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What Is Systems Thinking Review Paper

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American Journal of Systems Science 2015, 4(1): 11-26

DOI: 10.5923/j.ajss.20150401.02

What is Systems Thinking? A Review of Selected

Literature Plus Recommendations
Jamie P. Monat*, Thomas F. Gannon

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Abstract Systems Thinking is a popular current topic in the world of Systems Engineering. However, as yet there is no
commonly accepted definition or understanding of it. In this paper, we analyze some of the popular Systems Thinking
literature and attempt to identify common themes. We conclude that Systems Thinking is a perspective, a language, and a set
of tools. Specifically, Systems Thinking is the opposite of linear thinking; holistic (integrative) versus analytic (dissective)
thinking; recognizing that repeated events or patterns derive from systemic structures which, in turn, derive from mental
models; recognizing that behaviors derive from structure; a focus on relationships vs components; and an appreciation of
self-organization and emergence. Specific Systems Thinking tools include systemigrams, system archetypes, main chain
infrastructures, causal loops with feedback and delays; stock and flow diagrams; behavior-over-time graphs, computer
modeling of system dynamics, Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM), and systemic root cause analysis.
Keywords Systems Thinking

of literature articles on systems thinking concepts, principles,

1. Introduction and patterns. It is quite vague and does not appear to
integrate the disparate articles into a cohesive whole.
Systems Thinking has its foundation in General Systems Furthermore, several key references (Meadows, Kim,
Theory (Bertalanffy) and has been applied to a wide range of Richmond) have been omitted. The dozens of books and
fields and disciplines. It has great power in solving complex articles written on Systems Thinking have some common
problems that are not solvable using conventional threads, but different focuses and interpretations. In this
reductionist thinking. It can be used to explain dynamic paper we attempt to make sense of this chaos and develop a
non-linear behaviors like market reactions to new product firm conceptual framework for Systems Thinking.
introductions or predator-prey relationships; to understand
complex socio-economic problems such as the effects of
marijuana laws; and to understand the seemingly illogical 2. Literature Review
behaviors of individuals, countries, and organizations such We do not purport to have done a comprehensive analysis
as ISIS‘s provocative actions. of all systems thinking literature. We selected approximately
However, many systems engineers do not fully grasp 30 of the more popular works; works that we interpret to be
Systems Thinking—many believe it is simply the ―key‖ contributors to the understanding of systems thinking
fundamental concepts of Systems Engineering as articulated and that had ―systems thinking‖ in either their title or subject
by Kossiakoff et al. and Blanchard and Fabrycky, description. To ensure that we had not missed any key
comprising V-diagrams, risk management, needs analysis, references, we then submitted this list to 14 published
architecture and design, integration and test, and project experts in the field of Systems Thinking and asked for their
management. This is not the case. Some practitioners have suggestions regarding relevant literature; 9 of them
co-opted the term ―Systems Thinking‖ to include all aspects (acknowledged at the end of this paper) were kind enough to
of systems including general systems theory, cybernetics, reply with suggestions. We then evaluated their suggestions
family therapy, and Model-Based Systems Engineering and added those that we believe advance the understanding
(MBSE). We think this inappropriate. The Systems of systems thinking (we did not include references focused
Engineering Body of Knowledge devotes a chapter to on other aspects of systems, such as systems engineering,
Systems Thinking. However, this chapter is a compendium sources describing primarily predecessors to or precursors of
systems thinking, or items that addressed sub-sub-elements
* Corresponding author:
[email protected] (Jamie P. Monat)
of systems thinking such as the details of system dynamics
Published online at http://journal.sapub.org/ajss programming.) The result is an edited list of approximately
Copyright © 2015 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved 33 references that we deem important to the understanding of
12 Jamie P. Monat et al.: What is Systems Thinking? A Review of Selected Literature Plus Recommendations

systems thinking. These references are organized into 4 (includes a ―palette of systems thinking tools‖, a
categories: Introductory Works, Applications of Systems framework for looking at issues, and a language. It is
Thinking, Self-organization and Emergence, and General somewhere between Kim and Meadows in its level of
Works. detail and examples.
Kauffman, Systems One: An Introduction to Systems
Introductory Works
Thinking. This relatively early (1980) 40-page
 Kim, Daniel H., Introduction to Systems Thinking. This pamphlet is a concise introduction to the field. It
20-page booklet is probably the best concise discusses stability and feedback in systems, complexity,
introduction to systems thinking that is available. All of and archetypes, and it gives good examples of causal
the basics are covered, including the definition of a loop diagrams involving float valves, predator-prey
system, the systems thinking ―Iceberg Model,‖ and relationships, thermostats, crime and punishment,
systemic behavior including feedback loops and delays. compound interest, growth of power, and growth of
The Iceberg Model argues that in a system, repeated knowledge. It is consistent with Meadows, Kim,
events represent patterns and that patterns are Richmond, and Anderson and Johnson, but it does not
invariably caused by systemic structure. In discuss the Iceberg Model or dynamic modeling; it is
human-designed systems, systemic structure develops thus less comprehensive than some other sources.
as a result of mental models. If one could read only one  Sweeney and Meadows, The Systems Thinking
work to get a good grasp of Systems Thinking, this Playbook. This book attempts to teach many systems
would be it. thinking principles through the use of games. It focuses
 Richmond, Barry, An Introduction to Systems Thinking on ―habits of mind‖ --- identifying and then breaking
with iThink. iThink and Stella are 2 excellent system them. Unfortunately, many of the games are
dynamics modeling software packages available from sophomoric and don‘t make the points well. One
isee systems of Lebanon, NH. This instruction manual exception is ―Avalanche‖ in which several people try to
for these packages does much more than explain how to lower a hula hoop simultaneously while supporting the
use the software; it is in fact a primer on systems hoop with just one finger. Contrary to everyone‘s
thinking, covering such topics as system dynamics, mental model, the hoop goes up instead of down. This is
feedback loops, stock-and-flow diagrams, main chain an excellent demonstration of incorrect mental models
infrastructures, mental models, and non-linear effects. and how they can dominate behavior. The book in
The most excellent aspect of this book, however, is its general, however, falls short of teaching systems
ability to relate everyday real-world situations to a thinking principles via games.
systems thinking perspective. It is a terrific resource,  Galley, Think Reliability: Investigation Basics — The
whether one uses the software or not. Richmond Systems Approach. This is a very good short article
includes a definition of Systems Thinking: ―… systems explaining how systems thinking enhances
thinking is the art and science of making reliable conventional root cause analysis. It argues that
inferences about behavior by developing an Systemic Root Cause Analysis should not identify a
increasingly deep understanding of the underlying single root cause, but instead a root cause system: a
structure.‖ paradigm, culture, environment, or set of attitudes that
 Meadows, Donella H., Thinking in Systems: A Primer. yield the specific identifiable causes. The sinking of the
In our opinion, this is the seminal work on systems Titanic is used as an example.
thinking. It was published posthumously from Dana  Aronson, An Overview of Systems Thinking,
Meadows‘s notes. It covers system definition, stock and (http://resources21.org/cl/files/project264_5674/Overv
flow diagrams, feedback loops, resilience in systems, iewSTarticle.pdf). This article provides a good
hierarchies, self-organization, unintended summary of how systems thinking is fundamentally
consequences, the 10 systemic archetypes, system different from reductionist thinking. It provides an
leverage points, and rules for systems. However, it does example of how pesticides used to control insect
a superb job in using real world examples (such as the damage to crops can give rise to alternative predatory
inadvertent impact of DDT on bird eggshell thickness insect damage that was not previously envisioned as an
and the folly of spruce budworm control) to make its unintended consequence.
points. No student of systems thinking should miss this  Goodman, Kemeny, and Roberts, The Language of
book. Systems Thinking: ‘Links’ and ‘Loops’. This article
 Anderson and Johnson, Systems Thinking Basics, from provides a brief tutorial on the use of causal loops and
Concepts to Causal Loops. This relatively short book is delays to represent system behavior over time. It
a good study guide for introductory students of systems illustrates how they can be used to model the ups and
thinking. It is consistent with Kim, Meadows, and downs of sales cycles, exponential growth or collapse
Richmond and covers the Iceberg Model, causal loop in investment strategies, and stabilization in the
diagrams, archetypes, and behavior-over-time graphs. number of patient visits to an outpatient clinic.
The book defines systems thinking as a set of tools  Lawson, A Journey Through the Systems Landscape.
American Journal of Systems Science 2015, 4(1): 11-26 13

