Amhara-Major Investment Opportunities
Amhara-Major Investment Opportunities
Amhara-Major Investment Opportunities
Prepared by Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations(ECCSA)
Anghereb, Millie, Kessem and Jema are among the major national rivers, which are
found in this region. Tana, the largest lake in Ethiopia is located at centre of the
region. It covers an area of 3,6000 km2. Besides, other crater lakes like Zengeni,
Gudena Yetilba, Ardibo (75km2) and Logia (35 km2) are small lakes that are found in
the region. The rivers and lakes of the region have immense potential for
hydroelectric power generation, irrigation and fishery development.
Language: Amharic is the working language of the state.
Population: Over 20.2 million people live in Amhara Regional State. It is the second
most populous region in Ethiopia. Of the total population, 56% are between the ages
of 15 and 60 while 43.1% are below the age of 14 - implying a strong manpower
resource. Nearly 87% of the population lives in rural area while the remaining are
urban dwellers.
Administrative structure: consists of 12 administrative zones, 3 metropolitan city,
181 weredas, and 38 urban centers.
To sustain results and create more conducive investment environment, investment
sectors requiring incentives has been identified by the research and made to use the
incentives as desired. In this regard, the regional government has worked by giving
special attention for agro-processing and manufacturing industries as well as
Horticulture/floriculture, and herbs related agricultural sector development. To this
end, directive No. 24/1998 E.C on industrial village land lease payment, and directive
No. 17/2006 E.C on flower, vegetables and herbs development have been put in place as
instrument of providing incentives for the investors interested to engage in such
Develop irrigation infrastructure/ facilities to encourage investors with sufficient
capacity and ability to invest in agriculture and agri-businesses, create agricultural
investment centers, partner with surrounding farmers in out-grower schemes, support
rural communities to change their farming practices for the better.
There is investment promotion and coordination office in Addis Ababa established
under the Amhara National regional state Industry and investment Bureau.
Organize investment forums to attract investors and to solve investment related
Participate in international and local business and investment related events.
Provide investment advisory and support services for domestic and foreign investors.
The region provides land for investment free of charge, and develops essential
infrastructures. The region continuously engages itself in land- related surveys for
purpose of earmarking land for potential investors.
Produce documentary and promotional audio video materials as well as publications
(i.e magazine, investment guide, profile of investment projects, cost factor magazine,
Participate in regional TV and Radio Programs.
Promote through electronic media, website, and social media.
Collaborate with federal and regional level institutions to attract and promote the
region’s investment.
Conduct and compile investment related researches, feasibility studies, projects,
reports, design-works to facilitate public and private investment in the region.
3. Comparative Advantages and Incentives of the Region
Investing in Amhara Region is supported by:
Readily available land for Agro-processing and industrial purposes/at 11 Industrial
zonal cities/
Long rural land lease period/up to 30 years
Rent free urban and rural land incentives for selected projects/horticulture &
Small royalty fees for fish processing/per kilo only one cents/
Priority in servicing investment sites
Strategic location to the ports of Djibouti , Sudan and Eritrea
Conducive climate and fertile cultivable land
Provision of infrastructure facilities by the state
Availability of Industry villages and parks(with sheds)
Availability of Airports
Competitive incentive packages of rural and urban land prices
3.1. Lease and Rental Price of Investment Land and projects
Thus, land shall not be subject to sale or exchange. However, any private investor or
organization has the right to use both urban and rural land on lease or rental bases through
legal processes.
In the rest medium and small towns, the rate of land rent ranges from Birr 0.01
to 0.50 per square meter per year.
Table 1: Lease Period for Urban Land allotted for Different Investment Projects
There are areas which are prepared for manufacturing, industry and agro-
processing by the regional government and have committed to provide
economic infrastructures like water, electricity, and road within the industry
zones at 11 cities with an amount of 1,216.12 hectares of free land from third
parties, the cost of such essential infrastructure development (installation) is
covered by the regional government.
There are also free lands which are going to use for cultivation horticulture and
floriculture within and around the city of Bahir Dar.
