PARA WISE Compliance Report MARCH 2020

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Compliance Report (CAR 147 BASIC)



147.A.100 Facility requirements

(a) The size and structure of facilities shall

ensure protection from the prevailing
weather elements and proper Complied
operation of all planned training and
examination on any particular day.

(b) Fully enclosed appropriate

accommodation separate from other
facilities shall be provided for the Complied
instruction of theory, and the conduct
of knowledge examinations.

1. The maximum number of students

undergoing knowledge training during
any training course shall not exceed Policy Ref. MTOE Para 1.7 pg.27
30. Institute may induct maximum two described
batches of students per category in a

2. The size of accommodation for

examination purposes shall be such
that no student can read the paperwork Complied
or computer screen of any other
student from his/her position during

(c) The paragraph (b) accommodation

environment shall be maintained such
that students are able to concentrate Policy Ref. MTOE Para 2.3 pg.30
on their studies or examination as described
appropriate, without undue distraction
or discomfort.

(d) The basic training workshops and/or

maintenance facilities separate from
training classrooms shall be provided Viable Copy of MOU
for practical instruction appropriate to Contract is
the planned training course. If

Page 1 of 21
however, the organization is unable to made with Annex. 1
provide such facilities, viable Air India
arrangements may be made with
another organization located
conveniently to provide such
workshops and / or approved
maintenance facilities under long term
written agreement and technical
arrangements specifying the conditions
of access to all relevant areas and use
thereof. The agreement shall include
provision for issuance of airport entry
passes if any. The DGCA shall require
access to any such contracted
organisation and the legal agreement
and technical arrangement shall
specify this access.

Note 1 Interface manual / SOP with control Complied &

procedures to manage and administer Submitted
the course agreeable to both the
primary training organization approval
holder and the maintenance

Note 2 Arrangements made for imparting Complied MTOE Point 1.6 B Pg 27

practical training with Approved aircraft
maintenance organisation should be
documented in the organisation

(f) The maximum number of students MOU para 3.1C page 4

undergoing practical training during
any training course shall not exceed 15 Complied Annex. 1
per supervisor or assessor.



(g) Office accommodation shall be

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provided for instructor’s knowledge Complied
examiners and practical assessors of a
standard to ensure that they can
prepare for their duties without undue
distraction or discomfort.

(h) Secure storage facilities shall be

provided for examination papers and
training records. The storage
environment shall be such that
documents remain in good condition Policy
for the retention period as specified in Described
147.A.125. The storage facilities and Ref. MTOE Para 2.7 pg.32
office accommodation may be
combined, subject to adequate

(i) A library shall be provided containing Complied

all technical material commensurate to List of books.
the scope and level of training under- Ref. MTOE Para 4.3 PG.366

AMC Facility requirements

1. For approved basic maintenance
training courses this means holding
and ensuring reasonable access to
copies of all CARs and other DGCA
regulations examples of typical aircraft Complied
maintenance manuals and service
bulletins, Airworthiness Directives,
aircraft and component records,
release documentation, procedures
manuals and aircraft maintenance



2. Except for the CARs and DGCA

regulations, the remainder of the

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documentation should represent typical Complied
examples for both large and small
aircraft and cover aeroplane as
appropriate. Avionic documentation
should cover a representative range of
available equipment. All documentation
should be reviewed and updated on a
regular basis.

GM to Facility Requirements
Organization has an existing library of
regulations, manuals and
documentation required by another
CAR, it is not necessary to duplicate
such a facility subject to student Complied Ref. MTOE Para 4.3 PG.366
access being under controlled

147. Personnel requirements


(a) Accountable manager who has

corporate authority for ensuring that all
training commitments can be financed Available Mr. Anshul B. Sharma
and carried out to the standard
required by this CAR.

