Essay Rachel 2
Essay Rachel 2
Essay Rachel 2
Field : Life Sciences and Health Sciences
At the end of 2019 the world was shocked by the emergence of a novel
corona virus, SARS-COV-2, Human corona viruses were first discovered in the
1960s, this virus caused a symptoms like common cold cough to more dangerous
ones such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle Eastern
Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). Corona virus is transmitted through direct
contact or respiratory droplets. The number of cases in Indonesia are increasing
and in East Java, according to sources from the East Java Covid information, there
are 87797 confirmed cases. At this time, various efforts have been made by the
east java government to reduce the spread of the coronavirus, one of which is the
vaccination program.
As in other countries across the world, since the pandemic was first
declared in March 2020, the protracted COVID-19 outbreak has had a devastating
effect on the Indonesian health sector and economy. The country has made
extensive efforts to address challenges. The President of the Republic of Indonesia
formed a national team for the acceleration of the development of COVID-19
vaccines. The Presidential Decree no. 18/2020 issued on 3 September 2020
stipulates the formation of a COVID-19 vaccine development team which is
supervised by the Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs. Additionally, the
Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology is responsible for reporting to
the President on the day-to-day work of the team. The President signed and issued
a Presidential Decree on 6 October 2020 on the provision of a vaccine and the
implementation of vaccination program to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. It
stipulates that the government will arrange for COVID-19 vaccine provision,
distribution and vaccination. The Decree assigns a state-owned pharmaceutical
company, PT Bio Farma, to procure the vaccine in cooperation with several
international institutions. It also assigns the Indonesian Ministry of Health (MoH)
to manage vaccine distribution and the national vaccination programme. The
Ministry of Health (MoH) and UNICEF have signed a memorandum of
understanding (MoU) that will enable the procurement of vaccines at affordable
prices. The signing was part of Indonesia’s commitment to COVAX Facility, the
Gavi and WHO-led Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator, which was
established to ensure the procurement and equitable distribution of COVID-19
vaccines to all countries. The Government of Indonesia (GOI) expects to receive
30 million doses of vaccine through a bilateral arrangement with different vaccine
manufacturers by the end of 2020 and an additional 50 million doses at the
beginning of 2021. As mandated by the Presidential Decree issued in early
October, the GOI intends to begin the vaccination process once a safe vaccine is
available. The National Immunization Technical Advisory Group (NITAG)
conducted a situation assessment regarding COVID-19 vaccination and has made
recommendations for access to priority groups. The MoH, with support from
NITAG and development partners, has developed a standard operating procedure
and road map for COVID-19 vaccination. These tools have been disseminated to
all provinces and other necessary preparations, including the vaccine introduction
readiness assessment tool (VIRAT). All processes have commenced
Upon a request from NITAG, the MoH with support from UNICEF and
WHO, conducted an online survey in Indonesia to understand the public views,
perceptions, and concerns about COVID-19 vaccination Currently we see that the
government's plan to vaccinate covid-19 has experienced many obstacles from the
part of society, due the government’s efforts that are still not optimal in
disseminating vaccines to the community and it caused public anxiety about
vaccines. Approximately 74% of the respondents in Indonesia accept the
vaccination of covid-19, based on reports received from respondents only 69% of
people acceptance the vaccination and it comes from people with middle class
economic status, and the lowest is 58% from people with poor economics status.
There are several reasons people who refuse vaccination because they are not sure
about the efficacy and the side effects, also another reason is about religion
2. WHO. Naming the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and the Virus that Causes
it. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2020 [updated March 11.
Available from: emergencies/diseases/novel-
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