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Term-End Examination

June, 20OG


Time : 2 hours
Maximum Marhs : 100
Note :
(il Do not start answering until the inuigilator ashsyou to
ftil Question paper contains 700 questions.Student is required, to answer all the questions.
There is no choice.
(iii) AU questionscarry equal marhs.
(iu) Each question must be giuen bne
answer oruty.If rnore thqn one answer is mqrked, or
giuen, zero mqrh wilt be awarded,
for that question.
A Multiple Choice (euestions number I to EO)
Note : Four choicesare giuen for a question, oui of which one choice
may be correct. Ma,rh correct
&nswer in releuant colurnn of the answer sheetgiuen to you. In
cose.youfeel that none of
the choieesgiuen in a question is comect,tnark, in column,0,.

l. In order to be called information, data must be

(1) factual
(2) relevant
(3) news
(4) All of the above

2. is an example of processing activities.

(1) Classifying
(2) Summarizing
(3) Performing calculations
(4) All of the above

CIC-1(E+H) ( 1 ) P.T.O.
3. Hypertext documents are linked through
(1) DNS (2) TELNET
(3) Pointers (4) Home Pages

4. SNMP is a protocol for

(1) File transfer (2) www
(3) Virtual terminal @) Electronic mail

5. What does the URL need to access a document ?
(1) Path name
(2) Ilost comPuter
(3) Retrieval method
@) AII of the above

6. is used to build Dynamic Web documents'

(3) ORACLE @) All of the above

7. A user can move up and down a Web Page by

(1) !'raming
Q) Linking
(3) Scrolling
@) All of the above

g. Which of the following statements is true with regard to distributed data processing
system ?
(1) It does not allow greater flexibility
(2) It is a Profrt earning sYstem
(g) It attempts to capture advantage of'both centralized and decentralized
(4) It allows accessto data

9. Telnet is a -- which is uscd for logging on to remote computers on the Internet'

(1) Tool
(2) Software Package
(3) Ilardware
(4) Simulator

10. which of the following is an invalid character constant ?

(f) 'a' (D 'b'
'\h' 'ln'
(3) @)

CIC-1(E+H) (2)
11. In C++ the end of string is recognizedby

(1) the null character (2) the new line character (\n)
(3) the $ sign (4) the / sign

12, It is rcquired to ovcrload a function in order to

(1) have the same return type
(2) have the same number of parameters
(3) perform the same basic function
(4) None of the above

13. The programming language f'eature that allows the same operation to be carried out
differently depending on the object is
(1) Polymorphism (2) Inheritance
(3) Allocation (4) Mangling

14, The most common operation uscd in Constructors is

(1) Addition (D Overloading
(3) Assignment (4) Polymorphism

15. Inheritance is a way to

(1) Make general class into more specifrcclasses
(2) Add features to existing classes without rewriting them
(3) Both (1) and (2)
(4) Make specific classesinto gencral classes

16. Precedenccdetermines which operator

(1) is evaluated first
(2) is not important
(3) is fastest
(4) operates on the largest number

17. The important consideration when a program is run on a computer is

(1) Time complexity
(2) Space complexity
(3) Time and Space complexity
(4) Execution time only

18. The complexity of the following program segment for i = 1 to n DO is

(1) o(n) (2) O(i)

o(nz) (4) o(iz)

CIC-1(E+H) (3) P.T.O.

19. f (n) = O(g(n)) iff there exist two constants C and no such that

(1) lf(n)l<Clg(n)l forall n)no

(2) lf(n)l>Clg(n)l forall r)ro

(3) lf(n)l=Clg(n)l foralt r)Do

(4) lf (n) | < C. lg(n) | for all n ) no

20. The creditable value for pi (zr) was first computed by
(1) Euclid (2) Euler
(3) Archimedes (4) Fermat

21. states that every finite set of points of span d has a spanning circle number

greater tnat d4.

(1) Jungis theorem Q) Morley's theorem
(3) Euler's theorem (4) Pythagoras theorem

22,, For every integer n greater than 2

(1) (n!)2 > nn (2) (n!)2 < n^
(3) (n!)2 > n' (4) (n!)2 < n'

23. An integer number is said to be prime if it cannot be expressed

(1) as the product of two (or more) factors each smaller than itself
(2) as the sum of tWo (or more) factors each smaller than itself
(3) as the product of two (or more) factors each larger than itself
(4) as the sum of two (or more) factors each larger than itself

24. Which of the following is a complex problem ?

(1) Weather forecasting (D Generic defects
(3) Earthquake prediction (4) All of the above

25. Morley's theorem deals with

(1) Spanning circles
Q) Irrational numbers
(3) Intersection of angle trisectors of a triangle
(4) Prim's numbers

26. Information differs from data as

(1) Information is processeddata
Q) Information is collected data
(3) Information is raw data
(4\ All of the above

CIC-1(E+H; ( 4 )
(1) Batch processing (2) Real-time processing

(3) Time sharing @) Off-line processing

output results immediately after input

2g. which of the following types of processing produces
data are entered into a computer system ?
(1) Time sharing
(2) Interactive
(3) Batch Processing
(4) Real-timeProcessing
29. Time during which a job is processedby the computer
(1) DelaY time (2) Execution time

(3) Real-time (4) Down time

30. includes E-mail, Voice mail' faxing and Web

(1) Electronic mail

(2) Electronic conferencingtools
(3) Electronic communication tools
(4) Discussion forms

31. CBIS stands for

(1) Common Business Information Systems
(2) Computer Based Information Systems
(3) Central Board of Information Systems
(4) All of the above

32. For browsing the Internet we make use of

(1) Navigator GoId Q) Linux
(3) Editor (4) Protocols

facility ?
33. Which of the following is not a type of computer
(1) Decentralized Q) Centralized
(3) De-distributed G) Distributed

34, The advantages tlf Centralized Data Processingare

(1) the methods and equipment can be standardized

(3) duplication of activities can be avoided
(4) All of the above
35. The major advantage of data hiding is
(1) Your programs can include
more data
(2) Your data will be used
(3) You no longer need functions
(4) No one can ever use your

36. A Constructor may be

(1) Provided automatically
by C++
(2) Written by you
(3) Either (1) or (2)
(4) None of the above

37. is the key to increasing productivity in

the face of increasing complexity.
(1) Reusability
(2) Flexibility
(3) Abundance
(4) None of the above

s8. which of the following is not an example

of time shared rear-time processing?
(1) Train reservation
(2) Airline reservation
(3) Seat booking
@) Batch processing

39. Which of the following is not a range of

complexity ?
(1) Organized simplicity
(2) Disorganized.simplicity
(3) Organizedcomplexity
(4) Disorganized complexity

.40, What is
the sum of first 100 numbers ?
( l + 2 + 8 . . . . . .+ 9 9 + 1 0 0 )
(1) 5000 (2) 4950
(3) 5050 (4) 5500
4l' The largest prime divisor of a given integer
n may be as large as
(r) ffi
e\ n2
(3) n3 (4) J;
42. Example of Computer based fnformation
Systems are
(1) Office Automation Systems (OAS)
(2) Transaction processing Systems (TpS)
(3) Management Information Systems (MIS)
(4) All of the above

( 6 )
4:g, is any device that requests services or resources from a server'
(1) Media (2) Peripheral
(3) Server (4) Client

44. Inheritance is a prineiple in which

(1) classes with the same name must be derived from one another
(Z) Knowledge of a general category can be applied to more specific objects
(3) C++ functions may be used only if they have logical predecessors
(4) One function may invoke different rnethods

45, The Internet Protocol is responsible for

(1) Providing data to the users
(D Providing hardware to the users connected to the Internet
(3) Providing Internet signals to the user
(4) Providing addresses for computers on the Internet

48. Which of the following is a feature of a ClienVServer architecture ?

(1) The server provides processing and data in response to client requests
(Z) The server provides data to the client which processesthe data locally
(B) The server provides processing power for data stored on the client
(4) None of the above

47. helps in creating higher-quality audio and video applications with very little
(1) Authoring (2) Icon Author
(3) Image Q @\ Macromedia Director 4'04

4E. The activities of Transaction Processing System are

(1) Calculation and classifrcation
(2) Storage and retrieval
(3) Sorting and summarization
(4) All of the above

49. A Dialog tree

(1) Shows the paths that are possible in a design following a decision by the user
(2) Maps the static and dynamic messagesthat take place betwqen the comp'uter and user
(3) Shows various steps involved in designing a solution of a problem
(4) Represent the paths that are possible during broadcasting the information

60. what will be the decimal number of a ternary number "12021" ?

(1) t32 (2) 136
(3) 138 @) r42

( 7 ) P.T.O.
B state whether True or False (euestions number El to r00)

Note : In th'e following 50 questions, mark 1, if the statement giuen is true and o if the
stq,tetnentgiuen is false.

51' The Information Centre is company's primary resource for the development of full-scale
information systems.

52. Batch Processing is quite useful when majority of records in a large database must
processedat the same time.

53. Internet and Intranet are one and the same thing.

54. Leased Iine does not permit online communication between a user and a computer system.

DD. I{ypertext is a method for presenting text, i.i"gor, sound and video that are linked together
in a non-sequential web of associations.

56. Early information was almost entirely discipline dependent.

57. A feasibility study contains a list of alternative solutions for a given problem.

58. A good report contains iess amount of information.

59. The terms "Program Flow Chart" and "system Flow Chart" can be used interchangeably.

60. An Online information system is not always a real-timc system, but a real-time system
must consist of equipment with an Online capability.

61. Somc type of direct accessstorage device is necessaryfor transaction processing.

62. Both centralized' and decentralized data processing techniques are based on Functional

63. Gopher displays a set of resources on the Internet in the forrrr of menus or list of items.

64- Internet basically tries to connect various LAN's. It cannot connect WAN,s.

65. Hypertext combines hypermedia and multimedia.

66. Inheritance allows new objects to be built out of old objects.

67. Object-Orientcd Systems do not provide the performance flexibility and functionality
required for practical implementations.

68. The graph of the Konigsberg bridges has vertices of odd degree and cannot include an
Eulerian circuit.

clc-1(E+H) ( 8 )
69. The sum of the frrst n cubes (where n is an integer) is always a perfect square.

70. Every positive whole number is the sum of not more than four squares.

71. IJnprocessed facts and figures are simply data, not information.

72. A step-by-stepprocedure used to solve a problem is called an Operating System.

73. Disorganized complexity is represented by small number of variables and high degree of

74. Catastrophe theory was developedby Rene Thom.

75. Inheritance makes it possible for different classesto share the same set of attributes and

76. A data dictionary does not provide information about the size of the disk storage device.

77. A stand-alone data dictionary is related to one DBMS.

78. Expert System is a part of Decision Support System.

79. If a programming language has the capability to produce new data types, it is said to be

80. An Inline function is one which gets textually inserted by the Compiler, much like a Macro.

81. Examples of Chaotic Systems are Flames, Eddies and Cloud formations.

82. It is possible to import and export bookmark frles.

83. MIS is not a computer bascd information system.

84. sum of squaresof the frrst 'n' integersis givenor lgAga++Iryz]

L 24 l'

85. Sum of the cubes of frrst 'n' integers i, ["(tf+
L 2 l
86. Signifrcant ranges of Complexity are distinguished as Disorganized Simplicity.

97. Netscape is a programming language.

88. Summary reports are used more extensively at higher management levels than lower.

89. In Message approach, the semantic content of a message is accepted as Information.

CIC-1(E+H) (e) P.T.O

90. The Industrial society was organised around agriculture. ,,,r , r ,

91. While dealing with Information, the other name of "The Effect Approach" is "The Recipient
Oriented Approach".

92. Information has value and utility only if it is communicated.

93. TCPAP stands for Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol.

94. The general format of Internet address is [email protected].

95. WAIS stands for Wide Area Information Server.

96. Extended entry is a type of decision table displaying values to be tested in the condition

97. ln any computer network File Server is the central node that stores data files from where
all users can access them.

98. In Online processingtransaction is processedas soon as it enters the system.

99. Railway ticket reservation system is an example of batch processing.

100. One of the drawbacks of distributed information system is that it does not eliminate
duplication of activities and redundancy in maintaining frles.

CIC-1(E+H) ( 1 0)

( 1 1) P.T.O.

CIC-1(E+H) ( 121
- l(E+H)

r'trfubd ga oqfu t$.err$.S.1

rrdid dan

E;I, 2006$.S.-t: ridd
Wlzf : Z q"t qfqqdq ai6 : too

ft.) vval w sat fusqr dd d?Farwt a at' w-qw frt+to gr *-ri + frq q 6A t
fti) sw-w t rco vr+ d t Mtzif il) srf vr+ ari aIM d' I *ld Eqw afl d I
ftii) srTTxrn # eid sqq d t
f t . uv) d 6 v w w * q d q d d r a r { t q R W t a l f , wr a 0 w f r v n + d r r q W d l q r
rar trq- rq d d ss s?4 qr eyz ai+ RqTqw t
f5' {gF{q.fl (Tvr riqr r t ro rq)
qlz : ffifud v{t'f vd a rw */"q aK E6s Eq rq d, A* C qqnsfr dl s6dl
d r rd rnrr *i rd{ wNzFw (iaifqd+anrd en6d qt r qR d{ ,t sar edTafr
d, di wrri W 0 t etifu ql t
l. qq-aTa-ildn + fdq erfrg - ETiqrFq r
(l) deqFqcF

(2) {irkl (Rclevant)

(3) HTffiM

\4) .q€il qqi

, TiqTq;Iffi Or s+dtq t f
(1) Effs{ur (classifying)
(2) qR-{SqE (sumrnarizing)
(s) rnmq q-far
(4) Bqtm q'ri

CIC-1(E+H) ( 1 3) P.T.O.
6r{qt€ Ffuif +) n + g r q r c nr t
(1) DNS (2) TELNET
(3) Pointers (4) HomePages

sNMP + fdq q+ xffio t r

(1) 1+fu{r€ttd{ul (2)
(3) {em (virtual)efr{m (4) fritrs tf, (plectronic
E. ffi jr&s ils qdqt + fdq uRL s) ffi sftrg+ffir *-fr t ?
(1) gq qFI (Path name)
(2) 6fg s.qZ{ (Host computer)
(3) S-{ITk frRl G"trieval method)
(4) sqfffi qrfi
6. q.l Ffrrr qftrs * y-frtil (Dynamic d +qR q.ri t' ff,q f*qT
qKrt I
(1) HTML (2) CGr
(3) ORACLE (4) wg$ qeTr
q+mri-+ gs (webpage)v{ gq{-qti t qr v+ar t r
(1) Framing
(2) Linking
(3) Scrolling
(4) 3q{s qrli

3fsgr €qrqr .ii + daiqfr FrqFdfuafr t q*+*t6T{ qfr t

ffif, (disrributed)
(1) +6 efr+ FrseFq3qtl-errs wrar
(2) qE drjT oTfddqii qrer dr t
(s) qE+frFn dqrRiF*Fn+if SqTTnt erq +J qrw*,G m dRRT+,raT
(4) q6 ef6.di ils Tiq r{rrq 6.cmt

Zffi|e (Telnet) qs t fr€.-{r qq)T gzq}-c rR KRq q;E{Tt q{ {Aq{

o') * tdq |*ur qnn t r
(1) strFtut
e) rffiq{ q*q
(3) ?i1-qHql
(4) 3{Tfrrfs(Rufrfi)
10. Ftqfufua d t qtqqTerdqrfr+ sffir t ?
(1) ',a', (2) ',b'
(3) '\h' (4) ',ln',

crc-1(E+H) (14)
tt. c++ti ffi rr< (string)t efifrqt qrqn t qTwfr t t
(1) Null {isfrfr Q) {i isr riffi+ (r"l
. ..c-*
(3) $ fq6 (4) / 1-16
rz. + idq ffi ffiI{ q} gTfrw (overload)trqr qrar t r
(1) sS :mn + sffi qrq 6G
e) 3S {cqT b qrdmfffial nTRs{i
(B) B{} {mR * wun*1r (Basic)
{--fl{ {iw +.G
(4) -q$s fr t qt$ q-S
ls. t er-avnFrf, *FR t 4ai q
ntqrqqsilqr 6T eTfirdqlurfr q+ Ei {ffiqT ql 3+|rr€qTul
etort, qo t
(1) qEtil-dr (potymorphism) Q) st'ttf-tr+n (Inheritance)
(3) Fqtr{ (Allocation) (4) trEr-gq (Mangling)