The Lawson book discusses system classification and its use of good, interesting, current systems thinking
topologies as well as the Iceberg Model. It gets into examples such as the impact on a rural community of
systems archetypes, causal loop diagrams, system life new baby-boomer retirees, the September 11th attack on
cycles, and decision analysis, and it includes several the world trade center, President Kennedy‘s national
good case studies involving crisis management, challenge to land men on the moon before 1970, and the
organizational development, architectural concepts, privatization of the U.K. railroad industry. It also
and ontology life cycle management. It is a good book explains Systemigrams in good detail (see ―Systems
and consistent with Meadows, Kim, and Richmond. Thinking Tools‖). The book refers extensively to other
 Weinberg, An Introduction to General Systems systems books such as Senge and Meadows. However,
Thinking. Weinberg presents several interesting and it is poorly organized and does not seem to provide a
useful systems thinking concepts; among them the coherent, operational definition of systems thinking.
following plot (Figure 1) of Randomness versus  Haines, The Systems Thinking Approach. Haines does a
Complexity, showing where systems (organized good job of applying systems thinking to business and
complexity) fit (a surprisingly large area of the plot.) discusses it in terms of current versus future states and
(The original concepts of simplicity, organized how to move from one to the other. He argues for a
complexity, and unorganized complexity are focus on outcomes instead of activities and on
attributable to Weaver (1948)). processes and structures. While these are all elements of
Weinberg also proposes 3 Great Systems Thinking systems thinking, the book seems disjointed and does
Questions: not provide a comprehensive, coherent picture of
systems thinking.
 Why do I see what I see?
 Gharajedaghi, Systems Thinking. Gharajedaghi‘s book
 Why do things stay the same?
argues that there are 5 systems principles: Openness,
 Why do things change?
Purposefulness, Multi-dimensionality, Emergent
He includes several good examples such as the inadvertent
Properties, and Counter-intuitiveness. He talks about
impacts of waste heat from nuclear reactors, the unintended
System Context in terms of the environment, control,
consequences of targeted pesticides, and the detrimental
and influence; and he devotes substantial space to a
effects of agricultural herbicides on fertility.
health systems case study. However, the book is
Applications of Systems Thinking disorganized and does not present a clear explanation of
 Boardman and Sauser, Systems Thinking: Coping With systems thinking.
21st Century Problems. The best aspect of this book is

Statistical Thinking:
 Gas Properties
 Large Populations
 Averages
 High Randomness

