the model From (5) it follows that the deformation modulus is not in
linear relationship with soil pressure.
a) Application of the Mohr-Coulomb condition;
By having introduced the deformation modulus, we have
b) Force equilibriums;
introduced two soil constants:
c) Non-linear relationships between the increasing soil
- (Eo): the initial deformation modulus, and
stress and soil strains;
- (a): the stiffness exponent, named as stiffness index.
d) Assuming elastic behaviour if the soil stress is
On the basis of our investigations and having been confirmed
through the evaluation of accomplished in situ tests we may
e) The volumetric strain (change in density) of the soil,
suppose that the value of the exponent (a) might be brought in
is obtained as the resultant of strains in three mutually
connection with the roughness of the soil grains (consequently it
perpendicular directions. depends mostly on the internal friction angle), while the value
a.) Application of the Mohr-Coulomb condition of the initial deformation modulus might be connected to the
initial density of the soil and the cohesion.
The Mohr-Coulomb condition expresses a constant ratio
between the principal stresses (σ1 = σr ,σ3 = σt ) , in a manner, c.) Assuming elastic behaviour if the soil stress is decreasing
whereby, in the case of the maximum principal stress, its value
is reduced by the unconfined compression strength ( σ u ). If the initial compressive stress decreases, expansion develops
in the soil, and we may describe it more closely as elastic
σ3 1 − sin φ (1) 2⋅c behaviour. For the hoop direction on the horizontal plane the
= where σu = (2)
(σ1 − σ u ) 1 + sin φ ξ soil strain is:
ξ ∆σ (6)
∆ε % = − ⋅ 100
This means that the increase of external actions provokes a Eo ⋅ σHa
situation whereby the alterations ensue along a minimum but Expansion linear
constant ratio of the reduced principal stresses.
It is valid if the soil stress value is less than the initial stress.
b) Force equilibriums
d.) The volumetric strain (change in density) of the soil
The force equilibrium differential equations on the basis of the
balance of forces exerted on the element of soil: The volume change of the soil (the change in density) can be
derived from its specific deformations. We can approximately
dσr σr − σt (3)
+ =0 calculate with the sum of three specific deformations changes
dr r determined at right angles to one another.
σr, σt are radial and tangential (hoop) directions stress on the
horizontal plane

Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013

Parallel session ISP 6

Vi − Vo
ms = = (1 + ∆εr ) ⋅ (1 + ∆εt ) ⋅ (1 + ∆εv ) − 1 ≈ ∆εr + ∆εt (7)
σ t > σ H then ∆εv > 0 compacting the soil in the vertical
direction too.
Unit weight of the soil is:
γo where γ o is in the initial state (8)
γs =
1 − ms

2.3 Conditions applied for the model

Possible effects applied to the area outside the plastic stress

zone (compaction zone):
• Force equilibrium differential equation,
• Nonlinear relation between radial deformations and
stresses (compression),
• Linear relation between hoop stresses and deformations
• There is no volume change, no density change of soil
At the border of the plastic stress zone: Figure 1. Diagram for the determination of the radial stresses at the
• The same effects apply as for the area outside the zone, boundary of the compacted zone. (r=ρ
but they are supplemented For practical calculation, Fig. 1. shows the diagram to be used
• The Mohr-Coulomb
Coulomb relation has an effect. for the determination of the radial stresses at the boundary of
Effects applied within the plastic stress zone: the compacted zone. It shouldd be noted that the stresses
• Force equilibrium differential
ifferential equation, developing at the boundary of the compaction zone do not
• The Mohr-Coulomb relation, depend on the size of the compaction zone, nor on the value of
• Nonlinear relation between radial deformations and the basic deformation modulus.
stresses (compression),
• Nonlinear or linear relation between stress and 2.5 Distributions of the radial streesses near the cylinder
deformation depending on whether the stresses exceed the
initial stress. The distribution of soil stresses within the compacted zone is
statically determined from the force equilibrium and the Mohr-
2.4 Pressures at the boundary of the compaccted zone (r=ρ) Coulomb condition:
Because at the boundary of the compacted zone the soil does In horizontal radial direction of expanding, if r<ρ:
not change in volume (ms=0, no change in the density of the
dσr σr − σ t
soil) we can determine the radial stresses which develop at the + = 0 ⇒ σ t = ξ ⋅ (σr − σu ) ⇒ σr (10)
boundary of the plastic stress zone. dr r
Mohr − Coulomb
σ t ⇐ Mohr − Coulomb force equilibrium
1− a
− σH1− a σH − ξ ⋅ (σρ − σ)
n i

