A Study Concerning Performance Characteristics of Centrifugal Compressors
A Study Concerning Performance Characteristics of Centrifugal Compressors
A Study Concerning Performance Characteristics of Centrifugal Compressors
Fuji Heavy Industry
Mitaka, Tokyo
ABSTRACT stalled flow at the impeller and the diffuser inlet at the low flow
A method for estimations of performance characteristics of rate. It would be impossible to predict analytically the losses within
centrifugal compressors was examined by comparing the estimated the channels caused by these phenomena with enough accuracies.
results with those by experiments. Lots of empirical and semi-empiri- Thus, the design techniques which depend on the experiences of the
cal factors which were introduced to the losses within compressor designers play an important role for the estimations of the losses. If
channels in the estimations, and the experimental results for the the predicted performance characteristics for a family of compressors
compressors with a wide variety of configurations, operating condi- give good agreements with the measured results and the method,
tions and design techniques were investigated. After the extensive however, results in the disagreements to the other new families,
comparisons, the most appropriate combinations of the factors for the above-mentioned empirical or semi-empirical factors are modified
the present method were given. or replaced by more developed ones to get the similar performance
By employing this method, the major factors which are directly characteristics as those by experiments.
related to the performance characteristics were computed and the From the above-mentioned viewpoint, a simplified method
relationships among them were discussed. Thus, the ratio of the commonly used to estimate the performance characteristics of
relative velocity at the impeller exit to that at the inlet, the non- centrifugal compressors was applied to a wide variety of compressors
dimensional relative velocity at the impeller inlet and that at the designed by the different techniques [3, 11-17]. By changing many
exit were obtained as the parameters of the slip factor, the flow semi-empirical and empirical factors for this method which were
coefficient and the specific speed. already reported in the literatures [1-3, 8-10], the computations
were made in order to compare the results with those by experiments.
INTRODUCTION After the extensive comparisons, the most appropriate combination
Centrifugal compressors have been used as industrial, aeronautical, of the factors for the present estimation method was obtained. Based
vehicular applications and so on under a wide variety of operating on this method, the major relationship between non-dimensional as
conditions and with many different configurations. well as dimensional parameters. which are directly related to the
At the first stage of the design of the compressors, the major performance characteristics. such as, all components of the relative
configurations are estimated according to their specifications. Based and the absolute velocities, the Mach numbers, the total and the
on the leading dimensions, the performance characteristics are static pressure, the specific speeds. the efficiencies and so on, were
analyzed to check and modify the configurations in detail [ 1-3] closely examined.
under the required conditions. After that, the two-, quasi-three or
three-dimensional flow analysis within the compressor channel with NOMENCLATURE
or without the losses [4-7] is made in order to obtain the appropriate A = area or constant in Eqs. (5.1) and (5.2)
flow pattern with the highest efficiency. When the modifications of B2 = blade height at impeller exit
the configurations are again necessary, the above-mentioned design Cf coefficient of skin friction
procedures will be repeated. Cp = specific heat
Although these design procedures employ the sophisticated D = diameter
predictive methods both for the estimation of the performance Df diffusion factor
characteristics and the flow analysis, the empirical and the semi- G = weight flow rate
empirical formulae, parameters and constants related to the losses G o corrected weight flow rate
within the compressor channels, as well as the precise configurations AG Gchoke — Gsurge
of the compressors used for the predictions, are not extensively H = specific enthalpy for loss or form factor
presented in the published reports. Therefore, it is quite difficult to • Mach number
know all of the design procedures for a wide variety of compressors. • rotational speed
Concerning the internal flow patterns within the compressor N s = specific speed
channels, lots of complex flow phenomena which belong to the impeller tip speed
critical problems in the fluids engineering field appear, for example, ✓ absolute velocity
the development and the separation of the three-dimensional W = relative velocity
