Design and Construction of Excavation Works For Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit Underground Station at Cochrane, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Fifth International Young Geotechnical Engineering Conference - 5iYGEC’13





KOO Kuan-Seng
[email protected], G&P Geotechnics, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

ABSTRACT - Kuala Lumpur limestone formation exhibits karstic features with irregular bedrock profiles and
variable weathering condition. The Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit project is the first Mass Rapid Transit
project in Malaysia. The Cochrane station is one of the underground stations with maximum excavation
depth of 32m below ground and it is located in Kuala Lumpur limestone formation. This station also serves as
launching shaft for the tunnel boring machine from both ends of the station. A cost effective earth retaining
system deemed suitable for the geological formation was adopted using secant pile wall supported by
temporary ground anchors. High ground water table is also a concern. Rock grouting was carried out to
prevent water ingress into excavation pit as well as excessive ground settlement and occurrences of
sinkholes surrounding the excavation area due to groundwater drawdown. Vertical rock excavation adjacent
to the secant pile wall involving rock slope strengthening works, surface protection, controlled blasting and
vibration control was successfully designed and implemented. This paper presents the design of the secant
pile wall together with vertical rock excavation to the final depth of the station in karstic limestone formation.
The unique experience (design and construction) gained from this project will be useful reference for similar
excavation works, especially in mature karstic limestone.

1. Introduction

Geotechnical design is both an art and science as it

deals with uncertainties associated with variable
geological ground conditions. Kuala Lumpur
limestone formation is karstic limestone with
variable weathering condition. If complexities of the
karstic limestone bedrock are overlooked during
design and construction, it will pose great
uncertainties and difficulties during excavation
works. Therefore, excavation works in limestone
formation required major geotechnical design input
particularly on safety during construction and during
operation of the underground structures. Figure 1. Location of the construction site
The Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit (MRT)
from Sg.Buloh to Kajang is one of the major
infrastructure projects launched in 2011. It is the
first MRT project in Malaysia. The project involved a
total of 9.8km long tunnel from Semantan to Maluri
with 7 underground stations and associated
structures such as portals, ventilation shafts,
escape shafts and crossovers to be constructed
over the Klang Valley and Kuala Lumpur city areas.
Cochrane station is one of the underground stations
located in the city area with maximum excavation
depth of 32m below ground. This station also
serves as launching shaft for the tunnel boring
machine from both ends of the station. Figure 1
shows the location of the construction site. Figure 2 Figure 2. Construction site layout plan
shows the construction site layout plan of Cochrane
underground station.
Fifth International Young Geotechnical Engineering Conference - 5iYGEC’13

2. Geological condition The investigation depth is 10m below final

excavation level or 10m continuous (cavity free)
Figure 3 shows the Geological Map of Selangor, coring into limestone whichever is deeper. Selected
(ref: sheet 94 Kuala Lumpur 1976 and 1993, boreholes were terminated at 1.6 times the
published by the Mineral and Geoscience excavation depth i.e. 20m below final excavation
Department, Malaysia) superimposed with the depth. Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) were
tunnel alignment. The tunnel alignment starts from carried out in the boreholes at 1.5m vertical
the Semantan Portal to Bukit Bintang Station and is intervals. Disturbed and undisturbed soil samples
underlain by Kenny Hill formation, while from Pasar were collected for visual inspection and laboratory
Rakyat Station until the end at Maluri Portal is testing. Pressuremeter tests and field permeability
underlain by Kuala Lumpur Limestone. Cochrane tests were also carried out in boreholes to obtain
station is located within the Kuala Lumpur elastic modulus and permeability respectively for
Limestone formation. the subsoil. The groundwater table was about 1m
Kuala Lumpur Limestone is well known for its below ground. The interpreted geotechnical
highly erratic karstic features (Tan 2005). Due to parameters are tabulated in Table 1.
the inherent karstic features of limestone bedrock, For limestone bedrock, rock core samples were
the depth of the limestone bedrock is highly collected for rock quality assessment such as
irregular. The overburden soils above Kuala weathering condition and fracture state with rock-
Lumpur Limestone are mainly silty sand. The quality designation (RQD) values. Lugeon tests
thickness of overburden soils varies significantly were carried out to obtain water permeability of
due to the irregular topography of the limestone bedrock and the hydraulic conductivity resulting
bedrock. from fractures. Point load tests in vertical and
horizontal direction and unconfined compression
strength tests (UCS) were carried out to correlate
between UCS values against point load index
(Is(50)). The interpreted correlation factor is UCS =
11(Is(50)) and UCS = 18(Is(50)) for horizontal and
vertical direction respectively where UCS is in MPa.

