Foundation Options of A Stacker Reclaimer: October 2019

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Foundation options of a stacker reclaimer

Conference Paper · October 2019


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5 authors, including:

Kheng-Boon Chin
Nanyang Technological University


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Foundation options of a stacker reclaimer

Kheng-Boon Chin1, Y. Ogawa1, S.-M. Bong2, A.-H. Goh2, and S.-H. Gan3

1 Overseas Department, Kiso-Jiban Consultants Co., Ltd., Singapore.

2 Kiso-Jiban (M) Sdn. Bhd., Selangor, Malaysia.
3 TYLin International Sdn. Bhd., Selangor, Malaysia.


With the rapid development and expansion of port in the South-East Asia region, many infrastructure projects have
been constructed at the coastal areas. Recently, as part of development of Eastern Industrial Corridor project, ports at
east coast of Malaysia have been undergoing expansion to increase their capacity. Minerals such as iron and coal
distribution centres are being set up at the east Coast of Malaysia. The port generally serves as a gateway connecting
the mine products from South America to the consumer markets in Asia. The facilities are expected to comprise of a
stockyard equipped with stacker reclaimer when in operation. It is well known that ground conditions at the coastal
area pose significant challenges to the geotechnical engineers. The stockpile of iron and coal ores is envisaged to
exert a significant pressure to the existing ground condition which consists of reclaimed sand overlying thick alluvial
clays. Due to close proximity of the stockpile of iron and coal ores to the operating stacker reclaimer, selection of
foundation of stacker reclaimer becomes difficult and thus a challenging task. This paper aims to discuss the
foundation options of a stacker reclaimer under coastal ground conditions. Analyses with the aid of finite element
methods using commercial software, known as Plaxis 3D, are discussed in details.

Keywords: Pile Group, Stacker Reclaimer, Unbalanced Loading, Settlement, Iron and Coal Ores, Lateral Pressure

1 INTRODUCTION clays), dense to very dense sands. The underlying base

formation materials are of residual soils. The
With the rapid development and expansion of port
groundwater is about 4.5 meters below the ground
in the South-East Asia region, many infrastructure
projects have been constructed at the coastal areas.
Recently, as part of development of Eastern Industrial
The sand fill has an average thickness of about
Corridor project, ports at east coast of Malaysia have
12.5m, with the standard penetration test (SPT) blow
been undergoing expansion to increase their capacity.
counts ranging from 9 to 94. It appears that the sand
Minerals such as iron and coal distribution centres are
layer has been compacted to some extent. Based upon
being set up at the east Coast of Malaysia. The facilities
the site history, it also seems that the underlying clayey
are expected to comprise of a stockyard equipped with
materials has been ground improved with an average
stacker reclaimer when in operation. The stockpile of
over-consolidation ratio (OCR) of about 1.7 and
iron and coal ores is envisaged to exert a significant
undrained shear strength, cu ranging from 70 kPa to 220
pressure to the existing ground condition which consists
kPa. The native sandy materials were of medium dense
of reclaimed sand overlying thick alluvial clays.
to very dense in term of relative density, and often were
Literature showed that deep and shallow foundation
sandwiched between clayey materials. Competent
systems (Peck and Raamot, 1964; Powell and Harris
residual soils with SPT more than 50 were encountered
1977) have been used successfully at stockyard areas.
at a depth of about 50m. A representative generalized
This paper attempts to explore the feasibility of pile and
soil model of the site is illustrated in Fig. 1.
shallow foundation options for stacker reclaimer with
emphasis on the use of three-dimensional finite element

In our site investigation campaign, a total of eleven
exploratory boreholes have been drilled to a depth of
approximately 55m into competent residual soil. Our
site investigation revealed that the ground condition of
the site generally consists of thick reclaimed sand fill
overlying the alluvial deposits (sandy silt and sandy
stockpiles will be placed. As such, a series of different
critical loading scenarios, as shown in Fig. 3, have been
hypothesized in the design of foundations for stacker
reclaimer. These include:

Scenario 1: Applying a maximum height of one

stockpile of coal ore and two stockpiles of iron ore.
Scenario 2: Applying a maximum height of one
stockpile of iron ore.
Scenario 3: Applying a maximum height of two
stockpiles of iron ore.
Fig. 1. Representative soil model.
Two railway tracks, spanning about 450m in length,
will run parallel to each other. Two ore types, namely
iron and coal will be stacked and reclaimed at the new
port. A typical sectional view of the stacked ores is (a) Scenario 1
presented in Fig. 2. The operating stacker reclaimer is
estimated to be about 6000 kN while the unit weights of
the iron and coal ores are estimated to be 24 kN/m3 and
8 kN/m3, respectively. The iron ore will be stacked to a
maximum height of 5.45m while the coal ore will be
stacked to a maximum height of 12.5m. The base width (b) Scenario 2
of the stockpiles is 40m.

3000kN 3000kN
Iron-1 Iron-2

Rail-2 Rail-1

Fig. 2. Typical plan and sectional view of stockpile area. (c) Scenario 3

4 METHODOLOGY Fig. 3. Envisaged critical stockpile loading configuration.

A finite element analysis software, PLAXIS 3D was It is expected that during operation stage, the
used in this study. PLAXIS 3D enables following requirements have to be fulfilled:
three-dimensional analyses to be performed on the
soil-structure interactions, thus eliminating the 1. The maximum differential settlement between Rail-1
uncertainty in 2D model when three-dimensional effect and Rail-2 should be limited to 1:600.
is inevitably needed in some loading arrangements. In 2. The total maximum differential settlement of rail
the finite element analysis, all the soil materials were track in longitudinal direction (i.e., for total length,
simulated as Mohr-Coulomb (MC) model, except the L=450m) should be limited to 1:1000.
sandy silt (MSSS material) and medium stiff sandy clay 3. The local maximum differential settlement of rail
(MSSC material) were simulated as soft soil (SS) track in longitudinal direction (i.e., for length between
model. The soil parameters are summarized in Table 1. two supporting foundations in longitudinal direction)
Considering long-term effect, the analysis was carried should be limited to 1:300.
out under steady-state conditions.

Table 1. Summary of soil parameters 4.2 Pile Foundations

γsat c' ' cu E’ k Consolidation Parameter For pile foundations, both driven spun piles and
kN/m3 kPa ° kPa MPa m/s OCR e0 cr cc
Fill 17*/18 0 35 - 2.5N 10-5 - - - - bored piles were considered. All the piles have been
11.5 10-10
designed with toe socketed 1m into competent residual
VstC 18.0 0 22 150 25.0 10-8 - - - - soil, where the SPT-N > 50, representing end-bearing
DVDS 20.0 0 35 - 2.5N 10-6 - - - -
RS1 20.0 1 30 - 2.5N 10-6 - - - - piles. To investigate the floating pile behaviour, one
RS3 20.0 5 32 - 2.5N 10-6 - - - -
Note: *indicates unit weight above groundwater level. option of spun pile group was modelled where the pile
toe terminates in clay layer (MSSC) at about CD-16.0m.
4.1 Loadings and Requirements The following five options, as illustrated selectively in
The loadings imposed by the ore stockpile, are of Fig. 4 have been included in this study.
critical in the design of foundations for the stacker
reclaimer. During operation, it is unclear how the Option 1: Raked spun pile with a diameter of 600 mm
and the rake angle is 1H: 7V. Each pile group consists (a) Option 6
of four number of piles. Fig. 5. Shallow foundations options.
Option 2: Same as above except the piles are vertical.
Option 3: Same as Option 2, except pile toe terminates 5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
in clay layer (i.e. floating pile model).
Option 4: Same as Option 2, except jet grouting pile Table 2 presents the analyses results for all the
(JGP) with a 2m thick wall is installed between the pile foundation options. The induced pile’s bending
group and the toe of embankment. Based on local moment, vertical and horizontal displacement of pile
practice, the JGP’s design undrained shear strength and caps/footing, and rotation between Rail-1 and Rail-2
elastic modulus are 250 kPa and 150 MPa, respectively. have been summarized under different operation
Option 5: Single bored pile with a diameter of 1.0m. scenarios.