 Direct, simple calculations such as F=ma

 Low Randomness

Figure 1. Weinberg‘s Systems Map of Randomness versus Complexity

14 Jamie P. Monat et al.: What is Systems Thinking? A Review of Selected Literature Plus Recommendations

 Senge, The Fifth Discipline. Senge‘s 1990 book may buying, using, and maintaining the product. For
not have started the trend in systems thinking, but it example, the iPod is so successful not only because the
certainly accelerated it. In it, he provides some physical device is beautiful and functional, but also
excellent examples of compensating feedback, because the music downloading and listening
application of systems thinking to terrorism, and experiences are pleasurable.
systems archetypes. He also provides a generic Self-Organization and Emergence
definition: ―Systems thinking is a discipline for seeing
wholes. It is a framework for seeing interrelationships  Mano, Self-Organization in Natural Systems. Mano
rather than things, for seeing patterns of change rather presents a variety of examples of self-organization in
than ―snapshots.‖… It is also a set of specific tools and natural systems, including zebra stripes, leopard spots,
techniques, originating in two threads: in ―feedback‖ sand dune ripples, mud cracks, herding of wildebeests,
concepts of cybernetics and in ―servo-mechanism‖ and honeycomb cell structure. He also explains the
engineering theory…‖ Senge‘s book is pivotal because forces underlying self-organization.
it applies systems thinking to management in  Camazine, Deneubourg, Franks, Sneyd, Theraulaz, &
organizations, and for that reason alone it is worth Bonabeau, Self-Organization in Biological Systems. In
reading. Systems Thinking is (of course) the 5th this text, the authors describe and explain a variety of
discipline of a learning organization, the other 4 being self-organized natural structures such as ant trails, the
personal mastery, mental models, building shared synchronization of fireflies, the schooling of fish, bee
vision, and team learning. Senge argues that Systems honeycomb patterns, and termite cathedrals. They also
Thinking is the most important because it integrates the discuss emergent properties.
other 4.  Smolin, The Self Organization of Space and Time. This
 Senge, Kleiner, Roberts, Ross, and Smith, The Fifth is a mind-expanding article explaining how space and
Discipline Fieldbook. While The Fifth Discipline time themselves are self-organizing. Smolin explains
presents the background and theory of systems thinking, how self-organization mechanisms create complexity
this field book is much more applied. It presents many from simple rules and that imbalance in the
relevant examples and case studies (e.g. Sears‘s auto fundamental forces (gravity, electromagnetic, strong
repair quality, the impact of Toyota‘s manufacturing nuclear, weak nuclear) lead to inhomogeneity and
quality on America‘s automobile expectations, water complexity. He argues that the structure of the universe
supply failures and fixes in Africa, and dealing with and even its origins are caused by self-organization.
price wars) along with a systems thinking The article raises significant questions about the
problem-solving approach. It discusses archetypes, necessity of a prime mover in explaining the structure
systemic root cause analysis, system dynamics, and it and existence of the universe.
provides a clear explanation of the Iceberg Model. It  Beckenkamp, The Herd Moves? Emergence and
also provides a detailed, lengthy analysis of The Beer Self-Organization in Collective Actors. This article
Game, which has been used for many years to focuses on self-organization in the natural sciences. It
demonstrate system oscillations when there are links self-organization and emergence as well as
feedback loops with delays. The book helps apply self-organizational concepts in biology, economics, and
systems thinking to real-world issues. sociology. It explains why reductionist thinking does
 Ballé, Managing With Systems Thinking: Making not work for complex systems.
Dynamics Work for You in Business Decision Making. General Works
Ballé‘s text focuses on applying systems concepts to the
 Midgley (Ed.), Systems Thinking. This 2003 4-volume
workplace. He observes that a typical management
set comprises 76 papers by renowned scholars such as
reaction to an issue is a myopic, short -term solution
Bertalanffy, Boulding, Wiener, Ashby, Bateson,
instead of a long-term systemic analysis, and that
Forrester, Meadows, Beer, Ackoff, Checkland, Senge,
therefore many ―solved‖ problems recur. His basic
Sterman, and Jackson. However, the set covers a much
points include:
broader base than just Systems Thinking; it covers
1. Detect patterns, not just events. most topics associated with systems including
2. The use of circular causality (feedback loops) ecological modelling, systems theory, cybernetics,
3. Focus on the relationships rather than the parts applications to society, family therapy, and
 Norman, Systems Thinking: A Product is More Than management. In fact, the editor admits that he included
the Product(http://www.jnd.org/dn.mss/systems_thinki the ―broadest possible range of system ideas.‖ Midgley
ng_a_.html). A terrific article applying systems appears to have co-opted the term ―Systems Thinking‖
thinking to product development using examples such to include all topics associated with systems, which we
as the iPod, Kindle, and Mini-Cooper. The article think inappropriate. Despite that, there are some
explains that a product is more than just the physical excellent papers on reductionism, holism, emergence,
entity; it is the experience of researching, shopping, self-organization, and complexity. There is no attempt
American Journal of Systems Science 2015, 4(1): 11-26 15

at integration into a common definition or underlying business, economics, scientific, and social
understanding. systems. Systems Thinking modeling tools can be used
 Checkland, Systems Thinking, Systems Practice. This to create powerful simulation models of organizational
book, originally published in 1981, draws a distinction situations such as strategy development, process design
between ―hard‖ systems thinking (for which problems and re-engineering, and team and organizational
may be formulated by making choices among learning.―
alternatives to achieve an end) and ―soft‖ systems  Maani and Cavana, Systems Thinking, System
thinking, such as human activity or social systems, Dynamics: Managing Change and Complexity. This
which are poorly structured and often harder to deal book starts with a fairly conventional definition of
with. Checkland includes a history of systems thinking ―system‖ and goes on to argue that systems thinking is a
(and of science in general) and notes that science‘s paradigm involving the big picture view (including
historical preoccupation with reductionism is an components and their interactions), dynamic thinking,
obstacle to systems thinking. He states that ―Systems operational thinking including the ―physics‖ of
thinking, then, makes conscious use of the particular operations, and closed-loop thinking. It states that
concept of wholeness captured in the word ―system‖ to systems thinking is also a language involving diagrams,
order our thoughts,‖ and ―Systems thinking implies a syntax with precise rules, the translation of
thinking about the world outside ourselves.‖ He perceptions into pictures, and an emphais on
believes that systems thinking is founded on a) closed-loop interdependencies. It advocates several
emergence and hierarchy and b) communication and tools including causal loop diagrams, stock-and-flow
control. Checkland presents a 7-step methodology for diagrams, computer simulations, learning laboratories,
dealing with real-world soft systems problems and and group model building. Maani and Cavana
provides examples including the declining performance embrace a 4-tiered Iceberg Model and suggest 5 phases
of a textile firm, mining equipment problems, executing of systems thinking and modeling: 1) Structure the
useful and meaningful surveys, and the decision to land problem, 2) Construct Causal Loop diagrams, 3) Model
a man on the moon before 1970. dynamically, 4) Scenario Planning and Modelling, and
 Davidz and Nightingale, Enabling Systems Thinking to 5) Implementation and Organizational Learning using
Accelerate the Development of Senior Systems Flight Simulators. The book ends with several case
Engineers. This article helps by providing a definition studies including the bird flu pandemic, quality in
of systems thinking: Systems thinking involves health services, the New Zealand fishing industry, and
―Utilizing modal elements to consider the componential, telecommunications business strategy.
relational, contextual, and, dynamic elements of the  Valerdi, Why Systems Thinking is Not a Natural Act.
system of interest.‖ Its principal focus is on how Valerdi describes 7 systems thinking competencies:
systems thinking develops in engineers, and it identifies 1. Ability to define the "universe' appropriately - the
enablers, barriers, and precursors to systems thinking. system operates in this universe
The authors interviewed 205 senior systems engineers 2. Ability to define the overall system appropriately -
and conclude that the principal mechanisms for defining the right boundaries
developing systems thinking are experiential learning, a 3. Ability to see relationships - within the system and
supportive environment, and personal characteristics between the system and universe
such as personality, curiosity, open-mindedness, and 4. Ability to see things holistically - within and across
the ability to tolerate uncertainty. relationships
 Maani, Systems Thinking International. Maani states 5. Ability to understand complexity - how
that relationships yield uncertain, dynamic, nonlinear
―Systems Thinking is a way of thinking about life, work, states and situations
and the world based on the importance of relationships 6. Ability to communicate across disciplines - to bring
(interconnections). Systems Thinking also provides a multiple perspectives to bear
language and a scientific technology for understanding and 7. Ability to take advantage of a broad range of
dealing with complexity and change. Systems Thinking has concepts, principles, models, methods and tools -
three aspects. These aspects can be used individually or in because any one view is inevitably wrong
combination. They are:  Hitchins, System World (www.hitchins.net), explains
 A way of thinking (paradigm) about the world and systems thinking in terms of 3 generic areas: synthesis,
relationships. The Systems Thinking Paradigm consists the organismic analogy, and holism:
of a set of principles and theories. ―Synthesis is the opposite of reduction. Synthesis
 A language for understanding change, uncertainty and proposes that the various parts of a complex system cannot
complexity. The Systems Thinking language uses exist/survive/operate/ behave/even be considered in mutual
diagrams to explain non-linear cause and effect isolation. A system comes into existence when the
relationships. complementary parts are brought together. Each then
 A technology for modeling complex situations depends for its very existence on interchanges with the other
16 Jamie P. Monat et al.: What is Systems Thinking? A Review of Selected Literature Plus Recommendations

