Crash Course in Dental Management of The Medically Compromised Patient
Crash Course in Dental Management of The Medically Compromised Patient
Crash Course in Dental Management of The Medically Compromised Patient
Table of Contents
Medical emergencies ............................................................................................................. 3
Vasovagal syncope .........................................................................................................................3
Orthostatic hypotension .................................................................................................................4
Hypoglycemia ................................................................................................................................4
Hyperglycemia ...............................................................................................................................4
Adrenal crisis .................................................................................................................................5
Myocardial infarction .....................................................................................................................5
Hyperventilation ............................................................................................................................6
Asthma ..........................................................................................................................................6
Forgein body disloged in the throat ................................................................................................6
Bleeding disorders ................................................................................................................. 7
WHO classification of blood loss .....................................................................................................7
What blood tests to order in cases of bleeding disorders .................................................................8
Bleeding type .................................................................................................................................8
Cardiovascular diseases ......................................................................................................... 9
Hypertension [ HTN] .......................................................................................................................9
Local anesthesia ........................................................................................................................... 10
Infective endocarditis ................................................................................................................... 10
Coronary artery disease / Myocardial infarction:........................................................................... 11
MI management in the dental clinic .............................................................................................. 12
Bleeding....................................................................................................................................... 12
3 different protocols used to treat patient with High INR (Taking Oral Anticoagulant ) ................... 12
G6PD & thalassemia ............................................................................................................ 14
G6PD deficiency ........................................................................................................................... 14
Thalassemia .................................................................................................................................14
Pregnancy ........................................................................................................................... 15
Time for dental treatment ............................................................................................................ 15
Emergencies in pregnant women .................................................................................................. 16
Epilepsy ............................................................................................................................... 17
Diabetes .............................................................................................................................. 19
Medical emergencies
Q: where do most medical emergencies occur ? bathrooms, parkings, staircases
Q: what causes vasovagal syncope? The pt feels stressed from the dental procedure or the sight of
needles and the body activates the sympathetic nervous system “ fear or flight response “ which directs
the blood to the muscles , but the pt is laying down so there is not enough venous return to the heart →
poor cardiac output → less blood reaches the brain → syncope
Q: what happens if you keep the pt at upright position after syncope? The pt might die or get brain
damage because the heart cannot pump enough blood to the brain
Q: why shouldn’t you give any pt that just recovered from syncope
anything by mouth ? during unconsciousness, the muscles are still flaccid and they need time to regain
their muscle tone therefore giving anything by mouth can kill the pt by suffocation
Q: what should you do it an unconscious pt vomits ? tilt their head to the side to allow the vomit to
accumulate in the buccal sulcus and suction the vomitus to prevent it from going into the esophagus or
the trachea
Q: what causes orthostatic hypotension ? long sitting or laying down , blood pools in the lower
extremities → poor venous return to the heart [ because of poor muscle contraction]
Q: why do pts on beta blockers get orthostatic hypotension ? because B blockers will dilate the blood
vessels to reduce the blood pressure → decreased VR to the heart
Both vasovagal syncope and orthostatic hypotension will have quick recovery
So your management to any pt that loses consciousness is first to adjust their position to supine or
Trendelenburg → if they recover quickly [ vasovagal attack or orthostatic hypotension ] but if they don’t
recover quickly → check blood glucose [ might be hypoglycemia]
Best area for venipuncture = the dorsum of the hand and wrist – Ginseng Chinese herb acts the same
because it is mostly veins and no arteries [ choose straight , soft , as aspirin causing platelet
elastic veins] do not choose large veins they might be sclerotic disaggregation and blood thinning →
Q: pt is unconscious with normal blood glucose and did not recover if you need to extract ask the pt to
after position adjustment , what might be the cause? Adrenal crisis stop the ginseng for a few days
Q: what happens if you place a pt having MI in a supine position? More blood will go to the heart and
eventually to the lungs through the right side → pulmonary edema and hypoventiliation [ because the
alveoli are engorged with blood]
Q: why do you need to check the BP before giving NTG? Because NTG is a very potent vasodilator if the
BP is already low it will drop it even more
Q: why is aspirin a life saving drug in case of MI ? most cases of MI happen due to lack of blood supply
to the coronary arteries because of a blood clot, aspirin given in the first few minutes will prevent the
clot from further progression
In vasovagal attack and orthostatic hypotension → position the pt in supine position / Trendelenburg
Bleeding disorders
Bleeding can either be local cause or systemic cause [ bleeding in most healthy patients is due to a local
cause ]
Arterial bleeding is bright red and spurting – most commonly injured arteries in Oral surgery =
greater palatine artery + buccal artery
Bone bleeding: from nutrient canals, central vessels [inferior alveolar artery] or from central vascular
lesions (Hemangioma or Vascular malformation).