boundary layer under the effect of the Coriolis force, the unsteady • number of blades
I\Te gl 02 E3 G 111 H2
N rim 53000 28300 31850 35030 40280 23000 18000 22000 25040 10000 14000 16000 18000 14000 160001 220001 26510
552 277 312 343 394 337 332 405 328 209 293 335 377 293 335TE 207 250
11 2
u2 1.6221 0.8140 0.9169 1.0080 1.1578 0.9909 0.9512 1.1603 0.9397 0.6142 0.8610 0.9845 1.1079 0.8610 0.9845 0.6083 0.734 7
II 4.7200 1.3350 1.4250 1.6000 1.9400 1.4030 1.4600 2.1800 1.6761 1.4395 1.9185 2.2593 2.6000 1.6321E1.9333 1.4333 1.6551
11 5.3400 1.7250 1.9600 2.2100 2.7500 2.2500 2.3000 3.1600 1.9689 1.4864 2.0247 2.4537 2.9630 1.9481 2.3111 1.4503,1.6948
ma x
II 5.0300 1.5300 1.6925 1.9050 2.3450 1.8265 1.8800 2.6700 1.8225 1.4630 1.9716 2.3565 2.7815 1.7901 2.1222 1.4418 1.6750
G. 2.0700 0.2650 0.3200 0.3960 0.5430 1.5400 2.2600 3.1200 1.6589 2.7805 4.0849 5.3415 6.2289 3.3855 4.0000 0.2370 0.3181
2.3400 0.4720 0.5330 0.5860 0.6890 2.2800 3.2800 4.2000 2.1010 6.0000 5.0000 8.7561 9.1975 6.7590 7.1463 0.8027 1.0000
Type 71 12 J1 J2 J3 K
N rpm 31000 35500 40000 22000 35500 40000 21540 15610 20740 16234 21650 33680
2 292 335 377 207 335 377 203 147 196 153 204 365
u2 0.8581 0.9845 1.1079 0.6083 0.9845 1.1079 0.5966 0.4320 0.5760 0.4496 0.5995 1.0458
IT E 1.9569 2.3369 2.8497 1.4045 2.3427 2.8594 1.4150 1.2310 1.4100 1.2340 1.4120 1.5129
H 2.0028 2.4146 2.9432 1.4056 2.4218 2.9248 1.4910 1.2590 1.4910 1.2580 1.4790 2.2808
II 1.9799 2.3758 2.8965 1.4501 2.3823 2.8921 1.4530 1 2450 1.4505 1.2460 1.4455 1.8969
Amin 0.3812 0.5000 0.8568 0.2795 0.5000 0.8573 0.0750 0.0570 0.0750 0.0580 0.0800 0.9896
Amax 1.2038 1.4267 1.5677 0.8205 1.4411 1.5886 0.7640 0.5450 0.7790 0.5280 0.7580 1.5460
=O. 6-0. 9 0) (1 .2)
=0. 6 - 1. 2 ( i < 0 )
} -A r -D
Typi := ---- El Type
d d
k 6
C = 1.9 x 10 -6 . I -5 • N s 2 (16.1)
The estimated W 2 /U 2 did not directly correlate to the flow coeffi-
cient and the peripheral speed. Only the qualitative correlation was
obtained for the meridional component of the velocity as in Fig. 13.
The constant meridional component of the impeller inlet and exit ex-
hibited the average of the results for all of the compressors. It may
confirm the result already reported by the present authors for the im-
peller with the constant meridional velocity [23, 24] . The estimated
W2/U2 showed the clear correlation to a2 as in Fig. 14. This could
also be predicted from the simple considerations about the velocity
triangle at the impeller exit. As it can be expressed by the following
= cot2a2 + (p - 1) 2 } 0.5 (18)
the curve obtained by the constant slip factor were easily drawn. The
empirical formula given by the estimated results could be obtained as
O follows:
W2 'a2
+ 1.4587 ± 0.0503 (19)
U 2 64.6
The inducer incidence loss given by M. R. Galvas [3] showed the sons with the experimental results at the off-design flow rates. The dif-
values of nearly zero. In his paper, the cases where the compressors ferences between Eq. (1) and Eq. (2) are shown in Fig. 6. Eq. (2) given
were operated at the small variations of the flow rate near the design by the present authors exhibited the best agreements in the compari-
point condition in the range of the high pressure ratio were discussed sons.
at almost zero incidence angle. However, at low pressure ratios with Two essentially different types of the curves appeared for the
the wider variations of the flow rates, this loss behaves in the more blade loading loss as in Fig. 7. The formula of M. R. Galvas [3] and
critical manner toward the off-design point conditions. As to Eq. (1), that with Eq. (4) showed the opposite tendencies of the curves for the
it showed clearly the overestimation of this loss during the compari- variation of the flow rates to those by Eqs. (5) and (6). When the inci-
0.08 0.06
0.06 f
0.04 0.02
/ A i
Fig. 6
0.1 0.2 03
= i
= ,
6.5 0.06
- without Secondary
Flow Loss
--- with Secondary
5.0 Flow Loss
dente, the skin friction, the secondary flow and the mixing losses were More qualitative comparisons than those mentioned above were
examined in Figs. 4 and 5, these losses increased with the increase in also made for the respective curves given by the combinations of the
the flow rate except for the incidence loss. If the blade loading loss formulae, parameters and constants. The mixing loss was considered
varied in the same manner, the result shown in Fig. 8 could not be ob- necessary because the results containing this gave better agreements.
tained. Therefore, Eqs. (5) and (6) were considered inappropriate for Eq. (7) showed the better results than those by Eq. (8) and so, Eq. (7)
the present method. will be used in the following. Only the thirteen cases resulted in the
The results employing the newly proposed diffusion factor of Eq. good agreements of the predicted results with those by experiments as
(4) exhibited less influences on the blade loading loss than those by in Fig. 8. However, the secondary flow loss was involved in Fig. 8.
