Experimental and Mathematical Modelling Study in Convective Drying of Leather
Experimental and Mathematical Modelling Study in Convective Drying of Leather
Experimental and Mathematical Modelling Study in Convective Drying of Leather
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5 Experimental and mathematical investigation of parameters drying
6 of leather by hot air
Q1 7 Naima Benmakhlouf 1 & Soufien Azzouz 1 & Afif El Cafsi 1
9 Received: 2 December 2017 / Accepted: 25 May 2018
10 # Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018
11 Abstract
12 The determination of leather drying characteristics is of a fundamental importance to give an optimization of the drying step. As it
13 is the target of this paper to depict an experimental way to determine the kinetics of leather drying, an experimental study was
14 carried out on a laboratory-scale dryer under various conditions of air humidity, temperature and air velocity in order to optimize
15 the drying circumstances. Leather samples were dried in convection dryer, the drying kinetics were experimentally investigated at
16 40, 45, 50, 55 and 60 °C and performed at three values of relative humidity 15, 30 and 45% and three air velocities 1, 1.5 and 2 m/
17 s. To compare drying kinetics, experimentally obtained data, X = f (t), were correlated by fitting the selected five mathematical
18 models that were tested to fit the drying curves, the Modified Page model appeared the most suited to characterize experimental
19 data. High levels of correlation between measured data and those of modeled data were achieved for leather and dryers,
20 employing Modified Page model. The drying process of leather presented a combination of the short warm-up period, the first
21 falling rate period and the second falling rate period.
22 Nomenclature 1 Introduction 63
25 M moisture content of sample at time t, gH2O/g dry.
27 M0 initial moisture content, gH2O/g dry matter. Drying is a process used for millennia by man, it is an impor- 64
29 Me equilibrium moisture content, gH2O/g drymatter. tant unit operation used in numerous industries and well 65
31 MR dimensionless moisture content. known as a dominant industrial consumer of fossil fuel- 66
33 r correlation coefficients. derived energy in developed countries. It is one amongst the 67
35 T air temperature (K). oldest methods of conservation of several products. The pro- 68
37 t time (min). cesses of drying are multiple and depend on the type and 69
39 V drying air velocity (m/s). quality of the products to be dried, water amount to be re- 70
41 S second. moved, the desired final quality or the desired functionality 71
43 72
RH Air relative humidity (%). for the dried product [1]. The classical drying process and the
44 MR Average moisture ratio (−). most used one is the convective drying. During the drying 73
47 s standard error. process, two processes simultaneously take place: a heat trans- 74
49 N Number of calculated points. fer from the heat source to the product and a product of the 75
51 n Number of parameters in model. heart of the transfer material to its surface and from its surface 76
to the surrounding air [2–46]. 77
52 Superscripts and subscripts Drying is of a great interest for bio products preservation, 78
55 0 initial. but it is a complex process involving heat and mass transfer 79
57 e equilibrium. phenomena and is frequent in most processing industries, it is 80
59 exp. experimental. probably the primary and the most expensive stage. The leath- 81
61 pre predicted. er material has a very long history, it started with the appear- 82
ance of man on earth who used it as the main material for 83
* Naima Benmakhlouf clothing. The skin has evolved over the ages and continues 84
[email protected] to be seducing by its natural qualities. Drying of this product 85
rose slowly from the stage of a craft process to the stage of a 86
Sciences Faculty of Tunis, Laboratory of Energy and Thermal and scientifically and technologically controlled process [4]. The 87
Q2 Mass Transfer (LETTM), University of Tunis El Manar, instrumentation allows kilns, not only to control the operating 88
2092 Tunis, Tunisia
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89 conditions, but also to optimize, in particular, to shorten the Juan Monzó Cabrera et al. (2004) [29] made an experimen- 142