:'4. Constructor. tt nqm qqiiuf* q-qfFd-d{B-il (Operation) t

(1) qtq (Aaattio.r) (2) eHRq (Overloading)
(3) Fqil{ (Assignment) @) e-g6l-df (Polvmorphism)

tsr 6.qi mr qm n-fr{Tt

rE. ffi{IfiffiIt (Inheritanc")
(1) qrqrq 4t (ctas")t 3TfirsfqRTs+t e-{Hr
(2) F." g*tr* + E-dqTq r'il i 3fE-dqTurn-sqT
(B) (1)sil-r(2)+ii
(4) frRTsq-'ilt qFil-qqrt e-ar{r
16. Tf6 Gr".edence)qd frqitrd 6qf,r t fu t4qT {ST5+ (operator)
(1) q-{A{flifsn Ei--dT
(2) qnds qfr t
(s) q-dfri-$ t
€qr .rr q,rqstar e
(4) sTfir+-dq
17. qqe{ q{ q}{ ffiRrT qert lrqq a1 q6-6Af Af,r t ?
(1) qEfrdf (Time ComPlexitY)
)(2) q-a VFffiI (SpaceComplexitY)
(3) sr?T dPITplra VFmn
(4) *{f, FI{KT 4l?T (Executiontime onlv)

18. FrrqFf,Fsd mqR{T dg i = 1 to n Do 41 qfa-d-dr t

(1) o(n) Q) o(i)

(3) o(n2) (4) o(i2)

( 1 5) P.T.O.
f (n) = o(g(n))qR silr fiq-d qR q) s{-q{ c eil-r ,ro€l v4
( 1 ) l f ( n ) l < C l g ( n )H l r I tn 2 n o * . f d q
( 2 ) l f ( n ) l > c l s ( n )q l $ n)no+ldq
( 3 ) l f ( n ) l = C l s ( n ) lH S t r ) n o + l f l q
(4) lf(n)l<c.l*("ll *,fr')ro*' Fdq
pi (n) 6I *'q qn qq$ TdA gRT3TFrsftrdfuqt ,rfl eTrr
(1) {ks (Euclid) (2) 3il{ffl (Euler)
(3) 3ilffi+q (Archimedes) (4) l6'qf (Fermat)
2r' E-drdr t rs ffi'd+ + x+s qRtrdvgqqsiu+ + sTfirs
rq-€sit ffiil
Td{wr et-frt r
(1) S (Jung'stheorem) (D qtd e*q (Morley,stheorem)
(3) stfqd{ gqhq (f,-rt"r,s theorem (4) qlEfi+fq qttq fpytfragorastheorem)
22. 2 t q-gl-+s Wfis foq
(n!)2 > n" (2) (n!)2 < n'
(3) (n!)2 > n' (4) (n!)2 < n"

d-$Wfs {@TqR , Bdfirqsr-fi +-trfr erqrqwdr-trt

(1) q) rqrsTFrs)
$rcii + gqrw * w fr, + x+s evt qq €t
(z) <) rqr e+flr+lq,rcqif+ q)'Tq-d* qq t, q) rd-* s*t sq
(B) Q fqr oTfqs)
T*i + Iqrqd * sq fr, S s-d-silro eTfirs€f
(4) <) rqr e+fw*yHR-d+ qt'rs-d* w fr, q) r+s $ss sTfrrs
24. ffitun fr t 61-6 qrrsr qk t ?
(1) qRIq 6I TqE{l"
r \ a

e) qTfrr,Td
(B) tgin +r {qftqrq @) sq{s qEi
q)fr qtq (Morley,stheorem)4.f {iaiE
tt r
(1) fr'RR gt'i lspu.rningCircles)
(z) siqR-iq €@rcr)
(s) frgq + s)"r + fiq-ss + slh&
(4) Frq{wpii
26. qr{r Effidi t fiffi FFRBic,rrr *-fi t z
(1) fuffird q@ q-dn q'rdri t
(2) {i{F{d sf+,e qfiT q,t-fl-i t
(s) q..t # {fiT qgeTilt
(4) Bq{ffi €qi

CIC-1(E+H) (16)
qr q-riftqsql6ruT
$ I
t €Triii g*rRi6r tFr+ riqr*]q
27. qT-dsi
(1) Yqq *iqr$rq (2) {q-3qH.q'r {qi?fi
(3) 4.rf, eTrtr{ (4) eEtd{ {ql?Iq
q;r€qreHq'FQ[crriirit ea ffiqr qili w nGFrm
28. FrqrdF€dt t fus nt6r-r
ormt z
(1) S1?TqIGFT(fime sharing)
e) StreMmqlFqs (Interactive)
(3) }|-qq fiqFl;t (Batch Processing)
(4) qg-3T{ffrqT {qfe1;I (Real-time processing)

zs. +'qc{ +\$ +lq s{i fi fr qqq trTrdTt, sR

trl fu{e q;l?T(Delay time) Q) ftETfr 6T€T(Executiontime)
(4) gE;I ef{q (Down time)
(3) qg{ff#qf (Real-time)

fr {-t-m, qf{€ tf,, +ffi dqTi-q $+rflq'fqtrd AA t t

(1) @iFrs i€
(2) silftfq'TswF{rt
(B) {aqiFs {}qur 3rfiq
(4) qqf S{{ (Discussion forms)

31. cBrst infld t

( 1 ) Common Business Information Systems
(2) Computer Based Information Systems
(3) Central Board of Information Systems
(4) sqts qS

32. dl-Jtrrr* rarqnq 5e<ta6r q'qhroG t r

(1) Navigator Gold (2) Linux
(3) Editor (4) Protocols

Bs. FmfuFsai t +qqi o'qer gFowsTFrR Td?t ?

(1) frhfrSd (Decentralized) (D *fif( (Centralized)
(B) 3Tffid (De-distributed) @) ffid (Distributed)

m*.=T{qreffi} enr t
s4. +-frS-d
(1) frfEr?iidqT3rr6{uiior qr++tq.tqf+-qrqr vq.dTt
qr v+-fr t
(2) sTfirsHqrqf,qr a6fi-*i Fiq t q}q qRsdi qi w d
(3) fmqrsedi+ +6{q (Dupricationl q} {qiqr qr vfidr t
(4) wts qtfr

( 1 7) P.T.O.
qfiWr iqq (nrt" hidins) Hr g@ dFT B
(1) silq+nqrtvrfr sTfirs@ ld qr vo}
(2) oTrqtoiffi q.rei.€dd{Et sqq}rfuqrqrEn
(B) BTrrdT+lfr +1e+rqvqrdr rfi Et-fi
(4) 3TIq+3tT-6ildr +$ Rs{rsTprftiT*s{ RFilr
ti W-Of t
(1) C++ dRI {qd: SRfdI
(2) emrharuidfud
(3) qI (1) q e\
(4) =qfd fr t +ti +A
87. il.d-fig$ qkdr + Hrqi {f,fi g$rmq*drmigfr t r
(1) g-{trlqdT (Reusability) (2) ftlRIItrT (Flexibility)
(3) (4)
fgCdf (Abundance)
t e +$ q-fr
ffifuH d t +* srf, *fud (rimeshared)
Trq{th* {iqr.r{ 6T sEr6wT
af t z
(1) t-e eTRqfi e) Eqr$sTReTur-
(3) {qH sTRqTq yqq {g1t5{

fuTfdfuH q t +t+* qkrifi qi qRqtfi (Range)adl Z

(1) StrFddvredr
(2) sTri'rFddv{mdr
(s) d'Ttrd qhdr
(4) 3Tfr'rtrdqkrdr
g q q 1 0 0 t i w B tG + 2 + 8 . . . . . . . . + 9 e + 1 0 0 ) q , r
+rme Hrt ?
(1) sooo Q) 4e50
(3) 5050 (4) 5500

4r. f+,gi Wrfs n 6T srfiffioq oTqrq guns-d fuilfl qEr €6iTr ?

A t
(1) v; (2) n2
(3) n3 (4) J;

6,lqrt sTreTrRd
qa4 dif + F{rdr"rt
(1) Office Automation Systems (OAS)
(2) Transaction Processing Systems (TpS)
(3) Management Information Systems (MIS)
(4) sqds qs

CIG-1(E+H) (18)
qr €qrfi qroilffi t t
43. F gtu t q] €-dr(qR${s)t w
(1) frtsqr (Media) (2) qR+{f, (Peripheral)
(3) qdl (Servet) (4) Wliiz (Client)

44, Vs fuqid d Rqi

fiRrfersn (rnheritance)
(1) W E1qrq + qff (cl^".""1 d {s {gt t ffi ffiqr * s+m t
(objects)* ff,q frq qr sF'tTI
(zD HIrTrqdtr + {1;141 3rfldq 3TFffifqR1g3{F{freSr
(s) 6** rsrd 6Tsqqlr itrf, dm fu'qrqr qmil A, qq s{+ ?r4frq-d
(4) q+ wr{ 6-i fqitld t f6qr qTq+
ffic ffin * ldq fs+fl dar t t
(1) nffi + ldq q@ BRr*I q-tli
(zD sj t {icifqdqqM3ii 61 ,h-qmfr src*T q-{rl
(B) FiFT-ff,i3ii?ir Sc riire sqsidl q-rn
(4) 6qaii * fdq se qr qt sqf,el o.G
ffiFg-d fr t qt+o wrizlvdr (inenvserver) TPII(|eFSf,l(architecture) or eTfTf,enur
'rrl, q*{ RTRie+ 3r{tq qr {qrsTqsft 3ffi sRldTsrrdr t
qt {qTfsrd6ffr t
Bk,eI qrrm t q) 3-Qrqrtrq 3lTt111
-ft *.'F. s)
(B) Ffr wr{c q{ risrtrd sffi t fdq {qiqq qrft Fffi ocord
(4) w$-s fr t ftt$ €
$,q-rrqqff t 3fffi nqr FH eIEsd-IT
47. {gd 6q ffiqffiT +1 ftqfr ii
sRrer6,uari r
(1) Authoring e) Icon Author
(3) Image Q (4) Macromedia Director 4'04
48. frqroflq €qren fi s1 qRfqFrqft
(1) r1uFIT
dqT Trtrfiq
(2) rR"T nw 5+Ioui15+f|R)
(3) {f,Zi qqtquT
(Sorting) HelT (Summarization)
(4) sq$ffi qtfr
49. {-dfq 9H (Dialog tree)
, (1)
+ FTUtq t ergeitfs-ffEqfr {Eq qdf 4} E{lkTe
q.qer 31tiqqM + tr" qFft REt dqr rrfrTs{M 4} rqa qccr i'
ffi wRT t qq-m + fssTqqt f{trd FFrq qruii qi Rlidr t
g+ b {qRuT+ d{-{ $rq qei 61 fasqur+cart
b0. *fi (ternary){ql 'r2o2L'fr wrrrcq ricqr wr t}tft U
(1) L32 (2) 136
(3) 138 (4) 142

(1e) P.T.O.
ET 6rdr{qtrfi t ?il qFrit(y*q +i. sr t roorq,)
7h : q ? l5 0 n r r t r r y d r q A f E q r r r q r 6 e r 4 w \ d der i f u d + l ,
a aw
r r r s F' /' / T
w o eifud qE 6Ea ,Tdddl t ,
51. wi-Tilfiqq-{drilii + ks-rq+ r€q 6qii *r qa4 :iE ge $s*r rhr t r
52, qGr\rs frflTd stfi*:Fr
ritrdr (Database)
fr sTf[r+T-q
eTFrftdsr q-sfi eqq €qFrqfr-qr
qFneqRi-dfi w x+q *iqrr{ srsi sqqlrfr
drori r
53. ie+c (Internet)avr igrle Ontranet)qs El nlt t r
54. ets mgq (q-giFrddr{{) t q+'Tsnf $fu +.qgt
d dr + dtq gqqd (online)€iquT liqq
iA E)-dTt
oD. ETqq€R (Hvpertext)
tq Tt 3tmfus sq t qwn Tidfiid {ra, fu{, ffi nq1qiBq} 6}
xqowldffut '
oo. wd, qaal WidqTf{rqrqTfrt}-fi ql r
ot. 3T)fus(feasibility) it ffi
daiql e{Erq-q srrgtT+ Mfls vqreTFit
*i q.qi A-fi t I
58. qs 3r6i Rqtj fr {fir 4i qr*- qq +-fi t I
59. "ProgramFlowchart" tfsrT"systemFlowchart,, or rqlq qs.
{R t r+nq qr fuqJ qT RF.1I
t r
q-{dT ?i1 (Ontine information system)6iTTf qU-s]-{eqf
Eqn dT (Real_timesystem) Tf,
aln wg €u-efiBqrdr q N ws{'TA+ qrFqFrt.g,* qr*, d l--
61. lqq-rf,T$qlq{ (T}ansaction
Processinsl * 6q g+ rtFR q1 req qdq ,igRUT(direcr,
accessstorage)gfu eff+f++ t)-fi t f
+ftsd dPfifqiFqt-sdqH sri*sT €qrqT d+ats rflqfcq--ssqrrq (Functional
q{ 3TrETrR'f, Approach)
t I
tilmr 16oo1rer)
F-{te vt river+i } vgqq s} Fqffi (menus)qr q-ql (items)qi
q sq fr rffiTd olor t r {*
64. F-q gcqdqT F.|- r"aNd +f,dTt r q-oweNq) =rfrfr *Fdr I
65. d-{qfu, wqrftfrqr rur q€*fiBqr d qtgdrt r
66. s+{rF]t5li(Inheritance)
gut smrcq.?if(objects)t rq 3{irdqlif 61 faqful sd Ei gfuw
r++ orort' r
qFffiil-3qci dT (ouject-oriented eTqdfrs q,HFqq{ + fdq BTERTn
systems) trqKT
F+om+ silr r*rddr warer qfi srrt I
68. fiFrqq{ trfuq (Konigsberg
bridges)* nm * {fr{ effiq ffi + E}t t 3it{ B-{t
3rffiRT{ TIffid tEulcrian circuitl f6l A V+-Oi I

CIC-1(E+H) ( 2 0)
6e. wttTn eqit or q)'r ({dr n {6 WIfutl onvrr!S Wt qd qqT d-fr t
70. x-d* srqnqsWt {iwr m'r d-fr t, +qr ssi qq q'il +i I
7r. iq-rierfqdnrq et)reiq, qH # E\ilt, Wn +& r
72. FnS qq{qr + qqt-rq + frq }Fg$ q{uwq (step-by-step)
{B-qr o-eernid r
7s. B{dqtrf, qfrffidr q-d s1 qrl €gr 3ih qTEFE-sTr
(randomness) 61 sq ql:NTdKr
FTFfrdd-fr t I
theory)q.r fusrq ti
fu-qid (Catastrophe
74. 3TTqkT sfq (ReneThom)t ft-qr qr t

75. s-diTferqR(rnheritance)frFrr +T ilr yil nur frfsTdi $ qqm q5"qd q.r qfrrr {qE
q+nrf r
76. qrfl (outu dicrionary)fgw. qgKur gFm tni"t storageDevice) sfi4'l-{+ qTt E
{-d{r sqc|errfr oncn t
77. Eih qfc;gt q)fl (stund-alone 4't g+ DBMSt Etdrt
78. ffi{ dT @xperrsystem)Fruh vOr++cir qr qrtr ttcr t r
7s. qR d{ fr'lTqq qrqrqq # FFr{ (Datatype)* B-€rfi +1 qqdr {sfr t,' n} sS fudTq
56f VfOf t f

80. {i-f,rfl trqt{ (I.rtirrefunction)qE E}-drt n e-Enm (compiler)gRTqld-FARrd (Insert)

n) qldr t aiq,rtr Macro q1 aro I
81. s{-qqRfd dii (Chaoticsystems) t e-qfd{tTt '
Flames, Eddies d{T Cloud formations.

