Expansion and Contraction of Demand:: Change in Demand vs. Change in Quantity Demanded
Expansion and Contraction of Demand:: Change in Demand vs. Change in Quantity Demanded
Expansion and Contraction of Demand:: Change in Demand vs. Change in Quantity Demanded
To calculate the elasticity of demand, let's take a very simple example: Suppose
that the price of apples falls by 6% from $1.99 a bushel to $1.87 a bushel. In
response, grocery shoppers increase their apple purchases by 20%. The
elasticity of apples would thus be: 0.20/0.06 = 3.33 indicating that apples are
quite elastic in terms of their demand.
Q: 2
The indifference curve analysis is based on the assumption that
there are two related goods which may be substitutes or complements.
Pareto explained the relation between substitute and complementary
goods as reversible which means that if X is a substitute of Y, Y is a
substitute of X, and if X is a complement to Y then Y is complement to
The shape of an indifference curve is convex to the origin and this is
based on the principle of diminishing marginal rate of substitution.
This principle makes it possible to substitute one good for another in
order to achieve any particular level of satisfaction or utility. Thus
when two goods X and Y are imperfect substitutes; the indifference
curve has its usual negatively sloping shape,
b) Two perfect substitutes:
If two goods X and Y are perfect substitutes, the indifference curve is a
straight line with negative slope.
because the MRSXY is constant. The value of this slope is throughout
minus 1, and MRSXY = 1.
In the figure, ab of Y = bc of X, and cd of Y = de of X. In this case, the
consumer does not distinguish between these two goods and regards
them as the same commodity, such as two brands of tea. The
consumer is obsessed with the purchase of only one good. This is
called monomania for that good.