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Background of The Study

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Background of the study

The study of language experiences its development rapidly because the role of

language is important in some aspects of human life, such as education, politics,

religion, and others. Especially in politics, language is a tool that influences society’s

thinking, for example a political campaign. Political campaign which is done by a

politician or a presidential candidate will show their attitude and their gestures which

in essence are from their personality.

Campaign is called a discourse, when it is seen as a communication media that

informs and explains something. To offer a hope and mission of candidate and

candidate pair, which will influence and persuade the society to choose them. They

often use a language trick, rhetoric, and language style which influences and controls

society’s thinking. In this time, a campaign is not seen as compound sign only. But it

is seen as a communication which involves contextual aspects in the outside of its

textual making.

Campaign is one of persuasive speech. The speech can be oral or written

discourse. Discourse is a set of utterances or writings which has a belief and values.

The beliefs develop a way of looking at the world. Making a different step of

discourse will produce a different representation too (Fowler in Sara Mills, 2004:14).

The discourse which is published must have a specific purpose or other purposes.

It can be defender on behalf of the people to hegemony a media, to refute, and to

deceive other actions which are consciously expressed and controlled. The meaning

and the purpose aren’t usually revealed on the surface of the discourse, specifically in

oral discourse (less explicit). That meaning has to relate from a social value, but it is

really influenced by its society culture in the social context.

People have to understand a discourse (script/text) that related of its context. To

find out the reality of a text, it needs a search in the context of text production,

consumption of text, and the socio-cultural aspects that influence the making of the

text. Halliday (1978:2) said that language not only has a sentence, but also it has texts

or discourse which have other meanings like interpersonal context that related to the

other contexts.

In 2018, there was very controversial speech, one of the figures in America (US)

who is often assumed as controversial person while standing to speech. He is Donald

J Trump. Trump is a successful businessman and great at negotiating, and he often

makes controversial statements. On September 25, 2018, Donald Trump made a

speech at UN General Assembly which was talking about the problem of globalism in

America. The event was attended by a lot of leader of countries. He stood in the

second time to talk about America’s problem its ideology.

Trump showed a few statements in his speech at that time. (1) Calling North

Korea leader as “rocket man”, (2) America will choose a doctrine patriotism, (3) he

tried to ignite coals with China, (3) Trump said that he moved the capital city of

Palestina (Jerussalem) to Israel, (4) he said that China’s deal can’t be tolerated, (5) the

United State will not participate in the new Global Compact on Migration. Those

statements were showed in Trump’s speech at the UN General Assembly, and made

the public expressed him as a racist person.

Almost all addresses at the United Nation leaders are pointedly for domestic

usage, because all world leaders, whether elected or not, are politicians. So while

Trump’s boasts about his domestic accomplishments went further than what is usually

expected, his chief sin wasn’t that he pandered to voters but that he didn’t do a better
job of concealing it. The core argument in Trump’s address was that the nation-state

is the indispensable unit of the world order. “We reject the ideology of globalism and

accept the doctrine of patriotism,” the president declared. “Each of us here today,” he

stated, “is the emissary of a distinct culture, a rich history, and a people bound

together by ties of memory, tradition, and the values that make our homelands like

nowhere else on Earth. That is why America will always choose independence and

cooperation over global governance, control, and domination.”

At times Trump’s depiction of globalism was a bit of a straw man. Cooperation

with and participation in international institutions NATO, NAFTA, the IMF, the

World Bank and even the United Nation are not examples of “global governance.”

The United States took a lead role in creating these institutions not to outsource our

sovereignty to some world government but to extend our influence and magnify our

leadership around the world.

In general, a politician always uses a language to get sympathy from the people

for the sake of gaining an authority. Politician will not use the words which are too

long. This is due to the using of long words will make a boredom and it will get a

misunderstanding of politician’s intent, otherwise politician will use short language

but on target.

Politicians also realize that the language they use in achieving power will be

heard from all societies, both of those who have a higher or lower education

background, so politician here will not use scientific language or higher language for

people who have a lower education. A language of politics is a sensitive thing that to

be talked by people. Some people know that they will get a negative judgment about
politics. The government burns specifically the language of politics into a few

responses. Its language is not a good issue that will be analyzed.

There is an example that related of political context. It is a speech of Donald

Trump’s speech, which the script of the speech has been uploaded on Vox website in

America on September 25, 2018. The speech become the popular headlines news, one

of the top news in the trending topic in social media for several days on September. A

few media reported and informed Trump’s decision. One of those news is Vox news

in the US. Vox became top headlines for almost a week on September.