parts. In turn, this implies that open systems are/have to be concludes with a recommendation for ―Total Systems
active/dynamic. The organismic analogy proposes, not that Intervention‖ or TSI which seems to argue that no one
all complex systems are organisms, but rather that, like approach will address all problems and that one must
biological organisms, they behave as unified wholes. Each therefore pick and choose the combination of
has a life-cycle, each exhibits growth, stability and death - approaches that work best for a situation. This approach
often sudden, collapsing death. Holism proposes that is unclear to us and does not represent an integrated
everything within a system is connected/related to - and perspective. The book is excellent, however, in
affects - everything else, so there is mutual interdependence. describing and critiquing several popular systems
Viewing, or even considering, parts on their own is irrational. approaches.
Systems and their problems have to be viewed as a whole.  At the 2015 Conference on Systems Engineering
Holism observes the tendency of the natural world to create Research, Arnold and Wade proposed a novel
'wholes,' and that a whole may be more than the sum of its self-referential description of systems thinking in
parts ...‖. which they suggest that systems thinking is itself a
Hitchins believes that systems thinking is ―…. simply system. They then developed a ―Systems Test‖ for
thinking about the world around us, about situations and systems thinking definitions: the definition must
problems, and how things might/could/should/do describe the purpose, elements, and interconnections
work;…thinking about emergent properties, capabilities and of systems thinking and must identify systems thinking
behaviours, how they come about, what benefit they might itself as a system. They next compared systems
be, what problems they might create… unravelling the inner thinking definitions from 7 different authors and
workings of complex systems… ―Hitchins embraces causal demonstrated that each definition fails their Systems
loop diagrams and modelling using STELLA and iThink, Test; however they do identify the following
Interpretive Structural Modelling, N2 Charts, and a rigorous commonalities among the definitions: interconnections,
soft systems methodology but he does not embrace the the understanding of dynamic behavior, systems
iceberg model. structure as a cause of that behavior, and the idea of
 Bellinger, Systems Thinking – A Disciplined Approach seeing systems as wholes rather than parts. Arnold and
(http://www.systems-thinking.org/stada/stada.htm). Wade argue that previous definitions do not
This article focuses on a suggested approach for adequately describe what systems thinking does and
developing models to gain an understanding of the propose a new definition: ―Systems thinking is a set of
underlying structure(s) which give rise to observed synergistic analytic skills used to improve the
patterns of behavior. Bellinger proposes that such an capability of identifying and understanding systems,
approach consists of the following steps: predicting their behaviors, and devising modifications
1. Define the Situation to them in order to produce desired effects. These
2. Is Systems Thinking Appropriate? skills work together as a system.‖ Although their
3. Develop Patterns of Behavior definition is helpful and their approach is unique, we
4. Evolve the Underlying Structure see no a priori reason why definitions of systems
5. Simulate the Underlying Structure thinking must pass their systems test in order to be
6. Identify the Leverage Points valid, useful definitions.
7. Develop an Alternate Structure  Russell Ackoff‘s, Herbert Addison‘s, and Andrew
8. Simulate the Alternate Structure Curley‘s short book, Systems Thinking for Curious
9. Develop an Adoption Approach Managers, is more about Ackoff‘s famous f-Laws than
The author also provides a description of the basic about systems thinking, although some consider his
structures and constructs used to model systems in terms of f-Laws a distillation of systems thinking concepts.
Causal Loop Diagrams (CLDs) and a method for translating (Some f-Law examples include ―The amount of time a
them to Stock and Flow Diagrams at committee wastes is directly proportional to its size,‖
http://www.systems-thinking.org/stsf/stsf.htm ―The less sure managers are of their opinions, the more
 Jackson, Systems Thinking: Creative Holism for vigorously they defend them,‖ and ―Administration,
Managers. This interesting book begins with a management, and leadership are not the same thing.‖)
conventional definition of ―system,‖ the concepts of Although the f-Laws are sometimes droll and even
holism and reductionism, and a discussion of hard poignant, they are presented randomly and do not
versus soft systems thinking. It goes on to outline and directly advance the understanding of systems thinking.
critique 10 applied systems approaches: hard systems On the other hand, Ackoff‘s co-authors propose the
thinking, system dynamics, organizational cybernetics, following working definition of systems thinking:
complexity theory, strategic assumption surfacing and ―Systems thinking looks at relationships (rather than
testing, interactive planning, soft systems methodology, unrelated objects), connectedness, process (rather than
critical systems heuristics, team syntegrity, and structure), the whole (rather than just its parts), the
post-modern systems thinking. The overviews and patterns (rather than the contents) of a systems, and
critiques are balanced and fair; however, Jackson context. Thinking systemically also requires several
American Journal of Systems Science 2015, 4(1): 11-26 17