To export the products of horticulture and floriculture from Bahir Dar the
regional government built a cool warehouse in Bahir Dar airport and expand the
airport as an international standard airport and able to land cargo airplanes.
3.1.2. Rural Land
The region has wide virgin rural land which can be held by investors on rental basis.
The rate of rent differs from woreda to woreda based on the fertility of the land,
accessibility of the area, cultivating the land using irrigation and rain fall. Accordingly,
the rental value of land that can be cultivate using irrigation is vary from birr 158 the
lowest up to birr 498 the highest per hectare/year. The lands that can be cultivate using
rain fall it also vary from birr 111 the lowest up to birr 281 the highest per
Farmers also have legal rights to rent out part of their holdings to investors for not
more than 25 years. Thus private investors have ample choices and opportunities to
invest in the rural areas of the region.
For those investors who are investing in forestry the regional government provides the
land for free for 25 years.
Table 3: Land lease price for projects in industry village
In order to support the investment activities undertaken in urban areas, the regional
government has endorsed directive No. 05/2014 on grace period.
Table 4: Investment projects receiving grace period of land lease payment
No. Investment Sector Grace period of land lease payment in years
1. Manufacturing Industry 4
2. Agro-Processing Industry 4
3. Huge Real-estate, four star 3
level hotels
4. Education (as per the grades) Up to 3
5. Health Up to 3
Source: Amhara Region Investment Commission
Investment projects developing 25% of the land given for exporting flowers, vegetables,
and herbs in green houses, and exporting 75% of their product may receive land for free
for about 30 years.
3.1.6. Investment incentive permitted for forest development projects
In view of promoting investors, the region has implemented directive No. 1999 E.C. on the
provision of rural land for free. A project which could develop more 10 hectares of forest,
has 25 years of privilege for using the land free from payment.
For an investor participating in fish development projects, the investor enforced to pay
only 1% royalty payment.
Agriculture, tourism and trade are the major economic endeavors within Amhara region.
The agriculture sector is by far the dominant one accounting for 90% of the economy. As
studies depicted the region’s western and south western parts are suitable for agriculture
due to its agro ecological situation. The region has favorable climate and abundant water
resources suitable for the production of various crops such as cereals, pulses, oilseeds,
horticulture and floriculture products. The major crops grown in the region are cereals,
oilseeds, pulses, vegetables and fruits. Farming and livestock account for 80% and 20%
respectively within the sector. About 27.9% of the livestock in Ethiopia, 30.7% of the
poultry, and 18.5% of the beehives are found in the Amhara region.
About 83% of the people are engaged in agriculture. Out of the total area of the region,
43.6% can be developed by irrigation and rain fed agriculture out of which about 1.2
million hectares are capable of producing high crop yield. There is plenty of under-utilized
and unutilized land conducive for agriculture in the region. About 450,000 hectares of
arable land is irrigable and suitable, especially for horticultural development. The water
resources from Lake Tana and all the rivers found in the region provide immense potential
for irrigation development.
The region is suitable for range of vegetables and fruits. Specific horticulture product
opportunities in the region are garlic, tomato, potato, onion, grapes, cabbage, peppers,
beetroot, orange and tropical fruits. Among others the region has ample potential in potato,
garlic, onion and pepper but production of lettuce, Swiss chart and beetroot are also
increasing. As an example the Amhara region grows over 100.000 MT of garlic per annum;
counting for over 52% of the national production. The region has also the highest garlic
yield per ha of 11MT/ha. There are visible business opportunities in garlic production,
processing, canning and export. The same true for the other products produced in the
region. The region produced over 300.000 MT of potato (nearly 40% of the national
production); produced about 100.000 MT onion(equivalent to 40% of the national
production). Areas such as Fogera, Koga, and Dembia within the Lake Tana corridor as well
as others in Qobo and Shewa Robit valleys are the main production sites.
The fruits produced in the region include orange, lemon, mango, papaya, banana guava and
avocado. Apple is a recent introduction in the highlands of North Shewa and South Wolo.
