Data Shhet MG Cummins DFHD
Data Shhet MG Cummins DFHD
Data Shhet MG Cummins DFHD
Description Features
The Cummins Power Generation DF-series commercial • UL Listed Generator Set - The complete
generator set is a fully integrated power generation generator set assembly is available Listed to
system providing optimum performance, reliability, and UL2200.
versatility for stationary standby or prime power • Emissions Compliance - All 60 Hz models
applications. comply with EPA emissions requirements for
A primary feature of the DF GenSet is strong motor- stationary applications. Some 60 Hz models
starting capability and fast recovery from transient load comply with EPA TPEM requirements for mobile
changes. The torque-matched system includes a heavy- applications.
duty Cummins 4-cycle diesel engine, an AC alternator • Cummins Heavy-Duty Engine - Rugged 4-cycle
with high motor-starting kVA capacity, and an electronic industrial diesel delivers reliable power, low
voltage regulator with three-phase sensing for precise emissions, and fast response to load changes.
regulation under steady-state or transient loads. The DF • Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG) - Offers
GenSet accepts 100% of the nameplate standby rating in enhanced motor starting and fault clearing short
one step, in compliance with NFPA110 Level 1 circuit capability.
requirements. • Alternator - Several alternator sizes offer
selectable motor starting capability with low
The standard PowerCommand® digital electronic control reactance 2/3 pitch windings; low waveform
is an integrated system that combines engine and distortion with non-linear loads, fault clearing
alternator controls for high reliability and optimum short-circuit capability, and class H insulation.
GenSet performance.
• Control System - The PowerCommand electronic
Optional coolant heaters improve starting in extreme control is standard equipment and provides total
operating conditions. A wide range of options, genset system integration, including automatic
accessories, and services are available, allowing remote starting/stopping, precise frequency and
configuration to your specific power generation needs. voltage regulation, alarm and status message
Every production unit is factory tested at rated load and display, AmpSentryTM protection, output metering,
power factor. This testing includes demonstration of auto-shutdown at fault detection, and NFPA 110
rated power and single-step rated load pickup. Cummins Level 1 compliance.
Power Generation manufacturing facilities are registered • Cooling System - Standard integral set-mounted
to ISO9001 quality standards emphasizing our radiator system, designed and tested for rated
commitment to high quality in the design, manufacture, ambient temperatures, simplifies facility design
and support of our products. The generator set is CSA requirements for rejected heat.
certified, and the PowerCommand control is UL508 • Structural Steel Skid Base - Robust skid base
listed. Circuit breaker assemblies are UL489 Listed for supports the engine, alternator, and radiator.
100% continuous operation and also UL869A Listed • E-Coat Finish - Dual electro-deposition paint
Service Equipment. system provides high resistance to scratches,
All Cummins Power Generation systems are backed by a corrosion, or fading.
comprehensive warranty program and supported by a • Certifications - Generator sets are designed,
worldwide network of 170 distributors and service manufactured, tested, and certified to relevant UL,
branches to assist you with warranty, service, parts, and NFPA, ISO, IEC, and CSA standards.
planned maintenance support. • Warranty and Service - Backed by a
comprehensive warranty and world wide
distributor network.