{fufiriJit 4T sTqd-FTqtd{qq t r
Bz. E+-qrS'(Bookmark)

{q4r iir q-frt I

83. nlrss%er 3TrqrRd

84. q6dt'wt+i * q,il6r frrr l@g+g3'2.l * Rqurqrt r

Bb. q6dt'Wf+i + q-iisr +rr t r

+l sT{i.rfudv{frTII t sq ti Vqt ffqr qrdl t r
86. qETdT+ q-d-dtuiqRnii (Ranges)
q* xlqfr|{ qrqrt f
87. Netscape
s.q r.iqq wii q{ srFr* qFf{ oq t isqr
88. {iRTq qfu}Eii 6r trfrq frE{ R{ di BTEqTT
wcrt r
CIC-1(E+H) ( 2 1) P.T.O.
89. IU (Message fr TitqT6t gTrrj-T
approach) ftqq.qq (semanticcontent)d g+tr
't ry
sq if rqtsn F*'qrqrm d r
e0. 3iuiFm qqFqFR + qrfr Brh$tBr F*-qrrq q r
el. qqiT * €aiFTt fuqn qqi vrrq, "srlrE 3g5r1q"*.t
{Fir q;-q "q1qffi Wui 3sp1q"
(RecipientOrientedApproach)fuffif d I

s2. {q4l sl ISq dqr sqq}FrdTdEi t sr s{Ffir €}q"r (communicated)tsrr qrdr d r

93. TCP/IP cb-fdfCfd d T"ansmission Control protocol / Internet protocol.

94. iTf}c gt (kttutrret Address) 4'I qlqfq 516r[ [email protected] *-of t f

95. WAIS s'f 3Td d Wiau Area Information Server.

e6. f{€dRd qFE @*tendedentry)t drfld t - lis yqn q1 ppfq qKUfrffi qfuisft
qfdE + q{qTur
f+.qqri ffi Tdr 41 }rffird frqr vror t I
s7. ffi +qar i-S fr qrq-dvdr Gl" server) adq qts E)-dr t q) sri-*
61 tigRur qrnr t q-dTqtTI xqi{6idf (users)si q{ qg" *s.i t, I

e8. gTq-d{iqrenii, f*-qr+crqq.r dr fr t{+{r At fr €srq{ |oqr qror t I

ciz wrq (Batch){srqq ql sEt-d{uTd I
ee. te fr+e 3TRqTnr

100. ffid qqrl dT (DistributedInformationsystem)+1 q* ofr qo t fm qo {fu-dFBif

t rworq fr tmqmertit + +{nq (Duplicationyqqr qefTr (Redundancy)
s} ({ rfi mt
Fnnr r

crc-1(E+H) ( 2 2)
rq, 6'rd b fts dq6

CIC-1(E+H) ( 2 3) P.T.O.
tq'6rd b frs drr6

crc-1(E+H) 124) 5,000



Term-End Examination

June, 2006


Time :2 hours Moximurn Marhs : 100

r: :
Note: I

(i) Do not stq,rtq,nsweringuntil the inuigilator ashsyou to start.

to answer all the questions'
(iil euestion paper contains 100 questions.Stud.entis required'
There is no choice.
(iii) All questions carty equal marhs.
(iu) Each question rnust be giuen one arLsweronly' If more than one gnswer is rnarhed or
giuen', zero m'arh wiII be a,warded for that question'

A Multiple Choice (Questions number 1 to 50)

. Note: Four choicesare giuen for a question,out of which one choice may be correct'
correct qnswer in releuant column of the answer sheetgiuen to:you' In caseyou feel that
' '0'.
none of the ch,oicesgiuen in a question is correct, marh in coluntn

1. Who is called as the Father of Computers ?

(1) Blaise Pascal
(2) Charles Babbage
(3) John Von Neumann
(4) Howard Aikens

2, One kilobY[e is equal to

(1) 1000 bYtes

(2) 1012 bYtes
(3) 1024 bYtes
(4) 10000 bYtes

(1) Pr'o'
3. ENIAC stands for
(1) Electronic Numerical Integration
and Computing
(2) Electronic Number Integrator and
(3) Electronic Numerical Intermixing
and Combing
(4) Electronic Numerical Integrator
and Calculator
4. DEC is the example of
(1) Micro computer
e) Mini computer
(3) Mainframe @) Super computer

5. is used in the fetch cycle in a typical CpU.

(1) Storagc unit
e) InpuyOutput
(3) Accumulator (4) program Counter

6. Following is not a valid register :

(1) Memory Address Register
(2) Program Register
(3) Instruction Register
(4) Program Counter

7. Which is the optical storage medium ?

(1) Floppy disk e) CD_ROM
(3) Magnetic Disk
@) Magnetic Tape

8. DIP is
(1) Digitat Impact program
(2) Dual Impact processing
(3) Digital In-line package
(4) Dual In-Iine package

9. The capacity of a typical Winchester disk is

(1) from 500 to 1000 MB
e) from 10 to 600 MB
(3) from 100 to 600 MB
@) from t to 60 MB

10. Motorola 68000 is a bit microprocessor.

(1) 8
Q) 16
(3) 32 (4) 64

11. Which of the following is a pointing device ?

(1) Keyboard
e) Light pen
(3) LCD (q Printer

clc-2(E+H) (2 )
l,2. device is used to grade tests through reading the marked alternatives.
(1) MICR ,, (2) OMR
(3) OCR , (4) Keyboard.

13. The speed of T.aserprinter is measured in

(1) Lines per second (2) Pages per minute
(3) Characters per second (4) Lines per minute

14. RISC is
(1) Redundant Instruction Set Cornputer
(2) Reduced Instruction Set Compiler
(3) Reduced Instruction Set Computer
(4) Redundant Instruction Set Compiler

15. Which of the following organizations uses N processor units ?

(1) MISD (2) MIMD
(3) Both (1) and (2) (q SISD

16. The performance of pipeline in parallel organisation depends on

(1) Data dependency
(2) Barriers in the program
(3) Encoding
(4) Both (1) and (2)

17. Which of the following is correct about non pipelined processor?

(1) so = Tr, /Tn Q) so = T,, + Tn
(3) Sk=Tr,-Tp (4) Sp=T'xTn

18. Which of the following Ianguages is widely used in scientifrc applications ?


19. Database Management is also consideredas

(1) zGL Q) 3cL
(3) 4GL @) scl

20. Mnemonics are used with which language ?

(1) Assembly Q) Machine
(3) Pascal (4) COBOL

GIC-2(E+H) (3) P.T.O.

21. A group of characters used to accessvalues in programming language is
(1) Array (2) Constant
(3) Data type (4) Variable

22. Which of the following is the logical operator ?

(3) + (4)

(1) Simultaneous Peripheral Operations On Line
(2) Simultaneous Printer Operations On Line
(3) Simple Peripheral Operations On Line
(4) Simultaneous Printer Operators On Line

24. The major concept in case of Distributed OS (Operating System) is

(1) Coordination (2) Cooperation
(3) Transparency (4) Storage Control

25. Which is the benefrt of Windows ?

(1) Multitasking
(2) Memory Management
(3) Device Management
(4) AII of these

26. The second era of computcr systems evolution introduced the following concept :
(1) Distributed Systems
(2) Objcct-Oriented Technology
(3) Batch Processing
(4) Multiprogramming

27. CASE tools are generally related with

(1) Assembly Language (2) SDLC
(3) CPU (4) RrSC

28. The transfer of data between spreadsheetsand word processorscould be done by

(1) Compiler
(2) Interpreter
(3) CASE tools

@) Dynamic Data Exchange

clc-2(E+H) ( 4,)
29. Which is not a part of 4GL category ?
(1) Compilcr
(2) Application generator
(3) Report gencrator
(4) Decision Support System

30. Human Access Language GIAL) is the examplc of generation language.

(1) 2 (2) 3
(3) 4 (4) 5

31. Number of bits used in ASCII standards for data communication is

(1) 8 (2) 7
(3) 16 (4) 32

32. Simplex mode of communication channel allows the data transfer in

(1) one direction
(2) one direction at a time
(3) Both dircctions at same time
(4) None of these

33. The maximum distance between 2 nodes connectedto same channel in LAN is
(1) 100 m (2) 1 km
(3) 5 km (4) 10000 km

34. Token Ring is I ,,,

(1) LAN topology
(2) LAN accessmethod
(3) CommunicationArchitecture
(4) LAN Hardware

35. Which is not a valid step for circuit switching ?

(1) Network Access password
(2) Circuit establishment
(3) Data transfer
@) Circuit termination

36. EDIFACT is
(1) Communication standard
(2) Retail industry standard
(3) Standard for administration and trade
(4) Transmission standard

c r c - 2 ( E+ H ) (5) P.T.O.
37. The frrst Packet Switching Public Data Network owned by Deptt. of Telecommunications is
(3) USENET (4) I-NET

38. Which of the following is a part of single crypto system ?

(1) Transposition (2) Substitution
(3) Both (1) and (2) (4) RSAAlgorithm

39. The process of getting data accessby intercepting the traffic on the circuit is called
(1) Data trapping
(2) Cryptanalysis
(3) Cryptography
(4) Leakage

40. Who first gave the concept of self replicating programs ?

(1) Ronald Rivest
(2) Leonard Adelman
(3) Adi Shamir
(4) John Von Neumann

4]^. Power on SeIf Test (POST) is a part of

(1) Booting
(D Networking
(3) Cryptography
(4) DisasterManagement

42. BOOT infected virus affects which frle ?


43. Lehigh Virus

(1) frrst came into being in Pakistan
(2) is prevalent in Macintosh Machine
(3) affects only .EXE files
@) affects only COMMAND.COM frle

44. Data Encryption Standards (DES) algorithni specifies a method for' encr)ryting a/an
(1) 8 bit (2) 16 bit
(3) 32 bit (4) 64 bit

CIC-2(E+H) ( 6 )
45. Identifying risk in various alternatives
is part of
(1) Definition phase

Q) Design phase
(3) Functionalrequirement
(4) Implementation

46. Vaccination is a part of

(1) Cryptography
(2) Anti-Virus program
(3) Disaster Recovery
(4) SecurityAlgorithms

47. Gravity virus is also called

(1) Stoned
(2) Happy Birthday Joshi
(3) Dark Avenger
(4) Raindrops

48' which of the following viruses increases

the size of .EXE and .coM files ?
(1) Marijuana
(Z) Raindrops
(3) Jerusalem
(4) Brain

49. Disaster Recovery deals with

(1) the tasks in planning
(2) the implementation of recoverv
(3) Both (1) and (2)
(4) None of these

50. The objective of contingencyplan

(1) Discover which application
is most critical
(2) Remove viruses
(3) , 11*6ootthe computer
(4) Determine the person responsible
for disaster

( 7)
True or False (Questions number 51 to 1O0)
B State whether

giuen is false.

memory can be accessedindependently'

51. In Von Neumann architecture each bit of

could be directed to a card punch
52. In computer, for di.fferential engine the output

53. ENIAC is a second generation computer'

54, 8080 microprocessorwas developedby

55. MC 68020 chip is part of super computei'

56. Memory parity error is an example of hardware

57. CPU register directly interacts with secondary

failure of power are termed as volatile'

5g. The memories which lose their content on

59. PROM can be written onlY once'

60. FIoPPYdisk is a Primary memory'

are called Sectors'

61. The concentric circles in case of floppy


63. Winchester disk is made up of magnetic

MB of data'
Un. S incfr optical disk can store around 650
I !
l *
library books'
I uu. Optical Bar CodeReadersare used with

CAD is ComputerAssistedDesign'
| r--r h^^ir

ut. Inkjet printer is a non impact printer'
I ctc-2(E+H) (8)
conrrecting printers to a computer'
6g. Parallel interfaces are comlnonly used for

69. Data flow architectures are SISD architectures'

anil CPU'
70. Memory buses transfer data between memory

7L. Tightly coupled systems have shared memory'

72. Pipelining processing improves the system's throughput'

in a cycle'
78. RISC machine should not execute 2 instructions

74. Application software is a part of system software'

75. Ventura is a DTP Package'

database and graphics functions'

76. FRAMEWORK combines word-processing, spreadsheet'


to Compiler'
78. Interpreter is good for fast debugging in comparison

79. SQL is first generation language'


81. If-then-else structure is a looping statement'

82. For X(Y), X is a variable and Y is function name'

83. Resident monitor is used with batch processing'

84. Pop-down menu is also called dialog box'

of development environment for most
g5. Application Program Interface (API) is a part


87. Ingress is a relational database'

88. '0'
indicates the presenge of electronic . ;

89. Digital is one that is continuous

with respect to time.

90. Modem is also called modulator_demodulator.

91. EDIFACT for shipping bills are known


92. Cryptography was frrst introduced

in 1900 BC.

93. RSA was developed at Massachusetts

Institute of Technolory.

94. Access Control Cards are used for programming.

95. Query views are created in database for security.

96' Back-up is needed to dear with vandalism,

sabotageor storms.

97. Contingency plan is designed to limit


98. The plain text is also called cipher


99. Malicious damage is always done

by the outsiders.

100. Interrupt Service Routines are memorv.

( 1 0)


( 1 1) P.T.O.

CIC-2(E+H) (12)

qEftiba gt$.fr.1

qF. 2006$.*.-2ztrtFrot
Wlzl : Z qri qf?rqaq ei6 : loo

(t) vvqlw aar fusar &r d6 rrrcEv+ a at wq ds frW Eo a'ci * ftq a ad r
f t i ) w r w i l r c o v s + d r M d z i t * ) w f r v - + o 6qr M
i dr *H fu af dr
(iii) sql swl + ri6 aqtad t
(iu) vdo vw w *ad W d rar t t qR q6 d .ner+sa? rr fr?TntrTq qq dJql
err Rq rq'Fi d ss wr w tp enaEer wE7 1
ifi' {gf{drq (rgq {qr r t so ra)
qh : ffifqd raai C s-dq,yw */Aq an fuqw Rq qq d, re-+'C qF ga?d H6d/
d I sd, rar *) rat wznw riaiftnm:n7fr elffu qt t qR 4)d cI?ra-r ed ad
d, 6) +aryW rold ei6a *t I
1. nqa * w++* w q ffi Sflqr qrcnt ?
(1) frE qrwd (BlaisePascal)
(2) qd +Aq (CharlesBabbage)
(3) sfq Efq dq ("IohttVonNeumann)
(4) EfrddgIE+R (HowardAikens)
q6 t*Til
z. "tl-{d (Kilo byte)d{-fl {
(1) 1000Erfe
(2) 1012qrqz
(3) 1024q|{e
(4) 10000qr{e

c rc- 2 ( E+ H ) ( 1 3) P.T.O.
(1) &ifrs ;eliRsd qFuhrq qrg q.qEq
(2) {Aeifus iqr qftfrex qqs * :
(B) {@rtrs =$Rderf;ilfrCsrr grrs dfur
(4) {AqiFrs qtRqer sffie{ qre +egrna
4. nnc (s rqrdrqt
(1) qrr*l q-qa or e) ffi qqal 61
(s) ffiq sT g) Eq{ q.qr{ 6r
5. qs ssf 1trFr+-e)cpu it 3ilqffi qm (tq *t6*o) fr lgm fuqr qrflTt
(1) ,ig[{q f+r$ fOis qf{cl (z) F{ge/sTrscge
(s) {qrs 1{ryftx) e) q}'qrqH1ga-r
6. t+E{fi q6 qs qrq rH+eqrd t ,
(1) ffi q* {Frst
e) fi'ltq {fu€{
(s) t+tvr (qqFflq) {trq€i
(4) q)qTq flrizr

7. qt{qT T*.Rfrqrtsi$rr (3rfF?Hedtel qrqq fl :