shifts in perception, which lead in turn to different benefits, it also has the great disadvantage of ignoring the
ways to teach, and different ways to organize society.‖ relationships among system components; those relationships
The book goes on to discuss feedback loops, tropisms, often dominate systems behavior. Systems thinking requires
self-organization, interconnectedness, equifinality, that we study systems holistically. This holistic thinking
events versus systems, parts versus the whole, the involves both spatial and temporal elements, as shown in
whole in context, mess, analysis versus synthesis, Figure 2.
failure to learn, change, aims and intentions, and The space element is often easier to grasp than the time
people. element. But systems thinking requires that we ask: What
circumstances and attitudes led to this point? What actions
and behavior patterns led to this point? What are the likely
3. What is Systems Thinking? --- attitudes, actions, and patterns going forward? What are the
Recommendations probable reactions of my: allies, enemies, competitors,
There are many different views regarding the definition of neutral 3rd parties, and the environment? Systems Thinking
Systems Thinking, and as yet there does not seem to be a thus requires a vision of the future as well as an
precise, widely-accepted definition. However, there appear understanding of the past.
to be common themes that are repeated in many of the Systems thinking acknowledges that systems are dynamic,
sources. This section will attempt to identify and integrate and has evolved from the field of General Systems Theory
those common themes into a coherent definition. (Bertalanffy). Systems are constantly subject to various
forces and feedback mechanisms, some of which are
Systems Thinking is a perspective, a language, stabilizing and some of which are reinforcing or
and a set of tools. de-stabilizing. If there are feedback loops with delays,
systems may oscillate—examples are one‘s checking
account balance, employee turnover, the national economy,
The Systems Thinking Perspective predator-prey populations, or a mass at the end of a spring.
Most sources agree that systems thinking is the opposite of This behavior is often counter-intuitive. System dynamics
linear thinking, and that it focuses on the relationships and system dynamics modeling are used to help understand
among system components, as opposed to the components the behavior of systems over time, to identify the driving
themselves. It is holistic (integrative) thinking instead of variables so that system behavior may be positively impacted,
analytic (dissective) thinking. The scientific method and to help predict future states.
prevalent in the last 2 centuries has taught us that we must It is important to note that systems thinking does not
break up complex situations into smaller and smaller pieces supplant either statistical or reductionist (analytic) thinking;
to understand them: dissective thinking. While this has great it complements them, as shown in Figure 3:

Figure 2. Systems Thinking versus Traditional Views

18 Jamie P. Monat et al.: What is Systems Thinking? A Review of Selected Literature Plus Recommendations

Figure 3. Systems Thinking Complements Analytic and Statistical Thinking



Figure 4. The Iceberg Model

Figure 5. The Iceberg Model Applied to Natural versus Human-Designed Systems

Following Weaver‘s original explanations, Weinberg (see physics, for example) and unorganized complexity (which
Figure 1) pointed out that systems thinking deals with can be dealt with statistically using statistical mechanics.)
organized complexity as opposed to organized simplicity All three approaches provide different but complementary
(which can be dealt with analytically using the laws of perspectives on gaining more insight into and understanding
American Journal of Systems Science 2015, 4(1): 11-26 19

of the behavior of a system. emergence in natural systems include the flocking of birds, V
Systems Thinking requires that we recognize that in formations of geese, schooling of fish, ant colony structure,
human-designed systems, repeated events or patterns derive termite ―cathedrals‖, pressure of gases, and entropy or
from systemic structures which, in turn, derive from mental disorder. Examples of emergence in human-designed
models. This is clearly depicted in the Iceberg Model systems include the meaning of words, traffic jam patterns,
(Figure 4), which is a core element of systems thinking: reliability, security, usability, countries, and the power of
The Iceberg Model argues that events and patterns (which religion to influence behavior. The relationships among
we can observe) are caused by systemic structures and system components (and the behaviors and patterns deriving
mental models, which are often hidden. Systemic structures from those relationships) are additional key elements of
are the organizational hierarchy; social hierarchy; systems thinking.
interrelationships; rules and procedures; authorities and Literature Commonalities. With respect to perspective,
approval levels; process flows and routes; incentives, then, most system thinking sources agree that systems
compensation, goals, and metrics; attitudes; reactions and the thinking is the opposite of linear thinking; that it focuses on
incentives and fears that cause them; corporate culture; relationships versus components, and integration versus
feedback loops and delays in the system dynamics; and dissection; that it recognizes and addresses the dynamic
underlying forces that exist in an organization. Behaviors nature of systems and that system feedback loops are
derive from these structures, which are (in turn) established essential to understanding system dynamic behavior; that
due to mental models or paradigms. A fundamental systems systems exhibit self-organization and emergent properties;
thinking concept is that different people in the same structure and that systems thinking has great power in analyzing,
will produce similar results—per Deming, the structure understanding, and influencing complex business,
causes 85% of all problems; not the people! In order to socio-economic, and natural problems and behaviors.
understand behaviors, we must first identify and then Literature Disparities. From the systems thinking
understand the systemic structures and underlying mental literature, however, it also seems that there exist two general
models that cause them. (Note: Some versions of the Iceberg schools of thought or common themes regarding systems
Model omit the lowest level, while some add a 5th level at the thinking: one school focuses on the Iceberg Model and on the
bottom entitled ―container.‖ There are also other versions patterns and events that are caused by systemic structures
involving ―vision‖ and ―beliefs.‖ We believe that the 4-level and mental models. This school sees system dynamics as a
model depicted in Figure 4 is the most useful.). fundamental element of systems thinking, but does not
At this point, the Iceberg Model must be modified to equate it to systems thinking. The other school focuses on the
distinguish natural systems from human-designed systems inter-relationships among system components, the dynamic
(Figure 5): behaviors that arise therefrom, and system dynamics
In natural systems, the structures are always modeling, and tends to equate systems thinking with system
self-organized, while in human-designed systems the dynamics, but does not embrace the Iceberg Model. We
structures may be either self-organized or designed. But believe that both the Iceberg Model and system dynamics are
what is self-organization? Camazine explains it well: fundamental to systems thinking. In fact, the causal loops,
―Self-Organization is a process in which a pattern at the inter-relationships among components, and dynamic
global level of a system emerges solely from numerous behavior of systems all fall under the ―Systemic Structures‖
interactions among the lower level components of the system. level of the Iceberg Model. Those structures are the causative
Moreover, the rules specifying interactions among the factors behind patterns and events. Thus the Iceberg Model
system‘s components are executed using only local represents a broader context and demonstrates how the
information, without reference to the global pattern. In other underlying structures impact our daily lives in observable
words, the pattern is an emergent property of the system, ways. It goes beyond dynamics and considers the
rather than a property imposed on the system by an external psychology behind structure.
influence.‖ Thus, self-organization exists if – independent of For example, a systems thinking analyst may attack a
the intentions or even existence of an organizer or a central complex problem by first constructing a causal loop diagram,
plan – regular or arranged patterns emerge from the and then translating it into a stock-an-flow diagram, and
interactions in the system itself. This concept has significant eventually into a dynamic model using iThink or similar
implications for the origin of life and of the universe itself. software. The model will lead to the identification of key
Camazine‘s definition introduces the concept of leverage points and ways to impact the system‘s behavior.
emergence. Emergent properties are properties of the system But this new knowledge is then useful in affecting the
as a whole rather than properties that can be derived from the patterns of behavior deriving from the systemic structure,
properties of its components. Emergent properties are a and subsequently to the events that impact people‘s lives. In
consequence of the relationships among system addition, the Iceberg Model‘s attention to mental models will
components—they can therefore only be assessed and help determine why the structures exist and how they may be
measured once the components have been integrated into a changed.
system. This means that one cannot address emergent The Integrated Model. Complete systems thinking thus
properties using reductionist thinking. Examples of integrates concepts from the Iceberg Model and concepts
20 Jamie P. Monat et al.: What is Systems Thinking? A Review of Selected Literature Plus Recommendations