Many areas within the Amhara region, particularly those around Lake Tana and Kobo, are
highly suitable for grapes and strawberries. The region produces over 17.000 MT of orange
and lemon per year. Most of the production is in pocket areas along the Tana, Shewa Robit
and Kobo corridors but there is a prospect for expansion. Given its diverse agro-ecology
and rich water resource it is possible to introduce any type of horticultural product in the
Floriculture: The region has huge potential untouched in the floriculture sector. 1.2
million hectares of land is well suited for the production of cut flowers, particularly in East
and West Gijjam, Awi and North Shoa Zones. Agro-ecology and incentive packages make
Amhara region an attractive destination for starters and incumbent flower farms. Land has
been provided on free bases for floriculture private sector investors. Specific opportunity
areas in the region are South Achefer, Mecha, Dera Anbesame, Bahir Dar Zuria, Fogera, and
Debre Birhan and surroundings.
Livestock Development: The region is the richest in livestock resource of the country
with high population. It is the home of about a third of the country’s livestock. There are :
Table 5: Amhara Region Livestock Population Type, Size and Percentage Share
S/N Type Size Share from
National level (%)
1 Cattle 14.7 million 26%
2 Sheep 10.2 million 34.4%
3 Goat 6.06 million 20.8%
4 Horses 420,760
5 Donkeys 2.68 million 33.9%
6 Mules 157,213
7 Camels 0.06 million 0.05%
8 Active Beehives 1.36 million 23.4%
9 Poultry 18.06 million 32.3%
10 Fish 30,000–40,000 tone
Source: Central Statistics Agency, 2015
In the region 3,951,744 hectares of land is favorable for livestock development.
Investment opportunity exists in dairying, fattening, feed development, livestock-based
agribusinesses, livestock farming, meat processing and animal health services.
Dairy production: The region produces over 740 million litres of milk per annum
accounting for 22% of the national milk production. Nearly all of the milk production
comes from smallholder farmers. Prominent milk producing areas within the region are
South Gondar, Awi, North Shewa and East and West Gojam. For international investors
targeting dairy, the most promising business opportunity lies in the processing aspect. Two
interesting sites for this purpose in the region are Bahir Dar city and Debre Birhan town.
Apiculture: The region is known by its honey products. The annual honey yield of the
region picks up to 7.9 million kgs. along with its noted high quality. The honey bee
resource consists of 937,460 bee hives of which 866,633 are traditional. 48,900
intermediate and 1927 modern type.
Forestry and Forestry Products: The region has huge potentials and investment
opportunities for forestry, agro forestry and related areas. Investment opportunities exist
in production of fuel wood, construction poles, paper, chip-wood, matches, and others.
There are cultivated lands in 51 weredas found in the 9 zones of the region. 1,915,122
hectares of land is favorable for forestry products. A total of 568,818.81 hectares of land
cultivated with different types of forests. About 870,600 and 1.5 million hectares of land
are available respectively for the development of forestry and fruit trees in the region. The
regional government provides land for free for 25 years. Natural and man-made forests are
available in Debrebrhan, Kombolcha, Enjibara, Northern Gondar, Souther Gondar Northern
Wello, Weldia and Debremarkos,.
Natural Incense and wild Gum: About 477,907.24 hectares of land in the Western low
land areas of the region covered with products of incense and wild gum. The region’s
incense and wild gum production is consists of 23% of the total products of the country.
The product of Incense and wild Gum will be 77.6 gram per tree.
Agricultural Service: the following services are promoted by the region as having high
Rendering agricultural services to commercial farms
Rental of agricultural machinery
Veterinary facilities and plant protection services
Installation of irrigation systems, input supply and output marketing
4.2. Manufacturing and Agro-Processing Sector
The regional as well as the national governments actively encourage linkages between
agriculture and industrial sectors. Many opportunities exist for manufacturing consumer
goods from local raw materials:
power. ‘Tana-Beles’ hydro-electric power with the capacity of 460 mega watt in the region
can be mentioned as example. Investment opportunities are available in the development
of mini and small hydro-power plants, bio-gas plants, solar energy, spreading energy
saving devices, etc.