(1) kfql Bs e) cD-RoM
(B) trtfss Fw @) fl-riP+5 ::
8. upt
(1) fs|q-m{d€ m{rq
(2) s.{a gd€ x}efrFr
(B) trfur {r-eF4 Q}q
@) s.{n r+-mg t*-e
9. *S+f tfeff*O) f{qgf IgS (Winchesterdisk) 4.t qTrlf,f 6
(1) soot loooMBdfi (D ro t oooMBtr€F
(s) root 600MBdtn (4) r t ooMB dfr
10. qHtdr 68000
(Motorota qs -
68000), fEaftio qrgdrlQm t-r
(1) 8 (D 16
(3) 32 (4) 64

rr. F+qfeba fr t qlq qi q€trIT (pointing)

gfu (FsqFq)A ?
(1) $dT.n (qft-itd) (2) dl{c +{
(3) LCD (4) Fra{

c l c - 2 ( E+ H ) (14)
+ is strq+ rou- gfr 5Rqrf,tltr t t
rz. fqr6dF-+eqd wi * anrqfirnuil
(1) MICR
(2) OMR
(3) ocR (4) S$qzq

trfr q] qrqr qrar i

r.3. tqt nrat (LaserPrinter)41
(1) errq qfr tsrs t e) tq qfr fi541g
(B) qt€i HRt-srs i' G) flrfi qfr Fffc i

\4. msc€
(1) G.z {W{1-q ve E6'tr{t{
(z) fiqs Fq+{H fu mqrE-ct
(B) fig.{€ $e q.qet
(4) ns+z {tr{H t-a oqqot

N ftQst {srcd or gRqreotar t Z
FTqfufuf,t n *{ qr {i'rd{ CeTr,tTr{iflq)
(1) MISD (2) MIMD
(s) (1)3I\ (2)+it (4) SISD

(qrflmffl) qr Frqfq frt{t qt6r t

16. *-fftrt $frt{t-g{H (para'el organisatio.lit rffi
(1) sri*gr f+fudl lsra EH{) vt l
e) qtqlq* u-{rdcrfrtnqdl
(3) R-{fr€q (Encodirrg)
(4) (1)31htzl tii qt

d fr p4q666 fr t frt4 qr € t ?
L7. ft {fmi fr+q{ (nonpipelinedprocesso'l*
(1) = Tr, / Tn
Sp (2) So = Tr, + Tn

(3) Sk = Tr, - To (4) So = Tr, * Tn

18. FltTrf,Fildfr t +4 s qrqr q-fldt ii qrqs sq i {dqrd fr-fr t z

(1) LOTUS (2) coBol,

rfr q-a qrart r

Le. g12'-rA€
Fr*Fr 1Sffi;e) 41
(1) zGL (2) 3GL
(3) 4GL (4) 5GL

qtrqro t+q qfr t I

20. q4t t q;t{ qi r{M (+r+q) + qrq qFo v6rq+
(1) €HA]qffi(Assemblv) (2) qgfr4 lYtachine)
(3) q-FFd (Pascal) (4) dd€ (coBol)

clc-2(E+H) ( 1 5)
2r. * qs q{6 q} nbrtr'T+-}-q fr
Tdr ffi qg+} (access
+ fdq F*qld dnT
(1) tt (a'"uy; (2) EIiR (Constant)
(3) grel ef{q (Data T}pe)
(4) Tt (Variables)
Fqfufuafr t +{ qr d-*$qdrtsrcs(effqn-defqtfil
t z
(2) NOT
(3) + (4)
(1) wfrolFeru qRhrq $5AR1qqfq ergq
(z) HEqdh€HHe-€{ eiqte|R *f, -,E-
(s) fuqd ER+w sfrqtflR qTaersq
(4) M{rd}fftrq e--€{qTqH et+ er{+
ffid qqftrqdT (oi.t.ibutedoperating
system) + qrrd fr gw sr{tTRuTr
"+i*fQfn t
(1) ft{tr+{Tq (Coordination)
fzl (Cooperation)
(3) F-dgi-hfi (T[ansparencv) (q wrg** rfiquT (storagecontrol)
F{i t +t+ wzt windows
+ Hqe td z
(1) qg-sT{ (Multiraskins)
(2) Efd IdET (MemoryManagement)
(3) gfu nEiqq (DeviceManagement)
(4) vql fri] '
2G' 6qc{ R€q fusrq (evolution)fr (R sl?Ir - r \ r (second era)
ta) d qq66o stqemutT
c\-'- \Dvvvtlv E r rr-ll(ll(gfl \:rll 6r lqdq

(1) hdR-d dl (ni"t.ituted

e) 3TflffiH-B-{rgi Str}ftqfr (Object oriented
(s) FfrI (Batchl tiqTe];I
(4) qg-nldrFl
27. s-q qw (cASETools)3ilq-d{ Tr
HqRrd t
o) sM +'+q+ e) so"c t
(3) cPU t
G) nrsc t
29. Ffg{ite (Spreadsheets)eil{ Td finst (word processors;
*' Etq sTiq-s)(Data)sr 3JTITUI
ERrfuqr qr RF-drd I
(1) tF.trTl-td{ (Compiler)
Q) frtru-s(qartr{)
(3) tv e-w (CA5ETools)
(4) B|.{iTfus grfl qtriq (DynamicData Exchange)


zs. gqi t dq w +cr *oft qr lewr rd t z
(1) 4.qf{fl (Compiler)
(2) qF+{Tf, +qtd{ (Applicationgenerator)
(B) Rqd+fta
(4) f+fu vorqiir (kktr{ qqtCfu*zql
80. Q{{ q*s ++q (rrAL) ffi de
1g"r,u'ation) q,l g-fldruTt I
(1) 2 (2) 3
(3) 4 (4) 5
sl. 3risgr{qR (srer*uF+{H) + fuq Ascrrqndi fr {Rqrd di ErAffil oit'l ql €@T
(1) 8 (2) 7
(3) 18 @) 32
sz. {q-q 1*-qFrt{H) iTd qT fud'fi qts ffii
(simplex) + stn.rr 61 si-Jqfrtdl B
(1) q{ Rvrrii
(2) qs {Trffiqt !:s 8 R{n fr
(s) qs fr qrrq qtfr Fflreii fr
( 4 )r + f r t f f i t i A
+ qtq cqKrt qrEr {fr fr-fr t
BB. I,aNii qs A dq-dt z ftf (Nodes)
(1) 100m (D 1 km
(3) 5 km (4) 10000km
\ ^ ' \
34. ZltF;TI$t (Token Ring) € 9S
(1) uN zlqt*$
(2) LaN ft*'q iqg (a.."ss method)
(3) fr.'{FT+{H sTfH++qT (Communicationarchitecture)
@) LAN6rd+{i
sE. qffiic ffiflr (Circuitswitchins)+ fdq elq qr gr;zl q{q (step)?6? t ?
(1) ffi q*S qf$-{d (Network AccessPassword)
(2) qBz dffi€ (Circuit Estabtishment)
(3) 3|Zf qiqs'{ (Data T}ansfer)
(4) HffiZ Zffi+flq (Circuit termination)

(1) sqtr*flq TH (CommunicationStandard)
(2) {2d E!-sqi €<of (Retail Industry Standard)
(3) c€d qft qgFfF{*|4 !tr tr (Standardfor AdministrationandTrade)
(4) gFSfrW4 +€d (TlansmissionStandard)

CIC-2(E+H) ( 1 7) P.T,O.
s7. Tildrtte ffirr qks srfl fuq$ q) K-{tqR1@r+vn) Fqrrrqr t, qOt
(3) USENET (4) I.NET

sB. frIqfrfuf, fr t qt4 qT qsd p tix (sinelecryptosystem)

6,r f6Fqrt ?
(1) gfumH{H e) qqRzz.WTi
(s) ru eil-rtzltif @) nsattrtRq
se. qffie qt +F5-sif qrq lqarfrFzn)trRrsrcTqq+qq) qrq s.{i qi qFffirt
(1) sraf *fr{ (Datatapping)
(z) ffiekq (Cryptanalysis)
(3) ffi+Si (Cryptography)
(4) d}-q (Leakase)

40. 6 6q*f*r +'Jrq6i 3iqqnw qq$ rdA ffi * pfr ?

(1) til€ Rn€ (RonaldRivest)
(z) fuM qtrf,iq (LeonardAdelman)
(3) sTrRYrft (Adi shamir)
(4) sf4 Efq qfu (.tott" VonNeumann)

4r. q1-q1ffi t-ffi )€ (posr) qd fdwr A

(1) qfut Gootine)ST
(z) lafrh'r 6r
(s) f*'dlq1 6r
(4) fdKfl miqq (Disaster Management) EFT

42. Boor {frfrd qrfls fd,q s,r{fi 6 qrnFdds'{frr i ?


4g. fu qr{w
0,"r,igh) .
(1) v{0 qdd qTFbSr+ t qk€ ii eTrqr
(z) C+zi{r q{fr{ t xqfd-dd
(s) *-+o .nxn sEdi s) A qqrFqf, +-wrt
(4) iqe conaMAND.coM q,r{f,d 6 ${Hd orar t
44. grcr EFfrc{rqrH (DES)QgtRq (Aborithm) encrypt6{i * ftTq
rt-sdfr-*.lcarari r
(1) 8 bit Q) 16 bit
(3) 32 bit (4) 64 bit

CIC-2(E+H) (18)
45. trFffi f{crdf ii ffi Risk* q6qm{rfrq fr t f+-r6r q+ Fwr t z
(1) ffFFT{TT tg (o"nnition phase)
(2) fSTfl tq (nesien phase-)
(3) riwrid ffi€ (Functionalrequirement)
(4) EFWt*flq (Implementation)

46, aR+rfTIq(Vaccination)
frrT t t ffs6r qs fdwr t ?
(1) ffi+Si (Cryptography)
(2) td-qfqfq frfl-q fAnti-Virus program)
(g) ffrqfg{ ffi (DisasterRecovery)
(4) ffiRz1 tgtRq (SecurityAtgorithms)

47. iFE (cruvity)qt-fl€ d qO q} o-O qr-drt

(1) €t€ (Stoned)
(2) tfr qdt ff (uuppyBirthdayJoshi)
(B) gT* q+G{ (DarkAvenger)
(4)' tndq (Raindrops)

48. FrqRrfuTfr n dq qr qrflq .ExEsilr .coMqr{d + sTrfiR

t u
(1) +NsIHr (Marijuana)
(z) tTff (Raindrops)
(3) i{,,-q-Aq(Jerusalem)
(4) *I (Brain)
49. kqr€{ ffi (DisasterRecovery){ioifqq
(1) qlqqTfr 6ETt
(2) ffi +1or+n* o.ri t
(s) (1)e*t (2)Ait
(4) r+nt fr.$qfr
50. *fr+$r ?iq-{ror seTqi
(1) mtqeT\'ffiH vq0 wiqr fmFcisd
t sA €js{r
(2) Erflqr sT @-FrT
(3) 6.ttc-{ Sl R-{c (Reboot)
(4) R-qret+ ldq ffiqR qfu +) gFrR+amw

CIC-2(E+H1 ( 1 e) P.T.O.
Er rdr{q Ffr t ril qtrfi (ss{ ri. n t roorq')

qlz: a?Asosel'Rq qq d t qE fqqrrqr qqa s& d d l eifu al, qaw ss +PII7

w o eifu rt, qR qr+ ,rdd dl t
bl. {{ {dq (vonNeumann) etffimt q fufr or yd.+ Re fqiT ffi +t voqf,I t
q*s fqqr qr v+m t I

52. ffiF{prd Ek{ (Differentiarensine)t fdq qcT fr ersrE (output) q} q4, fld
qq gfu (cardpunchdevice)
61 tr qTT f*qr qr vqc'r t I

qs rffrq qlEl oqa

53. ENrAC t r
84. 8080qrg*Jfr+gtqHtf,r (Motorola)
arir fudfudf+,fl 'rqt elr t
Fq tcr'ip)Sq{ +.qei qr Rwr t r
Eb. Mc 68020

b6. ffi qRd (Memory

parity)lE luoo',6d4{r 61 frsra-dpi 6r qs r+aruTd r

57. cpu rfugt (Register) ffi + Hfq fr+ sTqHfrqTq-Cm

|f,fiffi (Secondary) d I
b8. ffi (vr"-ory)S qr+r (ffi) * w qri qr srer rfr qqr qrfr sQ derarw eot
qror t I

5e. PRoMqS qR a rmsr qr ssf,r t I

60. .Filq1kg q* Nqkq ffi Gti*ary -o-ory) t I

Gt. Rfqi }. qqA fr {+Fqd qSt (.or,."ntriccycles) 4-6iqror t r

d fr+-s (sectors)

62,. R@ qq (is) qr A-ss1 qiR{q oG fo'nt) qT srrq €r+ ar{q (seektime)ddT

€ l

6s. ffirzT (Winchester)

BFh, +iEH $fffiT{g (Masneticoxide)H'I E{t ehr t t

84. s I sq q.r Ske kw errsflr 6b0MB sl-cl 6T qsnq q-q irq,ar t r


eir{*fr fs-ffit * wq qTfr E}i t t

6b. s,fF-+-dqR ts sr&6 (Readers),

66. cADqs q.qdr +1 eErirdrt q-{r.Rsr{qt r

67. S"-ie (Inkjet)fier qs rh-Fd€ (non-impactl
Fjat t r

CIC-2(E+H) (20)
€rilqd\ {t qq5t t F|--if qi frEi + l-dq x3tr
68. qr{t<R 3n-<{ITs (ParaIIeIinterfaces)
t6q qrt t t
stso eTfit+q{ dil t t
qTfii-+qi (Dataflowarchitcctures)
69. qzT d
erf,{ul oifr t t
20. ffi es (MemorvBuses)tHfi 31hcPU+ fiq ercr 6
d-i t {tqd (sr,ured) tq-fr (memory) d|fr t r
7r. zT{c-s6,qq€(Tishtlycoupred)
(throushputl t r
72. qlqq-dT{fufrfrfHq R€q 6r W-d StTRf,T

Rrsc q{fr{ q1 q* {fr if z fttqii q]1FIETr{f,q-fr q;{qTqrFoqt


74. qFd*ql-{ffi fusq ffi 6r qs fowr t r

(s o'P tts t r
75. tg{ ry"r,tura)
qd-fttR{, ffie' qzr+.qtp }35dru!-drm+l q}-'s-dr
t r
76. FRAMEwonK
qr<t qd e.rrT6{dTt l
77. sa1ii{l-tt, q{fra d?+q fr'Jrqt
7e. sQLHqrTqd si qrqrt&ql t r
q-frt r
80. xon qfr t qf( {TtI gB +ii aif,s
€r{4r \rs qqfrq (qfr'T) ffi
8r. If-then-else t t
qrq e' I
t 3i{ v q* rqrd 6r
Bz. xm * fetq, x q6 q{ (variable)
qW Etdr t t
EfF€{ (ResidentMonitor) y-qq riqfe' (Batch processing)* qrq
8s. t6i*€
ql?nt l
t1 +1 tr+K dw (DialogBox)fi 4-6r
s4. frq-qs4 (Pop-down)
qKrf,r cur * fdq qfi.1+{{ m4tq €z{hs (API)}q-f,qi-a qqErq{f-{ (Development
environment)6l qS 3tqT t I

g.fa W} gfqfq|{ (Data Flow

86. iq.1q q+q{ gFnflq (Program Structure Diagram) d
fr o-O qrdr t
gfdi{g i
87. gl$ tksress)(S qmf*f{ r

I (211
88. 'o'F&ETfrs qtc qi sqRfd +) qffdr
d r
8e. EfueT (Disital){d t q} vqq * w}qT
sild t r
e0' {)tt 6aoa"-)+} r@E{ fr@z{ (Modulator-Demodulator)
s q-orqrdr t r
er. fufu'r fuw +' leg pnmncr +) cusDEC
* sq fr qrfl qrlmrt r
s2. FfreDqiq) s{S .r5d rgooS.t fr rqa
fu+r rpn qi I
e3. oto, $sq@v Ef€e.T. e:fs &ilffi
ffrr) q ffid fu-q,'rfl en r
s4' qqiq srd 14"""rscontrorcards) 'T + rmq
"tr Fdq,- dt t r
eE. stzT+qfr qo""yviews+r ftrrlurg{ffi t ldq
fu+r rqT d I
e6' $FTd3r{Eltfidl,
trtoie q eriqldqi eilqFFifsr Hrrtr oc t req
e7' 3-6sHd qifud Ri + liTq sffi (contingencyl
qlqfl (plan)+) rsTgq fuqr rrqr

e8. qlelRur(plain)qqqivr +)
E-afubd qi{qivr (ciphertext)rfi o6r qror t. r
ee. F*qti T+.qH 6tvr qr{fr trdl ERrfuq qrdT
t I
100. 3T<Rrqtqr ftos Hffiq) 6A{, irrft 0vr",,'o"y)
fr qrq sni t, r

( 2 2)

<s ord b fre s{6

( 2 3) P.T.O.
c l c - 2 ( E+ H )
tq'irrd s. fts d{r6

CIC-2(E+H) (24) 5,000



Term-End Examination

June, 2006


Time : 2 hours Maximum Marhs : 100

(L) Do not start a.nswering until the inuigilator asks you to start'
all the questions-
(ii) Questionpaper contains 100 questions.Stud,entis required to answer
There is no choice.
(iiil AU qwestionscarry equal marhs'
(iu) Each question must be giuen one qrlswer only. If more tlt'an one answer is marked or
giuen, zero rnarh will be awarded for that question-

A Multiple Choice (Questions number 1 to 50)

Note : Four choicesare giuen fbr a question, out of which one choice may be correct. Mqrh
correct ansu)er-in releuant column of the answer sheet gi;uento you. In caseyou feel that
none of the a question is conect, marh in, column

l. Which of the following DOS commands deletes a directory and aII the frles and
subdirectories contained in it ?