from causal loop diagrams and dynamic modeling into an or murmuration of birds, the schooling of fish, the
overarching framework. This integrated model is depicted in shape of an apple, traffic jam patterns, the concept of
Figure 6. countries, and the ability of religion to influence
The Systems Thinking Language. The Iceberg Model behaviour.
introduces some of the key language of systems thinking:  Events: Things that happen that we can see or observe.
events, patterns, systemic structures, and mental models.  Feedback: The return of information about the status of a
Other key words include self-organization, emergence, process. For example, annual performance reviews
feedback, system dynamics, and unintended consequences. return information to an employee about the quality of
Causal loop diagrams and stock-and-flow diagrams his or her work.
(described below under ―Systems Thinking Tools‖) are  Flow: The amount of change something undergoes
important parts of the systems thinking language and a key during a particular length of time. Examples are the
means for communicating system components and amount of water that flows out of a bathtub each minute,
relationships. A concise summary of systems thinking terms or the amount of interest earned in a savings account
is provided here (some definitions are taken from Kim and each month, which are also called rates.
are included here with the kind permission of Leverage  Hierarchy: The various levels of organization in a
Networks, Inc. (www.leveragenetworks.com): system. In systems, hierarchies often evolve from the
 Accumulator: Anything that builds up or dwindles; for bottom to the top; stable levels of the hierarchy provide
example, water in a bathtub, savings in a bank account, system stability and resilience. Hierarchies also
inventory in a warehouse. In modeling software, a stock facilitate the evolution of simple systems into complex
is often used as a generic symbol for accumulators. An systems.
accumulator is also known as a Stock or Level.  Holism: The theory or philosophy that systems display
 Balancing Process/Loop: Combined with reinforcing characteristics that are more than the sum of their parts
loops, balancing processes form the building blocks of and that system understanding cannot be attained by
dynamic systems. Balancing processes seek analyzing the parts in isolation.
equilibrium: They try to bring things to a desired state  Leverage Point: An area where small change can yield
and keep them there. They also limit and constrain large improvements in a system.
change generated by reinforcing processes. A balancing  Mental Models: paradigms or belief structures that
loop in a causal loop diagram depicts a balancing attempt to interpret and/or simplify the universe in
process. which we live. Examples are ―An MBA will make you
 Complexity: Characteristic of a system having many rich,‖ ―Incentive compensation increases productivity,‖
components and the multiple ways that those and ―Girls like Corvettes.‖ Mental models often lead to
components interact. systemic structures which are either intentional or
 Emergence: Properties of the system as a whole rather emergent.
than properties that can be derived from the properties  Patterns: Sets of consistent and recurring observable
of the system components. Emergent properties are a events. Patterns may be physical, behavioral, or mental.
consequence of the relationships among system Patterns are usually caused by underlying systemic
components. Examples include the flocking behaviour structures and forces.

 Relationships Among Components

Emergence  Causal Loop Diagrams
 Stock and Flow Diagrams
 Dynamic Modelling
 Self-Organization