For Option 1 (Raked spun pile), due the exertion of

lateral pressure by stockpile loadings, the maximum
bending moments induced were ranging from 364 kNm
(i.e., Scenario 1 with three full coal and iron stockpiles)
to 377 kNm (i.e., Scenario 2 with one full iron
stockpile). The corresponding lateral pile displacements
were 31 mm and 39 mm, respectively. A typical lateral
displacement and bending moment of pile under
(a) Option 1 Scenario 2 is presented in Fig. 6. It can be seen that the
maximum induced bending moment of pile was located
between the interface of sand fill and clayey material. It
is likely that it is due to the abrupt change of maximum
pile curvature at that interface when stockpile loading
was applied. It should be noted that under working load
due to the self-weight of stacker reclaimer, the axial
force of pile is only about 1000 kN. However, when
stockpile loading is applied, the maximum axial force
increases to about 3500 kN. This suggests that drag
force has taken place due to the more relatively
(b) Option 4 settlement adjacent to the pile. The differential
settlement between two rail pile caps was ranging from
Fig. 4. Pile foundations options.
8 to 23 mm. The corresponding rotation is estimated to
be ranging from 1:1000 to 1:347, where the larger
rotation is associated with larger unbalanced loading
4.3 Shallow Foundations scenario.
Based on our site investigation, relatively good soil
was encountered at shallow depths. This provides an
opportunity for the stacker reclaimer to be supported by
footing foundation. For preliminary design, all the
square footing has been designed with a width of 2.7m. Iron ore Iron ore
The shallow foundation options are illustrated in Fig. 5.
Fill (Sand)
The following two options have been included in this
study. Sandy Silt (MSSS)

Option 6: No ground improvement (i.e., as is, existing Sandy Clay (MSSC)

Option 7: JGP ground improvement below stockpiles of
coal and iron ores.
Fig. 6. Lateral displacement and bending moment of raked piles.

For Option 2 (Vertical spun pile), the maximum

bending moments induced was about 359 kNm and the
maximum axial force was about 3200 kN. The results
suggest that there is a reduction in bending moment and
cu = 250 kPa axial force for vertical piles as compared to raked piles.
E’=150 MPa
(b) Option 7
This can be expected, as a higher degree of raking angle
will result in a higher bending moment and axial force
due to the presence of soil weight above the raked piles.

As compared to Option 2, the maximum bending

moments induced for friction/floating spun pile group
(Option 3) was reduced to about 254 kNm (i.e., about
30% reduction) while the maximum axial force was
reduced to about 1150 kN (i.e., about 64% reduction).
However, the maximum settlement has increased to 130 Fig. 7. Settlement profile under Scenario-1 for Option 7.
mm as compared to 38 mm for end-bearing pile group.
The results showed that significant drag force can be For Option 7 (Footing with soil improvement below
expected in end-bearing piles, where movement of pile stockpile), the maximum settlement of footing was
is restricted, and should not be overlooked. ranging from 42 to 56 mm when stockpile loading is
Table 2. Summary of analysis results for allunder different
the foundation optionsscenarios. The corresponding
Rail-1 Rail-2
Individual Pile
Pile Cap/Footing
between two rail
Individual Pile
footings was estimated toRotation
Pile Cap/Footing
Max. Max. Max. Max. Max. Max. Max. Max. Max. Max. Max. Max. (over a
Options Scenario
Axial Bending Vertical Lateral Vertical Lateral Axial Bending Vertical Lateral Vertical Lateral distance
Force Moment Disp. Disp. Disp. Disp. Force Moment Disp. Disp. Disp. Disp. of 8m)
(kN) (kNm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kN) (kNm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 3556 364 41 31 41 6 3277 177 33 6 33 3 1:1000
2 3220 377 36 39 36 1 1884 82 14 24 14 3 1:363
1. Raked Spun Piles
3 3364 370 37 44 37 4 1762 87 14 26 14 4 1:347
1 3183 338 38 26 38 6 3088 134 34 8 34 3 1:2000
2. Vertical Spun Piles 2 3007 359 32 35 32 2 1284 84 16 26 16 3 1:500
(end-bearing pile) 3 3038 348 33 41 33 3 1176 88 15 28 15 4 1:444
1 1085 157 131 24 131 5 991 65 115 17 115 3 1:500
3. Vertical Spun Piles
2 1141 254 110 36 110 7 662 200 75 33 75 9 1:229
(friction/floating pile)
3 1084 223 107 39 107 10 671 179 71 35 71 10 1:222
1 2743 83 33 24 33 2 1885 32 26 11 26 2 1:1143
4. Vertical Spun Piles with 2 2640 102 29 31 29 2 1325 77 16 24 16 3 1:615
2m thick JGP wall 3 2662 102 29 37 29 3 1244 89 16 27 16 4 1:615
1 7211 743 69 23 69 6 6870 200 67 12 67 1 1:4000
2 6812 1220 57 36 57 5 5444 640 38 30 38 4 1:421
5. Single Bored Piles 1m dia.
3 6776 1111 57 40 57 9 5234 566 35 31 35 4 1:364
1 - - - - 172 9 - - - - 154 7 1:444
6. Footing: without soil
2 - - - - 149 18 - - - - 108 22 1:195
3 - - - - 149 21 - - - - 108 22 1:195
7. Footing: with soil 1 - - - - 56 1 - - - - 52 0 1:2000
improvement below 2 - - - - 53 2 - - - - 42 1 1:727
stockpiles 3 - - - 53 2 - - - - 42 1 1:727