(1) del

(2) rd
(3) del tree
(4) removc

2. EGA and VGA are the names of

(1) Network adapters
(2) Graphics adapters
(3) Sound adaPters
(4) Motion adapters

( 1 ) r P.T.O.
3. Which of the following is not an operating system ?
(1) UNTX (2) XENIX
4. MIS uses which of the following department(s) ?
(1) Information Reporting System
(2) Decision Support System
(3) Executive Information Svstem
(q AI the above

o. which of the following applications can be seen as accessoriesin windows ?

(1) Notepad e) Calculator
(3) MS Paint (4) AII of the above

6. PIF stands for

(1) Program Internet Files
(2) Program Information Files
(3) Picture Information Files
(4) Picture Internet Files

t. which of the following is a main feature of authoring software ?

(1) Integrated Multimcdia Elcment
(2) Script Language Programs
(3) Supporting Video for Windows
(4) Al1 the above

8. The following is not an executable frle :

(1) .BAT file e) .EXE file
(3) .COM file .CPPfile

9. API stands for

(1) Applied Programmer Interface
(2) Application Programmer Interface
(3) Applied Proccdural Interface
(4) Application Procedural Interface

10. EDP stands for

(1) Electronic Data Programming
(D Electronic Digital Processing
(3) Elcctronic Data Processing
(4) Electronic Digital Programming

CIC-4(E+H) , (2)
t;:, 11. The ISO-OSI model of networking contains
(1) 6 layers Z layers
(3) 9 layers @) g layers

12' Thc nctwork in which the existencc of multiple autonomous computers

is transparent (not
visible) to the user is
(1) I"AN (D Distributed system
(3) wAN None of the above

13' The governrnent users have the following choice to connect to other networks
(1) VSNL
e) Ernet

14' is a pr-oduct developed by Microsoft Corporation that enables groups

teleconferenceusing Internet as transmission medium.

(1) Net Meeting e) Video Confcrencing

(3) Cool Talk (q Internet phone

15. EDI system has a mdih,cornponent as

(1) Application Servicc (Z) File Service
(3) Mail Service (4) Wcb Scrvice

16. which of the following graphics frle formats is not supported by web
(1) JPEG
(3) GIF
@) None of the above

17. PNG stands for

(1) Portable Nctwork Graphics

(2) Picture Network Graphics
(3) Perfect Network Graphics

@) Picture New Graphics

18. which of the following is not a part in powerpoint,s Insert option ?

(1) Language e) Chart

(3) Comment (4) picture

c rc - 4 ( E + H ) ( 3 ) P.T.O.
lg. To enter a formula in a particular cell of the worksheet in MS-Excel, you have to frrst
type :
(1) $ (2) #
/'a\ (4) &

20. Cylinder/Cone/Pyramid chart in MS-Excel creates a chart with

Cylinder/ConelPyramid shape.
(1) Column (2) Bar

(3) 3D (4) Surface

2L. Payroll System includes

(1) Generation of Pay-slips
(D Calculation of PaY
(3) Calculation of Overtime
(4) All of the above

22. A database system includes the following components :

(1) Data and Users
(2) I{ardware and Software
(3) Data, Hardware and Software
(4) Data, Hardware, Sofbware and Users

23. A CD-ROM can store upto

(1) 1 TR (2) 600 MB
(3) 200 KB (4) 100 GB

24. Corel Draw is a

(1) Graphics Package
(2) Database Package
(3) Multimedia Package
(4) Word Processing Package

25. EDI creates the following fiIes as a document passes through the system :
(1) Integrated format frle
e) External format frle
(3) Transmission file
@) All of the above

CIC-4(E+H) ( 4 )
26. MS.Excel is known for

(1) SPreadshects
(2) Spreadsheetsand GraPhs
(3) Spreadsheets,Graphs and Databases
(4) SPreadsheetsand Databases

(1) ctrl+shift+P Q) shift+P
(3) CtrI+P (4) Shift+DeI+P

28. Intel is a company that manufactures

(1) Software Q) Processors
(3) Cables (4) r\eLwurr'EquiPment
t+) Network

by Microsoft ?
zg, What is the name of the latest Server Operating System developed
(1) Windows NT Q) Windows 2000
(3) Windows XP @) Windows 2003

30. Applications of Hypertext are used in

(1) Computer Applications (2) IJusinessApplications
(3) Educational Applications (4) AII of the above

called ?
31. what is the address given to a computer connectedto a network
(1) System Address Q) SYrid
(3) ProcessID (4) IP address

32. DireclX is a
(1) Graphics Package Q) Word ProcessingPackage
(3) Uscr Interface (4) Programming Language

33. OpcnGL is a
(1) ComPuter Part
Q) User Interface
(3) ProgrammingLanguagc
(4) Software that drives graphics hardware
during booting
g4. Which frle in MS-DOS contains internal commands that are loaded
(1) Io'sYS Q) MSDos'sYS

(5) P'T'o'
s5' which of the following is a database management
toor developed by Microsoft ?
(1) dBase
e) Access
(3) Personal Oracle
@) Sybase

36. IISAM stands for

(1) Ilierarchical Sequential AccessMethod
Q) Hierarchical Standard AccessMethod
(3) I{ierarchical Sequential and Method
(4) Ilierarchical Standard and Method

37' is not formal enough to bc implcmcnted

directly in a programming languagc.
(1) Analysis model
(2) ER model
(3) Object-Orientedmodcl
(4) Object-OrientedData model

38. Size of a database is usually measured in

terms of
(1) Terabytes
(2) Megabytes
(3) Databytes
(4) Gigabytes

39' what is the name of the 64-bit microprocessor

deveropedby AMD ?
(1) Opteron
(2) RISC-2000
(3) iMac (4) Athlon

40, While using Excel, a workbook can have

-- worksheets hy default.
(1) 15
Q) 16
(3) 10 (4) 2

41. A I.44 MB floppy drive has

tracks per side an{ sectors Ber track.
(1) 82 and 36 (2) 90 and 30
(3) 80 and 36 (4) 80 and 30

42, The public key crypto systems make use

(1) Encryption and Decryption
(2) Replication
(3) Duplication
(4) All of the above


43. HTTP stands for

(1) llypermedia Text Transfer Protocol
(2) Flypermedia Text TYansmission Protocol
(3) Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(4) HypertextTlansmissionProtocol

44. A protocol is
(1) A set of rules

Q) A set of data
(3) A set of information
(4) All of the ahove

46, A file which contains readymade styles that can be used for presentation is called
(1) AutoStyle
(2) Template
(3) Wizard
(4) Pre-formatting

46. PowerPoint 2000 has number of views'

(1) 3 (2) 4
(3) 5 (4) 6

47. Animation schemescan be applied to _-- in a presentation.

(1) All slides Q) Select slides
(3) Current slide (4) All of the above

4t. In Microsoft Excel, the intersection of 3td column and 8th row refers to'the cell
(1) F,iz Q) D8

(3) CE G) E8

49. Which of the following is an oldest spreadsheet package ?

(1) VisiOale Q) Lotus l-2-3

(3) Excel (4) StarCalc

60, How many characters can be typed in a single cell in Excel ?

(1) 256 Q) ro24

(3) 32,ooo (4) 65,535

(7) P'T'O'
B state whcther Truc or False (euestions number Er to 100)

Note : 'In the following 50 questions,marh 1, if the statementgiuenis true

and.0 if the statement
giuen is false.

5r. E-mail is consideredto be a safc mcchanism for data transfer.

52. DLL stands for Data Dictionary Link.

53. Dumb terminals are tcrminals without CD-ROM drive.

54. Microsoft Publisher helps in preparing documents.

55. Data can be stored only on one side in a CD_ROM.

56. Coaxial cable has fastcr data rates than fibre optics.

57' For communicating through EDI, the source frle should be conlerted
to EDI standard

58. MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digitar Interface.

59. Microsol'tAccess is an example of RDBMS.

60. A CD-ROM can storc maximum tgO MB of data.

61. ATI\{ stands for Automatic Transport Machine.

62' SLIP and PPP are TCPAP protocols used.for connecting to Internet through modem.

63. Telnet is used for transferring file from client to server.

64. Outlook Express can be used for sending mails.

65' The Text field can be used to store alphanumeric characters of length upto 25b bytes.

66' QuickTime is a multimedia software suited for synchronizing sound tracks and video tracks.

67' An example of a program that has a built-in programming language is knowledge program.

68. DSS stands for Dynamic Soft,wareSystem.

CIC-4(E+H) ( 8 )
69. A floppy disk comes only in one size of 1'44

geographical area'
70. A LAN means creating network covering large

71. The limit of speed up is defrned by Amdahl's

parallel computing'
72. Forecasting problem is a natural candidate for

on Internet'
7g. MIS is designed to provide MaiI exchange service

support Information system is

74. To provide accurate, timely and relevant information

75. Like CD-ROM, a laser disc uses the same recording

..Super Video Graphics Arrays,,'

76. SVGA card stands for


78. Graphs is not a section in Lotus Organizer'

of a page'
79. CTRL+J is used to align left and right margins

service - GEDIS Trade Net to

80. vsNL now offers Gateway Electronic Data Interchange
Indian Subscribers'

81. PERT stands for Program Evaluation Review Techniques'

internal format file to the Translation

82, Application service sends the document in the

service and communication servicc'

83. EDI services are Application service, Translation

84. DOS system frles include AUTOEXEC'BAT and

'My Indian Digital Interface '

85. MIDI stands for

86. Animation makes the presentation light and
electronic message service to support
87. The transport network provides a powerful
88. Gopher is a menu-dnven search
engine. , , :,,, ,: : ,

89. Hypernet is a Hypertext browser

for FTp accessible sites.

90. Mosaic and Cellar are browsers for


91. VPN stands for Virtual public


92' Two networks having different

network operating systems can be ljnked
to each other.
93. Internet is based on client_server

94' Integrity refers to unauthorised

modification of information.

95' Primary key identifies each record

uniquery in a database.

96' swIFT stands for society for worldwide

Inter-bank Financial relecommunication.

97' The linking abilities of Hypertext

are ideal for the learning of foreign
98' has two main forms : scenarios
based simulations and telephone
:rfiJr*tt""Jr. based

99: Fax provides an interactive interface

to the user.

100' video confcrencing is used

for online mectings and conferences.

c rc -4( E + H )
( 10)

CIC-4(E+H) ( 1 1) P.T.O.

CIC-4(E+H) (12)

nEfube rq 6,'qfdTlffi.3n$.fr.1
srid qfien

ET, 2006

S.flr$.ff.-4 z srgquiFr
WIzl : Z qot qftrffiq ai6 : loo

(i) wif qr wt fuwr d6rd6 qz{rryz ol qq dq frfleffi gqFar? + frq a ryd I
(ii) wtwtrcorwd rMffi dls',f'swqrlqffi dr+ldffi ad'dr
(iiil sfi wif + oim sqn d 1
(iu) xd+. yw w *qe qa drar fr rqR \q t etfqosil0 T{ fqwq alnq w at qr
rar Pq 4q di a) rs wr w Ea eia Eqr qgqr r
tr q6k+.fl (vw {qt r t soro)
qb : ffifu7 srd) C xto yv++rfo qn @ pe 4q d; ma 0 C*' €d F) v6Flr
d I v-d rar +) rf,r vtzsw riaiftn 6n7 f oifui of r qR *ld * vrt +rd rd
6), 6) wry W rot t iifu ql t
r. FTqit t slq qTqd oos qqis q+ grqMr sftr ss+i v*sniEefr s1 €sfrsrE-d+)
(1) del
(2D rd
(3) del tree
(4) remove

z. rca qh vce qrq t

(1) @ ts.Tt +
(z) iffi-ffi tsqt +
' (B) Hds tgq{ +
(4) igrq (Nlotiorr;
{get *

clc-4(E+H) (13) P.T:O.

B. ffifuq fr t +{ qr gs FrRFrilq (s:fqtErfuemyild?'t ?
(3) LrNrX (4) ZENITH

4. nrmfrqfuka q t 6tq w f+rFr (Mta) gdqrd ocort Z

(r) $qfi{rq RqiEr fuRF
(2) fsffiil{ eqtj fugq
131 qffit+{E-q qqTil{lq fugq (ExecutiveInformation System)
(4) sq{i6 qS

E. ftrr fr + dq eT qFd*ITq, mq q qffi-q

(windows) * os tf tor qr
v+nr* z
(1) ibqs (2) t€St-er
(3) MSt€ (4) sqdffi q$
G. PIF .FI BTtft
(1) n)'ltq F€{iz r6r$iq
(2) fr{'u gesTsqq
(3) fu+q{f+i*flq r6r{w
(4) fr+qr F"{tc r6r{eq
7. iiq q v q;qt frea tSqfr,Tl ffiqr 6r g€q eeTurt I
(1) qFuDs qfteqlR-qrqffi€
(2) |wq +raq x)'Jrq
(s) ffis + feq sdr+s qiH
(4) sq$-sq$
8. ffifun fr t +{ el !$ ffi r6r{mrd t Z
(1) .BAr q'r{f, (2) .EXE ql{f,
(3) .COMEr{f, (4) .CPPSr{m

9. API .F'T3ftf t
(1) qqr{s nt{rq{ F€Gq
(2) qlqtflq *fl-qt E-.Tr+q
(a) qqr{s }ikqrd Fathq
(4) qffiH mkqw Eurhs
lo. EDPiFTerei 'F
(1) fufrs sra qbrtr'T
(2) {WFrs lsfwct e}fifr,7
(s) fuks sra frqfr,T
(4) {Wfr6 fufsa-dnrqTfr,T
CIC-4(E+H) (14)
11. teqffi-T* rso-osl*s€ fr
(1) o iqt (z) z iiqr
(3) 9 c|qt
(4) eA{r
dt 3qRqfrqrK{fr (r{€-dr
12. e-r ffi Fqn E€qrd q-{i eT-a* rdq q)-$Elqf, 4qeit
r8 t) a-frt, t
(1) LAN
(z) ffifl dT
(3) wAN @)-qt-sfr t +ti q-fr
r3. s{fl-fr 3qq}mFii* qm 3nq
qffifrit 1M) t dgf + ftq Fffifdpild it t nr gE-*
r \ ^

€ /
(2) Ernet
(1) vsNL

ft{ln qs s-flrq q) q+ qTI ({q) 4}'

14. q11dpiw sTqfuI+ (MicrosoftCorporation)
$I s-Gfrq
{€{+c d €qRqrrqr{fr nreffi";+ g erwr*t+ (rereconferer'.")
q{rart, {6 t
(1) fu qlETI (Net Meetins) Q) ditr{ii q;T4iF{Trr(videoconferencing)


rb. pu fsgq ii qd gq Er-s * sq fr t

(1) qFdailrq tqT Q) ql-{d iel
io srs (t€) tqT (4) tq twuult*
qtk tq ffuu)mr qqfta rd t ?
16. frEqit: t qt{ qr }Fn+tqqr-{
(1) JPEG
(2) PNG
(3) GIF
(4) *€tr fr t 4\$Tfr