 Culture, Values
 Paradigms
 Root Cause Analysis

Figure 6. Integrated Model of Systems Thinking

American Journal of Systems Science 2015, 4(1): 11-26 21

 Reinforcing Process/Loop: Along with balancing loops, fundamental, we have established the following criteria:
reinforcing loops form the building blocks of dynamic 1. The tool must be widely applicable to most systems,
systems. Reinforcing processes compound change in not to a narrow sub-category of systems
one direction with even more change in that same 2. It must be described in the systems thinking literature
direction. As such, they generate both growth and 3. The tool must be easy to use and understand without
collapse. A reinforcing loop in a causal loop diagram extensive training
depicts a reinforcing process, which is also known as a 4. It must address at least one of the concepts described
vicious cycle or a virtuous cycle. above under the definition of systems thinking
 Self-organization: The tendency of a system to develop 5. Its principal focus must be on the understanding of
structures or patterns without the intervention of a existing systems as opposed to the design of new
designer or central plan, simply because of the systems (which we would describe as a system design
interactions among the system elements. Good tool)
examples include the tendency of a free market system We believe that the following eight tools meet these criteria:
to organize into buyers, sellers, traders, and bankers,
and the tendency of geese to organize into a  Systems Archetypes
V-formation.  Behavior over Time Graphs
 Structural Diagram: Depicts the accumulators and  Causal Loops Diagrams with Feedback and Delays
flows in a system, giving an overview of the major  Systemigrams
structural elements that produce the system‘s behavior.  Stock and Flow Diagrams (including Main Chain
Structural diagrams are also called flow diagrams or Infrastructures)
accumulator/flow diagrams.  System Dynamics/Computer Modeling
 Structure: The manner in which a system‘s elements are  Root Cause Analysis
organized or interrelated. The structure of an  Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM)
organization, for example, could include not only the Systems Archetypes. In systems thinking, archetypes are
organizational chart but also information flows, problem-causing structures that are repeated in many
interpersonal interactions and relationships, rules and situations, environments, and organizations. Being facile at
procedures, authorities and approval levels, process identifying them is the first step in changing the destructive
flows, routes, attitudes, reactions and the incentives and structure. There are 10 common archetypes: Accidental
fears that cause them, corporate culture, and feedback Adversaries, Fixes that Fail (policy resistance), Limits to
loops. Growth, Shifting the Burden (addiction), The Tragedy of the
 System: A group of interacting, interrelated, or Commons, Drift to Low Performance (eroding goals),
interdependent elements forming a unified whole that Escalation, The Rich get Richer, Rule Beating, and Seeking
attempts to maintain stability through feedback, has the Wrong Goal. These 10 archetypes are very common in
boundaries and constraints, and for which the business situations, and the literature presents many
arrangement of the parts is significant. There are both suggestions for dealing with them. The key is to first identify
human-designed systems (which serve a specific them.
purpose) and natural systems such as the solar system Behavior Over Time (BOT) Graphs. Behavior Over Time
(which may not have a specific purpose or whose graphs plot the values of pertinent system variables over time.
purpose is unknown to us.) They are often useful first steps in developing an
 Systems Thinking: A school of thought that focuses on understanding of systemic behavior and of how variables
recognizing the interconnections between the parts of a inter-relate.
system and synthesizing them into a unified view of the Causal Loops with Feedback and Delays. System
whole. behavior is usually determined by the presence of reinforcing
 Stock: See Accumulator. and balancing processes. These are sometimes obvious (such
 Unintended Consequences: Results of actions that were as the reinforcing process of compound interest) and
nether planned nor foreseen due to a lack of systems sometimes not (as in the stabilizing impact of terrorism on
thinking. Examples include the negative impact of DDT international collaboration). In either case, drawing causal
on the environment, the dramatic increase in organized loop diagrams helps to see the interrelationships among all
crime as a result of prohibition, the over-use of system components. These can become quite complicated as
antibiotics resulting in antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and cause-and-effect relationships, many of which are hidden (or
the devastation caused by gypsy moths, which were at least hard to see), are identified. But one of the first steps
original imported to the United States as a cheaper in attempting to understand system behavior is the
source of silk. construction of a causal loop diagram. Kim and Meadows
Systems Thinking Tools. There are many systems both present good examples and explanations. An example
thinking tools, but not all of them are fundamental or integral of a very simple temperature control causal loop diagram is
to the practice of systems thinking. To identify those that are shown in Figure 7:
22 Jamie P. Monat et al.: What is Systems Thinking? A Review of Selected Literature Plus Recommendations

diagrams show the stocks, inflows, and outflows. They are

often developed in conjunction with causal loop diagrams,
and they are important precursors to system dynamics
modeling. Stock and flow diagrams, like causal loop
diagrams, are invaluable in understanding system behavior,
and Bellinger provides a method for translating causal loop
diagrams into stock-and-flow diagrams. In addition,
Goodman, Kemeny, and Roberts provide a detailed
description of the language of loops and links. A simple
stock-and-flow diagram depicting logging impact on a forest
Figure 7. A Simple Causal Loop Diagram
(from Meadows) is shown in Figure 8:
Main Chain Infrastructures. Some stock-and-flow
Stock and Flow Diagrams. Systems often involve infrastructures are repeated frequently in business and
accumulators or stores of ―things.‖ The things may be scientific systems. These include human relations, customer,
physical quantities such as volume of water, quantity of administration, manufacturing, sequential work flow, and
electric charge, number of rabbits in a field, number of queue/server. Primarily used for system dynamics modeling,
customers of a company, or amount of money in a Certificate these main chains are described well in Richmond and
of Deposit. They may also be non-physical things such as provide a head-start for anyone attempting to model system
emotions: love, greed, angst, or lust. In systems, these dynamic behavior. An example of a manufacturing main
quantities of things are called stocks. Stocks may increase or chain infrastructure (from Richmond) is shown in Figure 9:
decrease due to flows into or out of them. Stock and flow

Figure 8. A Simple Stock-and-Flow Diagram (from Meadows)

Figure 9. Manufacturing Main Chain Infrastructure (from Richmond)

American Journal of Systems Science 2015, 4(1): 11-26 23

Figure 10. IED Systemigram (from Sauser)

Systemigrams. Derived from the words ―Systemic behavior over time, which is often non-intuitive. Modeling
Diagram,‖ systemigrams attempt to translate a system of a system helps understand why the system (company/
problem (expressed as structured text) into a storyboard-type individual/ department) behaves as it does. Modeling also
diagram describing the system‘s principal concepts, actors, helps identify control points and how one can influence the
events, patterns, and processes. They typically read from the system. Several software packages are available for systems
upper left to the lower right, communicating thereby the dynamics modeling, including Stella and iThink from isee
chief message of the text. Per Boardman, the diagram is a Systems, Vensim from Ventana Systems, and Powersim
network comprising nodes, links, flows, inputs, outputs, from Powersim AS. A more complete list system dynamics
beginning, and end, and it must fit on a single page (although modeling tools can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
that page may be quite large.) Figure 10 (from Sauser) shows List_of_system_dynamics_software.
a beautiful systemigram describing the IED problem as it Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM). ISM is a
affects U. S. soldiers. Colors may be used to indicate similar computer-aided interactive learning process that attempts to
or linked concepts or transformations, or to draw attention to identify systemic structures by transforming vague, poorly
key elements. One can see that although systemigrams defined mental models into clear, well-defined graphic
contain elements of causal loop diagrams, they are representations. ISM begins by first identifying relevant
substantially more than that and their main thrust is not variables and plotting them as points on a graph. Those
feedback loops, but rather telling a story. Although elements that are related are connected by a directional line.
systemigrams are very useful in understanding existing The existence and nature of the relationships are determined
systems, there have been recent attempts (Cloutier et al.) to by a brainstorming group whose collective judgment
use them to bridge the gap between systems thinking and determines the final model; it is thus a group learning process.
MBSE. Details of systemigrams (and more examples) may Typical steps in ISM are: 1) Develop a Structural
be found in both Sauser, and Boardman and Sauser. Self-Interaction Matrix (SSIM). In this step, a group of
System Dynamics/Computer Modeling. System Dynamics experts plot system elements and determine
is the study and analysis of system behavior over time inter-relationships, indicating them with arrows. 2) In the 2nd
(feedback loops, time delays, non-linear behavior). System step a ―Reachability Matrix‖ is developed by using symbols
dynamics was originally developed in the late 1950s by Jay to represent the relationships between elements as
W. Forrester of the MIT Sloan School of Management with unidirectional, bi-directional, or non-existent 3) Step 3 calls
the establishment of the MIT System Dynamics Group. It is for Partition Leveling. First, all elements that are impacted
difficult to understand a system without understanding its by a particular element (the ―reachability set‖) are identified.
24 Jamie P. Monat et al.: What is Systems Thinking? A Review of Selected Literature Plus Recommendations