(b) Group of persons, whose

responsibilities include ensuring that
the maintenance training organization
is in compliance with the requirements
of this CAR. Such person(s) must be Available Ref. MTOE Para 1.2 pg.19
responsible to the Accountable

(c) The maintenance training organization

shall have sufficient staff to plan /
perform knowledge and practical
training, conduct knowledge
examination and practical Available Ref. MTOE Para 1.5 pg.24, 25, 26
assessments in accordance with the

(d) By derogation to point (c), when No

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another organisation is used to provide
practical training and assessments,
such other organisation's staff may be
nominated to carry out practical
training and assessments.

(e) Any person may carry out any

combination of the roles of instructor,
examiner and assessor, subject to SAT
compliance with paragraph (f).

(f) The experience and qualifications of

instructors, knowledge examiners and
practical assessors shall be
established in accordance with criteria
published or in accordance with a SAT Ref. MTOE Para 1.5 pg.24, 25, 26
procedure and to a standard agreed by
the DGCA.

(g) The knowledge examiners and

practical assessors shall be specified
in the Organization exposition for the SAT Ref. MTOE Para 1.5 pg.24, 25, 26
acceptance of such staff.

(h) Instructors and knowledge examiners

shall undergo updating training at least
every 24 months relevant to current
technology, practical skills, human
factors and the latest training Policy Ref. MTOE Para 3.6 pg. 39
techniques appropriate to the described
knowledge being trained or examined.

AMC Personnel requirements

1. The larger maintenance training SAT
organization (an organization with the
capacity to provide training for 50
students or more) should appoint a
training manager with the responsibility
of managing the training organization
on a day to day basis.In addition, the
organization should appoint a quality
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manager with the esponsibility of
managing the quality system as
specified in paragraph147.A.130 (b)
and an examination manager with the
responsibility of managing the relevant
CAR147 Subpart C examination
system. Such person(s) may also be
an instructor and/or examiner.

AMC Personnel requirements

With the exception of the accountable
manager, a CA Form 04 should be
completed for each person nominated
to hold a position required by
147.A.105(b). An example of CA form Submitted &
04 is included in Appendix II to AMC. Approved by
GM to 147.A.105 (b) Personnel DGCA

The number of post holders for CAR

147 approved organization may
depend upon its size and complexity
and acceptable to DGCA. DGCA may
consider need for a specific person to SAT Ref. MTOE Para 1.2 pg. 19
be nominated as post holder
depending upon the responsibility
shared. In general guideline in a CAR
147 organization there should be

 The Training Manager (possibly his

deputy in a large organization)

 Quality Manager (possibly his deputy

in a large organization)

 Examination Manager

GM to Personnel requirements
The maintenance training organization
should have a permanently employed
staff to undertake the minimum amount
Page 6 of 21
of maintenance training proposed but
may contract, on a part-time basis,
instructors for subjects which are only Available
taught on an occasional basis.

AMC Personnel requirements

Any person currently accepted by the
DGCA in accordance with the
regulations prior to CAR147 coming
into force may continue to be accepted
in accordance with 147.A.105 (f).
Appendix-V to AMC 147.A.105 (f)
provides Guidance for assessing the
qualifications, skills, competency and
the revalidation of CAR-147
Instructors, Knowledge Examiners and
Practical Assessors.

GM to Personnel requirements
(g) SAT

Examiners should demonstrate a clear

understanding of the examination
standard required by CAR-66 and have
a responsible attitude to the conduct of
examinations such that the highest
integrity is ensured



AMC Personnel requirements

Updating training should normally be of
35 hours duration but may be adjusted
to the scope of training of the Policy Ref. MTOE Point A pg.39
organization and particular Described

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GM to Personnel requirements

1. Records should show for each

instructor/examiner when the updating
training was scheduled and when it Policy Ref. MTOE Point A pg.39
took place. Described

2. The updating training may be

subdivided during the 24 months into
more than one element and may Policy Ref. MTOE Point A pg.39
include such activities as attendance at Described
relevant lectures and symposiums.