© 2004-2005 Cummins Power Generation Specifications subject to change without notice S-1311m (9/06)
Generator Set
This generator set is equipped with a standard radiator cooling system serving an engine-block cooling circuit and a
turbocharger aftercooler. Also available with optional heat exhanger or remote radiator cooling systems. The general
specifications in this document provide representative configuration details. Consult the respective outline drawing listed below
for each available cooling system. These outline drawings must be used for installation design and construction dimensional
General Specifications
Unit Width, in (mm) 78.7 (2000)
Unit Height, in (mm) 92.6 (2353)
Unit Length, in (mm) 171.7 (4361)
Unit Dry Weight, lb (kg) 16922 (7676)
Unit Wet Weight, lb (kg) 17578 (7973)
Rated Speed, rpm 1800
Voltage Regulation, No Load to Full Load ±0.5%
Random Voltage Variation ±0.5%
Frequency Regulation Isochronous
Random Frequency Variation ±0.25%
Radio Frequency Interference IEC 801.2 through IEC 801.5
MIL STD 461C, Part 9
Standby Prime
50° C Set-Mounted Radiator Cooling (Dwg. 500-3636)
Fan Load, HP (kW) 56.9 (42.4) 56.9 (42.4)
Set Coolant Capacity, US Gal (L) 53.5 (202.5) 53.5 (202.5)
Total Heat Rejected from Cooling System, BTU/min (MJ/min) 36300.0 (38.5) 31470.0 (33.4)
Heat Radiated to Room, BTU/min (MJ/min) 10330.0 (10.9) 9120.0 (9.7)
Optional Heat Exchanger Cooling (Dwg. 500-3613)
Set Coolant Capacity, US Gal (L) 70.0 (265.0) 70.0 (265.0)
Heat Rejected, Jacket Water Circuit, BTU/min (MJ/min) 20880.0 (22.1) 19350.0 (20.5)
Heat Rejected, Aftercooler Circuit, BTU/min (MJ/min) 15420.0 (16.3) 12120.0 (12.8)
Heat Radiated to Room, BTU/min (MJ/min) 10330.0 (10.9) 9120.0 (9.7)
Max Raw Water Pressure, Jacket Water Circuit, psi (kPa) 180.0 (1241.1) 180.0 (1241.1)
Max Raw Water Pressure, Aftercooler Circuit, psi (kPa) 150.0 (1034.2) 150.0 (1034.2)
Max Raw Water Flow, Jacket Water Circuit, US Gal/min (L/min) 360.0 (1362.6) 360.0 (1362.6)
Max Raw Water Flow, Aftercooler Circuit, US Gal/min (L/min) 150.0 (567.8) 150.0 (567.8)
Min Raw Water Flow @ 80o F (27o C) Inlet Temp, Jacket Water Circuit, US 42.0 (159.0) 42.0 (159.0)
Gal/min (L/min)
Min Raw Water Flow @ 80o F (27o C) Inlet Temp, Aftercooler Circuit, US 90.0 (340.6) 90.0 (340.6)
Gal/min (L/min)
Raw Water Delta P@Min Flow, Jacket Water Circuit, psi (Pa) 0.2 (1379.0) 0.2 (1379.0)
Raw Water Delta P@Min Flow, Aftercooler Circuit, psi (Pa) 0.8 (5516.0) 0.8 (5516.0)
Max Jacket Water Outlet Temp,oF (oC) 220.0 (104.4) 212.0 (100.0)
Max Aftercooler Inlet Temp,oF (oC) 150.0 (65.6) 150.0 (65.6)
Optional Remote Radiator Cooling (Dwg. 500-3612)
Set Coolant Capacity, US Gal (L) 24.2 (91.6) 24.2 (91.6)
Max Flow Rate @ Max Friction Head, Jacket Water Circuit, Gal/min (L/min) 262.0 (991.7) 262.0 (991.7)
Max Flow Rate @ Max Friction Head, Aftercooler Circuit, Gal/min (L/min) 80.0 (302.8) 80.0 (302.8)
Heat Rejected, Jacket Water Circuit, BTU/min (MJ/min) 20880.0 (22.1) 19350.0 (20.5)
Heat Rejected, Aftercooler Circuit, BTU/min (MJ/min) 15420.0 (16.3) 12120.0 (12.8)
Heat Radiated to Room, BTU/min (MJ/min) 10330.0 (10.9) 9120.0 (9.7)
Max Friction Head, Jacket Water Circuit, psi (kPa) 10.0 (68.9) 10.0 (68.9)
Max Friction Head, Aftercooler Circuit, psi (kPa) 7.0 (48.3) 7.0 (48.3)
Max Static Head, Jacket Water Circuit, ft (m) 46.0 (14.0) 46.0 (14.0)
Max Static Head, Aftercooler Circuit, ft (m) 46.0 (14.0) 46.0 (14.0)
Max Jacket Water Outlet Temp,oF (oC) 220.0 (104.4) 212.0 (100.0)
Max Aftercooler Circuit Inlet Temp @ 77o F (11o C),oF (oC) 120.0 (48.9) 120.0 (48.9)
Max Aftercooler Circuit Inlet Temp,oF (oC) 150.0 (65.6) 150.0 (65.6)
Combustion Air, scfm (m3/min) 2840.0 (80.4) 2650.0 (75.0)
Alternator Cooling Air, scfm (m3/min) 6720.0 (190.2) 6720.0 (190.2)
Radiator Cooling Air, scfm (m3/min) 34000.0 (962.2) 34000.0 (962.2)
Max. Static Restriction, in H2O (Pa) 0.5 (124.5) 0.5 (124.5)
© 2004-2005 Cummins Power Generation Specifications subject to change without notice S-1311m
Cummins heavy duty diesel engines use advanced combustion technology for reliable and stable power, low emissions, and
fast response to sudden load changes.
