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Volume 1 Series 1100

Specification for Road Works Kerbs, Footways and Paved Areas


Clause Title Page

1101 Prefabricated Kerbs, Channels, Edgings and Quadrants ..................................................... 2

1102 In Situ Asphalt Kerbs ............................................................................................................. 2
1103 In Situ Concrete Kerbs, Channels and Edge Details ............................................................ 3
1104 Footways and Paved Areas (Precast Concrete Flags and Natural Stone Slabs) ................. 3
1105 Footways and Paved Areas (Flexible Surfacing) ................................................................... 3
1106 Footways and Paved Areas (In Situ Concrete) ...................................................................... 4
1107 Footways and Paved Areas (Concrete Block Paving) ............................................................ 4
1108 Footways and Paved Areas (Clay Pavers) ............................................................................. 4
1109 Footways and Paved Areas (Cellular Grass Paving Systems) ............................................. 4
1110 Access Steps ............................................................................................................................. 5

December 2010 1
Volume 1 Series 1100
Specification for Road Works Kerbs, Footways and Paved Areas

Kerbs, Footways and Paved Areas

of the pavement and shall be caulked and
1101 Prefabricated Kerbs, Channels, sealed as described in the 1000 Series.
Concrete foundations to kerbs, channels and
Edgings and Quadrants edgings laid adjacent to a concrete pavement
shall be provided with joint filler board
Precast Concrete Kerbs
complying with the 1000 Series and placed
1 Except where otherwise specified in this vertically through the full extent of the
Clause, precast concrete kerbs, channels, concrete foundation at positions coinciding
edgings and quadrants shall conform to IS EN with the pavement joints. At expansion joints
1340 and their dimensions, type designations in bridge decks, the kerb joints shall be as
and performances and classes shall be as described in Appendix 11/1. Where the details
described in this Clause and Appendix 11/1 of bridge expansion joints are proposed by the
and may be selected from the standard types Contractor, such details shall include the
for road works shown in the NRA Road intended treatment at kerbs and footways.
Construction Details listed in Appendix 11/3.
They shall be laid and bedded in accordance 4 For curves of radius 12 m or less, kerbs of
with BS 7533-6 on a mortar bed on a concrete appropriate radius shall be used.
pavement slab, a base or a ST4 in accordance
with BS 8500-2 concrete foundation. The 5 The surface level of units of kerb, channel,
mortar bed may be omitted if units are bedded edging and quadrant shall not deviate from
onto a concrete slab or foundation that is still the design level ±6 mm, nor shall the
plastic. All precast units laid on a mortar bed longitudinal surface regularity deviate more
or bedded onto a plastic concrete shall be than 3 mm in 3 m when checked with a 3 m
backed with a strength class ST4 concrete in straight edge. Horizontal alignment shall
accordance with BS 8500-2. comply with the 700 Series.

2 Precast concrete kerbs, which are to be bonded

Alternative Materials
to the pavement surface, shall conform to IS
EN 1340. The bonding materials and methods 6 Kerbs using alternative materials may be
of bonding shall be to the manufacturer’s proposed by the Contractor subject to IAB
recommendations for this specific application. certification (or equivalent) and demonstration
Bonded kerbs shall not be less than 100mm in of equivalent performance to the above
width at the base, their height shall not exceed requirements for precast concrete kerbs, as
their width and they shall be bonded over relevant to the intended use.
their full width. Kerbs shall be precast to the
dimensions described in Appendix 11/1 and
may be selected from the standard types for 1102 In Situ Asphalt Kerbs
road works shown in the NRA Road 1 The materials for, and making and placing of
Construction Details listed in Appendix 11/3. in situ asphalt kerbs shall comply with the
The clear distance between unsupported recommendations of BS 5931. In addition, a
pavement edge and back of kerb shall be not tack coat shall be used and they shall be laid
less than 100mm. The bending strength of by a machine capable of producing a dense,
units shall be established by testing in smooth-surfaced kerb to true line and level.
accordance with IS EN 1340 and shall not be
less than class 2 in Table 3 of IS EN 1340. 2 Kerbs shall be constructed to the dimensions
Units shall be installed in accordance with the described in Appendix 11/1 and may be
manufacturer’s instructions. They shall be selected from the standard types for road
bonded to the pavement surface with a works shown in the NRA Road Construction
resilient adhesive compatible with the Details listed in Appendix 11/3.
pavement materials and be capable of
withstanding a static push-off load of 10kN/m 3 Vertical expansion and contraction joints shall
applied parallel to the pavement surface at be formed in kerbs laid on unreinforced
right angles to the kerb. concrete slabs and jointed reinforced concrete
slabs to coincide with the pavement transverse
3 Joints shall be provided in kerbs, channels, expansion and contraction joints. All joints
edgings and backing, which are laid on or shall be sealed in compliance with the 1000
adjacent to a concrete pavement to coincide Series.
with the pavement transverse contraction,
warping and expansion joints. The joints shall 4 The vertical alignment of the top of the kerb
be the same width as the joint sealing grooves shall not depart from the design level by more