For Option 4 (Vertical spun pile with JGP wall), the

maximum bending moments induced has significantly
been reduced to approximately 100 kNm. This is likely ranging from 1:2000 to 1:727. A typical settlement
that the JGP wall provides a barrier protection zone for profile under Scenario 1 for Option 7 is presented in
the pile from being exposed to the direct lateral Fig. 7. This option is deemed as idealized condition, as
pressure induced by stockpile loading. However, this settlements can be kept well within the tolerable limits,
should be verified at site with caution. For Option 5 however, this may also be a very costly option.
(Single bored pile with 1m dia.), the maximum bending
moments induced was about 1220 kNm, which is 6 CONCLUDING REMARKS AND SPECIAL
approximately 3.4 times higher than that of a 600 mm CONSIDERATION
dia. spun piles. This can be expected as pile with higher Operating structures founded on coastal area are
flexural rigidity tends to draw more bending moments. often susceptible to serviceability problem, due to the
presence of unfavourable clayey deposits. In this paper,
For shallow foundation, the finite element study the foundation systems of a stacker reclaimer have been
showed that under existing soil condition (i.e. Option explored in details. These include pile and shallow
6), the footing may subject to a maximum total foundations, with/without ground improvement. For
settlement ranging from 108 to 172 mm for different pile foundations (i.e. end-bearing type), additional drag
critical stockpile loading. This results in a rotation force induced by settlement underneath the stockpile
ranging from 1:444 to 1:195. However, with the aid of (i.e. adjacent to the piles) should not be overlooked
instrumentation monitoring programme, occasional when designing pile capacity. The finite element
“re-ballast” of rail alignment may provide an analyses also showed that unbalanced loadings due to
economical option when total or differential the stockpile, are of a major concern. If differential
settlement/rotation limit (i.e., work suspension level) settlement can be controlled by having a clear and
has been breached. It should be noted that this will only stringent standard operating protocol on stockpile (e.g.
be viable, if disruption of operation can be tolerated. avoid extreme unbalanced stockpile), footing without
soil improvement (i.e., Option 6) may appear to be the
most cost-saving option. Further analyses are required
to establish the guidance on stockpile loading.

The authors thank the management team of
Kiso-Jiban Consultants Co. Ltd, and TYLIN
International Sdn. Bhd. for their support in this paper
preparation. The comments provided by reviewer are
gratefully acknowledged.

Peck, R B., and Raamot, T. (1964). Foundation behavior of iron
ore storage yards. Journal ASCE, 90(SM3), 16-26.
Powell, T.M.T, and Harris, G. M. (1977). Foundation
performance of a stockpile area for coal. Proc., 5th Southeast
Asian Conference on soil engineering, Thailand, 1-14.

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