Hemorrhage classes:
• Petechiae: a small (1-2mm) red or purple spot on the body, caused by a minor hemorrhage
• Purpura : 1 cm red or purple discolorations on the skin caused by bleeding under the skin that
do not blanch on applying pressure.
• Ecchymosis: subcutaneous purpura larger than 1 centimeter or a hematoma
• Hemarthrosis : bleeding in the joints
Bleeding type
Primary bleeding [ Pressure, suturing , ligation, electrocautery , local hemostatic agents [ collagen
during surgery] and oxidized cellulose, Tranexamic acid 5%]
Reactionary bleeding [ examination of the surgical wound to identify the site of bleeding
few hours after surgery ] • If bleeding is from bone then the hemostatic agents like bone wax or
gelfoam is usually used.
• If bleeding is from soft tissues then, ligation / cauterization of blood
vessels along with the use of hemostatic agents like surgicel and
suturing of the wound is carried out
Secondary bleeding [ Removal of any debris from the wound surface that promotes infection of the
few days after sugery] wound.
Identify the source of bleeding
Surgical stents can be placed over extraction sockets for stabilization of clot and
prevention of wound contamination.
Cardiovascular diseases
Hypertension [ HTN] : Defined as having systolic blood pressure (SBP) >/= 140mm of Hg or
diastolic blood pressure (DBP) >/= 90mm of Hg
1- Measure BP at every visit + review the medical history to know if there are any changes in
medications or new medical problems
2- Short morning appointments **
3- Minimize stress **
Dental management of patients with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus [ SBP > 180mmHg and / or
DBP > 110 mmHg]
Abort all dental procedures – Refer the Pt for immediate medical evaluation
Oral manifestations:
There are no recognized manifestations of hypertension but anti-hypertensive drugs can often cause
side affects , such as:
1- Xerostomia
2- Gingival overgrowth
3- Lichenoid drug reactions & Erythema multiforme
4- Taste sense alteration
CAUTION: Most antihypertensive drugs have drug interactions with LA and analgesics:
Local anesthesia:
➢ Epinephrine can be used ONLY in controlled HTN patients
➢ Options in uncontrolled HTN: – Mepivacaine (Scandonest) 3% (with NO vasoconstrictor)
➢ Mepivacaine has a very short effect and can’t be used for long appointments like endo or
surgery because the pt will be in pain + discomfort which will raise their BP. You can give 1
carpule of LA with epinephrine to establish long anesthesia and then continue with
➢ Retraction cord containing epinephrine should be avoided.
Infective endocarditis
Causative organisms: Staph Aureus, Viridans Streptococci
Q: why do you need to give ABX prophylaxis for IE pts? Invasive dental procedures can introduce
bacteria into the blood which can colonize and grow on the valves
ABX prophylaxis is equal to a DAY DOSE of the ABX , given once - 1 hour before the procedure.
• ABX porphylaxis is a day dose of the ABX given once , 1 hour before the procedure . given for pts
at risk of developing infective endocarditis
• ABX coverage is ABX given for 1 full course or for a week . given for immunocompromised pts or
pts with poor healing.
Patients with a history of complications associated with joint replacement surgery who are undergoing
dental procedures, prophylactic antibiotics should only be considered after Orthopedic consultation
[the orthopedic will prescribe the ABX not you]
• If the pt has worsening symptoms → delay elective dental therapy until PROPERLY treated
Bleeding :
Normal INR = 1
3 different protocols used to treat patient with High INR (Taking Oral
Anticoagulant )
1- Warfarin not discontinued (minimizes thromboembolic events &
tranexamic acid (Exacyl) –
increases risk of bleeding after surgery).
antifibrinolytic agent [ local
2- Warfarin discontinued (drug should be discontinued 5 days prior
hemostatic agent]
to surgery, during this period pt is at risk of developing
thromboembolic event but not bleeding).
3- Warfarin discontinued & patient placed on alternative anticoagulant therapy [ low molecular
weight heparin] (thromboembolic event minimized).
If the pt has hemophilia → they need to take the factor at the day of the surgery + 3 days after [ 3
days after extraction the factor levels will be low that’s why pts need to take it at the day of surgery
+ 3 days after surgery]
If the pt’s INR is above 3 you can only give Mepivicaine , using LA with epi will give a false image of
hemostasis → pt will have bleeding after a few hours
NOTE: pts on warfarin will eventually stop bleeding and develop a clot , it just takes longer to
achieve hemostasis .
G6PD deficiency : a disease that causes premature RBC hemolysis when exposed to oxidative
stressors [stressors can be Fava beans, antibiotics, bacterial or viral infections, etc.] - The
condition presents 1-3 days following the oxidative stress and the resultant hemolysis usually
resolves, without any problems .
