Nuerolinguistic Programming - A Tool For Managerial Counselling
Nuerolinguistic Programming - A Tool For Managerial Counselling
Nuerolinguistic Programming - A Tool For Managerial Counselling
Managerial Counselling
by Nabomita Mazumdar on October 10, 2010
It focuses on how mind works on the possibility to find a solution. It is referred as ‘Personal
congruence ‘ which can align desires and values to capability. As mentioned by Dr. Fathi El
Nadi, “The people who are most effective are the ones who have a map of the world that
allows them to perceive the greatest number of available choices and perspectives. NLP is a
way of enriching the choices that you have and perceive as available in the world around you.
Excellence comes from having many choices. Wisdom comes from having multiple
perspectives.”. He defined NLP in two parts. Firstly, the Map is not the territory. As human
beings, we can never know reality. We can only know our perceptions of reality. Secondly,
Life and ‘Mind’ are Systemic Processes. The processes that take place within a human being
and between human beings and their environment are systemic.
The employee needs to realise the objectiveness involved this process. Every bias to deduce
the result needs to be erased. This process would stand defeated, if the employee feels that the
HR is using a prejudice towards the reporting lead or any other party. This requires practising
openness by the HR and acceptance by the employee. In a situation filled with dissonance,
this stands the biggest barrier. The employee may end up with a feeling of being
brainwashed. The HR needs to set a two way communication to ensure the results drawn
from the NLP session implemented successfully. The trust building will stand as the process
of prime importance in this scenario.