December 2010 2
Volume 1 Series 1100
Specification for Road Works Kerbs, Footways and Paved Areas

than ±6 mm and at any point the maximum 6 The horizontal alignment shall not depart
deviation of the top of the kerb under a from that shown in the Contract by more than
straight edge shall be not greater than 3 mm ±13 mm, nor deviate from the straight by more
in 3 m. than 3 mm in 3m.

5 The horizontal alignment shall not depart

from that described in the Contract by more 1104 Footways and Paved Areas
than ±13 mm nor deviate from the straight by (Precast Concrete Flags and
more than 3 mm in 3 m.
Natural Stone Slabs)
1 Precast concrete flags shall be hydraulically
1103 In Situ Concrete Kerbs, pressed and comply with IS EN 1339. Natural
stone slabs shall conform to IS EN 1341. Type
Channels and Edge Details
designations, thicknesses and performances
1 In situ concrete kerbs, channels and edge and classes shall be as described in Appendix
details shall comply with the 11/1.
recommendations of BS 5931 and shall be laid
by a machine capable of forming dense kerbs 2 Precast concrete flags and natural stone slabs
or surface water channels or edge details with shall be laid in accordance with BS 7533-4, to
regular sides, arrises and chamfers, finished to the required cross falls with a bond as
a fine surface free from blow holes and described in Appendix 11/1 and with joints at
dragging to true line and level and constructed right angles to the kerb. Flags and natural
to the dimensions described in Appendix 11/1 stone slabs shall be bedded on a layer of
and may be selected from the standard types mortar not less than 10 mm and not more
for road works shown in the NRA Road than 40 mm thick. Where permitted in
Construction Details listed in Appendix 11/3 . Appendix 11/1 as an alternative, flags and
natural stone slabs 450 mm x 450 mm and
2 The concrete shall be Grade C32/40 complying smaller may be bedded on a layer of clean
with the 1000 Series. Coarse aggregate used in sharp sand complying with IS EN 12620
kerbs and channels shall be partially crushed designation 0/4 mm, 25 mm ± 5 mm thick.
or crushed materials. Joints to be filled with sand conforming to BS
EN 12620 designation 0/2.
3 The concrete shall be cured by one of the
methods specified in the 1000 Series unless 3 On circular work where the radius is 12 m or
otherwise described in Appendix 11/1. less all flags and natural stone slabs shall be
radially cut on both edges to the required line.
4 Kerbs, channels and edge details shall be
firmly secured to the surface on which they
are laid. Vertical expansion and contraction 1105 Footways and Paved Areas
joints shall be formed in kerbs, channels and (Flexible Surfacing)
edge details laid on or adjacent to
unreinforced concrete slabs and jointed 1 Flexible surfacing for footways and paved
reinforced concrete slabs to coincide with the areas shall be 10 mm size open graded asphalt
pavement transverse expansion, warping and concrete surface course made and laid in
contraction joints. Vertical expansion joints at compliance with the 900 Series, or other
40 m spacings and intermediate contraction material described in Appendix 11/1. The
joints at 5 m spacings shall be formed in colour of the surfacing shall be as described in
kerbs, channels and edge details laid on or Appendix 11/1.
adjacent to other types of concrete and flexible
pavement. Expansion joints may be replaced 2 Surfacing shall be laid to design levels and
by contraction joints during the summer crossfalls, and be of 50 mm nominal layer
period in accordance with the appropriate thickness or as otherwise described in
Clauses in the 1000 Series. All joints in kerbs, Appendix 11/1.
channels and edge details shall be sealed in
compliance with the 1000 Series. 3 Surfacing shall be laid on a sub-base of 150
mm nominal thickness of granular material
5 The vertical alignment of the finished kerb complying with Clause 804, laid and
shall not depart from the design level by more compacted in accordance with the 800 Series,
than ±6 mm and, at any point, the maximum or as otherwise described in Appendix 11/1.
deviation of the top of the kerb under a
straight edge shall be not greater than 3 mm 4 The vertical alignment of the finished surface
in 3 m. shall not depart from the design level by more
than ± 10 mm and at any point the maximum

