Make A Maze in Blender For Unity 3d
Make A Maze in Blender For Unity 3d
Make A Maze in Blender For Unity 3d
software used
Gary williams's maze maker
blender 249b
Now you just have the minimum verts. select all edges and extrude EKEY
ZKEY to make walls. select all faces and run mesh/scripts/solidify selection Campbell Barton's script,
I think I used a thickness of .5. There will be some glitches to clean up by hand, edges that criss cross, select the edge and go GKEY move
and then SHIFT-Z move in x and y only to straighten them out.
If there are too many verts, select verts you want to work on in wireframe mode, hit CTRL-I select inverse and
HKEY Hide, then ALT-H to unhide all.
Now in object mode spacebar add plane, add a floor and ceiling. Select all and export to FBX.
Next track down the 'turntable' tutorial by Matt Beckman. It has the minimum files but doesn't have the 1st
Person Controller from the FPS tutorial.
Make a copy
of his turntable download where you make unity projects. Copy the maze_new7.fbx into the /yourasset directory and the textures into
the /yourasset/textures directory.
Note on my windows vista when I run unity it says'unity has stopped working
errors close the program' DON"T close it, it will load eventually.
BTW '.unity'
is a SCENE not a PROJECT, so you want to open SCENE. I don't know if
the .unity comes with turntable, I just renamed my 'dino.unity'
maze.unity in the copy. Run Unity 2.61, open scene, 'maze.scene' in
Assets. drag the maze_new7 in the Project tab into the #scene viewport,
it should appear textured. Next drag the First person controller from
Project Tab into the scene.
There's a hand tool in the upper right corner used to move around
the viewport, alt mouse drag pans, the view middle mouse wheel zooms.
select the maze_new7 from the project tab, NOT the hierarchy tab, and
check 'generate colliders' or you'll fall through the floor.
Another way, this is supposed to be better, is to select the maze_new7 in project go to fbx import area and change scale
to .5, then go assets/reimport/apply.
It's going right through the walls. BTW if you have a space navigator,
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