147. Records of instructors,

A.110 examiners and assessors

a) The organization shall maintain a

record of instructors, knowledge
examiners, and practical assessors.
These records shall reflect the
experience and qualification, training Complied
history and any subsequent training

b) Terms of reference shall be drawn up

for instructors, knowledge examiners,
and practical assessors. Complied

1. The following minimum information

relevant to the scope of activity should
be kept on record in respect of each Policy Ref. MTOE Para 3.8 pg.40
instructor, knowledge examiner and Described
practical assessor:

(a) Name

(b) Date of Birth

(c) Personnel Number

(d) Experience

(e) Qualifications

Page 8 of 21
(f) Training history (before entry)

(g) Subsequent Training

(h) Scope of activity

(i)Starting date of employment/contract

(j) If appropriate – ending date of

2. The record may be kept in any format

but should be under the control of the
organizations quality system. SAT

3. Persons authorized to access the

system should be maintained at a
minimum to ensure that records cannot
be altered in an unauthorized manner SAT
or that such confidential records
become accessible to unauthorized

GM to Records of instructors,
147.A.110 examiners and assessors

Instructors, knowledge Examiners and

practical assessors should be provided
with a copy of their terms of reference. SAT



147. Instructional equipment

a) Each classroom shall have appropriate
presentation / instructional equipment
of a standard that ensures students
can easily read presentation
text/drawings/diagrams and figures
from any position in the classroom.

Presentation equipment shall include SAT

representative synthetic training
devices to assist students in their
Page 9 of 21
under-standing of the particular subject
matter where such devices are
considered beneficial for such

b) The basic training workshops and/or

maintenance facilities as specified in
point 147.A.100 (d) must have all tools SAT
and equipment necessary to perform
the approved scope of training.

c) The basic training workshops and/or

basic maintenance facilities as
specified in point 147.A.100 (d) must
have an appropriate selection of
aircraft, engines, aircraft parts / SAT
equipment’s and avionics equipment.

d) Reserved



e) The training organization shall have

a long-term viable contract with
documented technical agreement Viable Copy of MOU
and procedures with aircraft Contract is
maintenance organization with Annex. 1
made with
regard to facility, instructors,
assessors, examiners etc. if Air India
desirous of utilizing the facility for
practical training so as to have the
uninterrupted availability of the
facility for the entire length of the
course for students to become

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eligible to acquire license.

AMC Instructional Equipment


1. An appropriate selection of aircraft SAT MTOE PG 358

parts means appropriate in relation
to the particular subject module or
sub module of CAR-66 being
instructed. For example, the turbine
engine module should require the
provision of sufficient parts from
different types of turbine engine to
show what such parts look like, what
the critical areas are from a
maintenance viewpoint and to
enable disassembly/assembly
exercises to be completed.

2. Appropriate aircraft, engines, aircraft SAT MTOE PG 358

parts and avionics equipment means
appropriate in relation to the
particular subject module or sub
module of CAR-66 being instructed.
For example, category B2 avionic
training should require, amongst
other equipment, access to at least
one type of installed autopilot and
flight director system such that
maintenance and system functioning
can be observed and therefore more
fully understood by the student in the
working environment.

3. “Access” may be interpreted to SAT MTOE PG 350

mean, in conjunction with the
facilities requirement of 147.A. 100
(d), that there may be agreement
with a maintenance organization
approved under CAR-145 to access
such parts, etc.

GM to Instructional equipment

1. Synthetic training devices are Complied Different training videos are available.
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working models of a particular
system or component and include
computer simulations.

2. A synthetic training device is Complied Different training videos are available.

considered beneficial for complex
systems and fault diagnostic

147. A.120 Maintenance training material

a) Maintenance training course

material shall be provided to the
student and cover as applicable:

1. The basic knowledge syllabus SAT MTOE Para 4.3 PG 366 (List of
specified in CAR-66 for the relevant Books)
aircraft maintenance licence
category or subcategory.

2. Reserved

b) Students shall have access to

examples of maintenance
documentation and technical SAT MTOE Para 4.3 PG 366 (List of
information of the library as specified Books)
in 147.A.100 (i).