Many kinds of perceptions come up with different concerned speculation. This

speech is interesting to be analyzed because in this speech Trump conveys his support

on Israel to claim Jerusalem as the part of country. He explained that by dedicating

Jerusalem to be the part of Israel brings many positive effects to the world and also

reduces the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Some kinds of perceptions came with different concerned speculation. Trump’s

speech is interesting to be analyzed, because Here America choosed doctrine

patriotism. Which means America will not do a cooperation relationship with other

countries. But America still needs a help with China of doing a trade. Donald J Trump

said explained that America is governed by Americans,” he said to the UN General

Assembly on Tuesday in one his highest-profile speeches of the year. “We reject the

ideology of globalism and accept the doctrine of patriotism.”

This statement not only gets to China and Korea, but also contradictory from

some states around the world. Because this contradictory statement, many

assumptions argued and claimed that Trump has „special business‟ behind his policy

like attempting to grab advantage from cooperation with Israel in the future. From
Donald Trump contradictory attitude above, this analysis attempts to interpret the

intent and the purpose of Trump’s speech by using van Dijk Critical Discourse

Analysis theory.

1.1 Identification of the problem

The globalism problem that appears in America is about the relationship among

America, North Korea, China, and Iran. The first problem is about trade war between

America and China. It is an ongoing economic conflict between the world’s two

largest national economies, China and the United States. President Donald Trump in

2018 began setting tariffs and other trade barriers on China with the goal of forcing it

to make changes to what the U.S. says are "unfair trade practices". Among those trade

practices and their effects are the growing trade deficit, the theft of intellectual

property, and the forced transfer of American technology to China.

The second problem is about conflict between America and North Korea. On

August 8, 2017, President Trump suggested that the United States was prepared to

inflict "fire and fury" against North Korea if they failed to cease nuclear testing and

threats. In response, North Korea issued a series of threats against the U.S. territory of

Guam as well as allies such as Japan and South Korea. Two missiles were flown over

Japanese territory and a nuclear test was conducted. In that case, North Korea decided

to have a war with the US.

The last problem is between America and Iran. The tensions have risen steadily

since the beginning of the Trump administration. President Trump pulled the United

States out of the nuclear deal last year, imposed oppressive sanctions, moved to cut

off Iran's oil exports and designated an Iranian military unit as a terror organization.

There was a person who is Sanam Vakil, he is a senior research fellow in the Middle
East and North, he said that, Trump administration's lack of understanding about Iran

has only fanned the flames. So with this problem, Iran doesn’t want to give a

dominance with America.

1.2 The formulation of the problem

Based on some reasons explained in the background of the study above and to

make this research easier to solve, the researcher studies the particular problems as

stated below:

1. What is the macrostructure that is relevant of “ideology globalism problem in

America” speech?

2. What political or non-political ideologies (macro level) are reflected in Trump’s

speech about globalism problem in America?

1.3 The objectives of the study

Based on the formulation of the problems above, objectives of the research is

as follow:

1. To describe and identify the macrostructure that is relevant of Trump’s speech

about globalism problem in America.

2. To describe the representation of political and non-political ideologies in Trump’s

speech about globalism problem in America.

1.4 The delimitation of the problem

Basically this research will find and analyze the issues that related of Donald J

Trump’s speech transcript. There are some speeches that Donald J Trump ever

showed But in this research, the writer choose only one speech script which will be

extracted into clauses, sentences, and paragraphs. The speech talks about the

globalism ideology problem in America at the United Nation on September 25, 2018.

Besides, the writer only analyzes the structure of speech including the macro structure

and the ideology which have a symbolic power and social cognition which was found

in Trump’s speech in order to find out his ideology.

1.5 The significance of the study

The result of the study is expected to be used theoretically and practical purposes:

1. Theoretically

a. For the academic community (students and faculty). This study will be a

reference to the development of linguistic science subjects.

b. This research assists Critical Discourse Analysis as the development of this study.

It covers language used in daily life, how to use good language to communicate

with others. And it also covers the ideology of the countries foundation. The best

president has to take a decision correctly. To make a believe which strengthens

the best ideology.

2. Practical purposes
a. This study provides new knowledge and experience for the personality and

community in understanding the language of a speech as a whole form, function

and meaning as well.

b. This study is expected to help people understand the knowledge of language and

apply it in an important conversation. It is a debate, speech, and lecture.


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