December 2010 3
Volume 1 Series 1100
Specification for Road Works Kerbs, Footways and Paved Areas

deviation of the surface under a straight edge 3 The layout of blocks and details at edges,
shall not be greater than 5 mm in 3 m. chamber covers, gullies and other openings
shall be as described in Appendix 11/1.
5 Flexible surfacing for footways and paved
areas shall be machine laid unless agreed 4 The vertical alignment of the finished surface
otherwise by the Employers Representative. shall not depart from the design level by more
than ±10 mm and at any point the maximum
deviation of the surface under a straight edge
1106 Footways and Paved Areas (In shall not be greater than 5 mm in 3 m.
Situ Concrete)
1 In situ concrete for footways and paved areas 1108 Footways and Paved Areas (Clay
shall be GradeC25/30 to BS 8500. It shall be
made, laid and cured in accordance with the Pavers)
requirements of the 1000 Seriesor as 1 Clay pavers shall conform to IS EN 1344 with
otherwise described in Appendix 11/1. It shall chamfers. The shapes, dimensions, colours and
be finished by floating with a wooden trowel performances and other required classes of
and while still “green” lightly brushed with a clay pavers shall be as described in Appendix
bass broom to produce a slight roughness, or 11/1.
as otherwise described in Appendix 11/1.
2 Clay pavers shall be laid in accordance with
2 In situ concrete shall be laid to design levels BS 7533-3, except that the subbase shall be
and crossfalls, and be of 100 mm nominal one of the materials permitted the appropriate
thickness or as described in Appendix 11/1. Clauses in the 1100 Series.

3 Expansion joints shall be neatly formed in 3 The layout of pavers and details at edges,
straight lines, at not greater than 3 m centres, chamber covers, gullies and other openings
and so arranged as to coincide with the joints shall be as described in Appendix 11/1.
in the kerb. Joints shall be formed by inserting
a double layer of roofing felt or other approved
material, which shall extend for the full depth 1109 Footways and Paved Areas
of the slab and be finished off neatly at the (Cellular Grass Paving Systems)
surface. The Contractor shall ensure that the
double layer of roofing felt in the joints is 1 Cellular grass paving systems shall consist of
supported and held in a straight line during a reinforced perforated in-situ concrete slab or
the construction process. a prefabricated panel system as specified in
Appendix 11/1 and in the locations shown on
the drawings in the Contract.
4 In situ concrete shall be laid on a sub-base of
100 mm nominal thickness of granular
material complying with Clause 803 or 804, 2 Prefabricated proprietary systems shall have
laid and compacted in compliance the 800 an NSAI Agrément (or equivalent) certificate
Series, or as otherwise described in Appendix for the intended use.
3 In-situ cellular grass systems shall be cast and
5 The vertical alignment of the finished surface cured as described in Appendix 11/1. The
shall not depart from the design level by more strength class of concrete and surface finish
than ±10 mm and at any point the maximum shall be as described in Appendix 11/1.
deviation of the surface under a straight edge
shall not be greater than 5 mm in 3m. 4 Perforations shall be formed in in-situ cellular
grass systems as described in Appendix 11/1.

1107 Footways and Paved Areas 5 Concrete panels shall conform to the shape,
dimensions and colour described in Appendix
(Concrete Block Paving) 11/1.
1 Precast concrete paving blocks shall be
chamfered and shall comply with IS EN 1338 6 Concrete used shall have compressive strength
and conform to the shapes, dimensions and class of 28/35 and panels when tested in
colours described in Appendix 11/1. accordance with IS EN 1339, the characteristic
bending strength shall be class 3 to Table 5 of
2 Precast paving blocks shall be laid in BS EN 1339. The water absorption when
accordance with BS 7533- Part 3. tested in accordance with IS EN 1339 shall be
class 2 of Table 4.1.

December 2010 4
Volume 1 Series 1100
Specification for Road Works Kerbs, Footways and Paved Areas

7 The layout of panels and details at edges,

chamber covers, gullies and other openings
shall be as described in Appendix 11/1.

8 Cellular grass paving systems shall be laid to

true levels and crossfalls, and be of the
thickness described in Appendix 11/1.

9 Cellular grass paving systems shall be laid on

a bed of Type B sub-base conforming to Clause
804 laid and compacted in accordance with the
appropriate Clauses in the 800 Series and to
the thickness described in Appendix 11/1. In
addition panels shall be bedded on a layer of
sand conforming to Appendix 11/1.

10 Perforations shall be filled with friable soil

free from deleterious matter or with other
material as described in Appendix 11/1,
levelled off 30mm below the top surface, sown
with grass seed as described in Appendix 11/1,
covered with a layer of fine soil and levelled.
The seed shall be sown while soil is still loose
after filling.

1110 Access Steps

1 Steps provided for access to maintain the road
infrastructure shall be constructed to the
specification and requirements given in
Appendix 11/2.

December 2010 5

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