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ECER4 Prelim Exam

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The noise produced by a resistor is to be amplified by a noiseless amplifier having a voltage gain of 75 and a bandwidth of 100
kHz. A sensitive meter at the output reads 240 microvolts rms. Assuming operation of 37 degrees, calculate the resistor’s
a. 4 kilo ohms
b. 5 kilo ohms
c. 6 kilo ohms*
d. 7 kilo ohms

2. Who was the first to successfully transmit wireless radio signals through Earth’s atmosphere?
a. Samuel Morse
b. Howard Armstrong
c. Lee DeForest
d. Guglielmo Marconi*

3. The process of changing one or more properties of the carrier in proportion with the information signal?
a. demodulation
b. transmission
c. modulation*
d. reception

4. The process of converting a frequency or band of frequencies to another location in the total frequency spectrum is called:
a. translation*
b. demodulation
c. modulation
d. oscillation

5. The difference between the highest and the lowest frequencies contained in the information.
a. noise
b. bandwidth*
c. interference
d. frequency

6. The law that states that the wider the bandwidth and the longer the time of transmission, the more information that can be
conveyed through the system.
a. Information theory
b. Information density law
c. Hartley’s law*
d. Information entropy law

7. Measuring physical condition of some remote location and transmitting this data for analysis is the process of
a. Telemetry*
b. Instrumentation
c. Modulation
d. Multiplexing

8. _________ noise is a naturally occurring electrical disturbances which is commonly called static electricity.
a. Transit-time noise
b. Extraterrestrial noise
c. Solar noise
d. Atmospheric noise*

9. Which of the following is not another name of thermal agitation noise?

a. White noise
b. Pink noise*
c. Johnson noise
d. Brown noise

10. One of the following types of noise becomes of great importance at high frequencies. It is the
a. shot noise
b. random noise
c. impulse noise
d. transit-time noise*

11. A three-stage amplifier has an input stage with noise ratio of 5 and power gain of 50. Stages 2 and 3 have a noise ratio of 10 and
power gain of 1000. Calculate the noise figure for the overall system.
a. 4.55 dB
b. 7.14 dB*
c. 6 dB
d. 5.18 dB

12. An amplifier with a noise figure of 6dB has an input signal-to-noise ratio of 25dB. Calculate the output signal-to-noise ratio in
a. 31 dB
b. 19 dB*
c. 20 dB
d. 25 dB

13. Also known as black-body noise

a. cosmic noise*
b. extraterrestrial noise
c. solar noise
d. man-made noise

14. The value of resistor creating thermal noise is doubled. The noise power generated therefore
a. halved
b. quadrupled
c. doubled
d. unchanged*

15. The square of the thermal noise voltage generated by a resistor is proportional to
a. its resistance
b. its temperature*
c. Boltzmann’s constant
d. The bandwidth over which it is measured

16. It is a type of distortion that when unwanted harmonics of a signal are produced through a nonlinear amplification.
a. intermodulation distortion
b. buck-shot
c. splatter
d. harmonic distortion*

17. It is a collection of electronic components and circuits designed to convert the information into a signal suitable for
transmission over a given communication medium.
a. receiver
b. medium
c. transmitter*
d. mixer

18. What is the wavelength in meters, if the frequency is 10 MHz?

a. 30*
b. 0.3
c. 3
d. 300

19. Musical instruments makes sounds usually in what range?

a. LF
b. VLF*
c. VF
d. HF

20. Frequencies above 1 GHz range is called _________.

a. milliwaves
b. microwaves*
c. centiwaves
d. hectowaves

21. A radiation that is generally associated with heat.

a. ultraviolet
b. visible light
c. infrared*
d. EHF

22. A technique used in improving communication when a high peak-to-average power ratio of atmospheric noise occurs, the
receiver is disabled during the duration of these burst.
a. quieting
b. noise blanking*
c. limiting
d. mixing