90 operation by controlling the quality of the final product [5]. tal study on samples of tanned leather. The drying process is 143
91 However, it is generally recognized that in an industrial pro- done by microwave to obtain a distribution of the moisture 144
92 cess, the drying step is the most energy intensive. In recent constant over their entire surface and therefore a better final 145
93 years, additional constraints regarding quality, pollution, en- quality of the material and parallel to a deeper understanding 146
94 ergy cost and security were imposed. For these requirements, of the process. They applied a drying model in three steps 147
95 improve energy efficiency and lower the cost of the final based on knowledge of the dielectric properties of the mois- 148
96 product, commendable efforts have been made in applied re- ture content and the specific energy consumption during each 149
97 search. The improvement of a drying operation directly to an period of drying, but his study is just focused on drying pro- 150
98 industrial scale is both difficult and costly. The drying is in cess using microwave and the latter method is not applied in 151
99 general operation with a particular area, which requires much the industry, 152
100 energy and wherein the potential savings are theoretically very Aleksandra Sander (2006) [34] studied the experimental 153
101 large. For this purpose, researchers and industrialists are inter- study of the kinetics of drying of various types of materials 154
102 ested in this issue since the energy crisis. They conducted made in laboratory scale under different conditions of temper- 155
103 experimental studies in laboratory scale which have replaced ature and pressure, he took samples of wet blue leather bull 156
104 tests on an industrial scale. The drying process is one of the and dried in a dryer at the microwave. 157
105 widely used methods of products preservation. Thin-layer Benmakhlouf Naima (2016) [47] studied the experimental 158
106 drying equations are used to evaluate drying duration of var- study of the sorption moisture isotherm of leather under dif- 159
107 ious products and also to generalize drying plots [6, 7]. ferent conditions of temperature; he took samples of wet blue 160
108 Several different results proposed numerous mathematical leather bull and dried in a dryer at the convective. Determining 161
109 models for thin layer drying of many l products [8–19]. The of sorption moisture isotherm is needed for drying kinetics of 162
110 leather drying trial was dealt previously [20–30]. The drying
D leather to determine the equilibrium moisture content. 163
111 process is a critical leather-making step to reach the required BENMAKHLOUF Naima et al., 2016 [48] determined the 164
112 165
physical characterization of leather. It is well known that dry- mass diffusion coefficient using the equation solving Fick.
113 ing procedure carried out in various conditions purposes a These characteristics are essential parameters in managing 166
114 variation in leather characteristics, which are the most crucial simulation models on the thermo hydric mechanical behavior 167
115 point of leather manufacturing. and then to determine the appropriate process and drying time 168
116 There are several drying techniques currently tested in to avoid unnecessary energy consumption, which will develop 169
117 leather making [4]. Existing investigations about chrome- in this paper. 170
118 tanned leather are exploiting the dependency between drying The objectives of this study are two-fold. Firstly, to inves- 171
119 variables and water content, as well as drying rate. It was also tigate the effects of drying air temperature, velocity and air 172
120 found that drying variables have a noticeable effect on the humidity on the coefficients of the investigated model describ- 173
121 dimensional stability of leather and its mechanical properties ing drying characteristics of leather. Secondly, to optimize the 174
122 such as stiffness [5]. In literature, the impact of convective drying process and thus to save energy. In order to achieve 175
123 176
drying variables on this operation of leather, in particular, these two targets, we will assess the ability of mathematical
124 velocity and air humidity, along with the mathematical model- equations in describing and predicting the drying behavior of 177
125 ing of drying kinetics within the range of the use in actual leather over the range of air velocity and the temperature, 178
126 industrial air drying applications, has not been studied yet. regularly faced in factory dryers. 179
127 In literature, there is a little researcher who treated the topic
128 of leather drying, among the most important authors include
129 K.Haghi Akbar (2001) [21–23], made drying experiments on
130 wet leather bull selected from typical pieces. His study de- 2 Material and experimental methods 180
131 scribes the heat and mass transferred during drying by forced
132 convection, it is possible to reduce energy consumption by 2.1 Samples preparation 181
133 optimizing the drying conditions in a dryer, but he is not
134 interested in his study of the influence of the drying tempera- The seeds used in the experimental study were taken from a 182
135 ture and the relative humidity of the drying kinetics, also in local factory‘Tannerie Mégisserie de Maghreb’ of the ‘bovine’ 183
136 (2004) Akbar [26], described in his analytical document the variety, settled in the region of Grombalia, governorate of 184
137 characteristics of drying the leather. He applied a model based Nabeul, Tunisia, manufacturing of finished leather, this is 185
138 on the fundamental equations of heat and mass transfer, in his the crust leather and black color, taken just prior to the 186
139 study, the distribution of temperature and humidity are solved finishing, the thickness of all samples was 1.6 × 10−3m, leath- 187
140 numerically using the finite difference method, but he did not er was cut into rectangles (with a surface of 0.16 × 0.14 m2). 188
141 validate it experimentally. The starting moisture content of different samples (varying 189
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190 between 1 and 1.2 kg per kg dry matter) were determined by each test. The limits of such a method has been good detailed 217
191 means of the vacuum oven at 105 °C during 24 h. in our paper [51]. 218
Measuring the weight loss of the product versus time is 219
conducted on the entire product-support plate continuously 220
192 2.2 Drying unit using a high precision balance connected to a input acquisition 221
and information processing. 222
193 At the laboratory scale drying unit used is a climatic wind
194 tunnel, horizontal grate, closed-loop, which has been prepared
2.3 Experimental drying procedure 223
195 and constructed in laboratory Energy Transfer and Thermal
196 Mass Flow Fig. 1. It covers the range of temperature; relative
During convective dryer by the hot air, the weight losses of the 224
197 humidity and velocity are commonly used in the processes of
samples of leather were measured at 2 min intervals. The 225
198 drying medium and low temperature. The flow of air produced
drying tests were terminated when the mass of the samples 226
199 by a centrifugal fan power 2.4 kW and frequency adjustable
reached a desirable value with humidity around 12% required 227
200 with a speed passes through the heating coils to raise its tem-
by the industry. The air-drying conditions tested are: the tem- 228
perature, followed by a plenum. Before reaching the test sec-
perature, relative humidity and air velocity range from 40 to 229
202 tion, the air passes through a filter honeycomb for homogeni-
60 °C, 1 to 2 m/s and 15 to 45% respectively. Around 50 g of 230
203 zation. The airflow in the test section is perpendicular to the
cutting leather were used for each drying experiment. Each 231
204 surface of the sample of the product to be dried. This type of
trial has been done twice in order to check the reproductively 232
205 flow has the advantage of providing optimal air-product con-
of the drying curves. The dry mass of the specimen was de- 233
206 tact and the coefficient of heat transfer higher. The tempera-
termined after each trial using the vacuum oven at 105 °C 234
207 ture, velocity, and humidity are adjusted and controlled con-
during 24 h. Our experiments are undertaken at different air 235
208 tinuously by a PLC.
D conditions Table 1. 236
209 The test material is provided by the Tannery Maghreb
210 Grombalia (TMM). This is the crust leather or leather retained,
211 taken just before the finishing operation. The samples are kept 2.4 Mathematical modeling 237
212 cold to prevent its degradation. The series of measurements to
213 define the water content evolution and temperature of the The Van Meel transformation [31] is painstaking for qualify- 238
214 sample were carried out by a loop convection drying. We used ing drying kinetics and establishing the characteristic for dry- 239
215 samples of bovine leather, placed on a perforated grid. ing curves. [32, 33] used simply the initial moisture (M0) and 240
216 Conditions of the drying air were kept constant throughout the equilibrium (Me) moisture contents to normalize the 241
t1:1 Table 1 Drying air conditions products [34]. A nonlinear optimization system, employing 270
t1:2 Trial number Temperature (°C) Relative Humidity (%) Air velocity the data processor “CurveExpert” was used to find the param- 271
eters of the used equations. 272
t1:3 1 40 15 1 The quality of adjustment of the different models to exper- 273
t1:4 2 45 15 1 imental data has been evaluated using two statistical parame- 274
t1:5 3 50 15 1 ters, used as the criteria to select the best assimilation which 275
t1:6 4 55 15 1 depicts the drying kinetics, the correlation coefficients and the 276
t1:7 5 60 15 1 standard error. These parameters are defined using the follow- 277
t1:8 6 50 15 1.5 ing equations: 278
t1:9 7 50 15 2 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
t1:10 8 50 30 1 ∑ni¼1 MRexp −MRpre
t1:11 9
s¼ ð3Þ 281
50 45 1 N −n
u 2
u 280
u ∑i¼1 MRpre −MRpre
t1− 2 ð4Þ
242 moisture content obtained at any drying time. The moisture
∑ni¼1 MRexp −MRexp
243 ratio MR* (MR∗) of leather during drying experiments is given
244 284
by the following equation:
Where, MR: moisture ratio calculated by the following 285
M −M e
MR* ¼ ð1Þ equation: 286
M cri − M e
247 M −M e
MR ¼ ð5Þ
245 M 0 −M e
D 289
f ¼ dt t ð2Þ
− dM
dt i
251 3 Results and discussion 290
249 where M is the time dependant moisture content (kg/kgdb);
253 Me is the equilibrium moisture content (kg/kgdb); Mcri is the 3.1 Kinetics curves drying 291
254 critical moisture content (transition between first and second
255 drying periods) (kg/kgdb); − dMdt is the drying rate [(kg/kgdb)/ Figures 2 and 3 depicts, respectively, the variations of the 292
256 m2 s]: loss of moisture from the wet solid per time unit when moisture ratios in terms of drying time (Fig. 2) of samples 293
operating at a constant air drying conditions; − dM dt i is the obtained at different conditions. The drying of the thin layer 294
258 2
initial drying rate [(kg/kgdb)/m s]. showed two distinct periods: a constant rate and a falling rate. 295
259 Drying runs of leather products were performed at three The presence of the two drying periods suggests that the 296
260 fermented product has both free superficial water and bond 297
262 30 and 15%). The experiments of drying were conducted to a the second in the reducing drying rate phase [41]. This figure 299
263 crucial moisture content of about 12% from starting moisture confirms also that the effect of the air-drying velocity on the 300
264 content average of about 50%. The average thickness of all acceleration of the drying operation is less important than that 301
265 samples of leather shapes was at around 0.0016 m.
266 The curves of convective drying of the product were fitted
267 with four models Table 2, chosen from the most widely used
268 ones in the drying process which are well-known and exten-
269 sively used to describe the water removal behavior in different
diminishing rapidly. Thus, at the last stages, water was barely 351
302 of temperature. Thus, the temperature is considered the main disposable and the drying becomes well tardy. Consequently, 352
303 factor in controlling the drying rate as mentioned by many air temperature is recognized to be the principal parameters to 353
304 studies [42]. Drying for the falling rate phase is so controlled have an influence on air drying of products, the same findings 354
305 by water diffusion in the solid. This is a complex mechanism were spotted by [26, 27]. 355
306 implying water in both vapor and liquid states, which is very
307 frequently characterized by an alleged effective diffusivity.
308 These results indicate that diffusion is probably the most phys-
D 3.1.2 Influence of the velocity of air drying 356
309 ical mechanism governing moisture movement in the seed of
310 357Q3
leather. The critical water content (Xcr = 0.7 kg/kg dM and Figures 4 and 5 shows the influence of the velocity of air
311 more detail in part 3.3) marks the starting of the second drying drying on the moisture ratio, which we note increasing the 358
312 period decreasing rate. It corresponds to the transition between velocity of air from 1 to 2 m/s and leading to a decrease in 359
313 the liquid diffusion and vapor diffusion and depicts the re- drying duration of leather. This is seen by comparing trials 3 360
314 duced limit for the establishment of moisture diffusivity. and 7 at which the time difference between them is very im- 361
portant - around 40 min while the total duration in drying with 362
315 3.1.1 Influence of drying temperature We can conclude that the increment of flow favors the con- 364
vective exchanges. Though, this parameter has a less impor- 365
316 The experimental device used to record the mass over time tant effect than air temperature and it loses its impact gradually 366
317 and the temporal evolution of the sample temperature. In this as the temperature increases. In previous literature, this behav- 367
318 ior has been explained by the low external resistance to the 368
320 for different temperatures. Figure 3 shows that growing the uct compared to the internal resistance which is the principal 370
321 temperature decrease the drying time. The temperature of the
322 air greatly influences the rate of drying so that the drying rates
323 increased with the growth of air temperature. This effect is
324 owing to the supply of heat to the product which increases
325 with the temperature of the air high. Therefore, the diffusion
326 rates of the product in water increase with temperature.
327 The drying rate is the topmost at the first step of drying for
328 40 to 60 °C, after it decreases in accordance with time. This is
329 a consequence of weak internal resistance of moisture at the
330 beginning of drying. These results are in accordance with the
331 comment of earlier investigator [39]. This finding is indicative
332 of a progressive increase of the internal resistance to the shift
333 of both heat and mass. Thereby, diffusion of water in the solid
334 is the most plausible physical mechanism dominating the
335 shifting of moisture in leather samples. On the other side, a
336 substance undergoes a constant drying rate as a movement of Fig. 4 Influence of the drying speed on the humidity ratios of leather
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Fig. 5 Influence of the injected humidity on the moisture ratios 3.2 Smoothing drying curves by mathematical model 395
371 factor governing the second phase as the humidity in the sur- To depict the curves drying kinetics of leather dried in con- 396
372 face exists in a little quantity to be transferred out by air [43]. vection drying, to estimate the pertinence of the selected math- 397
373 This result is in good accordance with theory, Daguenet [44] ematical equations and to establish the dependence of the 398
374 explains this phenomenon while bringing the drying rate as a estimate model parameters and the drying constant, four dry- 399
375 function of coefficient transfer of moisture vapor in the air ing models have been used employing “Curve Expert 400
376 grow with the flow speed of the air. This parameter thus exerts Professional 1.5”. The correlation indexes for the applied 401
377 a significant influence on the velocity of drying. mathematical models are shown in Tables 3 and 4. It is obvi- 402
D ous that in the tables above all the values of Lewis, Wang and 403
Singh, Modified Page and Logarithmic models obtained are 404
378 3.1.3 Influence of the injected humidity of drying greater than 0.98, and the standard mistake values are inferior 405
to 0.05 for both samples shapes. However, the Modified Page 406
379 Curves for trials 3, 8 and 9 prove the effect of drying of model seemed the most appropriate to describe the experimen- 407
380 moisture humidity on the drying behavior of leather. It is clear tal data since it had the highest values of correlation coeffi- 408
381 from the displayed figures that injecting humidity, from 15 to cients (0.9992 < r < 0.9999) and the lowest values of standard 409
382 45%, causes an important change in the drying technique and error (0.0035 < s < 0.0110). In addition, the modified Page 410
383 has a significant influence on drying time -around 80 min time model correlates highly with the measured data, MR = f(t), 411
t4:1 Table 4 Estimated constants and fitting criteria of the models applied to
drying kinetics of the fermented product (Trials 6,7,8 and 9)
t4:13 s 0.0076 0.0074 0.0071 0.0048
r 0.9996 0.9996 0.9996 0.9998 modified Page model. This can be demonstrated by the math- 426
t4:15 Logarithmic a 1.5329 1.3655 1.1823 1.4261 ematical shape of the drying equations (exponential), which 427
t4:16 k 0.0114 0.0146 0.0101 0.0057 cannot wholly correlate the linear section of the drying data. 428
t4:17 −0. 4954 −0. 3412 −0.1336 −0.3721 429
c Therefore, the Modified Page model can reach proposed to
t4:18 s 0.0096 0.0089 0.0122 0.0137 evaluate the moisture ratio of leather for the interval of the 430
t4:19 r 0.9994 0.9994 0.9989 0.9987 drying temperature and time in this research Fig. 7. A com- 431
D parison between the experimental and calculated (Modified 432
Page equation) variations of moisture ratios in term of time 433
412 and can be worn for simulation of the drying kinetics of the all
and of leather occurred at various conditions is listed in Fig. 9. 434
413 drying conditions (air temperatures, velocities, and humidity) These curves demonstrate the adequacy between smooth and 435
414 of leather regardless of the way the heat is supplied to the wet experimental drying curves with a linear Regression for Data 436
415 material. All the results are displayed in Figs. 6, 7 and 8 eq. (6): 437
416 Aleksandra Sander [34] has found similar results when fitting
417 the kinetics of drying of leather. Drying plots of almost all Mexp ¼ 2:47633 x 10−4 þ 0:9999 x Mpre ð6Þ
419 drying rate periods (constant rate time and one or more down- 438
420 fall rate periods). The most significant advantage of the mod- In order to take into consideration, the influence of the 440
421 ified Page model is that it is suitable for a depiction of the all drying conditions on the Modified Page model, In order to 441
422 drying duration (constant rate and falling rate periods). This is take into consideration the influence of the drying conditions
423 one of the reasons why Lewis’ equation, Wang and Singh’s on the Modified Page model, constants k and n were regressed 443
424 and Logarithmique’s law cannot be used for the description of against air temperature, relative humidity and air velocity 444
425 drying kinetics for leather with the same precision as the using multiple regression analysis. However, the n coeffi- 445
cients have an average value of the order of 1.23636588. In 446
Fig. 6 Experimental and calculated drying curves of leather at various Fig. 8 Experimental and calculated drying curves of leather at various
temperatures relative humidities
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447 addition, it is noted that k increases with growing temperature outside surface of the sample, which decreases. During dry- 467
448 and decreases with increasing relative humidity. Figures 10 ing. The drying kinetics of a leather sample, relative to the 468
449 and 11 represent the variation of the k coefficients of actual (variable) surface of the sample, which is homogeneous 469
450 Modified Page model with the air temperature and with rela- at a mass flux density are shown in Figs. 12. Mass flow curves 470
451 tive humidity respectively. The result of this procedure is pre- and drying rate curves (drying rate versus dry water content) 471
452 sented in Eqs. (7)-(8). were shown in Figs. 12). This curve shows that leather drying 472
has three distinct phases, an initial phase (warm-up period), a 473
kðT Þ ¼ 0:01117–3:39369 x 10−4 x T D constant-speed phase and a decreasing speed phase. The pres- 474
455 þ 8; 34916 x10−4 x T2 ð7Þ ence of the three drying phases suggests that the product has 475
both the free surface water that will be lost during the constant 476
453 kðRH Þ ¼ 0:02345–5:0753 x 10−4 x RH speed phase and the internal binding water that will be elim- 477
458 These equations allow us to predict the drying curves and the external process. The slope of the drying rate curve in- 481
459 especially the moisture ratio of leather while taking into ac- creased for a very short time and the drying rate quickly 482
460 count the employed drying conditions. reached its maximum value. During this period, evaporation 483
461 When C*is the models constants (a,b,c,kand n);and P* is of the water occurred on the surface of the leather sample and 484
462 the statistical parameters (s and r). since heat transfer promoted evaporation, the ratio of liquid/ 485
vapor to outer surface decreased continuously. This sustained 486
period for a very short time, about 3–5 min depends on the 487
463 3.3 Curves of drying speed drying temperature and the speed of the hot air. The second 488
period of constant drying rate was observed, after the initial 489
464 In order to highlight the different drying periods (heating pe- step, which indicated that the liquid was moving by 490
465 riod, constant speed drying period and decreasing drying
491 capillarity; in this way, the drying fluid in contact with the humidity ratio and dimensionless drying rate, for the nine 527
492 leather surface is at the wet temperature. During this phase, various examined conditions, fall into a tight band, manifest- 528
493 the speed depends only on the external parameters. This phase ing that the influence of the change in different conditions is 529
494 is completed when the material reaches an average water con- little over the range tested. Smoothing the different experi- 530
495 tent called critical water content of Xcr, which in our case is mental points allowed to establish the properties drying curve 531
496 about 0.7 kg/kg.Ms. This value corresponds to the upper limit Eq. (9). A polynomial model of degree 2 was examined to fit 532
497 of the hygroscopic range for leather. This remarkable point best the dimensionless experimental data of leather: 533
498 was generally used to delimit the warm-up period and the
499 decreasing speed period. At the turn, there is no moisture on f ¼ −0:02701 þ 2:09961MR* − 0:90942MR*2 ð9Þ
500 the surface since the capacity of the capillaries to supply bulk
501 water has been diminished. The drying front moved into the
For this operation, the nonlinear optimization method of 536
502 pores just beyond the critical point, where the capillary water
Levenberg–Marquard has been worn via the Origin 6.1 soft- 537
503 in the pore channel was evaporated by molecular diffusion
ware. The criteria used to evaluate the goodness of fit were the 538
504 through capillarity. During this period, the evaporation rate
correlation coefficient (r = 0.998) and the standard error (s = 539
505 of the outside surface decreased rapidly due to the increasing
0.01135). Thus, this equation can be used to characterize the 540
506 resistance of the internal moisture migration and the decrease
kinetics drying of the leather in temperature range of 40–60 °C 541
507 of the water content and the drying rate phase decreased sig-
and the velocity of air drying from 1 to 2 m/s. It predicts the 542
508 nificantly. The drying rate of the leather layer increases with
time in demand for product drying and permits the sizing of 543
509 the drying temperature due to the increased water migration,
dryers intended for it. 544
510 which resulted from the improvement of the conduction force
511 on the heat transfer in the leather samples.
D 3.5 Optimization the drying process 545
512 3.4 Characteristic drying curve of the leather
Experimental studies, carried out during this work on the dry- 546
513 The aim of this section is to synthesize the results obtained by ing of leather in tanning procedures, allowed us to identify 547
514 different drying curves allowing to raise the influences of cer- 548
517 tant. Indeed, you only to know the values of the initial water all curves have a common point that affects the pace. Such 551
518 content and the balance to be be qualified to depict the drying behavior is similar to that known for textiles and polymeric 552
519 kinetics in any condition of air drying. Furthermore, the com- materials. The effect of temperature is to significantly increase 553
520 bination of drying curves adopted in this research has been the the drying rate, especially when we go from 40 to 60 °C. The 554
521 topic of several research studies [45, 46]. Experimental drying effect of the air temperature was greater than that of the drying 555
522 input occurred after affecting Van Meel(1958) conversion are air speed. Relative humidity has a significant effect on the 556
523 plotted in Fig. 13 to represent f = f(MR*). All curves fall into a quality of the leather and this will be proven in the third chap- 557
524 558
tight band indicating that the effect of variation in different air ter. According to our results in the article [49], it can be noted
525 drying conditions is small over the range tested. This figure that the drying between 45 °C and 55 °C with an injected 559
526 proves that all convective drying curves occur with the humidity equal to 15% and a speed equal to 1 m/s (Table 5) 560
seems optimal in our case, on the basis of the quality of the 561
analysis results, it is therefore preferable to dry the leather at a 562
temperature of 50 °C of the drying air without taking into 563
account the injected humidity and the air velocity of the air. 564
Drying. The results of physico-mechanical tests favor the use 565
of cattle skins treated according to a specific protocol opti- 566
mized both in the manufacture of shoes and in the manufac- 567
ture of leather goods [49]. 568
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