17. pNct q-coqd

(1) q\fdd ffi nFFN
(z) Fr+q{W }ffiw
(a) q{+€ ffi nfrw
(4) tr-+q{ q ifiFffi
rd t Z
18. f{qqi u,}q q1 qqq-5a(powerPoinU* *g-J 3{IqH (Insertoption)6lfdfqr

(1) dr+-q (Lansuase) (2) qfd (ctrart)

(3) 4fq (4) FI+q{ (Picture)

( 1 5)
le. Ms-Excelq q-ffie + ffi fqfus +d t w sTtdr+) srdt + fdq q]d_S
Frr e6q +-cqrfr elqr U qdAorTr+)
(1) *
,r , #
(3) =
@) &
20. MS-Excel
fr Fsftrsrz+t+zfrtfrs
qrd, frfufi/+tqrfttfus erTFfd
Ermlqs _ qd
(1) 4ff,q
e) qR
(3) 3D
@) v6q
zr. tte e.yroll)frw fr ITrfudt
(1) y-cr+zt-at+i {#q s.rfirdr
e) y-onzt-ra6l Tulqr
r3.r 3nE€TSq;f[ rfu;qf
, : (4) sq{ffi Hq

22' qs glerilq Rsq frq q t +h qTzt T-s yrFrd q.rar

(1) era eil-tsq+sT t ?

e) drslq{sil{ ffi{
l r
(3) wa, 5rd*+t silr ffiqi
(4) sra, 6rd|+1,Tfq-+€Rs,N sqqtfrT
23. qs CD-RoM
--- n-* sisruur
fsdll q-t qqar t, r
(1) 1TR
Q) 600 MB
(B) 2oo KB
(4) 1oocB
24. *)te gf (Corel Draw) (S.
(1) ituw q+q d
(2) qerAqtt-q e
(3) qffitrqr q}q A
(4) yr< €ffier{(Td q}Sfur)q*q
zE' f-q q t +{ qi qrre +} EDrq;r.r vq q-s
t ERr+qfusq fr t ycor t z
(1) Ffu},}sqfilz srFf,
(2) qw-6id sTqe sr{d
(s) pivfrvn w{d
(4) Bq{il qqi

2,6. MS-Excelql qF{r qrar t
(1) dern-4s+ feq
(2) +i={t6 3Ih lrsl + lf,q
- (B) ffiry, nTsT3+r<rzr+qt lf,q
(4) rlsriqq sThsredq + fuq
27. Excelri ffi qqp* q-{qieTs eqr{ q sTrq'R,n q-qf,i + ldq
{si w
q*nqrdod t r
(1) Ctrl+Shift+P (2) Shift+P
(3) Ctrl+P (4) Shift+Del+P

28. sle w 6qii t n Ftqiurqrfr t

(1) *fwdqr or i5l
(2) {igffifif (Processors)
(s) *etii 6r (4) qRrFrI gffiql +l
2s. q{drqTE (Microsoft)gRI Tqfrffrd {rd1 (s"*"r) FItFT ciT (operatingSystem)q.r HI TIq
r \ ^
E !
(1) Windows NT (2) Windows2000
(3) Windows XP (4) Windows2003

Bo. 6rqqr}€ + 3r{qq}il6r {frft{ fr-drt

(1) 6.qc{ rurq}il t e) qrqRsrgq+ilfi
(B) dtfiTs q5q+,t fr @) sq$r H$
sr. fs qrcmqf#l n E.3q,q5 6i qi Td'r(q^+s)fflr qrdrt, sfr 666T
(1) REq q* e) q]qfrs (syTid)
(3) qY+Hln @) rp gls
32. DirectXt s.
(1) nFFwqhq e) Td nl$fg'rq+"d :
(3) qs TR Fzrt:s G) qs qffiiT d"ilq
sB. str4cl,t q*
(1){.t 6r siYr
(2) qs srqlffi F.{hs
(3) q* ffitt rTlqt
(4) trs {ffiqr qi +Fn-+iq ETdaq{ +l =rerart :
s4. MS-Dos s1 slr S qr{n fr sridfus6qis dA t qi {trT qfuqT+ d{H lde t qI cils
(Load)tht Z .:
(3) COMMAND.COM (q coNFrc.sYS

CIC-4(E+H) ( 1 7) P.T.o.
86. Frq fr t qh qr qr{*t{f€ fl{I ffifr qd srcdq Fit1{ (dM€) Ef, t ?
(1) dBase (2) Access
(3) Personal Oracle (4) Sybase

86. HSAMt R-e-q t

q"nfr (ETrffi{mkdt{qq q+t* ttr*l
(1) q-il-{ffiFrs%{frtrs sTFTrrq
(2) q-{Tmlqsqr+q e+Frrrq Turcfl'165affirog<i q*q qglsl
(3) qqTE-mfs 31hstnei (Er{rffiq-d@Rrtm gs tqg)
(4) qqTfrtrs qr++ ei{ qundlfilqGrd N lgs isrs)

s7. ffi xffir +rF fr Sq fi ant di + feq srrgmsffid qil t r

(1) tq|IRR|q Ef-w
Q) ER {gf,
(g) sTF]-dqq-3TfqlRf,
(4) sTFreH-3TrqrR'f,
srer dsf,
38. qTrmurnt{ qr glul+q 6r qrfi qrqr qdr t
(1) 2{tni'erq(Terabytes) li
Q) trT|qr$€ (Meeabytes)
(B) sffqr{€ (Databytes) tt (4) FTTTHE-{{(Gisabytes) i[

Be. AMDsm ffid 64-bit+ qr{*)frSw 6T FtT rrq t ?

(1) Opteron Q) RISC-2000
(3) iMac @) Athlon

40. Excel{trrfl?T+rt gU qfffiq (Eqt-iz) * enr q6 6r4-5ftr6r t srdqr6

a v + a er
(1) 15 Q) 16
(3) 10 @) 2

4r. q{ 1.44MB fr wfq1 Gloppy)gr{q q trd Yfd ql-{s ffir Qted

(1) sz3ilt so Q) go*t ao
(B) so3ilt so e) aos+t eo
42. s{ :iffi ffi dr 1qffi+-fr-F*e} meq) SRqq qtwr t
(1) Wd€a nqr FTtt (lFffiqn qrs df*wn) ut
(2) Rffififlq (Replication)EFT

(3) gFf,+TTT (Duplication)tFT

(4) 3q$ifi qlfr

clc-4(E+H) (18)

48. HTTPEI ffi E

}w qiqs-{idisi€
(1) 6tqq{mfgqr
e) 65ffifur 2w ?iqFffi{
(3) ETqqr}€ ?iqqr melqf-d
(4) Elqqrlw ?tqFNTq
qs ffiafd t
(1) ffif 6s g+ {q-q
e) sffi 61 q6 riw
(B) Wileit 6,r qs {iwr
(4) w$6 qS

t, sil 6Er qrdr t
(1) 3frztgr{d(AutostYle)
(2) tdc (TemPlate)
(3) ffi (wizard)
(4) fr-qt{ftlrr (Pre-formattins)
2000)it {(views) dit t
4&, qT6rqqt*z2000(PowerPoint
(2) 4
(1) 3
(4) 6
(3) 5

(1) q$ wr*ii fr Q) gfi g{ KT{iii t
. (4) gq{F qs
(s) {ftq Kr{s it qr riqti
\,"Rq (Excel) Tfr efdq (Column)3*{ 3il-fi t Gow) E-fff*{q
48" qr$**

(D D8
(1) E2
(4) E8
(3) c8
q*q t ?
4s. Flq it t qh qr v+t sn-{rd€rfc
Q) Lotus 1-2-3
(1) VisiCalc
(4) StarCalc
(3) Excel

(2) ro24
(1) 256
(4) 65,535
(3) 32,ooo
Er {i|IFT qifr t qr rtrfi (qs{ d. sr t roora)
Pr::#,## 6rt vE7
d'att ai6 a1,qryErw
51. $-+ms) *ikil reri*sTer<rpr)* sr*vs-ffi
+ fuq qs g{R-dirs{ts o,-+qrdr
52. DLLil 3TSt srcTR-+qritfu* r
53. {d (Dumb)
eft{d cD-RoM
FEq+ frrr +
{-g r}il t r
54. {|EdmE qfs{R (Microsoft
publisher)(wr}q dqT{q,ti
fr vOr_raro_tnrt r
oo. cD-RoM + +{d qs fi a** fr 3Ti6d61 rfsrqq,
frqr w q6* e I
56. slqfuqf, *qe (cou*iar sr r'r{{r qffu+s + q* fr' srdr
.* +* t r
57. EDrd*r RElqurt fuq, els qr$-iT(source
file) +) EDrq'.fi sT+c fr {R* u,Fq r
s8. MrDr,wed d qFq+EFg+* Efuao
r+quq I
59. 4lFSitrE qtr (Microsoft
Access), q.f \r+, sq6qrf
60' gs cD-ROnn
efirqrq 180MB srel S',r$is'{q q. d r
6r. ArMBr q{ d S-i}+trs
62' sr,p ailr ppRrcp/rpfizlEil-o q)
t\ - r r qtlq ERr{arie
-rrer tll\l
l'c t g-si + m F**d frq ETa
t r

63' Crientt su"'u" ils w$-d d qffi

+ frq Tehetor tdqro t)-or r
64' sltF (Mailsl+) ts + fdq qFqsq-wls (outrookExpress) qT {dqrd d v*m
d r
65. )4g 515 (rext field)25b
Er{e dwr$ 66 saq1qi-slq
-'1'\' r'\\t..\ *.r) cisnur
"'r sf€T .15,l(ul+ fdq
E) qsdr t |

66' f€"zT$q (euickrimelqs

fufsqT FH.m d qi eqfr qq eft
go-s dfuq} E{q qq (vue 2q
i"l + Eq+Ttr{ (synchronizirs)
t fee uvgs B I
6tt' fre-tq (Built-in)ffit +tilq ET-dq)'{q w qs r{flq frfrg qt;rq d I
68. oss t qeFFId
Rw r
( 2 0)

Ge. qs qdfi (Floppy)
EH aiie 1.44{i[ ] nm fr q|{q ii sTrdr,$ 1 ,'.

To. qs LANffiqdc,FrtWd *+'ilfusfu ttr+s ryffiqs{{r | :

7r. 'rfr +1 trcdr +1 eETi+i fr{r, A-dahl* f+qq il{r qRqrfuat r

72. Tqfgrtq-{Hsr vrrt<RsTFr*,tt++ firq qs xTFfufidr t I

7s. E-{ffc qr g|.5 3{KFT-EFT

q-qTSdqTs.fq|t + fdq urs +1 q-aq q-q1| |

74. fr-q;q qq{, qqq Q aqr qrciFrsT4{r gtqTscqTi * ldq qid gqTfflq R'gq a1

T*E)frt I
+1 ecd,qd tqr kg ql qE1fisTfr q1Bqror g*qre oror t I
75. cD-RoM

26. svcAqrd qr sT{ d "gqqfrffi +# Ot"" I

77. fr grqnoTf+iq-s il+frfi (scheduling t +c qd sftr qR qrd ,
if qrs q5 RRr rfi e
78. dlzq sfrhrgff (Lotusorganizer)

7s. !t=stq + Erfdi 3iT ilq flft.N * nen (Alignment)

+ liTq crRL+{ aAT t}6r d r
80. ,tltfr'q fldf d vsNr. srq H FWtrs g|zt Fer+^d qffis . cEDrs is fu s,r
81. pERrq riltrq t rir;rq {+q!${ ftE trR I

Bz. ,rEs+,T
t-qrwrw sTffesr{d fr E*araqd ewrc iqT + frq tffr t | :
8s. portqreil fr s€FqlrtEr, sr{flq t-qr s+{{qR t-qrEt-fit I
84. nosfueq sr{ej if auronxnc.BAr yrrfu€'
eilr coNrrc.BAr Ela't r
85. umr t qa-cnq 'qd
t {fsq-afsfuzr Fil}q' I

86. qf{+$T (Animation)

T'q-frs{q 3l}{ sfl-sfs firdT t | ,

87. Fffid W snl tqrilii qi vorqar+ fdq qs drn-trq{FAeifrs €1ur n-* gt*
orekn i I

c rc -4 ( E+ H ) ( 2 1) P.T.O.
88. .rlul 16oo1rer)
!F U-iiqrFdd trd r-** d ,

8e. r'rp erFrrrfrq qr€i (sit""l t fd( Ergwtcqs 6r$qr}€ qrsw t r

90. Mosaicailt Collu,quft + ldq ffiS$ (Browsers)
t I

91. wN t fiffiEt t u€oe qfus ffi (virtual PublicNetwork)|

ffi s{qttr{ Rsq qrfi A ffi

sz. siri-rT-s{enr g* (qt t il-t qr v+t t r
es. guttc qt-{s-qdT(client-server)
dq}ffi rR sTrqrRf,
t I
ql dEtf qqn + 3TeTfirsa
s4. Eftfi8 (rntegrity) qRgdqt t r

eb. {s srzr+sit qrqkmS-S fis q6i:dd f+num$" (uniquely)

frfdril ocfr B t

e6. swrFr i qcrcqt M qfr {dqrlg Eei-t sqiF{rq-d }Rr+,qf{*,vrqr

e7. fqkfr qTqr€lif

41 ffi + fdq il{.R*€ + qq-$ +i qrffid q'rq1F{ilrn t I

e8. R€A{H (simulation)+ A qcq e+r*Ttt , ffiqi (scenarios)3TrEIRf,Rrg-ATT{3+{

lddq (telephone)3TrsTrfrd
RUAyi{ |

9e. *w tn'.xl Ftrgtd tR-GErA +) q-* sleH*qffi sidnfs (interactiveinterface).$${T

6-rqrort I

r00. *gq} qffiFffi qrq dr{q qr fiET sTt{qie6tq + idq SfrqTdfr-crt r

CIC-4(E+H) ( 2 2)


<w,o'rd b fts srrd

( 2 3) P.T.O.
tw'6rd b frs drrd

CIC-4(E+H) ( 2 4) 5,000


Term-End Examination

June, 2006

G I C - S: M I G R O S O F TO F F I G E

Time : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note :
(i) Do not start answering unril the inuigilator asksyou to start'
is required to unswer all the questions'
(ii) euestion paper contains 7a0 questions.Stud,ent
There is no choire.
(iii) AIt questionscarry equal marh*
is mqrlzed or
(iu) Each question must be giuen one answer only. If m'ore than one answer
giuen, zero marh witl be awarded for that question'

A Multipte Choice (Questions number 1 to 50)

be correct' Mq'rk
Note : Four choices anv giuen for a question, out of uhich one clwice may
of ti" ons*er sheetgiuen to lou. |ry-cdse you feel thut
correetaruswerin releuant '0'.
norueof the choices giuen in a question is correct, murh in colunt'n

l. The window which shows icons fur the mouse, sound and display is

(1) MY ComPuter

Q) ExPlorer

. (3) Control Panel

(4) Task bar

2. On the Task bar the time is shown in the

(1) Starb Menu
(2) Scroll bar
(3) DesktoP

\4) Tray

( 1 ) P.T.O.
3. What is the keyboard short-cut for ,cut' ?
(1) Ctrl+C e) Ctrl+V
(3) Ctrl+X Ctrl+p
4' If I want to make a word'Prominent', in the MS-WORD d.ocument,which
word would best
describe this ?
(1) Prompt
e) Delete
(3) Bold
@) print
5' If a paragraph is rcquired to be shifted. from one place to another in the
documcnt, it is described as
(1) Rotate (D Relocate
(3) Copy (q Move

6. Which of the following is the example of a software ?

(1) ROM
(3) Motherboard (4) Hard Disk Driver

7. which key moves your cursor from one ceil to the next in a table ?
(1) Tab e) Shift
(3) Enter
@) Ctrl+Enter

8. In order to e-mail a document within MS-woRD, the sreps are

(1) Go to File / Send to / Mail Recipient
(2) Save file as an e-mail attachment
(3) Start'Outlook' and attach file while open in WORD
(4) This is an impossible operation

9' To check for alternative spellings for a misspelled word the suitable option will
(1) Choose'ToolsTSpelling

Q) Press F7
(3) Click the right mouse button on the word
@) All of the above

10. The option to align text on right margin is

(1) FormaUAlign Right
(2) Press Ctrl+R
(3) Click on Tools/Align Right
(4) Right click on text you wish to align

CIC-5(E+H) (2)
11. To change margins on a page users have to click
(1) File/?age Setup
(2) Tools/IVlargins
(3) Edit/l\{argins
(4) Place Tabs

l2;. How do you change your default frle location ?