σρ u
0= H − H ⇒ σρ (9)   2⋅ φ

(1 − a) ⋅ Eo  c   ρ  1+ c (11)
σH a ⋅ E o H φ


⇒ σ r =  K ρH ⋅ σ H + ⋅
   −
∆ε r ∆ε t ( ∆ε v =)
0  σ φ  r  φ
 ρH 
Compression Expansion if r>ρ ⇒ no volume change in the soil
Where ρ is the radius of the compacted (plastic stress) zone, 2
and σρ = Kρ ⋅ σH is the soil stress at the radial direction. ( ρ
σr ≈ σρH − σH ⋅   + σH (12)
r 
If we know the magnitude of the radial stress exerted on the
initial surface, the extension of the compaction zone can be
calculated from Eq. 11, where ro is the initial radius of the
1 + sin ϕ
 σ + c tan ϕ  2 ⋅ sin ϕ
ρ = ro ⋅  ro  (13)
 σ ρ H + c tan ϕ 
 

2.6 Determination of the aggregatte soil compaction

The soil displacements are interconnected with the soil strains,

in that they are the integrated values of the strains.

Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013

Parallel session ISP 6

It is practical to represent the sum of the compression of the

individual soil hoops beginning at the initial radius, because it is
clear that beyond a certain range the extent of soil compression
is not considerable; therefore we can draw an asymptote to the
curve of the aggregate compression values.
It should be noted that the distribution
distribu of stresses along a radius
theoretically extends to infinity, but for practical purposes stress
increments beyond a distance of 5 to 6 times the cavity radius
diminish to an insignificant value.

2.7 Infinite length vs. finite length problem of the cylinder

The interpretation of the pressuremeter test data is based on the

assumption of a cylinder of infinite length expanded in the soil,
while in reality the expanded cylinder has finite length. At the
ends of the probe the strain conditions do not exhibit axial axia
symmetry. In order to minimize this effect it is required that the
dimensions of the probe L/D>6.5,, the guard cells (See Fig.4) are
included in the length of the probe.
At the beginning of the expanding process in the
horizontal plane the radial stress gradually increases, while the
hoop stress decreases, and in thhe vertical direction the soil
stress does not change.. If the ratio of the hoop stress to the
reduced radial stress arrive at the minimum value, after the hoop
stress also continuously increases,, the soil compaction begins in
accordance with the Mohr-CoulombCoulomb condition. Because the
Figure 2. Determination
etermination of soil strain and displacements
initial soil stress on the vertical direction is limited, and in the
The radial displacement vector is: horizontal plane both radial and hoop stress together increase,
we arrive at the limit radial stress.
s. After the limit radial stress is
Mohr − Coulomb initial mr =0 initial reached, the cavity strain progressively increases.
1− a
− σH
1− a ∞ 1− a
σr − σH
(14) We suggested that this limit radial stress acting on the
u=∫ ⋅ dr + ∫ ⋅ dr cylinder wall may approximate that in the loading process the
(1 − a ) ⋅ E o ρ
(1 − a ) ⋅ E o hoop stress achieves the initial vertical stress.
inside of the comp. zone outside of the comp. zone We provide the multiplication factor κ for the initial hoop
stress. This parameter depends on the boundary condition of
This relationship also means that the total compression of the expanding cylinder. (For example it is different for bored pile
soil is equivalent to the area of the diagram showing the radial and driven pile.)
distribution of radial strains. Accordingly, the value of the limit stress can be obtained by
We thought it useful to perform calculations in Excel form and the following expression.
present tabulated results in graphs which may greatly help σV
The compression of a given (ri - ri-1) segmentation of the radius (
κ ⋅ σH = ξ ⋅ σro )
− σu ⇒ σro =
κ ⋅ σH
+ σu (17)


