Raksha Shakti University, Ahmedabad
Raksha Shakti University, Ahmedabad
Raksha Shakti University, Ahmedabad
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering (B.Tech. in C.S. & E.)
End Semester – I Examination December-2017
Date: 27/12/2017 Paper Code: BCS105 Time: 10.30 to 13.30
Total Section I to II Subject: Introduction to Computer Fundamentals & Cyber World Total Marks : 70
Exam Seat Number:
Q. 1 Give the short answer (Any Five) (05*03=15)
1 What do you mean by Algorithm? Write Characteristics of an Algorithm.
2 Explain following terms :
i) Dumb terminal ii) Intelligent Terminal
3 What is the base for binary, octal and decimal numbers?
4 Convert given decimal numbers to octal numbers
i) 195 ii) 51 iii)48
5 Add the following binary number :
i) 1001 + 1111 ii) 111100 + 11011
6 Define Cyber crime. What are differences between conventional crime and cyber crime?
Q. 2 Give the long answer (Any Four) (04*05=20)
1 Give difference between micro, mini and main frame computers.
2 What will be binary multiplication of given octal numbers. (45)8 X (20)8
3 Explain following terms :
i) Compiler ii)Interpreter iii) Assembler iv)Linker v) Loader
4 Write an algorithm for finding maximum number among 3 numbers and draw flowchart for the same.
5 What is hacking? Explain white and black hackers with examples.
Q. 3 Give the short answer (Any Five) (05*03=15)
1 What do you mean by 1's compliment of any number? Give 1's compliment of (67)10.
2 Explain Modular programming with an example.
3 What is the use of registers in CPU? Which registers are used in CPU organization?
4 What do you mean by cyber stalking? Describe Types of cyber stalkers with examples?