Table 1. Interpreted geotechnical parameters

Overburden Bedrock
Material type Silty sand Limestone
Average depth 0m – 5m 5m below
3 3
Unit weight 18 kN/m 24 kN/m
SPT N 2-4 -
RQD - 0 – 100%
Average UCS - 50 MPa
Figure 3. Geological map of Kuala Lumpur Effective shear c’= 1 kPa c’= 400 kPa
strength ɸ’= 29º ɸ’= 32º
3. Subsurface investigation Elastic Modulus, 4000 - 12000 1.0E6
E' (kPa)
Subsurface investigation was carried out to obtain Hydraulic 1.0E-5 m/s 0 – 31
necessary subsoil information and design conductivity, k Lugeon
parameters. Thirty-one boreholes were carried out
in stages at the Cochrane underground station as
shown in Figure 4. Generally, the boreholes are 4. Design for excavation works
located at the station footprint and the retaining wall
alignment. Excavation works for Cochrane station consist of
overburden soil excavation and rock excavation to
required depth for TBM launching preparation and
also permanent structure construction. A
rectangular cofferdam measuring about 37m x
176m was constructed as shown in Figure 2 to
facilitate soil excavation until bedrock level.
Continuous vertical rock slope excavation to final
excavation level was carried out with just 1m offset
from the retaining wall alignment. Figure 5(a),
shows the overall view of the excavation works.
Figure 5(b) shows the TBM launching face upon
reaching the final excavation depth.

Figure 4. Subsurface investigation layout plan

Fifth International Young Geotechnical Engineering Conference - 5iYGEC’13

(Note: Rock slope strengthening indicated is provisional only. Actual

locations and length of rock slope strengthening are determined after
geological mapping works and kinematic analysis).

Figure 7. Schematic of excavation works

Figure 5. Overall view of excavation works
Table 2. Modeling input parameters and criteria
4.1. Temporary earth retaining system Description Modeling input
Model type Plain strain analysis
The selection of retaining wall has considered Soil model Hardening Soil Model
the workability and suitability of subsoil and rock Soil shear strength Effective stress
conditions. Secant pile wall was selected as the parameters
earth retaining wall supported by temporary ground Soil material type Drained
anchors. The advantages of the selected wall type Soil loading stiffness 2000 x SPT’N
are (i) water-tightness to prevent groundwater draw- Soil unloading stiffness 6000 x SPT’N
down at the retained side; and (ii) the ability to vary Soil/wall Interface factor 0.8
the pile lengths to suit the irregular limestone Wall element Plate element
bedrock profiles. Secant piles of 880mm and Wall bending stiffness 0.7 x EI

1000mm in diameter were designed with an overlap Wall compression 0.7 x EA


of 130mm and 200mm respectively representing stiffness

15-20% of pile diameter. The extents of overlapping Anchor pre-stress load 60 – 80% of anchor
of the secant piles are governed by pile installation working load
verticality, pile deviation and pile depth (CIRIA Construction surcharge 20 kPa
C580, 2003). The hard/firm secant pile wall consists Groundwater condition Phreatic line
of primary (female) piles casted first with concrete Notes: (1) (2) Tan & Chow (2008); (3) (4) CIRIA 2003
strength class C16/20 without reinforcement and
followed by secondary (male) pile with concrete All secant piles were founded on bedrock with
strength class C32/40 with reinforcement. Figure 6 minimum rock socket of 1.5-3.0m. The termination
shows typical arrangement of the secant pile wall. criteria of rock socket are based on coring in
Schematic of excavation works is shown in Figure competent bedrock with point load index strength,
7. Is(50) > 4 MPa (equivalent to UCS of 44 MPa). It is
important to ensure that the retaining wall is
socketed into competent bedrock as the vertical
rock excavation is just 1m away from the retaining
wall alignment. A row of tie-back rock bolts were
installed above the bedrock level to enhance toe
stability. Toe stability check was carried out in
accordance with BS8002:1994 with some
modification which replaces passive resistance by
tie-back force to achieve minimum safety factor of
Figure 6. Typical arrangement of secant pile wall 1.2. In addition, vertical stability was checked with
resultant vertical load from ground anchor pre-
The analysis of the retaining wall was carried out stress against the rock socket length.
using PLAXIS, a finite element code. Wall Excavation was carried out in stages facilitated
displacement, bending moment and shear force by installing temporary ground anchors. Design and
were obtained from the analysis for structural testing of ground anchor is in accordance with
design. A load factor of 1.4 for bending moment BS8081:1989. U-turn ground anchor was used for
and shear force were applied for pile reinforcement removable requirement after construction. The
design. The quantity of reinforcement is about 0.5% anchor consists of a few pairs of strand with
to 4% of pile cross-section area depending on the different unit lengths. Proofing tests were carried
rock head level. Finite element modeling input out prior to the working anchor installation for
parameters and criteria are presented in Table 2. design verification. Based on the proofing test
Fifth International Young Geotechnical Engineering Conference - 5iYGEC’13

