Try Out Unas Tapel 2009/2010: Rahasia
Try Out Unas Tapel 2009/2010: Rahasia
Try Out Unas Tapel 2009/2010: Rahasia
1. Perhatikan dan ikuti petunjuk pengisian pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan!
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya!
3. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir, setiap butir soal terdiri atas 4 (empat) pilihan jawaban!
4. Laporkan kepada pengawas kalau terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau jumlah soal kurang!
5. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas ujian, bila diperlukan!
6. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian!
7. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, kamus, hp, tabel matematika, atau alat bantu hitung lainnya!
P 31- 09/10 Hak Cipta Pada MKKS Swasta Kab. Bangkalan TRY OUT
Read The text and answer questions 6 to 7!
6. What is the short message about?
To: Adi
a. Ita’s invitation to go window shopping
b. Ita’s invitation to buy something in the mall Ricko, are you free this afternoon? If
c. Adi’s invitation to go window shopping you are, would you join me to the mall?
d. Adi’s agreement to go to window shopping We could do window shopping. How
does it sound?
7. “We could do some window shopping.”
From : Ita
What does the underlined phrase mean?
a. Buying the goods displayed in the shop window.
b. Looking for the good displayed in the shop windows.
c. Looking at the goods displayed in the shop windows.
d. Selling the goods displayed in the shop windows.
Read The text and answer
questions 8 to 9! Student Organization
SMP Negeri 107 Jl. Pemuda No. 8
8. Where will the meeting be held? Palembang 30138, Telp. (0711) 41234
a. At Evi’s house
Dear Evi,
b. At Candra’s room
c. At Naya’s office We invite you to attend our meeting that
d. At School will be held :
On Saturday, January 17, 2008
9. Which statements is CORRECT according to At 11:00 a.m.
the text? In the school hall
a. Evi is not a student of SMP Negeri 107
Palembang Agenda : Final preparation for wall
b. Naya and Candra ask Evi to write articles magazines competition 2007
for school magazine Please come on time
c. The students organization of SMP Negeri See you there!
107 will have a meeting
Naya Candra
d. Evi is the treasurer of the student’s
Secretary Chairperson
Read The text and answer questions 10 to 11!
Since 1988, hundreds of scientific studie have shown that human activities are changing
the climate around the world. Most of the world’s top environmental scientists believe
that climate change is the most serious problem we are facing today, more serious even
than the threat of terrorism.
Climate change will cause problems and affect world everywhere. Droughts, famines and
weather- related disasters could cause thousands or even millions of people to die and
make worse relations in and between countries causing war. If we do nothing to stop this
climate change, the earth will warm up more and her natural controlling systems will start
to go wrong: sea-levels will start to rise and flood low-lying island nations, such as
Indonesia, Jakarta especially because it is very low-lying. This will upset the global
economy and may cause more wars.
10. What is the main idea of the second paragraph.
a. Jakarta is often flooded because it is low-lying.
b. The earth will warm up more.
c. Climate change causes problems.
d. Many people died because of climate change.
P 31- 09/10 Hak Cipta Pada MKKS Swasta Kab. Bangkalan TRY OUT
11. The following statements are not the cause of Climate change EXCEPT ….
a. The natural controlling systems go wrong.
b. The changing of human activities.
c. Sea-levels rise and flooding low-lying region.
d. People will suffer of droughts and famines.
Read The text and answer
questions 12 to 13!
Enjoy Bali’s beautiful beaches! Visit the art city of Ubud!
12. Who published this ad?
Stay in Asia’s finest hotels! Buy beautiful souvenirs! See
a. Beaches
Mount Agung! …and much more. We’ve got it all! Come and
b. Citra Tour
see the art shops, the temples, and the exotic dances. Come
c. Beautiful Bali
and try our restaurants.
d. Artshop
Call Citra Tour, Tel. 62-31-5087062
13. If you are interested in visiting
Bali, What should you do?
a. I will go there alone c. I will save money
b. I will buy ticket plane d. I will call Citra tour
Read The text and answer questions 14 to 17!
P 31- 09/10 Hak Cipta Pada MKKS Swasta Kab. Bangkalan TRY OUT
21. The Dinosaur Simulator is a ....
a. latest ride c. magic show
b. name of a movie d. show about dinosaurs
Read The text and answer questions 22 to 24!
How do we make fried Bananas? OK. I will tell you. You have to prepare
some bananas, flour, cooking oil, water and some salt. Here are the
steps to make them. First, peel the bananas and slice them into
two or three slices. Next, prepare the mixture of flour with water and
a little salt. Then, roll the bananas in the mixture, and fry them in hot
cooking oil until they turn brown. After that take them and drain
them for a moment. Finally, put the fried bananas into a dish and
22. What should we do with bananas, after peeling them?
a. Cut them into 2 or 3 slices. c. Fry them in hot oil.
b. Roll them in the mixture. d. Eat them all.
23. How many materials should we prepare to make bananas?
a. Four b. Five c. Six d. Seven
24. “Finally, put the fried bananas into a dish and serve them.” (Last sentence)
What is the synonym of “dish” above?
a. Spoon b. Fork c. Plate. d. Bowl
Read The text and answer questions 25 to 27!