(1) ChooseFile / page Setup
(2) ChooseTools / Options
(3) ChooseFile / properties
(4) ChooseEdit / Files

13. To add an additional row to an existing.table

(1) ChooseTable/Insert/RowsAbove or Rows Below
(2) Use right mouse button
(3) Press Tab at the end of the last row
(4\ click'Tables And Borders'button on standard roolbar

14. Where do you frnd MailMcrge command ?

(1) Format/MailMergc

Q) FilelPage Setup/1\{ailMerge
(3) Tools/lVlailMerge
(4) Insert/lVlailMerge

15. PaintBrush belongs to the

(1) Accessoriesgroup

Q) Application group
Main group
(4) Sctup group

16. The difference between Save and Save As is

(1) not worth mentioning
(2) one is Ctrl+S, other is Ctrl+A
(3) Save lets you save frle with same name and location and Save As lets you change both
(4) Save lets you change the frle name, Save As lets you change the location

17. Changing the appearanceof cells in context of EXCEL is

(1) Edit
e) Format
(3) Align
@) Change

CIC-5(E+H) (3) P.T.O.

18. Putting data alphabetically, numerically or chronologically is called
(1) Sorting Q) Filtering
(3) Formating (4) Searching :

form of
fg. A type of application program which manipulates numerical and string data in the
rows and columns of cells is a
(1) Cell Q) SPreadsheet
(3) Worksheet G) Database

20. A present formula to perform specifrc calculation is a

(1) Formula Q) Function
(3) Formula bar (4) Autosum

21. Intersection of row and column is called

(1) Formula bar Q) CelI
(3) Intersection Point (4) Cross ,
22. The formula that will add the value of cell D4 to the value of C2 and then multiply by
(1) (D4+C2)gB2 Q) 94aQl*82
(3) =(D4+C2)*B2 @) =(B2g(D4+C2)

23. If a cell shows ##### it means that

(1) formula has a sYntax error
Q) the row is too short to show the number at the current font size
(3) the column is too narrow to show all digits of the number
@\ None of the above

24. A cell labelled F5 refers to


(1) row F column 5

(2) column F row 5
(3) function key F5
@) functions available in the cells

25. Which of the following is a valid arithmetic operator ?

(3) >= (4) =

26. Printing handouts instead of slides

(1) is mandatorY
(D is not an oPtion
(3) saves time and PaPer
(q is difficult to do

c r c - 5 ( E+ H ) ( 4 )
27. You can change the wall paper on your computer by cricking
(1) DisplayAMall paper
(2) Display/Appearance
(3) DisplaylSettings
(4) DisplaylBackground

28. If a dialog box has 4 radio buttons in the same group, one can choose
(1) Exactly one of them
(2) Any number of them
(3) Exactly two if they ar:e grouped in different columns
(4) None of the above

29' If you right click mouse over the blank area of the desktop, what will happen
(1) New background is selected
(2) The task bar changes
(3) A menu appears
(4) Microsofb program is launched

30. How do you set up columns on a WORD page ?

(1) Select text / Press TOOLS / COLUMNS
(2) Select text / Press TAIILES / COLUMNS
(3) Select text / Press INSERT / COLUMNS
(4) Select text / Press FORMAT / COLUMNS

31. Which one is an absolute cell referencein EXCEL ?

(1) (A1)
Q) &A1
(3) #A#1
@) $A$1

32. Handouts are =-.-..- of presentation.

(1) Slides
(2) Compressedslides
(3) Slide show
(4) Worksheer

33. In PowerPoint we cannot create

(1) Graphs Texr slides
(3) Database " @) Tables

34. Pie charts can bc viewed as

(1) Single dimension (2) Two dimcnsions
(3) single and two dimensions (4) Two and three dimensions

Clc-5(E+H) ( 5 ) P.T.O.
35. Selecting text means selecting
(1) a word
(2) a complete line
(3) an entire sentence or whole document
(4) Any of the above

36. MS-EXCEL can be used to automate

(1) Financial Statements, Business Forecasting
(2) Drawn objects, shaPes
(3) Clipart, drawn art, visual
@) Any of the above

g7. return the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor in EXCEL, we use the
(3) MOD( ) (4) Drv( )

38. Which one is the correct formula ?

(1) =$5+$10 Q) $5+$10
(3) A5+A10 ($ =$A$5+$A$l-0

39. Which symbol is used to change a number as a label ?

(1) Underscore Q) APostroPhe
(3) Equal (4) None of the above

40. Which one is not cotrectfor Paste Special command ?


41. A new PowerPoint presentation could not be created with the following method
(1) Create a blank Presentation
(2) Using AutoContent Wizard
(3) Using Presentation TemPlate
(4) Using scanner to scan slides in compute" -

42. Which of the following is not a type of Autolayout for PowerPoint ?

(1) Slide (D Chart

(3) Bulleted List (4) Table

clc-5(E+H) ( 6 )
43. Which of the following is not a feature of PowerPoint ?
(1) Custom Animation
(2) Slide Transition
(3) Graphic Transformation
(4) Customisea S]ide Show

44, Format Painter is used for

(1) copying a graphic
(2) copying and paste formating
(3) changing background colour
(4) editing a picture

45. You cannof use the Slide Master to

(1) customise Animation to all slides
(2) add Footer to all slides
(3) set Slide Transition to all slides
(4) set a custom background to all slides

46. What is the DOS command that displays the contents of the disk drive ?
(1) DIR (2) VER
(3) FrLES (4) A :

47. Which command can you use to run an application which is not present in Start menu ?
(1) Run (2) Browse
(3) Command (4) MS-DOS Prompt

4E. Which key would you hold down if you wanted to create a horizontal line with the Line
tool ?
(1) Ctrl key (2) Alt key
(3) Shift key (4) Enter key

49. Individual computers in a network are called

(1) Workgroups (2) File Servers
(3) Workstations (4) LAN's

Which desktop icon works to display the computers in your Workgroup ?
(1) My Computer (2) Network Neighbourhood
(3) RecycleBin (4) My Documents

CIC-5(E+H) ( 7 ) P.T.O.
B State whcther True or False (Questions number 5l to 100)

Note : In the following 50 questions, marh 1, if the statement giuen is true 'and.0 if the statement
giuen is false.

51. 'Ctrl+O'is used to

open a frle in MS-WORD

52. You can call a slide, a good slide, if it successfullycommunicates the complete message.

53. The term for a predefrned computational task in a spreadsheet program is a 'formula'.

54. By default Tab stops are set a 1.0 inch interval from the left margin.

55. It is not possible to select a tabular form on a slide.


57. The'Thesaurus'lists both the synonyms and antonyms for selected words.

58. A file with an extension of .EXE, .COM or .BAT is probably a document file.

59. The characters you type at DOS prompts are called command line. .

60, Desktop icons open into Windows, if you double click them.

61. 'Paint is used to create bitmap frles.

62. To insert a new slide press Ctrl+M.

63. When you use calculator, you have to always use keyboard to enter numbers.

64. A double-clickin Wordpad is used to select a paragraph.

65. Notepad and Wordpad both create mainly text documents.

66. A Read Only file can be both viewed and'edited.

67. The default number of worksheets present in a workbook is 5.

CIC-5(E+H) (8)
68. In EXCEL formulas have to begin with an =

69. The intersection of row and column is called a Box'

70. The mathematical operations that are given last priority are exponents'

7L. The result of the formula = (12 - 4)12 is 4.

green border'
72. when you cut a selection in EXCEL it is marked on screen by a

73. You can.modify a template colour scheme according to your needs'

second slide
74. If a slide has b bullets and no sub-bullets, promoting third bullet produces a
with two bullets.

75. You can create slides only in Slide view.

'Help'in Windows'
76. F12 key is pressed to start

77. print Manager enables one to send more than one document to the printer simultaneously'

78. On screen,you can suppress,the display of Grid lines in MS-WORD'

.l'he Page orientation that displays a page horizontally is Lengthwise'



thick border'
g1. when you use copy command, the cells to be copied are highlighted by a

82. To start Spell Checker F7 is pressed.

83. When you enter a number, EXCEL rounds it according to cell's format.

g4. The default format for numbers is Right aligned in MS-EXCEL'

85. Zero values can be suppressedin a worksheet'

86. Number formats can be applied to all columns'

(e) P.T.O.
87. Borders in EXCEL cannot,be'coloured. , , . :. I : :

88. You cannot use your own pictures in powerpoint.

89' A quick way to make a presentation is to use

the Autocontent wizard.

90' when you save some file as a web page, the

fire extension is .doc.

91. Normal view contains an outrine pane, a slide pane

and a Notes pane.

92. The currency format is the only format availabre

for numbers.

93. Editing text in powerpoint is similar to editing

text in word processor.

94. The new worksheet is named ,worksheetl,by


95. Legal paper sizc is g] * 14 inches.

96' web Layout view of document is used to display

headers and footers, also to see how text
is positioned on the printed page.

97. The colour scheme that is chosen is applied to

the whore presentation.

98' MS-woRD is the only MS-office product that has

Internet support.

99. A directory in Windows 95 is called a folder.

100. DLL stands for Disk Language Library.

CIC-5(E+H) (10)

Clc-5(E+H) ( 1 1) P.T.O.

CIC-5(E+H) (12)

qEfubeF{ o,qErr ($.fr.1

rrdid qten
qfq, 2006

+.3n$.S.-b: qrnslttrrcoilfuH
€rl4 : 2 qae qftrqaq ei6 : Loo

wif w att feoaT datn6 rrz{Eer
(t) a at qq ao fiflqrq go- *r-i # ftq + ql t
lrzrwtrcoysad rffiW dls,#wqqrlqffi dr*idffi addr
Giil wit + rid sqa d 1
xdo yw 6r tEd q-frd rar f r qR W 0 ril?r6 ra0 w frqrl artq qq di qr
rrn Eq rq d a) rs w{ w ep aia Rqr wqrn r
in qSffi (vgr {iqr r t eoro)
ie : ffifua sp"i C ydo xw +frq an fuq@Fg rq d, Ara 0 qn ufi al som
d r *rd rar *) l{il{ wNeFw riaiftn +irn7fr enfu ql r qR dd * rar g-d ad
a), pi sn7 W @ # erEraai r
l. qo ffi fr qsq (Mouse), ffi 6qr ffi (Display) ql fqsnTt, E}-dT
t oil{qf{ (Icon) t
(1) qe 4lqlf (My Computer)
(2) qaRdR{ (Explorer)
(3) 6trYd ftRT (control Panel)
(4) Z|FF ER (Task bar)

2. et-FF ER (Task bar) rI{ er{q (vr+) RcTqT qror t

\ \ .
(1) €d t-t (Start Menu)it
(2) glo qR (Scrol bar) if

(3) tffizTq @esktop)i[

(4) ? tr'avl il

crc-s(E+H) (13) P-r-o-

'Cut't foq
3. Ssilqdd (Keyboard)
Vff-qa wr t ?
(1) Ctrl+C (D Ctrl+V
(3) Ctrl+X Q) Ctrl+P

4. qR us-woRD + Emrnq q q-s {rE d[ Bqrc{T(prominent)

d, d, qiTqTrrq sqd, sdfr
3161qftqffi qt'n I
(1) Prompt (2) ffiC (Delete)
(3) Fil"= Gota) (4) fiz @ri't)
E. qR us-wolD+ qtdr+qfr qo +{'ns +1qs cFrdt Ee-frqqEqr RrE (A qT+)s1
qs-{n€, fr q6 fuqr+t qR'{Tfrd
r}-frt U
(1) t}a 1po1"1"; (z) FFt+a (Relocate)
(B) ffi (copy) (4) {e (Move)
6. Fq if t qh w effiqr qr rqrarurt z
(1) ROM Q) CPU
qRq)-d (Motherboard)
(3) (4) ud g*+ gr{-{r (Hard Disk Driver)

7. !S {T{ufr(rabre)fr sflq* q,ft d !S +f, t s+TAq 6tq Ei 6S A qrfr t ?

(1) & ouul (2) fvne (sr'inl
(3) (dt (Enter) (4) Ctrl+Enter

8. !F qq-{d (MS-woRDl
t q+ ffi-+q sl t-td q.{i + tcq qr"r t
(1) $]-{FT(File)ii qrs-t/ +-s zo(Sendto)/tf, (Mail)tRnftz (Recipient)
(2) t-te +o'+ feT*el * sq it qrfo sl t-q (save)
(B) qd wonu s) gA qs-t gq 'sT[scEs' q] slRErT
(outlook) (€d) st sil{ w-q-m
{6r{ st
@) qd qrtdr$ siqEltqt
e. q-66SFFI (spelting)qrfi vt-< + q-{A sTeriitrq dfrT m sfq 6{t } toq sugmf{driq
(1) lToolsl+) ga6q7$fttT (Spelling)
Q) rz q) wr(
(3) {r< qt qrsq qFT q) rnz-fu* qt
(4) w{ffi qsli

r0. ErFi ("iehr)qftrq qr vtqqivr+ fr-iTtr*, tdq f{ftq t

(1) qffe/qtri fudlq (FormaVAlignRight)
(2) Ctrl+R s) (dI(
(3) Tools/AlignRight t|t fffiS 4t
(4) fqq qTEqivl6T oirq fdn wil qrdA t ss vt ks at

CIC-5(E+H) (14)
tl. lfs +q q{ qTffi'{(Margins)q} q-{d} + fdq sqq}mTfu6 strn
(1) FilelPage Setup
Q) Tools/I\{argins
(3) Edit/Margins
@) Place Tabs

12. ffite s.rtf, + 9i (locationl

*.t enq *g c<if;f Z
(1) 3i rl" I tq +caTq(pagesetup)
(2) Toots/ Options
(3) gi rlu / xfTflq (properties)
@) gi nait / Files
r3. !F +{< qrurfr(table)
if qs oTfrkF.ifu Go*) d q\gf * fdq
(1) Table ltrrs"rtlRows AboveII RowsBelow
(2) <TF{ t{-{c) qrsq {eT st EFd-qrd
qfu + ei<Tqt rauq] eqr(
(s) sTr€'fr
(4) &d '}sw
{irqR qt qt.s d-$s' (Tables
TZ;r s} fuffi si
14, tf,{$ (MaitMergel oqis sTrrd qd qt ffirn :
(1) qT+c/tf,Erd
(2) s't-{f, (Filelrhq+d3Tquteqd
(3) qN/+mqd (Tools/IVlailMerse)
(4) {{-ttdqd r(Inserr/VlailMerse)

15. I-{${t (paintBrush)+dI t

q+Sfr-q(Accessories)+t{€ fr
qR}t{r4 (Application)H{d fr
tq Wruirr) q{d t
tEe+q(Setup) qTd fr
lG. tq (sarr")s*{ +q !F (saveAs)C ar<-{
(1) sddri HFT.F
qEmwfTfr e
(2) (S ctrt+s, EF{l ctrl+A B
(3) tq (s",,")Bilq-+}
cS qrq t sft sel q'r6 qt rifudr (qr$-eld +q Sd
t-q es (saveAs)iHTr+)+it' +) r""+ t" t tflT t nqr
(4) frq (Sav")'3Trrd Hr{f, 61 q|q q-qd}
' tq q-g (SaveAs) q-{d}
frr e,
+ {r+f fr t-f, + nE-fr-dwT
fr q-cont
(1) @a 1Ba11; (2) sTSz (Format)
(3) 3i-flEq (Alignl (4) iq (cnang")

