Psychology Project
Psychology Project
Psychology Project
The research entitled Effect of Music on Mood. This research was initiated by collecting primary data
through questionnaire filled in by volunteers. This research also indicated that people get inspired by
listening to music. Music is a source that can get them into the other mood. People think that music has
strong impact on their mood and behaviour. This research found that people are pretty much interested in
listening to music and they believe music influence them in positive and negative both ways.
1.1 Background of the Study
Music is one of the few aspects of human culture which is thought to be universal. Since we are all human
beings we all experience joy, anger, sadness and other feelings like those. Music has the potential to
influence mood, feelings, and thoughts; it has the ability to change the emotional and physical status of
people, whether they are in bad, good, or sad moods.
Music is considered as a way of expression in which freedom is a privilege.
Humans are able to experience wide range of emotional states. Emotions, sense of humour, passion and
excitement interchangeably, although each is unique and distinct from others.
There have been many psychological studies conducted throughout the past century relating to music and
emotion, and as a result there exist many different representations and interpretations of human emotion
and its relation to music. The objective of this thesis research is to find out the effect of music on mood
and human behaviour.
Music is a tool that can influence the emotion; it can change the mood and also leaves it effects on human
emotions. And this effect can be shown in some.
A huge difference in one performance and task can be seen after and before listening to music. It is said
that people work much better after listening to music than those who sit in silence or with no music.
According to the studies of Webster and Weir (2005), Music in major keys was rated happier than music in
minor keys. Non harmonised, simple melodies were rated happier than more complex harmonised music.
As the tempo of music increased, ratings of happiness also increased.
Webster and Weir said according to Garadi and Garken (1995), people associate descending melodies with
sadness whereas ascending melodies with happiness. but kids do not make it reliable their level of
association is different they do not respond in the same way but youngsters do.
According to Thompson et al (2001) people perform special activities better after listening to music
composed by Mozart than those who are sitting in silence. In their research task The music Mozart sonata
was appeared to be very pleasant to participant whereas the other participants were given a very slow and
sad music but the results of Mozart were better and those participants scored higher on mood arousal and
significantly lower on negative mood as Mozart effect itself is an artifact arousal of mood.
According to Schäfer and Sedlmeier, (2009) music is a valuable mean for induction of emotions. In
addition music is considered to be a diagnostic tool for investigating the development of adolescents their
emotions i.e what they need, what they believe, what they feel and also their problems are mirrored in the
music they listen to. Thus it can be said that music has a strong impact on our emotions and activities.
According to Panksepp and Bernatzky (2002) said through music person can be guided toward common
social activities and the other task they perform in a social environment.
Thaut and de l’Etoile (1993) found that people induced to a happy mood by inducing music scene with a
piece composed in the major mode showed a significant increase in memory compared with people who
had not been led to an experimental mood.
2.2 Hypothesis
All kind of music effect mood, feeling and emotions, and People who listen to classical and pop music will
show more positive effects, and those who listen to heavy metal will show more negative moods.
3.1 Method of Data Collection
The data required for the search purpose was primary data.
3.1.1 Primary Data
This type of data consisted of the observations, results and comments of the stakeholders concerned with
the search process such as the responses of the audience who volunteered their opinion on various issues
related to the topic of effect of music on mood.
3.2 Sampling Technique
3.3 Sample Size
A sample size of 40 was collected for this research.
3.4 Instrument of Data Collection
Close ended Questionnaire has been used as the instrument of primary data collection based on logical
4.2 Discussion
-Based on the result of Question 1 , it can be concluded that music reflect the mood of a person frequently
and 45% of people agree with it .
-In question number 2 around 37.5% people believe that listening to music is beneficial for their mood all
the time .
-Around 45% people agree that their musical preferences reflect their personality.
-Music refreshes the soul and keeps our mood high, people love listening to music and enjoys it.55%
people are likely to listen to music when they are upset.
-37.5% people spend more than 5 hours every week listening to music .