Dental management : In patients with G6PD deficiency, local anaesthesia may induce
methaemoglobinaemia in high doses. most likely caused by prilocaine and benzocaine.
Thalassemia : RBCs have abnormal hemoglobin – treated by blood transfusions every 4-6 weeks
Oral changes :
1- Anemia
2- Low bone mass → malocclusion
3- Hypertelorism [ increased distance between the eyes ]
4- High caries index
5- Mucosal pallor
Q: what is the safest time to do any dental treatment in a pregnant woman ? second trimester
• Semi supine or sit up position + Elevate the right hip 10- 12cm
Q: can you take xrays for a pregnant pt ? yes , but with precautions.
1- take only xrays that are essential for diagnosis + limit the radiograph to the affected tooth only
2- use lead shield + long cone + collimation
3- be careful while taking essential films to eliminate the need for repeated exposure
Strong analgesics = Codeine is safe for short term usage, but should be avoided in last trimester
due to fetal respiratory depression and withdrawal symptoms
• Safe LA = Lidocaine, Etidocaine, Prilocaine [ Local anesthesia is not teratogenic, and may be
administered to pregnancy patient in usual clinical doses ] – most common LA in pregnancy is [
lidocaine + vasoconstrictor]
• Vasoconstrictors = no specific contraindication
• Aspirin is nonteratogenic but may cause maternal and fetal haemorrhage and oral clefts, large
doses during last trimester may cause fetal hypertension, anemia and low birth weight.
• NSAID should be avoided in last trimester due to possible circulatory effects and persistent
pulmonary hypertension.
• Diazepam anticonvulsant [ FDA group D] can cause clefts with prolonged exposure
• Nitrous oxide should not be used in first trimester, and if used in second or third trimesters,
do not use less than 50 % Oxygen
• Large dose of prilocaine are known to cause methemoglobinemia which could cause maternal
& fetal hypoxia
Seizure = sudden intense bursts of electrical impulses in the brain that affect consciousness, sensation
and body movements
An Epileptic is any person who had 2 or more seizures of an idiopathic nature in their life
Partial Generalized
Simple (Consciousness is not impaired) Tonic-clonic (grand mal)
Complex (Consciousness is impaired) Myoclonic
Absence seizures (petit mal)
Febrile seizure [ in high fever ]: type of generalized tonic-clonic
Tonic - A sustained muscular contraction.
Common medications that epileptic patient take [Phenytoin - one of the best tolerated
anticonvulsants, Carbamazepine, Valproic acid, Barbiturates, Succinimide, Benzodiazepines]
The first step in management of an epileptic dental patient is identification [ by a thorough medical
history , ask :
If you recognize the aura [ or pt informs you ] → stop TX and activate EMS → CABD [ consciousness ,
airway, breathing, definitive treatment]
Diabetes Type 1 = Beta cells of the pancreas is not producing enough insulin
Common complication = ketoacidosis that leads to coma
Diabetes type 2 = the cells of the body are not responding properly to the insulin produced
Common complication = hypoglycemia
Insulin is important because it will allow glucose to be absorbed into the cells of muscles and other
tissues , when insulin is absent or very low [ undiagnosed or uncontrolled diabetic ] the body cannot
absorb the glucose → starts breaking down fat for energy → build up of acids in the blood stream [
ketones] → keto acidosis and fruity smell of the breath
1- Insulin [ injected subcutaneously] + self-monitoring of blood glucose in the normal range (80–
120 mg/dL).
Higher blood glucose levels (≥ 200 mg/dL) can be tolerated, particularly in the very young pts , if there is
↑ risk of hypoglycemia
Types of insulin :
1- How much insulin they use, what type & how often they inject themselves each day
2- Whether their diabetes is well-controlled (if so they are more likely to go hypo)
3- What their signs/symptoms of a hypo are (these should be updated regularly)
4- What their HbA1c is
Your goal as a dentist is to prevent insulin shock during the dental appointment
We depend on HBA1C to determine if the pt is well controlled or not. [ you can treat a pt with HBA1c
up to 8 ]
Brittle diabetes [ mostly in type 1] = pt flips between hypo and hyper quickly. Pts being treated with
large doses of insulin have periods of extreme hyperglycemia & hypoglycemia. – such pts are at higher
risk for infection
You can only give emergency tx to a pt with brittle diabetes + Close consultation with the physician is
required before any dental treatment
If diabetes is well-controlled → all dental procedures can be performed without special precautions.
If not well-controlled [can be hyper >200 mg/dl or hypo <70 mg/dl ]→ emergency only
Acute dental or oral infection → leads to loss of glycemic control [ so they should be managed
aggressively by incision and drainage, extraction, warm rinses & AB]
Pts with brittle diabetes may require hospitalization during management of an infection.