Electronic governing provides precise speed regulation, especially useful for applications requiring constant (isochronous)
frequency regulation such as Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) systems, non-linear loads, or sensitive electronic loads.
Optional coolant heaters are recommended for all emergency standby installations or for any application requiring fast load
acceptance after start-up.
General Specifications
Base Engine Cummins Model QST30-G5 Nonroad 1, Turbocharged and Low Temperature
Aftercooled, diesel-fueled
Displacement in (L) 1860.0 (30.5)
Overspeed Limit, rpm 2100 ±50
Regenerative Power, kW 82.00
Cylinder Block Configuration Cast iron, 50°V 12 cylinder
Battery Capacity 1280 amps minimum at ambient temperature of 32°F (0°C)
Battery Charging Alternator 35 amps
Starting Voltage 24-volt, negative ground
Lube Oil Filter Types Four spin-on, full flow; two bypass oil filters
Standard Cooling System 122oF (50o C) ambient radiator
Fuel System Direct injection, number 2 diesel fuel; fuel filter; automatic electric fuel shutoff
Power Output Standby Prime
Gross Engine Power Output, bhp (kWm) 1490.0 (1111.5) 1350.0 (1007.1)
BMEP at Rated Load, psi (kPa) 352.0 (2427.0) 319.0 (2199.4)
Bore, in. (mm) 5.51 (140.0) 5.51 (140.0)
Stroke, in. (mm) 6.50 (165.1) 6.50 (165.1)
Piston Speed, ft/min (m/s) 1949.0 (9.9) 1949.0 (9.9)
Compression Ratio 14.0:1 14.0:1
Lube Oil Capacity, qt. (L) 140.0 (132.5) 140.0 (132.5)
Fuel Flow
Fuel Flow at Rated Load, US Gal/hr (L/hr) 150.0 (567.8) 150.0 (567.8)
Maximum Inlet Restriction, in. Hg (mm Hg) 4.0 (101.6) 4.0 (101.6)
Maximum Return Restriction, in. Hg (mm Hg) 20.0 (508.0) 20.0 (508.0)
Air Cleaner
Maximum Air Cleaner Restriction, in. H2O (kPa) 25.0 (6.2) 25.0 (6.2)
Exhaust Flow at Rated Load, cfm (m3/min) 7775.0 (220.0) 6960.0 (197.0)
Exhaust Temperature,oF (oC) 975.0 (523.9) 920.0 (493.3)
Max Back Pressure, in. H2O (kPa) 27.0 (6.7) 27.0 (6.7)
Fuel Consumption
Load 1/4 1/2 3/4 Full 1/4 1/2 3/4 Full
US Gal/hr 20.6 35.3 51.1 69.3 19.2 32.3 46.2 61.8
L/hr 78 134 193 262 73 122 175 234
© 2004-2005 Cummins Power Generation Specifications subject to change without notice S-1311m
A single-bearing alternator is coupled directly to the engine flywheel with flexible discs for drivetrain reliability and durability.
No gear reducers or speed changers are used. Two-thirds pitch armature windings minimize output voltage third-order
harmonic content.
A Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG) excitation system limits voltage dip during transient load application, sustains 3-phase
short circuit current at approximately three times rated for up to 10 seconds, and is resistant to harmful effects of harmonics
generated by non-linear loads. The alternator delivers excellent performance in applications containing large motors or
sensitive electronics.
Several alternator sizes are available to meet individual application needs. Alternator sizes are differentiated by maximum
winding temperature rise at the generator set standby or prime rating when operated in a 40oC ambient environment.