AMC Maintenance training material

147.A.120 (a)

Training course notes, diagrams and

any other instructional material
should be accurate. Where an SAT MTOE Para 2.2 PG 30
amendment service is not provided a
written warning to this effect should
be given.

147. A. 125 Records

The organization shall keep all

student training, examination and
assessment records for a period of Policy MTOE Para 2.15 PG 36
ten years. In case the institute Described
having privilege for conduction of
examination on behalf of DGCA, the

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above records shall be kept for
unlimited period.

147. A.130 Training procedures and quality


a) The organization shall establish

procedures acceptable to the DGCA
to ensure proper training standards Policy MTOE Para 3.1 Pg 38
and compliance with all relevant Described
requirements in this CAR.

b) The organization shall establish a

quality system including:
Policy MTOE Para 3.3 &3.4 Pg 38
1. an independent audit function to Described
monitor training standards, the
integrity of knowledge examinations
and practical assessments,
compliance with and adequacy of
the procedures.

2. a feedback system of audit

findings to the person(s) and
ultimately to the accountable
manager referred to in 147.A.105(a)
to ensure, as necessary, corrective



AMC Training procedures and quality

147.A.130 system

1. The independent audit procedure

should ensure that all aspects of CAR-
147 compliance should be checked at Policy MTOE Para 3.1 Pg 38
least once in every 12 months and may Described
be carried out as one complete single
exercise or subdivided over a 12-
month period in accordance with a
scheduled plan.

2. In a small maintenance training

Page 13 of 21
organisation the independent audit
function may be contracted to another
maintenance training organization
approved under CAR-147 or a N/A
competent person acceptable to the
DGCA. Where the small training
orgainsation chooses to contract the
audit function, it is conditional on the
audit being carried out twice in every
12- month period with one such audit
being unannounced.

3. Where the maintenance training

organisation is also approved to
another CAR requiring a quality No
system, then such quality systems may
be combined.

4. When training or examination is carried

out under the sub-contract control

I. a pre audit procedure should be No

established whereby the CAR 147
approved basic training organisation
should audit a prospective sub-
contractor to determine whether the
services of the sub-contractor meet the
intent of CAR 147.

II. a renewal audit of the subcontractor

should be performed at least once
every 12 months to ensure continuous
compliance with the CAR 147

III. the sub-contract control procedure

should record audits of the
subcontractor and to have a corrective
action follow-up plan.

5. The independence of audit system

should be established by always
ensuring that audits are carried out by Policy MTOE Para 3.1 Pg 38
personnel not responsible for the Described
function or procedure being checked.

Page 14 of 21
GM to Training Procedures and Quality
147.A.130 System

1. The primary objective of the quality

system is to enable the training
organization to satisfy itself that it can
deliver properly trained students and
that the organization remains in SAT
compliance with CAR 147.

2. The independent audit is a process of

routine sample checks of all aspects of
the training organization’s ability to
carry out all training and examinations
to the required standards. It represents SAT
an overview of the complete training
system and does not replace the need
for instructors to ensure that they carry
out training to the required standard.

3. A report should be raised each time an

audit is carried out describing what
was checked and any resulting Policy MTOE Para 3.4 Pg 38
findings. The report should be sent to Described
the affected department(s) for
rectification action giving target
rectification dates. Possible
rectification dates may be discussed
with the affected department(s) before
the quality department confirms such
dates on the report. The affected
department(s) should rectify any
findings and inform the quality
department of such rectification.

4. A large training organization (an

organization with the capacity to
provide training for 50 students or
more) should have a dedicated quality
audit group whose sole function is to
conduct audits, raise finding reports
and follow up to ensure that findings
are being rectified. For the small
training organisation (an organisation
with the capacity to provide training for SAT
less than 50 students) it is acceptable

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to use competent personnel from one
section/department not responsible for
the function or procedure to check the
section/department that is responsible
subject to the overall planning and
implementation being under the control
of the quality manager.