Risk for infection in diabetic pts is directly related to fasting blood glucose levels [if fasting blood
glucose level is below 206 mg/100 mL, no increased risk is present]
Epinephrine has an opposite effect to insulin, so blood glucose could rise with the use of epinephrine
→ In diabetic pts, Use Mepivacaine
Q: why should you test blood sugar before giving IAN block? Because tingling in lips is sign of ‘hypo’
and it could be mistaken as the normal sign of LA
Periodontal treatment could lead to a mean reduction of 0.4% in HbA1c level - by improving the
diabetes control the periodontal condition may also be positively affected and vice versa
IV sedation : fasting before the appointment (i.e., nothing by mouth after midnight); using only half the
usual insulin dose; and then supplementing with IV glucose during the procedure.
Kidney disease
Chronic kidney disease [ CKD] = 3 months of reduced glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and /
or kidney damage.
1- Avoid nephrotoxic drugs (acetaminophen (Tylenol) in high doses, aspirin, non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs)
2- Adjust dosage of drugs metabolized by the kidney according to their GFR or Creatinine
Clearance (88–128 mL/min for healthy women and 97–137 mL/min for healthy men)
3- Aggressively manage orofacial infections with culture and sensitivity tests and antibiotics
Avoid dental treatment on the day or dialysis [ specially in the first 6 hours ] because the pt will be tired
+ those Pts are also on heparin [ there is risk of bleeding]
Simple procedures can be done one day after dialysis , complicated procedures should be done one day
before dialysis [ so that LA and any toxins produced by the procedure can be eliminated by the dialysis ]
Q: a pt on hemodialysis will undergo extraction , which blood test should you order and what is the
normal range ? since the pt is on Heparin you order aPTT – normal range [ 25- 35 seconds]
Some pts with ESRD will have AVF [Atrio ventricular fistula – a port that is used as access for dialysis]
Managing a pt with AVF: [ those pts have increased risk of bleeding due to physical destruction of
platelets and the use of heparin] – to minimize bleeding :
Q: do you need to give ABX prophylaxis for a pt with AVF? Justify . NO, because infective endocarditis
occurs in a very small percentage of such patients, guidelines do not recommend ABX prophylaxis
Q: what is your role as a dentist for a pt that will receive kidney transplant ? before transplant achieve
optimal oral hygiene to prevent development of any dental problems after transplant [ the pt cannot
have any dental procedures 6 months after transplants ] + incase of gingival enlargement due to
cyclosporine just maintain oral hygiene and plaque control through scaling
Liver diseases
Viral hepatitis and alcoholic liver disease = most common liver disorders
Viral hepatitis
Viral hepatitis Mode of transmission + notes
fecal contamination of food or water [usually by traveling in an endemic region] or
by direct contact with an infected person.
B Percutaneous and permucosal exposure [ sexual activity]
C Blood + blood products [Renal dialysis pts, drug users]
Co infection with Hep B [ more in drug addicts and pt’s with hemophilia – a more
D severe infection than Hep B]
Same mode of transmission as B
Similar to hep A
• Most cases of viral hepatitis resolve with no complications The most common hepatitis is Hep B –
• All patients with a history of viral hepatitis must be has a vaccine
managed as though they are potentially infectious [
Dentists are at risk of getting :
isolated room, high volume suction, face mask , double
gloves] Hep B and to a lesser extent Hep C [due to
Patients With Active Hepatitis: exposure to infected blood/body fluid]
1- urgent care only - in an isolated operatory with strict
standard precautions Dentists need periodic retesting of HBsAg
2- Minimize aerosols [ high speed suction + manual [ surface antigen] and HCV RNA
scalers] HBV, HCV, and HDV → can stay and
3- Avoid drugs metabolized by the liver become chronic
• If surgery is necessary → prothrombin time and bleeding
time should be obtained and abnormal results discussed Chronic viral hepatitis increases the risk
with the physician for hepatocellular carcinoma
Drugs metabolized in the liver should be considered for diminished Warfarin gets eliminated after 7-10 days
dosage when one or more of the following are present: while Vitamin K works immediately in
case of bleeding in a pt on warfarin
1- Aminotransferase levels [ALT] elevated to greater than 4
times normal values
2- Serum bilirubin > 35 μM/L or 2 mg/dL
Heparin antagonist = protamine sulfate
3- Serum albumin < 35 mg/L
4- Signs of ascites and encephalopathy, and prolonged
bleeding time
NOTE: drug modifications are not required for the patient who has completely recovered from
Dental management of alcoholism pt : [ you major concern is bleeding problem + risk of cancer]
** patients with alcoholism may require increased amounts of local anesthetic or the use of additional
anxiolytic procedures
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