Available temperature rises range from 80oC to 150oC. Not all temperature rise selections are available on all models. Lower
temperature rise is accomplished using larger alternators at lower current density. Lower temperature rise alternators have
high motor starting kVA, lower voltage dip upon load application, and they are generally recommended to limit voltage
distortion and heating due to harmonics induced by non-linear loads.
General Specifications
Design Brushless 4-pole, drip-proof, revolving field
Stator 2/3 pitch
Rotor Direct coupled by flexible disc
Insulation System Class H (LV), Class F (MV) per NEMA MG1-1.65
o o
Standard Temperature Rise 125 C @ Standby; 105 C @ Prime (LV)
Exciter Type Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG)
Phase Rotation A (U), B (V), C (W)
Alternator Cooling Direct drive centrifugal blower
AC Waveform Total Harmonic Distortion <5% total no load to full linear load
Telephone Influence Factor (TIF) <3% for any single harmonic
Telephone Harmonic Factor (THF) <50 per NEMA MG1-22.43
Three Phase Table1 80o C 80o C 105o C 105o C 125o C 125o C 125o C 125o C 105o C
Feature Code B284 B604 B283 B301 B252 B282 B288 B276 B300
Alternator Data Sheet 331 330 330 312 312 330 312 311 311
Voltage Ranges 220/380 347/600 220/380 347/600 120/208 220/380 240/416 277/480 347/600
Thru Thru Thru Thru Thru
277/480 277/480 139/240 277/480 277/480
Surge kW 1024 1004 1018 1024 1019 1018 1019 1018 1021
Motor Starting kVA (at PMG 5521 4602 4602 4234 4234 4602 4234 3866 3866
90% sustained voltage)
Full Load Current - 120/208 127/220 120/240 139/240 220/380 230/400 240/416 255/440 277/480 347/600
Amps at Standby Rating 3470 3280 3007 3007 1899 1804 1735 1640 1504 1202
1. Single Phase Capability: Single phase power can be taken from a three phase generator set at up to 40% of the generator set nameplate kW rating at unity power factor.
© 2004-2005 Cummins Power Generation Specifications subject to change without notice S-1311m
Control System
© 2004-2005 Cummins Power Generation Specifications subject to change without notice S-1311m
ISO9001 - This generator set was designed and manufactured in facilities certified to ISO9001.
PTS - The Prototype Test Support (PTS) program verifies the performance integrity of the generator set
design. Products bearing the PTS symbol have been subjected to demanding tests in accordance to
NFPA 110 to verify the design integrity and performance under both normal and abnormal operating
conditions including short circuit, endurance, temperature rise, torsional vibration, and transient response,
including full load pickup.
UL - The generator set is available Listed to UL2200, Stationary Engine Generator Assemblies. The
PowerCommand control is Listed to UL508 - Category NITW7 for U.S. and Canadian usage. Circuit
breaker assemblies are UL489 Listed for 100% continuous operation and also UL869A Listed
Service Equipment.
Ratings Definitions
Standby Rating based on: Applicable for supplying emergency power for the duration of normal power interruption. No sustained overload
capability is available for this rating.(Equivalent to Fuel Stop Power in accordance with ISO3046, AS2789, DIN6271 and BS5514). Nominally
Prime (Unlimited Running Time) Rating based on: Applicable for supplying power in lieu of commercially purchased power. Prime power is
the maximum power available at a variable load for an unlimited number of hours. A 10% overload capability is available for limited time.
(Equivalent to Prime Power in accordance with ISO8528 and Overload Power in accordance with ISO3046, AS2789, DIN6271, and BS5514).
This rating is not applicable to all generator set models.
Base Load (Continuous) Rating based on: Applicable for supplying power continuously to a constant load up to the full output rating for
unlimited hours. No sustained overload capability is available for this rating. Consult authorized distributor for rating. (Equivalent to Continuous
Power in accordance with ISO8528, ISO3046, AS2789, DIN6271, and BS5514). This rating is not applicable to all generator set models.
© 2004-2005 Cummins Power Generation Specifications subject to change without notice S-1311m
See your distributor for more information
© 2004-2005 Cummins Power Generation Specifications subject to change without notice S-1311m