Then, all elements that impact that element (the ―antecedent why Purchasing had been directed to always take the lowest
set‖) are identified. An intersection set (representing the bidder, the VP of Finance says, "Because you indicated that
intersection of the reachability and antecedent sets) is we had to be as cost conscious as possible!" The Plant
identified for each element. Those elements for which the Manager is horrified to realize that he is the reason there is
intersection set is the same as the reachability set are oil on the plant floor. And in conventional linear thinking,
identified as ―Level 1‖ and are removed from further the scenario ends there. But that’s not the solution in
consideration. Level 1 elements display closed feedback systems thinking! The plant manager could very well
loop impacts; that is every element impacted by the element conclude that he should be more careful in the future when
also impacts the element. The process is repeated until the giving directives, and that he should consider ramifications
level of all elements has been determined. 4) A Canonical and how people might react; he might even conclude that he
Matrix is developed by grouping elements of the same level. should be more of a systems thinker. But until every manager
5) Based on the Canonical Matrix, a Digraph or hierarchical in the plant understands ―unforeseen consequences‖ and
structure is developed showing the most important factors at systems thinking, this type of problem will recur! Systems
the top and less-important factors beneath 6) The ISM Model thinking requires that we address the system that allowed the
is developed from the digraph by replacing nodes with verbal plant manager to give such a directive and that allowed the
descriptions. This technique identifies those elements that VP of finance (―be cost-conscious‖ means ―buy from the
are most strongly dependent upon other elements, and also lowest bidder‖-linear!), purchasing manager, etc., to react in
those elements that are the strongest influencers of other such non-constructive, linear-thinking ways. We have found
elements. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (Saaty, 1980) is it interesting that very often, it is the environment or
often used in conjunction with ISM to assess the relative corporate culture that is the systemic root cause of many
importance of elements at the same hierarchical level of the problems (e.g. the space shuttle Challenger disaster, the Jerry
ISM Model. The beauty of ISM is that it takes advantage of Sandusky child-abuse debacle.)
the knowledge and views of experts and synthesizes them Several of these tools couple together nicely. Causal Loop
into a system pictogram that clearly identifies the most Diagrams, for example, are good precursors to
important elements and relationships in a system. ISM is stock-and-flow diagrams which, in turn, are helpful in
explained in detail by Warfield (1974), Attri et al. (2013), developing dynamic system models using iThink, Stella, or
and Lendaris (1980). similar software packages. Bellinger (2004) does a nice job
Systemic Root Cause Analysis (RCA). RCA is a class of explaining how CLDs can be translated into stock-and-flow
problem solving methods aimed at identifying the root diagrams. Root cause analysis and archetypes also couple
causes (not the symptoms) of problems or events. It is well.
especially good for solving problems caused by the system
(and many are). Root Cause Analysis is a step by step
method that leads to the discovery of a fault's first or root
4. Conclusions
cause, typically starting with the Five ―Why‘s‖. But There is a good deal of literature about Systems Thinking
according to Mark Galley of Think Reliability, ―…. most presenting a variety of concepts and viewpoints, many of
organizations stop their RCA too early, at (for example) one which are disparate. In this paper we have reviewed some of
of the following: human error, procedure not followed, the key literature and attempted to identify common threads
training less than adequate, or equipment failure.‖ Galley and integrate them into a coherent definition. Systems
goes on to say that while it is true that these things occur, thinking is 1) a perspective that recognizes systems as
addressing them is like a Band-Aid. To cure the disease, we collections of components that are all interrelated and
must identify and change the systemic structure that allowed necessary, and whose inter-relationships are at least as
them to occur by asking specific ―Why?‖ questions. The important as the components themselves; 2) a language
systems approach to RCA is based on this principle of centered on the Iceberg Model, unintended consequences,
systemic cause and effect. causal loops, emergence, and system dynamics, and 3) a
Most of us are familiar with the ―Oil-On-the-Floor‖ collection of tools comprising systemigrams, archetypes,
example. In this scenario a Plant Manager walks into the causal loops with feedback and delays, stock and flow
plant and finds oil on the floor. He calls the Foreman over diagrams, behavior-over-time graphs, main chain
and asks him why there is oil on the floor. The Foreman infrastructures, system dynamics/computer modeling,
indicates that it is due to a leaky gasket in the pipe joint interpretive structural modelling, and systemic root cause
above and that an entire batch of gaskets is defective. The analysis.
Plant Manager then talks with Purchasing about the gaskets; Systems Thinking provides a great deal of power and
the Purchasing Manager indicates that they were bought value. It can be used to solve complex problems that are not
from an unknown vendor because that vendor was the lowest solvable using conventional reductionist (dissective)
bidder. The Plant Manager then asks the Purchasing thinking, because it focuses on the relationships among
Manager why they went with the lowest bidder, and he system components, as well as on the components
indicates that was the direction he had received from the VP themselves; those relationships often dominate system
of Finance. When the Plant Manager asks the VP of Finance performance. It focuses on the properties of the whole that
American Journal of Systems Science 2015, 4(1): 11-26 25

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