M. R. Galvas [3] and F. Dallenbach [1]. The essential difference be- This fact also implied that the different assumptions for the losses
tween these two diffusion factors could not be shown for the present could give one of the best agreements with the experimental results.
Concerning the skin friction and the mixing losses, it was quite MAJOR PARAMETERS DIRECTLY RELATED TO
difficult to make the comparisons as in Fig. 9. According to Fig. 4 (a), PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS
the skin friction loss by Eq. (3) showed almost the twice of that by The relationship between the variation, between the surge and the
M. R. Galvas [3]. Although this loss was not as large as the secondary choke flow rates, of the relative velocity ratio to that of the total pres-
flow loss at high pressure ratios, the values of the coefficient of skin sure ratio and the total pressure ratio is shown in Fig. 10, where the
friction was about 0.008, which was twice of the value used by M. R. relative velocity ratio was defined as the ratio of the relative velocity at
Galvas [3]. Thus, the constant value of M. R. Galvas [3] was con- the impeller inlet to that at the exit. The remarkable decreases of the
sidered more reasonable. variation of the flow range from the surge to the choke point occured
as the total pressure ratio increased. Thus, the variation of the
d(W2/W1)/dif, _ 2 exhibited the steep curve and approached to a con-
Type 12 N=40000 rpm stant value toward the higher pressure ratio. On the other hand, at the
3.0 low pressure ratio, the variation of the flow rates becomes much wider
than that at the higher pressure ratio. Thus, the variations of the rela-
tive velocity ratio also became wider compared to those of the total
pressure ratio. The similar parameter as d (W2/W1 )(iv - 1_2 was ex-
amined in Fig. 11, where a 2 is the flow angle at the impeller exit. This
parameter was defined in the same manner as mentioned in Fig. 10.
k' 2.9 The similar curve as in Fig. 10 was also obtained. The strong correla-
tion between the cv 2 and the W 2 /W 1 appeared. Therefore, the non-
dimensional forms of each of W 1 and W2 will be examined separately
in the following.
As the flow coefficient was defined as (i51= Wiz/U2 and the non-
dimensional area-mean eye-diameter at the impeller inlet can be di-
2.8 fined by E = DIrms/D2, the following equation is obtained.
0.8 11.2 14 16
G. (Kg/Sec) (01 2 ± E 2 )0.5 (14)
Fig. 8 Comparison between Estimated and Measured Results U2
. 4∎■ , Eq(3)
1/4 Neglect
Eq.(12) - -
1.7 Negtect -- 0
-- -
Li 11
1.5 02•
C = 1.9 x 10 -6 . I -5 • N s 2 (16.1)
The estimated W 2 /U 2 did not directly correlate to the flow coeffi-
cient and the peripheral speed. Only the qualitative correlation was
obtained for the meridional component of the velocity as in Fig. 13.
The constant meridional component of the impeller inlet and exit ex-
hibited the average of the results for all of the compressors. It may
confirm the result already reported by the present authors for the im-
peller with the constant meridional velocity [23, 24] . The estimated
W2/U2 showed the clear correlation to a2 as in Fig. 14. This could
also be predicted from the simple considerations about the velocity
triangle at the impeller exit. As it can be expressed by the following
= cot2a2 + (p - 1) 2 } 0.5 (18)
the curve obtained by the constant slip factor were easily drawn. The
empirical formula given by the estimated results could be obtained as
O follows:
W2 'a2
+ 1.4587 ± 0.0503 (19)
U 2 64.6
1.3 (25)
1.2 Blb
40 ° od d: Vaned -
50° 1.2 Diffuser
60° 4:1
0 1.1
1.0 •0 ,
co .
▪- 09 0
! Q8 X '
A (.) oec \
0 0.8 0
\0 0.7
At 13 MI
0 60
\ 0.6 e
A 0
0 e
04 0.5
Fig. 19 Predicted Relationship between Relative Velocity Ratio
Fig. 18 Surge Criterion by Relative Velocity Ratio and Flow Angle at Impeller Exit