23. What is frequency range of EHF?

a. 3 – 30 GHz
b.30 – 300 GHz*
c. 30 – 300 MHz
d. 300 – 3000 MHz

24. A silicon varactor diode exhibits a capacitance of 200pF at zero bias. If it is in parallel with a 60-pF capacitor and a 200-uH
inductor, calculate the range of resonant frequency as the diode varies through a reverse bias of 3 to 15V.
A. 679kHz to 2.13MHz
B. 966kHz to 1.15MHz*
C. 355kHz to 3.12MHz
D. 143 kHz to 4.53MHz

25. A circuit that has a low-gain, high-input impedance linear amplifier which is used to isolate the oscillator from the high-power
A. power amplifier
B. bandpass filter
C. signal driver
D. buffer amplifier*

26. A carrier is simultaneously modulated by two sine waves with modulation indices of 0.3 and 0.4, the total modulation index
A. is 1
B. cannot be calculated unless the phase relations are known
C. is 0.5*
D. is 0.7

27. If a superheterodyne receiver is tuned to a desired signal at 1000kHz and its conversion (local) oscillator is operating at
1300kHz, what would be the frequency of an incoming signal that would possibly cause image reception?
A. 1600 kHz*
B. 2300 kHz
C. 1250 kHz
D. 3420 kHz

28. When modulation requires a much higher amplitude modulating signal to achieve a reasonable percent modulation, this is
A. high-level modulation*
B. low-level modulation
C. zero-modulation
D. constant modulation

29. What is the minimum AM signal needed to transmit information?

A. carrier plus sidebands
B. carrier only
C. one sideband*
D. both sidebands

30. It is the measure of the ability of a communications system to produce, at the output of the receiver, an exact replica of the
original source information.
A. sensitivity
B. threshold
C. selectivity
D. fidelity*

31. An AM transmitter antenna current is measured with no modulation and found to be 2.6 amperes. With modulation, the
current rises to 2.9 amperes. The percentage modulation is
A. 35%
B. 70%*
C. 42%
D. 89%

32. An AM transmitter has a percentage of modulation of 88, the carrier power is 440 W. The power in one sideband is
A. 85 W*
B. 110 W
C. 170 W
D. 610 W

33. What is the frequency swing of an FM broadcast transmitter when modulated 60%?
A. 60 kHz
B. 45 kHz*
C. 30 kHz
D. 25 kHz

34. Maximum frequency deviation of a PM signal occurs at

A. zero-crossing points*
B. peak positive amplitudes
C. peak negative amplitude
D. peak positive and negative amplitude

35. The peak-to-peak frequency deviation is sometimes called __________.

A. phase deviation
B. peak phase deviation
C. carrier swing*
D. instantaneous frequency

36. The maximum allowed deviation of the FM sound signal in TV is 25 kHz. If the actual deviation is 18kHz, the percent modulation
A. 43 percent
B. 72 percent*
C. 96 percent
D. 139 percent

37. The primary disadvantage of direct PM

A. relatively unstable LC oscillators must be used to produce carrier frequency which prohibits using crystal oscillators
B. relatively high frequency deviations and modulation indices are easily obtained due to the fact that the oscillators are
inherently unstable.
C. crystal oscillators are inherently stable and therefore more difficult for them to achieve high phase deviations and
modulation indices.*
D. carrier oscillator is isolated form the actual modulator circuit and therefore can be stable source.

38. The inherent ability of FM to diminish the effects of interfering signals is called _______.
A. capture effect*
B. noise suppression
C. adjacent channel rejection
D. none of these

39. In FM broadcasting, what is the highest required modulating frequency?

A. 75 kHz
B. 50 kHz
C. 25 kHz
D. 15 kHz*

40. Which of the following discriminator circuits provide an automatic gain control voltage?
A. ratio detector
B. balanced slope detector
C. quadrature detector
D. stagger-tuned detector*

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