English File - Upper-Intermediate - Student's Book With ITutor (PDFDrive) (Trascinato)
English File - Upper-Intermediate - Student's Book With ITutor (PDFDrive) (Trascinato)
English File - Upper-Intermediate - Student's Book With ITutor (PDFDrive) (Trascinato)
used to, be used to, get used to 1 We use used to /didn't use to + infinitive to talk about past
habits or repeated actions or situations / states which have
used to I didn't use to + infinit ive changed.
• used to doesn't exist in the present tense. For present habits,
1 I u sed to sleep for eight hours every night, 3 43 l))
use usually+ the present simple, e.g. I usually walk to work.
but now I only sleep for six.
NOT I use to walk to wo1k .
I didn't recognize him. He didn't use to have a beard.
2 When I lived in France as a child we used to have 2 We can also use would to refer to repeated actions in the past.
croissants for breakfast. We would buy them every However, we don't use would for non-action verbs (e.g. be,
morning from the local baker. have, know, like, etc.). NOT I didn't 1ecogniu him. Ile wouldn't
hat1e a beai d.
a Right (/") or wrong (X)? Correct the m istakes in the b Complete with used to, be used to, o r Bet used to (positive
hig lighted phrases. or n egative) and the verb in brackets .
[ can't get usea to getting up so early. I' M y boyfriend is Spanish , so he isn't used to driving on
She isn't used to have a big dinner in the evening. X the left. (drive)
isn't used to havinB 1 W hen Nathan star ted his first job he couldn't
1 When we were children we use to p aying football in _ _ _ _ _ at 6 a.m. (get up)
the road. 2 I didn't recognize you! You long hair,
2 When we visited our British friends in London we didn't you? (have)
couldn't get use to drink tea w ith breakfas t. 3 Isabelle a flat when she was at university,
3 ave you got used to live in the country or do you still but now she h as a house of her own. (rent)
miss the city? 4 When we were children we all day
4 I'm really sleepy. [ 'm not used to staying up so late. I'm playing fo otball in the park. (spend)
usually in bed by midnight. 5 Jasmine has been a nurse all her life, so she _ _ _ __
5 There use to be a cinem a in our village, but it closed nights. (work)
down th ree years ago. 6 I've never wor n glasses before, but now I'll h ave to
6 Paul is used to having very long hair when he was younger. _ _ _ _ _ _ them. (wear)
7 A I don't think I could work at night. 7 Amelia is an on ly child. She her things.
B It's not so bad. ['m use to i now. (sh are)
8 Did you use to wear a uniform to school? 8 Although I've lived in Spain for years, I've never
9 It's taking me a long time to e used to living on my own. _ _ _ _ _ dinner at 9 or 10 o'clock at night. (h ave)
10 When I had exams at university [used to stay up all 9 I spinach, b ut now I love it. (like)
night revising. 10 If you want to lose weight, then you'll have to _ _ __
less. (eat)