Subject and Content of Art
Subject and Content of Art
Subject and Content of Art
Prepared by:
Group 2, BS Arch 1-3
AAP 007 - 39
Prof. Raquel De Vera
Art Appreciation Professor
IV. Portraiture
The Goldfinch
• Depicts the image of a particular (1654) - Carel
person or animal, or group. Fabritius.
• It reveals something about the
essence of the person.
• People have always been intrigued
by the human face as an index of
the owner’s character.
• It is a realistic likeness of a
person in sculpture, painting,
drawing or print but it needs to
be a photographic likeness. A The Girl with a
great portrait is a product of a Pear Earring (1665)
selective process. – Johannes Vermeer.
V. Figures
• The sculptor’s chief subject has
traditionally been the human body, nude or
• The grace and ideal proportions of the
human form were captured in religious
sculpture by the ancient Greeks. To them,
physical beauty was the symbol of moral and
spiritual perfection
• Early Christian and medieval artists seldom
represented the nude figure.
David (1504) -
VI. History and Legend
• History consists of verifiable facts and
legends of unverifiable ones.
• History and Legend are popular subjects of
• While many works may not be consciously
done historical records, certain
information about history can be pieced
from them.
• Malakas and Maganda and Mariang Makiling
are among the legendary subjects…
The Blood Compact (1565) – Juan Luna
VII.Religion and Mythology
• Art has always been a handmaiden of
• The Christian Church commissioned craftsmen
to tell the stories about Christ and the
saints in pictures
• Some religions however, forbid the
representation of divinity as human beings
or animal forms
• Other religions have taught that a god may
sometimes assume human or other visible
Sistine Chapel
Ceiling (1512)
– Michaelangelo.
Sources of Subjects
I. Nature
• Animals, plants or landscapes can be a source of art.
Examples are:
Kirsten (2005)
- Joven Ignacio.
Force of Destiny
(2003) - Joven
Sunflower (1853-
1890) – Vincent
Van Gogh
• Famous people or
remarkable occasion
can also be sources
of art. Examples are:
IV.Sacred-Orientation Text
• texts that conveys spiritual truth,
establishes a connection with the
divine, foster communal identity, and
provides the promotion of mystical
experiences and spiritual practices. The Egyptian Book of the Dead (1275 BCE)
Content in Art
Content in Art
• the meaning that is expressed and communicated by the artist or the artwork.
• The WHY
• the message given by the piece of art. It involves the subject, the
techniques used to make the piece, the colors used, and anything that was
used by the artist to make a statement and give a message.