Chapter Three - Simple Keynesian Multiplier
Chapter Three - Simple Keynesian Multiplier
Chapter Three - Simple Keynesian Multiplier
Consumption and AD
Out of the determinants of demand consumption has a clear relation with income
and also is a major component of AD. The relation of consumption and income is
consumption function. C = C + cY where C > 0 & 0< c <1
C is autonomous consumption
c is marginal propensity to consume which shows rise in consumption with every Re.
1 rise in income.
Since MPC is less than 1, we can say that all income is not consumed, so part is saved,
We can have a saving function:
Y = C+S
S = Y-C
S = Y - C + cY
S = -C + (1-c) Y which shows that savings has a positive relation with income.
Point E in the above is ‘break-even’ income where consumption = income.
Equilibrium output = Y = AD
Y = A + cY
Y = 1/1-c * A
It is understood that equilibrium output is higher, larger the MPC or larger the
autonomous spending.
Another way to understand equilibrium income equation is: ∆ Y = 1/1-c * ∆A.
If MPC is 0.9 making 1/1-c i.e. the multiplier = 10 and additional spending is Rs.1lakh
then change in Y will be to the tune of Rs.10 lakhs.
By how much should autonomous increase to raise equilibrium income.
At equilibrium AD = Y
∆ AD = 1/1-c *∆A = ∆ Y
Therefore ∆ Y = 1/1-c *∆A
Government sector:
G can affect AD in two ways, either increase G or change tax rates or change TR.
YD = Y +TR – TA
TA = t Y
AD = C + c(Y +TR – tY) +I+G+NX
AD = C + cTR +I+G+NX + c(1-t)Y
AD = A + c(1-t)Y
Equilibrium income when government is included:
Y = A + c(1-t)Y
Y = 1/1-c(1-t) * A Tax lowers multiplier if MPC = .8 Multiplier is 5
When there is t = 0.25, then Multiplier is 2.5.
Effects of fiscal policy: We want to know by how much will the equilibrium income
increase with increase in government expenditure of amount G. ∆ Y = ∆G + c(1-t)Y.
Hence change in equilibrium income ∆ Y = 1/1-c(1-t) *∆G.
The government expenditure multiplier = 1/1-c(1-t).
The Budget: BS = TA –TR – G
BS = tY –TR – G
Budget will be in deficit if G & TR are in excess of tax collections.
Budget deficit does not depend only on tax and G but on anything that will shift the
level of income. So we generally see budget deficits in times of recessions, when tax
receipts are low.
BS* = t Y* - TR – G
BS* - BS = t (Y* - Y) the only difference is tax collection.
If output is below full employment, surplus exceeds actual surplus conversely if
actual output exceeds potential output, potential surplus is less than actual surplus.
The difference between actual and potential output is called output gap.
Hence, AD is:
AD = a + b Y (1 – t) + I + G + X – MPI (1 – t) Y
Since AD equal income, in equilibrium, we have:
Y = a + I + G + X /1 – (1 – t) (b – MPI)
So, the multiplier is:
1/1 – (1 – t) (b – MPI)
If t = 0.25, b = 0.8, MPI = 0.1, then the multiplier is
1/1 – 0.75 (0.80 – 0.1) = 2.1 which is much smaller than in the absence of foreign trade.
C = 85 + 0.5Yd
I = 85
G = 60
Net taxes = N = -40 + 0.25Y
Find Equilibrium output and how much is the government deficit / surplus at
If the economy is opened, Exports = 200 and Imports = 0.1Y, find the impact of
increase in investment by 15.
AD = C + I + G + X – M
AD = 8+0.85Yd +20+10+10-0.10Y
AD = 8+0.85(Y – 0.2Y +5) +20+10+10-0.10Y
AD = 8+0.85(Y – 0.2Y +5) +20+10+10-0.10Y
AD = 8+0.85(0.8Y +5) +20+10+10-0.10Y
At Equilibrium AD= Y
Y = 52.25 -0.58Y
Y = 124.40 Taxes = 124.40 * 0.2 = 24.88
Budget deficit = 24.88 – (10+5) = 9.88