-Music leaves an effect on a persons mind and mood .
42.5% people agree that music can influence their mood .
-When people listen to happy music it makes them happy . 57.5% people are likely to Listen to music
when they are in a good mood .
-“Where words fail, music speaks” and around 65% people agree that music therapy is a valuable option to
treat depression and anxiety.
-And 57.5% would consider music therapy as an alternative to depression and anxiety.
-80% feel that there is a greater need for awareness towards alternative mental health treatments such as
music therapy.
-Music helps in creating certain atmosphere. Music can take ourselves out from certain state and can put us
in certain state of mind where we want ourselves to be, like our mind can be peaceful and relax. 62.5%
believer that music is beneficial for anyone.
-In the people who have filled the Questionnaire, around 22.5% have experienced music therapy
personally and 70% haven’t experienced it .
-50% people agree that when they are angry calming music helps them calm down .
-It is said that music makes anyone’s mood better and 75% people agree that it helps improve their mood. .
-Music helps around 52.5% people concentrate more when they listen to music .
-Around 32.5% say music has a 10/10 impact on their life .
Music listening has become a ubiquitous phenomenon in our modern world. Music is also thought to be a
medicine of souls. For most people, the importance of music as a leisure time activity can hardly be
overestimated. People love listening to music, music is a source to sooth the soul. It has been proved by the
research the people who listen to music are more relaxed.
Music is also thought to be a way to communicate with others; it can also work as a romantic ambiance,
people like listen to soft music during their emotional states like love. Specific music induces specific
feelings in listener. Almost all the subjects of my study agreed that music affect them in many ways. When
they listen to sad music they respond in same manner. And when they listen to happy music they feel
themselves happy.
It has also been proven through the research that people enjoy more when they listen to familiar music or
their favourite one. I think the power of music to induce positive emotions may be a reason why one listens
to a piece of music again and again. Music is increasingly being used to enhance well-being, reduce stress
and distract patients from unpleasant symptoms.
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-Schäfer1, T. & Sedlmeier, P. (2009), What makes us like music. Proceedings of the 7th Triennial
Conference of European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM 2009), Jyväskylä, Finland,
-Stout, P. A., Leckenby, J. D., & Hecker, S. (1990). Viewer reactions to music in television commercials.
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-Thaut, M.H., & de l'Etoile, S.K. (1993).The effects of music on mood state-dependent recall. Journal of
Music Therapy. 30, 70-79
-Webster, G. D., & Weir, C. G. (2005). Emotional Responses to Music: Interactive Effects of Mode,
Texture, and Tempo. Motivation and Emotion, 29(1), 19-39.
Name /Initials *
Your answer
Age *
Gender *
How often does your choice of music reflect your mood? *
Very Frequently
How often do you feel that listening to music is beneficial to your mood? *
Not often
Very often
All the time
How strongly do you believe that your musical preferences reflect your
personality? *
Strongly disagree
Strongly Agree
How likely are you to listen to music when you feel upset? *
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
How many hours a week do you spend listening to music? *
Please answer the following statement: “The music I listen to can greatly influence
my current mood.” *
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
How likely are you to listen to uplifting music when you are in a good mood? *
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
Do you believe that an alternative treatment method such as music therapy is a
valuable option for treating depression and anxiety?*
Would you consider participating in music therapy as an alternative treatment for
depression or anxiety? *
Do you feel that there is a need for greater awareness towards alternative mental
health treatments such as music therapy? *
Do you believe that listening to music can be beneficial for anyone? *
Would you recommend music therapy as an alternative treatment method to
anyone you know? *
Have you ever experienced music therapy for any reason personally? *
Do you listen to music when you are angry ? If so, what kind? *
Rap music
Happy music
Calming music
Does music help you concentrate less or more ? *
Have you ever intentionally listened to a song to improve your mood ? *
On a scale of 1-10 , how does music impact your life ? *
Preferable genre of music *