result, the recommended reduction factor due to design engineers during construction have enabled
bending of strand at U-turn point is 0.65. Summary vertical rock excavation to be carried out safely and
of the anchor properties are shown in Table 3. without delay. This design scheme has resulted in
considerable time and cost saving compared to
Table 3. Ground anchor properties non-vertical excavation which will incur additional
Description Properties cost and also present challenges in terms of
Working loads (kN) 212; 424; 636; 848 additional land acquisition.
No. of strand 2; 4; 6; 8 With proper geotechnical input, costly failure and
Strand diameter 15.24mm delay associated with underground works in
Breaking load 260.7 kN limestone formation such as excessive groundwater
Factor of safety 1.6 lowering, occurrences of sinkholes, excessive
Strand U-turn radius 47.5mm ground settlement, etc. can be prevented. It is
Reduction factor 0.65 important to have continuous feedback from the
Drill hole diameter 175mm construction team to anticipate problems and such
Allowable bond stress 400 kPa (limestone) model of cooperation between the construction
Free length Varies (until bedrock) team and the geotechnical engineers has proven to
Bond length (m) 3; 3; 4.5; 6 be successful as the excavation works at Cochrane
station were completed successfully and within the
contract period.
4.2. Rock slope strengthening works
6. Conclusions
The rock excavation was carried out using
conventional pre-split blasting followed by bulk Secant pile wall supported by temporary ground
blasting with suitable delays to minimize the anchors and rock strengthening were successfully
impacts of blasting works. The blasting works were used for the underground station excavation works.
carried out in 2 to 3m benches. After blasting, The secant pile wall system together with grouting
geological mapping was carried out by qualified works prevented excessive groundwater lowering
geologist to collect field data on the exposed rock and excessive ground movement. Overall, the
face including details of discontinuities, rock face system performs satisfactorily and the excavation
weathering condition, etc. The field data is used for works were successfully completed within the
kinematic stereonet analysis using software (Rock contract period.
Pack III) to determine the probable mode of rock
slope failures. The probable failure mode was 7. Acknowledgement
further analysed using software RocPlane (planar
stability), Swedge (wedge stability) and RockPack II The Author would like to thank G&P Geotechnics
(toppling stability) to establish the factor of safety design team members and project team of MMC-
and determine suitable rock slope strengthening Gamuda KVMRT for various discussions on
works. overcoming challenges associated with limestone
formation. The support and sponsorship from the
4.3. Grouting works Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) to attend
the conference is also gratefully acknowledged.
Grouting techniques rely much on local
experiences. Grouting works is mainly carried out 8. References
for limestone to reduce the rate of groundwater
inflow into excavation and reduce pathways of BS8002:1994. British Standard Code of Practice for
water flow into excavation area. Rock fissure Earth Retaining Wall.
grouting was carried out along the perimeter of BS8081:1989. British Standard Code of Practice for
excavation area to form a curtain grouting as shown Ground Anchorages.
in Figure 7. Fissure grouting involves a single CIRIA C580. (2003). Enbedded retaining walls –
packer in ascending or descending stages in order guidance for economic design, London.
to inject grout suspension into existing pathways, Raju V. R. & Yee Y W (2006). Grouting in limestone
fissures, cavities and discontinuities within the rock for SMART tunnel project in Kuala Lumpur.
formation. Rock fissure grouting is also adopted for International Conference and Exhibition on
base grouting at larger grout hole spacing. If any Tunnelling and Trenchless Technology, 7-9
cavities are detected during drilling / grouting, March 2006, Subang, Selangor, Malaysia.
compaction grouting with cement mortar will be Tan S. M. (2005). Karstic Features of Kuala Lumpur
used as cavity treatment. Limestone. Bulletin of the Institution of Enginner
Malaysia, June 2005, 6 -11.
5. Achievement Tan Y. C. & Chow C.M. (2008). Design of retaining
wall and support systems for deep basement
Excavation works started in early 2012 and reached construction – a Malaysian experience. Seminar
the final excavation level in January 2013. Proper on "Deep Excavation and Retaining Walls", , 24
geotechnical input and continuous support from the March 2008, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.

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