5. The management control and follow up

system should not be contracted to
outside persons. The principal function Policy MTOE Pg. 62
is to ensure that all findings resulting Described in
from the independent audit are audit
corrected in a timely manner and to checklist
enable the Accountable manager to
remain properly informed of the state
of compliance. Apart from rectification
of findings the Accountable manager
should hold routine meetings to check
progress on rectification except that in
the large training organization such
meetings may be delegated on a day
to day basis to the qualitymanager as
long as the accountable manager
meets at least once per year with the
Page 16 of 21
senior staff involved to review the
overall performance.

147. A.135 Examinations

(a) The examination staff shall ensure the

security of all questions.
Policy MTOE Para 2.10 Pg 32

(b) Any student found during a knowledge

examination to be cheating or in
possession of material pertaining to the Policy MTOE Para 2.12 Pg 34
examination subject other than Described
examination papers and associated
authorized documentation shall be
disqualified from taking the
examination and may not take any
examination for at least 12 months
after the date of the incident. The
DGCA shall be informed of any such
incident together with the details of any
enquiry within one calendar month.

(c) Any examiner found during a

knowledge examination to be providing
question answers to any student being Policy MTOE Para 2.12 Pg 34
examined shall be disqualified from Described
acting as an examiner and the
examination declared void. The DGCA
must be informed of any such
occurrence within one calendar month.

AMC Examinations

1. Examinations may be computer or Policy

hard copy based or a combination of Described in
both. audit MTOE Pg 64

2. The actual questions to be used in a Policy

particular examination should be Described in
determined by the Examiners. audit MTOE Pg 64

Page 17 of 21
147. A.140 Maintenance training organization

(a)1. The organization shall provide an

exposition for use by the organization
describing the organization and its SAT MTOE approved by DAW Mumbai
procedures and containing the
following information:

a statement signed by the accountable

2. manager confirming that the
maintenance training organization
exposition and any associated Submitted
manuals define the maintenance
training organization’s compliance with
this CAR and shall be complied with at
all times.

The title(s) and name(s) of the

3. person(s) nominated in accordance SAT
with147.A.105 (b).

The duties and responsibilities of the
person(s) specified in subparagraph 2,
including matters on which they may
deal directly with the DGCA on behalf
of the maintenance training
A maintenance training organization
chart showing associated chains of
responsibility of the person(s) specified Submitted
in paragraph (a) (2).
A list of the training instructors,
knowledge examiners, and practical
A general description of the training
and examination facilities located at
each address specified in the
maintenance training organization’s
approval certificate, and if appropriate
any other location, as required by SAT

Page 18 of 21
8. A list of the maintenance training
courses which form the extent of the Submitted
9. The maintenance training
organization’s exposition amendment
The maintenance training
organization’s procedures, as required
by 147.A.1 30(a).



10. The maintenance training

organization’s control procedure, as
required by147.A.145(c), when Complied Organisation approved by DGCA
authorized to conduct training, under CAR 147 (Basic).
examination and assessments in
locations different from those specified
in 147.A.145 (b).

11. (a) A list of the locations pursuant to

147.A.145 (b). Submitted

(b) The maintenance training

organization's exposition and any
subsequent amendments shall be Submitted
approved by the DGCA.

(c) Notwithstanding point (b) minor

Page 19 of 21
amendments to the exposition may be Submitted
approved through an exposition
procedure (hereinafter called indirect

147. Changes to the maintenance

A.150 training organization
(a) The maintenance training organization
shall notify the DGCA of any proposed
changes to the organization that affect Policy MTOE Para 1.11 Pg 27
the approval before any such change Described
takes place, in order to enable the
DGCA to determine continued
compliance with this CAR and to
amend if necessary the maintenance
training organization approval



(b) Internal audit programme for the

succeeding 12 months period should
provide at the time of making Policy MTOE Para 3.1 Pg 38
application for renewal of approval and Described
audit should be submitted to DGCA
within 15 days of their completion.

(c) It will be the responsibility of training

manager to ensure findings emanating
from any of the oversight programme Policy MTOE Para X Pg 21
are handled as per the procedure Described
specified under 147.A.160

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(Training Manager)

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