Preface: Structure of The Thesis
Preface: Structure of The Thesis
Preface: Structure of The Thesis
Human behaviour has largely been ignored in understanding the financial market. The
most of research on investor’s behaviour has focused on testing the efficiency of the
financial market, identifying the anomalies due to investor’s behaviour and testing the
assumption that the economic agents are rational as prescribed by expected utility
theory. The conventional models are not able to explain fully the movement in share
prices. It is therefore suggested that understanding investor’s sentiment would provide
a superior explanation of stock price performance. Against this backdrop, it becomes
important to identify the factors affecting investor’s sentiment. The thesis aims to
assist the reader to develop a thorough understanding of the concept of investor’s
sentiment and factor affecting investor’s sentiment. It will also assist the reader to
understand the fair value of equity share and supports them to predict better price of
equity share.
This thesis consists of six chapters and bibliography. Chapter 1 deals with the
introduction of the topic under study, research rationale, objectives of research,
significance and the potential value of the study. This chapter also gives the outline of
the whole thesis.
Chapter 3 contains the review of literature related to the research area. Literature
review covers the studies undertaken on financial behaviour of individual investors
and more specifically on investor’s sentiment towards equity market. It also provides
the theoretical definition of key variables under discussion like investor’s sentiment. It
contains different models for the measurement of investor’s sentiment and the model
of individual investor’s sentiment selected for the present study. It deals with market
specific factors and stock specific factors that influence individual investor’s
sentiment. Market specific factors are Herd Behaviour, Macro-Economic Factors,
Internet led access to Information, Best Game in Town, Performance Factors and
Confidence of Institutional Investors and Risk and Cost Factor; whereas the stock
specific factors are Expected Events Surrounding the Stock and Book Value,
Financial Characteristics, Psychological Factors and Quality of Management, Past
Price Performance and Sector Attractiveness, Who else is Buying and
Recommendations of the Financial Community.
Chapter 5 shows data analysis and interpretation, following the objectives under
study. Different statistical tools are used based on requirement like descriptive
statistics, factor analysis, multiple regression and Variance Inflation Factor (VIF)
Value. First of all factor analysis is conducted for market specific variables and stock
specific variables to extract the factors which affect the investor’s optimism,
investor’s participation and investor’s stock market outlook. Multiple regression is
conducted to test the factors significantly affecting the dependent variables under
study and the VIF value was considered to assess the multi collinearity issue. To
assess the irrational behaviour of individual investor, frequency analysis is conducted
to confirm existence of mental accounting and regret.
First and foremost, I pay reverence to the omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, the
God who has perpetually patronized me with the contentiousness and love.
I convey my heartfelt gratitude and warm regards to my research guide Dr. Akash B.
Patel, Assistant Professor, School of Petroleum Management, Pandit Deendayal
Petroleum University, Gandhinagar, for his invaluable guidance and constant support
throughout the period of research work for which I am forever indebted to him.
I am thankful to Dr. Hiren J. Patel, Dr. Jayesh Patel, Prof. Poonam Chhaniwal, Dr.
Abhishek Parikh, Prof. Dipesh Dasani, Faculty Members, V.M. Patel Institute of
Management for their continuous support and encouragement. I am also thankful to
Mr. Dipak Patel, Librarian of V. M. Patel Institute of Management for his continuous
I am greatly indebted to my beloved parents Smt. Bhagvatiben Kiri and Shri
Dalpatram Kiri, who have inspired me and supported in all the activities. I am also
thankful to my brothers Shri Lakshminarayanbhai Kiri and Shri Manojbhai Kiri for
supporting me in all the initiatives. I also acknowledge the support and co-operation
of my wife, Smt. Jyotsna Kiri and my loving son, Himank Kiri.
Rajeshkumar Kiri
This is to certify that the thesis titled “A Study on Factors Affecting Individual
University is the bonafide work completed under my supervision and guidance for the
Research Guide:
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Place: Ganpat University
towards equity market” is submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award
Mehsana. I declare that this thesis is based on my original work except for quotations
and citations which have been duly acknowledged. I also declare that this thesis has
not been previously or concurrently submitted either in whole or in part, for any other
This is to certify that the thesis titled “A Study on Factors Affecting Individual
Dalpatram Kiri, fulfil the suggestions given by doctoral committee during pre-
doctoral seminar held on 8th February, 2016, vide Ganpat University letter no.
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Kiri has been approved for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy under the