The Quote Sandwich PDF
The Quote Sandwich PDF
The Quote Sandwich PDF
Introduce It!
Before adding in your quote introduce it with a signal
phrase and a reporting verb (See the following page for
some examples).
Ex: Robin Lakoff argues that….
After you have introduced your quote with a signal phrase or reporting verb add in your
quote! Ex: Robin Lakoff argues that “[c]ultural bias was built into the language we were
allowed to speak about, and the ways were spoken of” (152).
Explain It!
Now that you’ve added in your quote, explain why the quote is
important. What do you think it means? How does it connect
with your thesis? (Your explanation should be at least as long, or
longer that the quote itself)
Introducing Quotations1
To guarantee that your reader clearly follows your writing, you should introduce your
quotes with a signal phrase, reporting verb, or both (as shown in the quote sandwich)
rather than simply plopping the quote down. If you add in a quote without any sort of
introduction, your reader may not understand how the quote connects to your paragraph,
even if it makes sense to you (think of it as similar to a random thought in a conversation).
Below are examples of signal phrases and reporting verbs that you can use to introduce
your quotes:
For Example:
Dwight Bolinger notes that “in a society where women and farmers are regarded as
inferior, sex differences and occupational differences become class differences” (99).
Malcolm X writes, “I was so fascinated that I went on- I copied the dictionary’s next
page. And the same experience came when I studied that. With every succeeding page, I
also learned of people and places and events from history” (89).
Elizabeth Wong comments “The language was a source of embarrassment. More times
than not, I had tried to dissociate myself from the nagging, loud voice that followed me
wherever I wandered in the nearby American supermarket outside Chinatown” (291).
Adapted from Texts and Contexts
Punctuating Quotes
In addition to incorporating quotes with the quote sandwich, and introducing them
with signal phrases and reporting verbs, there are a few punctuation rules to keep
in mind.
The first time you reference an article (or other text) you need to give the name(s) of
the author(s), the title of the article, and the name of the magazine or book
(if you know it).
Other Notes:
• Insert ellipses (…) wherever you delete any words from the original quotation