4.5. Tourism
The region is one of the forefront regions endowed with natural and man-made tourist
attractions. Among the eight world heritages registered by UNESCO in the country, three
are found in the region.
The rock-hewn churches of Lalibela are the 8th wonder of the world.
The Fasil Ginb, the Palaces of Ethiopia’s Emperors in Gondar
The Semen Mountain National park with its endemic animal species i.e walia Ibex,
the Red Fox and Gelada Baboon.
Atse Fasil Bridge, build by Aste Fasil 300 years ago
Monasteries in the Islands of Lake Tana, and their ancient scriptures and archives.
Different species of birds, lakes, rivers, and attactive scenery with pleasant climate could
also be considered for tourism. In the region 2,611,370 hectares of land is favorable for eco-
tourism. Investors can benefit by establishing hotels and lodges, restaurants, recreation
facilities, musuems, tour operation agencies, educational and training centers.
4.6. Construction
With the increase of population in the region the demand for residential housing, and
different types of construction has been increasing. Construction of houses, real estate
development, supply of building materials, production of construction tools, renting
construction equipment, training of construction personnel are the promising investment
4.8. Infrastructure
Investment in infrastructure development is available in the region, either in partnership
with government or alone. The region is keen to improve surface, air and water transport
facilities. In relative terms the region’s infrastructure is among one of the most developed
one in Ethiopia, with international standard airport(existence of airport in Bahirdar,
Gondar, Lalibela and Kombolcha cities), financial sectors, access to telecommunication( 11
million that is 55% of the population of the region are users of mobile phone),
hydroelectric power, road infrastructure(allthe 129 rural Woredas of the region are
connected to main roads) , Marine transport for freight and passenger services as well as
tourism on Lake Tana.
7.2. Requirements to get Investment License for newly approved Project
Filling request form;
Letter of decision regarding land for investment;
Photo copy of Tax payer Identification Number (TIN);
Recent 3 passport size photographs;
Photo copy of Id -card for an individual promoter or an agent;
Copy of approved land lease/rent agreement;
Article of association and Memorandum of Association documents if the request is by
an organization,
If the application is provided by an agent ,legal evidence has to be provided showing the
power of attorney,
Payment of 600 Birr for services
7.3. To conclude Land Lease /Rental Agreement
Letter verifying the decision of land for investment projects,
Photo copy of renewed ID of a promoter or an agent;
An Article of Association and Memorandum of Association document if the application
is from an organization,
Document that shows legal power of an agent, if an application is brought by an agent,
Approved land use plan,
Action plan for the proposed project,
An issued investment license,
Photo copy of the project site plan,
Receipt showing an advance payment from the total lease/rent amount as per the
A five birr stamp is also needed to stick onto the lease contract.
7.4. Lease/Rent Agreement on Projects for which its Ownership is changed
Letter of permission issued from an authorized body about the transfer of ownership,
Photo copy of ID card (individual promoter or manager of an organization),
An Article of Association and Memorandum of Association document if the application
is from an organization,
Document that shows legal power of an agent, if an application is brought by an agent,
Action plan of the new project,
Investment License,
An issued certificate of land ownership,
A five birr stamp is also needed to stuck onto the lease contract,
7.5. Criteria required to change name of an approved Project
Filling the format prepared for this purpose,
If change of the name of the project is requested by PLC or SC, operation of the project
should be at the status of 80% and above,
The share of original/or the first owner should be 51% and above and he/she has to be
the manager of the newly formed company,
If the new established company improves capital out lay of project and show increment
of production and service by 50%,
If two company has merged and have equal share,
If the change of the name of the project is to the families of the prior owner of the
project, no need of having capital share as indicated above.
7.6. Other Services
Construction permit is provided by Urban Development & Construction Bureau of
respective town administration if the land for which investment is permitted in urban
In rural areas construction permits is provided by respective Zonal Rural Land
Administration Bureau .
Trade license is provided by Trade Industry and Market Development Office of the
respective town or zonal administration depending on the locations of investment
8. Address and Phone Number of Some Amhara Regional Government Office