can be composed of the specific compressions,

compres and the it it ξ
aggregate value is composed of the individual segments. Mohr − Coulomb
The compression of the soil in a radial segment:
 ∆ ε + ∆ ε i −1 
∆ ur i =  i  ⋅ (ri − ri−1 ) (15)
 2  The pressuremeter
The total radial settlement is:
n  ∆ε + ∆ε
ri −1 
The pressuremeter consists of three main parts:
ur o = ∑  i
 ⋅ (ri − ri−1 ) (16) • an expandable cylinder (probe);
i=1 2 
 • tubing;
where n is the number of the segmentation of the radius. • measuring/monitoring/control unit.


Before each test series, the correction factors deriving from the
deflection of the membrane of the probe, the monitoring panel
and the manometers must be determined by calibrating the
rmines the resistance of the membrane and is performed
It determines
by inflating the probe in the open air.
Hydrostatic pressure must also be considered when evaluating
test results. The value of hydrostatic pressure is to be measured
at the middle of the probe.
Figure 3. Determination of soil strain and displacements

Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013

Parallel session ISP 6

pressure at the cylinder wall, we can determine the radius of the

compacted zone (Eq 11), and the distributions of stresses near
the cylinder.

n n
2⋅ φ
 

 c   ρ  1+ φ c (18)
pi ≡ σro =  Kρ ⋅ σH +  ⋅   −
measured  σ tan φ   ro  tan φ

 ρ  er e

b.) Using of the measured cavvity expansion.

  
  σ 1−a − σ 1−a   σ 1−a − σ 1−a  
n n
r −r
∑1 A i = ∑1   1 − a  +  1 − a   ⋅ i 2 i−1
 ri H ri −1 H

   
 
 ∆ε r ∆εri −1  (19)
where n is the number of the sections of the radius.
Figure 4. The calibration process of the pressuremeter test. The measured soil displacements at the pressuremeter surface
are: u ⋅ Eo i = ∑ Ai ⇒ (20)
ro i
The original volume must be determined before the probe is measured
inserted into the borehole (Vo ). Calculated
Vo is the volume measured in the unloaded probe at atmospheric n

pressure. ∑A i (21)
E oi = 1



We are using two measured values of every step during the that is only one measured point, and we have N determined Eoi
loading process for the determination of the soil parameters.
These are: the measured pressure acting of the membrane, and parameters.
the displacement of the membrane due to the pressure. The test
is carried out iteratively using the computer program. The average and standard deviation are:
N 2
N  _ 
∑ Eoi ∑  E o i − E o 
1 1  
Eo = ⇒ s= minimum! (22,23)
N N −1
Note: Different are n, the number of the segment of the radial
strain section, and N, the number of the measured points. The
best fit to the measured diagram is that where the standard
deviation of Eo is minimum.


