Model Question Paper - With Effect From 2020-21 (CBCS Scheme)
Model Question Paper - With Effect From 2020-21 (CBCS Scheme)
Model Question Paper - With Effect From 2020-21 (CBCS Scheme)
Note: 01. Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each MODULE.
02. Use of IS: 456-2000, SP-16 is permitted.
03. Assume suitable additional data, if necessary.
Module – 1
Q.1 (a) Elaborate on the philosophy and principles of Limit State Method of RCC design. 08M
Write brief notes on: a) Partial safety factor for loads, 12M
b) Partial safety factor for materials,
c) Characteristic loads,
d) Characteristic strength.
Q.2 (a) Explain the terms: balanced, under reinforced and over reinforced sections. 06M
(b) A simply supported beam of rectangular section 250 mm wide by 450 mm overall 14M
depth is used over an effective span of 4m. The beam is reinforced with 3 bars of 20
mm diameter Fe-415 HYSD bars at an effective depth of 400 mm. Two hanger bars
of 10 mm diameter are provided. The self weight of the beam together with the dead
load on the beam is 4kN/m. Service live load = 10kN/m. Using M-20 grade concrete,
i. Short term deflection.
ii. Long term deflection according to the provisions of the Indian Standards Code
IS: 456-2000.
Module – 2
Q.3 (a) Derive from fundamentals the expression for the area of stress block 0.36 fckXu. 08M
(b) A R.C. Beam of section 300mm X 550mm (overall) is reinforced with 4 bars of 16mm 12M
with an effective cover of 50 mm. The beam is simply supported over effective span
of 5m. Find the maximum load carrying capacity of the beam inclusive of its self
weight. Use M-20 concrete and Fe-41 5 HYSD bars.
Q.4 (a) Derive the moment of resistance equation for singly reinforced rectangular section. 10M
(b) A reinforced concrete beam has a support section with a width of 250mm and effective 10M
depth of 500mm. The support section is reinforced with 3 bars of 20mm diameter on
the tension side. 8mm diameter 2 legged stirrups are provided at a spacing of 200mm
centers. Using M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 HYSD bars, calculate the shear
strength of the support section.
Module – 3
Q.5 (a) Design a reinforced concrete beam of rectangular section using the following data: 20M
Effective span = 5m, Width of beam = 250mm, Overall depth = 500mm, Live load =
37kN/m, Effective cover = 50mm, Materials: M-20 grade concrete & Fe-415 HYSD
Q.6 (a) Design a L- Beam for an office floor to suit the following data: 20M
Clear span = L = 8m, Thickness of flange = Df =150mm, Live load = 4kN/m2, Spacing
of beams = 3m, fck = 20N/mm2, fy = 415N/mm2, Width of columns = 300mm. L- Beams
are monolithic with R.C columns.
Module – 4
(a) Design a R.C slab for a room of clear size 4m x 5m. The slab is supported on walls of 20M
Q.7 300mm thickness with two adjacent edges continuous and other two edges
discontinuous. Live load is 3kN/m2. Assume floor finish as 0.6kN/ m2. Use M-20
concrete and Fe-415 HYSD bars. Sketch the reinforcement details.
(a) Design one of the flights of a doglegged staircase spanning between landing beams 10M
Q.8 using following data:
No. of steps = 10, Tread = 300mm, Riser = 150mm, width of landing beam = 300mm,
Live load = 3.5kN/m2, Grade of Concrete = M-20, Grade of Steel = Fe-415.
(b) Design one of the flights of an open well staircase which consists of landing on both 10M
sides and embedded into the wall of 230mm thick for the following data:
No. of steps = 6, width of landing = 1.1m, Live load = 3kN/m2, Grade of Concrete =
M-20, Grade of Steel = Fe-415.
Module – 5
(a) Design the reinforcements in a rectangular column of size 300mm x 500mm to support 10M
Q.9 a design ultimate load of 500kN together with a factored moment of 200kNm. Adopt
the values of fck = 20N/mm2, fy = 415N/mm2.
(b) Design the reinforcements in a circular column of diameter 400mm to support a 10M
factored load of 800kN together with a factored moment of 80kNm. Adopt M-20 grade
of concrete and Fe-415 HYSD bars.
Q.10 Design a footing of uniform depth for a short axially loaded column of size 300mm x 20M
500mm. The column carries an axial service load of 800kN in compression. SBC of
foundation soil is 185kN/m2. Use M20 concrete and Fe415 steel. Sketch the
reinforcement details.
Table showing the Bloom’s Taxonomy Level, Course Outcome and Programme