Traveling by Tube
Last summer, I went to Pert. I stayed in my friend’s house for few days. One
day, my friend Mike and I took a walk in the center of Perth. We wanted to try a tube
to reach a place in Perth. When we arrived at the railway station, we saw a lot of
people. Most of them were commuters. Mike told me that many people lived in the
suburbs and worked in Perth.
Forty minutes before my tube left, we had to queue for tickets at the tickets
counter. We didn’t buy the tickets in ATM (automatic ticket machines) because we
didn’t have the correct change. However, some people didn’t buy tickets every
morning. They preferred to use season tickets.
After we had the tickets, we showed them to the collector at the barriers. Then
we stepped on the descending escalator and in a short time we were in the platform
waiting for the tube to come. At eight o’clock the tube came, and we got in it.
We finally reached at our destination. We quickly stepped out of the tube and
went on the escalator again. Then we walked away quickly from the underground
station. It was the first time for me to travel by tube. The ticket was not expensive but
we truly enjoyed our trip.
25. Which statement is INCORRECT based on the text above?
a. It was the first time for the writer to travel by tube.
b. The writer and Mike had to queue for the tickets.
c. The writer and Mike bought tickets in ATM.
d. Some people didn’t buy ticket every morning.
26. “…the descending escalator and in a short time we were...’.
The underlined word means....
a. upcoming b. disappearing c. ascending d. going down
P 31- 09/10 Hak Cipta Pada MKKS Swasta Kab. Bangkalan TRY OUT
27. What is the purpose of the text, above?
a. Describing the writer’s experience. c. Giving instructions how to travel by tube.
b. Retelling the writer’s experience d. Telling the story of the writer and his friend.
28. Flight Schedule at Soekarno Hatta Airport
Flight Number From To Arrival Departure
MZ 259 Jakarta Medan 10.35 a.m.
GA 757 Jeddah Jakarta 03.15 p.m.
GA 876 Surabaya Jakarta 10.40 p.m.
MA 934 Jakarta Kuala Lumpur 05.20 p.m.
Which plane goes to Kuala Lumpur?
a. MZ 259 b. GA 757 c. GA 876 d. MA 934
Read The text and answer questions 29 to 32!
P 31- 09/10 Hak Cipta Pada MKKS Swasta Kab. Bangkalan TRY OUT
32. This kind of text is used to...
a. give factual information about the thing in the world
b. retell specific information in the past
c. present all the information about persons
d. write how to entertain the readers
Breakfast is provided free of charge. We also have special discounts on food and drinks at
our restaurant for all registered guests. On top of that, there’s a fifty percent discount for
children below 12 at our restaurant, we are located close to the apple garden and butterfly
farm. You can also see the sunset and sunrise from your room. Children would also be
entitled to free horse riding lesson every morning.
Rp380.000,00 per night
Reservation : (0341) 7689980
Email : [email protected]
I have some pets. However, my favorite pet is Timmy. Timmy is a male cat. He is very
adorable with his soft stripes fur. He has innocent round eyes and a sweet voice. He
always meows when he feels hungry. Actually, his voice is not suitable for his giant body.
When I come home, he usually gives me a kiss. Timmy is a nice playmate. I’m happy to
spend my time with him. Most of the time, he is a good boy. It is almost impossible for
me to be angry with him. In the morning, healways wakes up early. When he wakes up
earlier, he waits quietly by my bed until I wake up.
P 31- 09/10 Hak Cipta Pada MKKS Swasta Kab. Bangkalan TRY OUT
Read The text and answer questions 39 to 41!
Dear Andika,
Hello Andika. How are you? I will be in Jakarta on Monday 21st. My father and I will
watch the final cup of Indonesian League Football Championship at Gelora Senayan on
May 22nd. I will be glad if you can book a room with a double bed for me and my father
for three days in Sari Pacific Hotel. One more request: Would it be possible to obtain two
tickets for us? I realize that this may be difficult, but I would be grateful if you could try.
I look forward to meeting you on May 21st.
39. What is the purpose of Johan coming to Jakarta?
a. To stay in Sari Pacific Hotel
b. To ask Andika to buy tickets.
c. To watch the final cup of football championship.
d. To look forward to meeting Andika.
40. “… and will be glad if you can book a room with double bed for me and my father in Sari Pasific
Hotel”. What is the synonym of the underlined word?
a. Reserve. b. Get. c. Take. d. Rent.
41. When will Johan check out from the hotel?
a. On May 21st b. On May 22nd c. On May 23rd d. On May 24th
Read The text and answer questions 42 to 44!
P 31- 09/10 Hak Cipta Pada MKKS Swasta Kab. Bangkalan TRY OUT
Read The text and answer questions 45 to 47!
The is a common tree in all tropical (44)…. It is a tree without ... (45). It
grows very tall and has a crown of leaves. It can grow up to fifteen
meters tall. They can live up to sixty years. The first flower and fruits
are… (46) after five years.
Selamat Mengerjakan
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P 31- 09/10 Hak Cipta Pada MKKS Swasta Kab. Bangkalan TRY OUT
Selamat Mengerjakan
P 31- 09/10 Hak Cipta Pada MKKS Swasta Kab. Bangkalan TRY OUT