The initial data source is : Reiffsteck P. (2005) in ISP5-Pressio

2005 Symposium international, 50 ans de pressiomètre. Marne-
la Vallée 22-24 août 2005. Edited by M. Gambin, J.P. Magnan,
P. Mestat ISBN 2-85978-417-99 Volume 2. pp. 521-535
Figure 3. The approximation of the measured cavity expansion diagram
with the theoretical curve, which is composed of the soil strength and Table 1. Some details of the pressuremeter analysis
deformation parameters.
The essence of the method is as follows:

Choosing the soil physical parameters, namely strength

parameters (φ,c)
c) and rigidity index (a), but only the value Eo
will be unknown. For every point (i) of the measured diagram,
we can determine Eoi value. We have N number of the Eoi
We assume that for all of the measured points (N) the Eoi are
constant, and we use the average value of E o for determining
the theoretical cavity stress-cavity
cavity expanding diagram. See
Fig.3. The best fit to the measured diagram is that where
wher the
standard deviation of Eoi is minimum.
The calculation process is easy using computer program.

a.) Using of the pressure acting on the ccylinder wall

The measured pressure, that is equivalent to the soil pressure

acting on the cylinder wall, can be determined
det with the
combination of the soil strength parameters. If we know the

Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013

Parallel session ISP 6

228 2 ⋅ 102

≈ 840kN m 2

σ ro it = +
0 42 0 42

Soil properties trough laboratory and

a CPT in situ testing

The challenge was that we had to estimate the capacity of a

bored pile, by providing the measurements of pressuremeter
tests and soil test results. The laboratory and CPT tests carried
out on soil samples obtained close to the pile location yielded
ively homogeneous physical parameters. The shear strength
parameters were c’=57 kPa and φ’=23 ’=23 degrees.
The results of the soil investigations are shown on Fig. 8.

Figure 8. Results of the in situ and laboratory tests

Do results change for different raddii of the cylinder

The radial soil stress depends on the ratio of the radii outside
and those inside the compacted zone, and at the boundary of the
compacted zone the radial and the hoop pressure are
independent of the radii.
ss acting at the cylinder surface is:
The cavity stress
s s
2⋅ i
n i
Figure 6. Correction of the measured pressures, and conversion of the σro  c   ρ  1+ φ c (24)

volume to radial displacement = Kρ + ⋅  −
σH  H σH ⋅ φ   ro  σH ⋅ φ
The ratio of the extent of the compaction zone to the initial
Table 2. Determination of the soil physical parameter combination from
radius depends solely on the combination of the parameters of
the measured pressuremeter diagram
the soil. It means that in the same soil and at the same depth the
ratio is the same. The cavity expansion is:
uro N r r  (25)
= ∑ ∆εr  2 − 1 
ro 1 r
 o r o 

It means that infor the same soil and the same depth the
calculated cavity pressure – cavity strain diagrams for different
initial radii are equal.


known but in many countries it is not

The pressuremeter is well-known
often used as an in-situ method.
The limitation of its application is that the classical civil
engineering models do not use the pressuremeter parameters,
and so far we did not have a reliable method for determining the
shear strength and deformability parameters of the soil.
The investigation of stress - strain
rain and volume changes which
take place around the expanded cylindrical cavity in the soil
raises a number of questions, but we can say that the
Figure 7. Approximation of the pressuremeter curve
investigation methods have gradually extended our knowledge
of this type of problems and also turned the attention to the
Estimation of the limit pressure unsolved questions.
The developed cylindrical cavity theory renders it possible to
We assume that if the hoop pressure reaches the initial vertical determine more details of soil properties characteristics
pressure, after progressive increases of the cavity expansion combinations.

Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013

Parallel session ISP 6

The paper presents the major elements of the cavity expansion

theory, namely based on the Mohr-Coulomb theory, nonlinear
deformability of soils, and using these elements it presents a
calculation model for determining the strength and deformation
soil parameter combinations.
It is important to remark, that we determine parameters
combinations, because the measured diagram accessible as
cohesion and Eo is different with its value pair, or the friction
angle and stiffness index pairs can be different.


Gambin, M., Magnan, J.-P. Mestat, P. 2005. ISP5 Pressio 2005

Symposium international 50 ans de pressiomètrs.Marne–la
Vallée 22-24 août 2005. ISBN 2-85978-417-9 Volume 2. pp
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pressuremetry, Proc 6th Conference on Soil Mech and Found
Engng Budapest 1984, pages 189-195
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