Notice To Explain Memorandum
Notice To Explain Memorandum
Notice To Explain Memorandum
It has come to the Office of HR Director that there was an incident that happened on October 19,
2020, regarding on the incident that you failed to inform your superiors regarding on the
mistakenly issued check for NLRC Cash bond which resulted in additional delay of filing of bond in
NLRC Naga and you consulted Finance Department on this issue instead of telling the incident to
your immediate superiors. It is stated that you refused to obey orders from your supervisor. (See
attached Copy of the Incident Report)
The infractions borne in the Incident Report are in direct violation of the following provisions of the
Employee Code of Conduct and in accordance to our agreed terms and conditions as provided in
our Employment Contracts made known to you prior to employment, to wit:
In view thereof, please explain in writing within 5 days from receipt about the details of the
incident and on how you acted in good faith for the above stated cause/s. Failure to submit written
explanation shall be deemed a waiver of your opportunity to be heard and we shall take
appropriate actions based on available evidence.
Printed name and signature
Prepared by:
HR /Legal Manager
Noted by: