Approximate Convective-Heating Equations For Hypersonic Flows
Approximate Convective-Heating Equations For Hypersonic Flows
Approximate Convective-Heating Equations For Hypersonic Flows
AIAA 79-1078R
Laminar and turbulent heating-rate equations appropriate for engineering predictions of the convective-
heating rates about blunt re-entry spacecraft at hypersonic conditions are developed. The approximate methods
are applicable to both nonreacting and reacting gas mixtures for either constant- or variable-entropy edge
conditions. A procedure which accounts for variable-entropy effects and is not based on mass balancing is
presented. Results of the approximate heating methods are in good agreement with available experimental
results as well as boundary-layer and viscous-shock-layer solutions.
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conditions. This section briefly reviews several approximate Eckert's reference enthalpy relation,24 and is given by
laminar and turbulent heating-rate methods and discusses the
factors considered in selecting or developing the present
methods. Also, this section presents the equations used to qw>L = 0.22(Re>e) -> (p*/P
calculate the heating rates along with the equations for
locating the boundary-layer edge for laminar and turbulent X(Haw-Hw)(Prw)-°-6 (3)
flows influenced by variable entropy.
Existing Heat-Transfer Methods where 0 is computed by
For both the stagnation-point heating and laminar heating-
rate distribution, results based on several analyses M are in
good agreement, but the analyses are restricted to air. For gas (4)
compositions other than air, approximate methods are also
available.5'6 The analysis of Sutton and Graves,5 while Equation (4) provides a technique to include the effect of
limited to the stagnation point of a blunt body, provides a geometry and variable-edge conditions about a blunt body on
versatile technique of calculating the stagnation-point heat the laminar momentum -thickness calculation. The equation
transfer in a wide range of base gases and in mixtures of these reduces to the standard Blasius form for flat -plate assump-
gases. The analysis of Marvin and Deiwert6 provides a tions.
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method calculating the laminar-heating distribution, but for The turbulent heat transfer is also computed by using a
only a limited number of gas mixtures. skin-friction coefficient based on Re. Published results8'13
Approximate turbulent heat-transfer expressions7'14 are using this form for the skin-friction relation assume a l/7th
primarily based on equating the skin friction to the Stanton velocity profile and use values of Hc varying from - 1.0 to
number through Reynolds analogy. In Refs. 8-13, the skin- 9/7. It is noted25 that the l/7th profile is not applicable over
friction relation as a function of the momentum thickness an extensive Reynolds number range. Libby and Cresci8
Reynolds number (Re) is determined by assuming a velocity illustrate the insensitivity of the turbulent heat transfer to the
profile [u/ue = (Y/5)1/N] to compute the required constants form factor for values of approximately 1.0 or less. In Ref.
and exponents. For these references, a l/7th power-law 1 1 , the authors present several reasons for using Hc = - 1 in
velocity profile is assumed, and differences in the skin-friction hypersonic turbulent boundary-layer calculations. Also, since
equations are due to either the form of the compressible this value of Hc was used by Lees26 in developing a hyper-
transformations or the value of the form factor (Hc = d*/0). sonic laminar method, a value of Hc = - 1.0 is used in this
In Ref. 14, the Spalding-Chi21 skin-friction relation is used. analysis. Although the turbulent -heating analyses8'13 adopt a
The Spalding-Chi method has been shown22 to yield good constant value of N equal to 7, experimental results27 show TV
comparison with experimental ground-test data for heat to be a function of Re with values of TV as low as 4 for Re
transfer and skin friction over a wide range of test conditions. equal to approximately 1000. A compressible turbulent
However, the method has been shown not to produce the best analysis28 has demonstrated the effect of a variable N on the
comparison with flight data. 7 skin friction. In order to incorporate this effect in the present
analysis, the skin friction is assumed as
Present Heat-Transfer Methods
For the stagnation-point heat-transfer calculations, the
method of Cohen2 is used for air calculations, and the (5)
method of Sutton and Graves5 is used for planetary gas
mixtures. The equation of Cohen2 is given as
which, after substituting in the momentum equation and
integrating, yields an expression for the turbulent momentum
growth as
9^=0.767 (Prw) ~°-6(H,-Hw
0 = (c2 j V"X (pe uer) (6)
where m,cI,c2,c3, and c4 are functions of TV.25'28 This integral
and the equation of Sutton and Graves is given as expression for the turbulent momentum thickness is similar in
nature to Eq. (4) for the laminar momentum thickness. A
curve fit of axisymmetric nozzle-wall data27 produces
qw.=K(ps/RN)»(Hs-Hw) (2)
number evaluated at the wall temperature. assumed l/7th power-law velocity profile may not always be
appropriate for the particular local flow conditions.
Application to Three-Dimensional Flow For blunt bodies at incidence, the required mass-balancing
Based on the axisymmetric analog,30'31 simplifying technique presents at best a complex procedure.39 Currently,
assumptions can be applied to the complex three-dimensional there are existing solution procedures for sharp cones at
boundary-layer theory which allows equations such as incidence39 and for the windward ray of blunt axisymmetric
presented herein to be modified for three-dimensional bodies.40
heating -rate calculations. As a result of these assumptions, Considering the inherent difficulties involved with applying
the distance along a streamline is substituted for the distance S mass balancing to three-dimensional flow and the apparent
along the body surface, and the metric coefficient for the discrepancies resulting from approximate or classical
surface coordinate normal to the streamline is used rather boundary-layer methods for axisymmetric flows, a somewhat
than the cross-sectional radius r. The calculated results of different approach for approximating variable entropy is used
procedures31'32 using the axisymmetric analog have been in this study.
shown to be in good agreement with measured three- An inviscid solution is assumed to be known. Then, by
dimensional heating data. means of an iterative process, the momentum-thickness Eqs.
(4) and (6) and corresponding approximate ratios of boun-
Local Conditions dary-layer thickness to momentum thickness are used to
Heat-transfer calculations, based on integral or detailed determine the local flow conditions. Thus, this analysis ac-
boundary-layer techniques, require inviscid properties ex- counts for variable-entropy effects by locally moving out in
ternal to the boundary layer. Usually, the external flow is the inviscid flowfield at a distance equal to the boundary-layer
assumed to be at a constant -entropy condition corresponding thickness. The inviscid properties at this location are used as
to either the oblique-shock or stagnation-streamline entropy. the boundary-layer edge properties. This concept was recently
In general, however, the assumption of a constant-entropy suggested by Popinski18 for three-dimensional flows. Thus,
value does not provide an adequate description of the external this method of determining variable-entropy edge conditions
flow properties over the entire length of a blunt body in high- coupled with the axisymmetric analog appears to offer a
speed flow. This situation is caused by the highly curved simpler method for three-dimensional heat-transfer
shocks produced by blunt bodies. These shocks generate calculations. In this investigation, the boundary-layer
entropy gradients in the inviscid flow, resulting in inviscid thickness to momentum-thickness ratios41'42 used are
velocity gradients normal to the body surface. 33 Streamlines
of varying entropy value, which pass through different points (d/0)L=5.55 (15)
on the shock, are gradually embedded in the boundary layer
as the layer grows along the surface. Thus, this process,
referred to as streamline swallowing, results in variable- and
entropy conditions at the boundary-layer edge.
There are at least two techniques which account for the
effect of variable-entropy flows on the surface heat transfer
and skin friction. One method is the VSL solution19'20 which
provides a direct means of accounting for the entropy- (16)
gradient effects since the VSL equations are valid throughout
the shock layer. However, these methods do require large
computer run times and storage. Another method which is The results of Eq. (16) when coupled with Eqs. (6) and (14)
employed in approximate integral or detailed boundary-layer will be demonstrated herein to provide good agreement with
codes is mass balancing. The iterative mass-balancing turbulent VSL solutions in regions of strong vorticity in-
procedure equates the mass flow in the boundary layer at the teractions.
body point of interest to a streamtube of equal mass in the
freestream.33 Hence, for mass-balancing procedures, the Results and Discussion
shock shape and pressure distribution about the blunt body In this section, results obtained with the present ap-
are required. The results of such calculations have been proximate laminar and turbulent heating-rate equations are
demonstrated for blunt bodies at 0-deg incidence.13"15'33'36 compared with available experimental results as well as with
Note that these results are obtained primarily at high laminar boundary-layer and VSL solutions. Initially, the results of the
Reynolds number flow conditions and for turbulent flows at approximate methods are compared with perfect and reacting
stations far downstream on long slender blunt cones, i.e., at gas boundary-layer solutions and existing blunt-body ex-
such conditions where vorticity interaction is weak. At these perimental heat-transfer data. Secondly, the results of the
conditions, the comparisons of the computational and ex- approximate methods are compared with perfect and reacting
= 19.5
h x 10?
MW 2.0 -
0 1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10
Moo =10
R M = 0.3048m
. MW
Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on January 12, 2015 | | DOI: 10.2514/3.57788
0 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 10
S/R N 2.5
Fig. 1 Comparisons of convective heating-rate distributions at o DATA REF 47
constant-entropy conditions: a) 5-deg sphere cone, b) 40-deg sphere 2.0
h xlO?
MW 1.5
w/ H s= 0.67
0.0635 m
2.0 r
Moo = 4.0
———— REF 49 9C = 25°
\ ———— PRESENT H W /H S ..43-. 65
\^ • ° DATA REF 48
STxl01.5 RN = 0.113. m
~ •————— _ ——————o
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Fig. 4 Comparison of experimental and calculated turbulent
o 4 6 8 10 heating-rate distributions: a) hemisphere, b) hemisphere-cylinder,
b) S/R
N c) 14!/2-deg sphere cone, d) 25-deg sphere cone.
boundary-layer momentum-thickness
distributions at constant-entropy conditions: a) 5-deg sphere cone,
b) 40-deg sphere cone.
Constant-Entropy Conditions
Perfect-gas boundary-layer solutions17 of laminar and
turbulent heating rates about a blunt 5-deg cone at M^ =19.5,
Moo = 8.0
0C = 25° 7=1.4, and Hw /Hs = 0.033 and about a blunt 40-deg cone at
i.o R N = 0.0127m A^ = 10.0, 7 = 1.4, and HW/HS= 0.1 are presented in Figs, la
H W /H S =0.42 and Ib, respectively. For both conditions, the approximate
heat-transfer results predicted by the laminar [Eq. (3)] and
Roo,d = 0 . 3 7 x 1 0 " ) the turbulent [Eq. (14)] methods are in good agreement with
XL = 1.65xl06lREF44 the corresponding boundary-layer solution with differences of
less than 10% noted. Although not shown on the figure, good
agreement with existing approximate laminar methods4'43 are
obtained for both conditions. However, results based on
existing turbulent methods8"12 are as much as 20% lower than
the boundary-layer results for the blunt 5-deg cone and within
-I- 40 and - 20% of the boundary-layer results for the blunt
40- deg cone. For the two cases, the corresponding growth of
Fig. 3 Comparison of experimental and calculated laminar heating- the laminar and turbulent boundary-layer momentum
rate distributions. thickness predicted by Eqs. (4) and (6) is shown in Figs. 2.
Good comparisons are obtained with the boundary-layer
gas VSL solutions. All comparisons are for 0-deg angle-of- solutions.17
attack conditions. These comparisons should validate the Experimental laminar and turbulent heat-transfer data are
present approximate methods for engineering applications to presented in Figs. 3 and 4. The laminar data44 are compared
either nonreacting or reacting flows at both constant- and with results of Eq. (3), the heating distribution of Cohen,2
variable-entropy edge conditions. For the constant-entropy and a VSL solution.20 Note that no significant entropy-
conditions, the local flow conditions are determined by ex- gradient effects on the heat transfer are observed based on the
panding the flow from the normal-shock stagnation-point comparison of the constant-entropy and VSL results. The
condition to the local pressure. turbulent data45"48 are compared with the results of Eq. (14)
« V_^
- 1 a
— R N = 0.3048m
- i ° a
3.0 - \
r 0-7 » O-i _ ^ T = 218K k
7 8 9 10 p = 7.18 x 1 \
1.0 "*•-",•
_6 63 x 10
-3 kq
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 °e~ - 3- ————— LAMINAR j
C) S/R
N —————TURBULENT ( K t h 1V
Fig. 5 Comparison of convective-heating data distributions at o
constant-entropy conditions for equilibrium air: a) 5-deg sphere cone,
b) 40-deg sphere cone, c) 40-deg sphere cone. 1.19m (LARGE PROBE)
1.5 — 0— REF 17 \ CONSTANT MW
0 5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.00 .5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
b) N C) N
REF 17 ) CONSTANT Fig. 8 Comparison of convective heating-rate distributions for
Venusian atmosphere: a) £/„= 11.38 km/s, b) £7^=10.82 km/s,
—— - — REF 19 I VARIABLE
c)t/ 00 =7.54km/s.
100 100
. = 0
p a
——— __o
Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on January 12, 2015 | | DOI: 10.2514/3.57788
100 150r
. Mw
m = 0
O \
.89H 9 -.11 He
0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8
C) ---o—— -o
Fig. 9 Comparison of convective heating-rate distributions for
Jovian atmosphere: a) ^=42.88 km/s, b) £7^= 39.28 km/s, I_____|_____\_____[_ _I
1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8
c) 6/00= 34.67 km/s.
Fig. 10 Comparison of convective heating-rate distributions with
dary-layer thickness is assumed to be determined at a value of radiating flowfield for Jovian conditions: a) £/«>= 42.88 km/s,
H/HS =0.995 in nonradiative calculations and at an index of b) f/oo =39.28 km/s, c) Ux =34.67 km/s.
dissipation equal to 0.95 for radiating flowfields. An
evaluation of these limits indicated a poor match of the
boundary-layer thickness for nonradiative calculations. A The equations are applicable to nonreacting or reacting gas
value of the dissipation index equal to 0.98 gave a much better flows at conditions of constant or variable entropy. The
comparison with the boundary-layer thickness predicted by variable-entropy effect on the heat transfer was approximated
tt\eH/Hs =0.995 limit. Thus, the VSL turbulent heating rates by defining the boundary-layer edge properties as the inviscid
presented in Fig. 10 use a dissipation index of 0.98. values located a distance from the surface equal to the
Note that while good agreement is obtained with the present boundary-layer thickness.
laminar variable-entropy method and VSL solutions, com- Details of the stagnation point and the local laminar and
parisons at conditions of low Reynolds number flow or far turbulent heat-transfer equations are given. Also, equations
downstream on a blunt body may better substantiate the for computing the laminar and turbulent momentum
validity of Eq. (15). However, the previous comparisons have thicknesses and for computing the corresponding ratios of
demonstrated that the present heating-rate methods provide boundary-layer thickness to momentum thickness are
reliable estimations of blunt-body heat-transfer rates over a presented.
wide range of gas compositions and in regions of strong The results of the approximate methods are in good
vorticity interactions (for turbulent flow). agreement with available experimental heat-transfer data as
For parametric or design calculations, the spacecraft well as boundary-layer and viscous-shock-layer solutions. The
designer is concerned with the computer time required as well method provides a rapid, but reliable, technique for the
as with the reliability of the heating method. For the variable- prediction of convective-heating rates in parametric or design
entropy comparisons presented herein, the engineering studies.
heating-rate methods have been coupled with rapid, but
reliable, inviscid flowfield methods.50'52 As a point of in- References
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Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on January 12, 2015 | | DOI: 10.2514/3.57788