CIC-5(E+H) ( 1 s) P.T.O.
ii qT qrr{Tt mq t isi +i 4€i t
18. 31iq$(data)d' eiq1t"* frq ii, 3ffi'+ ffiq
(1) dtrlT (sortins) e) FFeeRq(Filtering)
(B) qffrftlrr(Formatins) (4) gffiq lsearching)
3+{ Yrdt * qffi-i d
le. qiq+{ 6qRIT(qdteri nhq) ff qs ffiIi $ eiaii+ W
* sq ii qR-qlffiq-{f,lt' t '
t* + t tno'rl'sil{ Efrdq(columns)
(1) to (c"ttl (2) ffie (Spreadsheet)
(3) T4ilfre (Worksheet) (4) glilAq (Database)
(firiu) W t
20. qs mq wFT (A-dgA{H)s1 q-{i + fdq Td-f{-riRd
(1) qitdr (2) r#qT4
(3) qTtf,rqR (4) 3{Aqq (Autosum)
q;} q-orqTdTt
2r. t (no*) eilr 4iq-q (column)t q<d:< ({€G-+{Hl
(1) qqET qR (2) td
(s) 3r<dq ({;rG-+{q)ftE (4) *fs
qr{ t Sg'Tr31hn6rszt 1w qt'n' qd
zz. q6 W (qnfdT)q) o+fr-mt qrqd c2+

(1) (D4+C2)'IB2 e\ 94aQl*82
(3) =(D4+C2)rB2 @) =(B2I(D4+C2)

zs. qR qs te *+*++ q{tdr t, fr sq-drFdffi t

fr t{qru(Htr) +1'rd-frt
(1) W (qru-er)
of- + {q{ fr1@ + ldq t rnow) q-gnA d-e t
Q) cr."hrcili
(3) qq{ t sfr ".E*d RsTt + fmqEff,qqg-nI+mott"
# i'tqii
(4) *S6 fr t +ti Tfr
24. Fb EFd qq +f, q-drdrt
(1) t (now)r eT-em(column)5
e) *ioq ni s
(3) ritre-rqtTsl
@) ftii n srf,d{ s-srd
q+rr* t u
25. fi.q fr t qlq qr qret 3i6TFr-frq
(2), t'

(4) =

Fre qrqr
26. RT-€i (slides)* qqrrqts3lcqg (Handouts)
(1) enf{qd A
(2) q+ tr+-wq-fre
(3) qqq 3+{6.rrq+1qm't
(4) s.c+etrq t
glg:5(f +H) (16)
27. qTG q'qz{ * qre qq{ s} slTqq(m e-se t m} ga61 1
(1) ffilef€ tqt (nisptayAVatl
(2) ffi/qqhts (Display/Appearance)
(3) ffi/tfarg (Display/Settings)
(4) RTd/deqfsg (Display/Background)

28. qR q+ qq"flT dr.RT(Dialosbox)* qrq qs E1q{d (gq) ii +tffi Er{ t, ni d€ g{

(1) 3qt t *qe q+
(2) s{n t rq-d-ir
(s) qR a 3iqFr-3ftl{ Et-flq q t di }ic-d A
(4) .!ts t t qt$ .rfr
zs. qn tszTq q1 urdi qrrd q{ rnsq t {Ez fus qt, n} wr EIITI?
(1) aqr *+.qts-B qq qrwfl
(2) efFF qR orffi qIW[
(3") i1 qgf, t] qTq'Ir
(+) ql{frTfw (Microsoft)qhlq 3lTrn16} qt\qT

80. q* woRD * ye' qt 3ITsEfdtT (cotumn)$fr qa(| I

(1) q-{qt{T (rext) 4l ffi-€ (Setect) s-{ / qN Z qieq q} qqrs-t
(2) qqqi{ q1 R€ fil / }+f, / 6idq q} q++r
(B) qEqRT qi, ffi€ 6{ / {{d 7 *ior ql eqr-*r
@) qqqi$ q1 ffi-€ q-q7 qT*e / 6iHq q) qqrs{
Br. Fq fr t qh qTEXCEL
fr FREqT
te fdB-*r) {E f t ?
(1) (A1) (2) &A1
(3) #A#1 (4) $A$1

sz. |swsry qE-fi-d{uT

+ 6 l
(1) wl-{s
(2) 4d{g fdf{S (Compressedslides)
(3) Tf,|q-s
(4) TSTfre
BB. q-{{qre (PowerPoint)if 6q Filtrr ad.m €-64 t
(1) ndf (Cr.phs) 4'I (2) qqqi{T WI-{et (Text slides)4'T
(3) SlzTtq (Database)SI (4) ffi 0"Utes) 4]'
s+. qli qd (piechart)q) _ Fq ti tor qr v+or t r
(1) q+-o emrl e) A 3tTqrqi
(s) lst eir A qtqni (4) A sth d1q sil-qTql

CIC-s(E+H) (17) P.T.O.

85. qrEqt{T
q} frrA€ o.C fg{il mred e' +] R€ qcqr(gr{') r
(1) qs $q
(z) * 6t erfl
(s) qs qqlf qrfi qT rrgld E{draq
(4) t t +t$ S
s6. MS-EXcEL ql strqrd
(1) ffiq fu{tuit, qrqn TriEqn +)
(z) sifr-f,dE), sTrfffii 6)
(s) €fud +--dr7fd (fuw{rJ), stfrfr +effi, Erq q}
(4) w$-s t n +)$ S
87. q+ {sr qd qrq anrf++rfo qt} + erqq} ,+r'rtq qqart sS Fileri+ idq ExcEL
t - q,I {Sffi
ssld 16rr.1ion) oG t r
(3) MOD( ) (4) DrV( )

Br. F{t t qh qTvfr q{ 1qf{er)t z

(1) =$5+$L0 (2)' $5+$10
(3) A5+A10 (4) =$A$5+$A$10

Be. A{d + sq if q+ {sr 6} qdm++ fdq +h qr Ffrs F*qe f+qr qTdrt ?

(1) Underscore , . (2) Apostrophe
(3) Equal r+r eqtmfr t 6t$Tfr
40. pastespecialH'rIiB+ RTqF{t t +h w vfr rA? t Z
(1) qffi (MULrrpLy) (z) F;q+s oRANSposE)
(3) (coMMENrS) (4) ftr+ tlnvx)
4r. lfs ;HI qrE{qF;e(powerpoinos{Strfipr FlqfufuT tr.0+t zt? qqrqrw v+'m t ,
(1) q+ srcil fq*l Fqtfrq.ruT
srr s"r
(z) *f-i +Ce ffi Wizard)qr Vdqro 6-{*
(s) nq-fifioT ffic or sqre oth
(4) Rr*if d qqa fr *q s-rt + ldq dtfi qi gfrqre oG

42. qrqrqr{€ (PowerPoint) fiq fr t 4h qf TsR 13?

+ ftTqefz} fuTrse(Autolayou1l61
(1) wr{s (2) qrJ
(B) S02s fd€ (4) fqm

clc-5(E+H) (18)
frq fr t sh qTqrflqr{€ 6I dqlq 7d t ? '
(1) tFgq tF{iTH (CustomAnimation)
(2) wr{s ?iHflq
(B) nFn#q sq<Kq (?iqqfiiYn)
@) 6,grTf{S q Wf{g ii (C"rtomisea SlideShow)

qTte +5r (FormatPainter)4T {dqrd t+,qr qIdI t

fr qFdfrfrt feq
(1) qs qTFr-d
s-G * ffl
e) si{z (For*at)fs( gq 41 qifi (copv)3ft t€ (Paste)
+ trr d q-q€i + fdq
(s) dq.'Jrs€ (Background)
(4) qfr frr d qBtrT (vrq-qF)fii + ff,q

3ITqwr{s qtst (slideMaster)s,r {Sqrf, d 4,i sd,A t

(1) 61rEEii(Slides)Or tlqtq1-qq;q1lq1-g-q
(CustomiseAnimation)q;G + ftq
(2) qS weii t 5at (qq+tq) @ * f*q
i31 q,fr wr$st (slies) tf wr-fs qifr{H (slidetransition)- nf t fdq
(4) qrfi RTS+iq qs 6sri'i6fl3-€ etrn q teq

qs Ew gr{q (DiskDrive)q'r qRiYrffi qff,I Dos 6qig qqr $ r

(1) DIR (2) vER
(3) FILES (4) A:
47. \rs tgr qFdh{TqTdTt + fdq qi €d tt (startMenu); 3qft+aTfr t,
6qts g*qrd fi sdFet ?
(1) Run (D Browse
(3) Command (4) MS-DOS PromPt

f,rfl 6T FHfur5"€r q6a t, fr

4& qR sTrqHrfl E€ (LineTool)t q* sTg5q (Horizontar)
qlE u1Sfr d frA (cffi{ rc}i z
(1) ctrl $-S (2) Alt gis
(s) snirt$'fr (4) Enrcrfi

4s. q{ q|ersql(ffi) ii Fiql 6'qet q1 6-6rqldTt I

(1) q#.cq Qt sr{€ sdc
(3) {ffi{Fq @) LAN'S

6& snTq*{*{q (worksroup)

+ wdit qt qfi + fdq Mq +,r +t{ qr err+il{ (Icon)
flq q.{drt ?
(1) My ComPuter (2) Network Neighbourhood
(3) RecYcleBin (4) My Documents

(1e) P.T.O.
EI qf,r{q FS t ril q1ril (qgqri. sr t roorq.)

qh : a?l so y-erRg' zzq'd t qtr fmr rqT 6Tt €-d d al t eifu al, BrqETs€ enq
w o aifu *,l, qR qrq qad al t
ii 'ct"l*o's.r qqlqffi
51. MS-woRD qrro (fite)d ffi + fdq foqr qr v*ar t r
52. uq K* Frss dl siEdiwtEs H€ €q,t t, qR qo qq,-iTdrfds
sryf €fur +] sTfirdrfr
q-rqffit r

53. qs ftEfre fiJrq fr V* $-vpqgo srFrser+qst-4@rederrned

'qr 16{m)'t r
54. Hee 6q it *q o'ul eTq qrq qrfr{ t r;oFq + s4-cxrc,T
q{ t r

: 5b. qs wr{s (slide).l-t qs fu* (Tabular)

s} giiT rfi t I
86. w qkil+q fr-c fi-ri + ff,q ctrl+p
$Srdf, vf-J-qat r
57. g+ q vqit t fdq 'fW{q' lrhesau'usy vrr+r*+ $ilr ffi-drpfs +n vteii q} q-fRE
orari r
58. .ExE,.CoMqT .BAT+ fqRR (extension)
qrfr qrfe sr{q-r+drq,s ffir+-q qrfe t r

q{ 3{TtT
5e. nos frt€S (Prompts) fs{ sRTiiq} argqq-G t r€ q.qe FIr{;I (command
o6rvrart r
il .+rrqr{ (rcon)s} qR stTrlsffiT
60. tseTq (Desktop) n} q6 q* ffi" (windows)
itgemt r
6r. Mq (Bitmap)
dfu*Bii + Ffiturt lqq t'e eri't) {sqrf, fuqr qtdrt r
Gz. F Tq RF{sqnFqc q-ri s fdq"ct"r+ucqtqr
6s. st e1qqffir 1*-eE+al sI Ftqrf, s{i t, A enqd \ispif e1 sFfi (qerl t
fdq ttw 5mre6 F*qTdqr+rdqr r
64. q-dfut qs sEo Rr* sr sfrqr€s +{rns m T{i + lf,q fuqrqrf,Tt I
65. ile+s sth Tets <tif gw wq t qrosivrq{dr+$i*r frqtrr *G t t
GG. q+ 'ts 3m' (Read only){ifuqrsl +i qqrsThqqrRdfuqrqr v+-cirt r
67. !tr *+86 q fufrc (Default) qi €qr s i r
clc-s(E+H) (20)
68. EXcELfr q* 1vffim) = t E1sil-{Eq
*m r :;

6e. t Go*) sh qfm (column)

+ ({a{s.+qr+)q} q+ ffi Go";o61vrar t' r

70. €qt sTff,qqrqtrq,drqrdi rFrfrq riffi q161q-*qlia) nt-frt t

) = (r2 - 4)/26I gf{ulIIT4 E I

7r. w (q,fTf,T
72. qGrstTrrEXcELt qs Rrfr+flqfi sret t n) st+ q{ q6 i'r ei q-Silr fqEd E}dr
t r
7s. qrfi qs-{d t eqvn erm\s Hc rrTqttrT +l sq-p* q-r esil t r

74. qF(qs wr{s fr s gilry (Buuets)

sth +t$ vo-gdzg (sub-bullets)
Tfr E},fr ffi giz
ti qa q) gdc sFdd!s (qt wr{s q+rart I

75. eirq*-*e Rn{s { (srideview)if fr wr{s q-qrv*.t t r

't€s' (Help)
q} RTJ q{i + leq prz $-fr dr (qrqrq-dTt l
76. ffiq fi
77. fiz Ciqi (printManager)
ffi ql frar t l5s qlu w t sqru E€I}q M fr sqsl +-{
tmt r
ii enqfuq .R Fi-sdrFii t n-<qiq) t-s €-.Fet |
78. MS-woRD :

7s. qq 3ilRrq+{F (page orientationl q} q6 i-q d stEqreT(Ilorizontal) 6q ii E{fdT d, qd

dqr{ tt dar d r
q qqis sqFPl-d
80. ffi h (windowMenu) fi-q t{ (Fr."rePanes) E}-dre

8r. sr BlTs+Tfr (copy)q.qis ET {dqriT s{t t n} ff,q t-€ ql qTql effir d-dr t {d gs
q]d qgi * anrEr{dr{affuR-c)d-art r

+1gF +-{i + fuq rz q} <erqrqrdrt r

Bz. +d +si (spellchecker)
83. wr 3TNq+ €cqr41 sTda(qn{ s{t) t, fi ExcELt-d + qTilet eqvn ss risr
o) qr+ e-{rdrt r
fr {srcil * feq fsqt-qzqTfa (o"ruultrormat)Erqfqtfu-d ntor t r

88. \rs {ffie fr dri roi * qn q} t-fi qr v{-dr t I

( 2 1) P.T.O.
87. EXcELd ffi Gfdr) qEi d {'rfrqr-fr f*qr qr v*or d r
88. qrqrlar{€ (powerpointt
if ory qqi frr* or qftqrd +fr oq voi d r

q) qqri q.r ogd A-qffisT 3,fA q'ee ffi

89. {dF xtr--frsrul (Presentatior') (Aurocontent
Wizard)sT S*qrf, fiqr t I

e0. vd enq ffi 1qfusrq) +q te ffi"u page)t Fq ii tq (sa.,,e)

q-rt t, d qrs-o or
qffi}ttT .ao"Elor t r

91. qfqTq EW (Nor-al vicw)ii q* 3ll-$ef,ffl tq (O,rttirrepane),q.F.Wl-{g t-q (Sha"pane)

eil{ qs .q iq (Notespane)E}-dT t I

sz. S@Fii+ fuq Tn (qHy qffu 11W'qlr glRrerqT+et | ;

e3. qlq{ql{€ (PowerPointl
if q+ q-{qi{T si ffid (<Ea) q-cqred x}+gt fr qTEqi{T+l
$qGa (qbe) + vqn al t r

s4. ffi iq re{fl-c 6T qrrT'qi4qfre1'Eqfiz 6q t et'n r

eb. qt'rd tqr fir oq-* r; x 14F{ etart r

eG. ffi qwrnq t 'te-teilsc E{q' EFrsqq}'rtg1 aqr F-a-r+l Eqrt}deTrof gq yts qr
qr{qieTal qq€ir +) M + fdq fuqr qror t r

e7. kq r,T+s{T (qm t+h) d gdprqTt qe qryt rc-fifiuT + fuq eq t}fr r

e8. MS-WORD, Sr g5q-1$rqrqt REn E-a+c or qqtJ t r

99. ffi-q 9b (windows9b)ii qs gr{kQ (Directory)+1 +"gr (Folder)o-O qrol d. r

r00. 'DLL tFTqteq d gF5, frA'q dlgit (DiskLanguageLibrary) |

CIC-5(E+H) ' (22)

{s o'Tdb fts frq6

( 2 3)
<w,o,rdb ftts d{6

( 2 4)

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