United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,826,784 B2

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,826,784 B2

W (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 9, 2014


ales etetal.
al .................. 29,281.1
CUTTING TOOLS 5,844,191 A 12, 1998 COX
6,077.002 A * 6/2000 Lowe ............................ 409,132
(75) Inventor: Chung Y. Wu, Middletown, CT (US) 6,918,716 B2 7/2005 Berktold et al.
7,101,263 B2 * 9/2006 Schwartz et al. ............... 451.56
(73) Assignee: United Technologies Corporation, 7,771,141 B2 8/2010 Sichi et al.
Hartford, CT (US) 7,836,594 B2 * 1 1/2010 Rose ............................ 29,889.1
7,841,809 B2 11/2010 Engin
-r 2004/00331 15 A1 2/2004 Sasu et al. ..................... 409,132
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2008/0101877 A1 5/2008 Engin
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 2008/0206000 A1* 8, 2008 Sasu et al. .................. 407.29.13
U.S.C. 154(b) by 496 days. 2009/0246032 A1 10, 2009 Stone et al.
2013/0000 121 A1* 1/2013 Burgess ..................... 29,889.23
(21) Appl. No.: 13/219,872
(22) Filed: Aug. 29, 2011 DE 305999 6, 1918
(65) Prior Publication Data GB 753233 7, 1956
US 2013/0051939 A1 Feb. 28, 2013 OTHER PUBLICATIONS
(51) Int. Cl. EP Search
earcn Report dated Dec.
Keport dated Lec 11, 2012.
B23Cl3/18 (2006.01) * cited by examiner
B23C5/10 (2006.01)
B26D 3/OO (2006.01) Primary Examiner – Will Fridie, Jr.
(52) U.S. Cl. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Carlson, Gaskey & Olds,
CPC ............. B23C3/18 (2013.01); B23C 2210/086 P.C.
(2013.01); B23C 2215/44 (2013.01); B23C5/10
(2013.01) (57) ABSTRACT
58 F. fic - - - - - ificati- - - - - -s - - - - - - - h- - - - - - - - - 82/46; 29/889.2 A method of machining an airfoil includes the steps of pro
(58) t SS sign s1, 46: 409784, 131, 132: viding first and second cutting tools respectively having first
- ------ --- -- s a 1 is s r.s ss s 29s 89 2 and second cutting contours that are different than one
S lication file f 1 hhi another. A blank is cut with the first cutting tool to provide a
ee application file for complete search history. first airfoil surface on a first blade. The blank is cut with the
(56) References Cited second cutting tool to provide a second airfoil surface on a
second blade. An airfoil is produced having the first and
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS second blades. A cutting tool for machining the airfoil
includes a shank. A cutting Surface adjoins the shank and
2,480,807 A * 8/1949 De Vlieg ......................... 409,84 provides a cutting contour corresponding to an airfoil surface.
2,633,776 A 4, 1953 Schenk The cutting Surface extends along a cutting length axially
4,533,286 A * 8/1985 Kishi et al. ...................... 409,80 from a nose to near a cutting boundary. The cutting length is
4,596,501 A * 6/1986 409,131
4,639,991 A * 2/1987 Sharon ......................... 29,889.7 configured to be greater than the blade length.
5,014,421 A 5, 1991 Swarden et al.
5,197,191 A * 3/1993 Dunkman et al. ........... 29,889.1 10 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets







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PROVIDE 1 St AND 12 10





U.S. Patent Sep. 9, 2014 Sheet 2 of 3 US 8,826,784 B2
U.S. Patent Sep. 9, 2014 Sheet 3 of 3 US 8,826,784 B2
US 8,826,784 B2
1. 2
ARFOL MACHINING METHOD AND enters one side of an IBR blank and moves along a path until
CUTTING TOOLS it exits the other side of the IBR blank. Once the cutting tool
exits the other side, the airfoil surface is formed such that the
BACKGROUND airfoil surface is finished and no additional material removal
is required.
This disclosure relates to a method of machining airfoils, The cutting contours are mathematically designed based
Such as integrally bladed rotors (IBR), for gas turbine engine upon the airfoil Surface to be cut. Straight-edge conical Sur
applications, for example. This disclosure also relates to cut faces cannot accomplish a single pass cutofan airfoil Surface.
ting tools for use during machining IBRS. 10
Each cutting tool contour is specific to each airfoil Surface.
IBRS are used in some gas turbine engine applications and That is, one cutting tool is used to cut the Suction side of the
are provided by a unitary structure that includes a hub from blade, and another cutting tool is used to cut the pressure side
which circumferentially arranged blades radially extend. In of the blade.
order to produce an IBR, material from between the blades With continuing reference to FIG. 1, the method 10
must be removed during a complex machining process. Typi includes providing first and second cutting tools, as indicated
cally, multiple passes of a cutting tool along a complex cutting 15
at block 12, for a CNC machine. The cutting tools may be
path is used to form each airfoil surface. milling tools, having flutes, or a Super-abrasive machining
In one example, a relatively short cutting tool, or quill, (SAM) tools, for example. Milling is typically used with
having a straight-edge conical cutting contour is used to grind
material from between the blades. The tool is relatively short titanium materials, and SAM is typically used with other
and its cutting axis is generally parallel to a rotational axis of materials such as nickel. The SAM tools grind the material
the IBR. The cutting tool moves along a path that extends away from between the blades of the blank.
along a length of the blade. The first side of a first blade is machined with a first tool, as
indicated at block 14. The first tool, for example, is used to
SUMMARY machine a pressure side of a first blade. All of the pressure
25 sides of the array of blades on the IBR may be machined
A method of machining an airfoil includes the steps of Successively, if desired, to reduce cutting tool changes. The
providing first and second cutting tools respectively having CNC machine changes between cutting tools, and a second
first and second cutting contours that are different than one side of a second blade is machined with a second tool, as
another. A blank is cut with the first cutting tool to provide a indicated at block 16. The second side may correspond to a
first airfoil surface on a first blade. The blank is cut with the 30 suction side of a blade. All of the second sides of the blades
second cutting tool to provide a second airfoil Surface on a may be machined successively. A large Volume of cutting
second blade. An airfoil is produced having the first and fluid is used during the machining operation to maintain
second blades. temperatures below a desired threshold. A fully machined
A cutting tool for machining an airfoil includes a shank. A IBR is provided, as indicated at block 18.
cutting Surface adjoins the shank and provides a cutting con 35 Referring to FIG. 2, the IBR 20 is cut from a blank 19,
tour corresponding to an airfoil Surface. The cutting Surface which is illustrated schematically. The IBR20 includes a hub
extends along a cutting length axially from a nose to near a 22 having an array of blades 24 extending radially from the
cutting boundary. The cutting length is configured to be hub. 22. Each blade 24 includes a root 26 adjoining the hub 22
greater than the blade length. and extending to a tip 28. The blades 24 have a blade length L
40 extending radially from a platform 30 between adjoining
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS blades and their tip 28. The blade 24 provides an airfoil
surface having pressure and suction sides 52, 54 (see FIGS.
The disclosure can be further understood by reference to 3A and 3B, respectively) spaced apart from one another and
the following detailed description when considered in con extending between leading and trailing edges 27, 29. A single
nection with the accompanying drawings wherein: 45 cutting pass extends between the leading and trailing edges
FIG. 1 is a flowchart depicting an example method of 27, 29. The IBR 20 is machined from the blank 19 such that
machining an integrally bladed rotor. the blades 24 and hub 22 are provided as a one piece, unitary
FIG. 2 is a schematic view of the blades of an integrally Structure.
bladed rotor being cut with a cutting tool. A cutting tool 40 is secured to a chuck 36 of a tool assembly
FIG. 3A illustrates a first cutting tool cutting a first airfoil 50 34. The chuck 36 is rotationally driven by a motor of a CNC
surface on a first blade. machine 38, for example, which is capable of moving the
FIG. 3B illustrates a second cutting tool cutting a second cutting tool 40 along a path in multiple axes. The blank 19 is
airfoil surface on a second blade. held in a fixture 32 during machining that may index the blank
FIG. 4A depicts another first cutting tool. 19 relative to the tool assembly 34. Alternatively or addition
FIG. 4B depicts another second cutting tool. 55 ally, the chuck 36 may move along the cutting path relative to
FIG. 5 depicts another example cutting tool. the blank 19.
The cutting tool 40 includes a shank 44 received in the
DETAILED DESCRIPTION chuck 36, and a cutting Surface 42 used for flank machining
adjoins the shank 44 at a cutting boundary 46. The cutting
A method of machining an airfoil. Such as an integrally 60 Surface 42 provides a cutting contour 48 that is mathemati
bladed rotor (IBR), is illustrated generally at 10 in FIG.1. It cally determined based upon the airfoil surface geometry of
should be understood that the method may also be used to the blade to be machined. Typically, the more complex the
machine individual, discrete airfoils. Generally, the disclosed airfoil surface, the more complex the cutting contour will be.
cutting tools include long, complex cutting contours enabling The cutting surface 42 extends from a nose 50 at a tip of the
each airfoil Surface to be machined in a single pass, for 65 cutting tool 40, which cuts the platform 30, to the cutting
example. A cutting Surface of the cutting tools extends from boundary 46. The length form the nose 50 to the cutting
the blade root to the blade tip. In one example, the cutting tool boundary 50 corresponds to a cutting length T. The cutting
US 8,826,784 B2
3 4
length T is greater than the blade length L, which enables the tain modifications would come within the scope of the claims.
corresponding airfoil surface to be cut in a single pass. For that reason, the following claims should be studied to
Referring to FIGS. 3A and 3B, the adjoining blades 24A, determine their true scope and content.
24B include a first and second airfoil surfaces 52, 54, which What is claimed is:
corresponds to pressure and suction sides of the blades. The 5 1. A method of machining an airfoil comprising the steps
first and second airfoil surfaces 52.54 face one another. One providing first and second cutting tools respectively having
cutting tool 40 is dedicated to cutting first airfoil surfaces 52 first and second cutting contours that are different than
of the array of blades, while the second cutting tool 140 is one another;
dedicated to cutting the second airfoil surfaces 54 of the array 10 cutting a blank with the first cutting tool to provide a first
of blades. In this manner, each of the tools 40, 140 are airfoil surface on a first blade:
designed to machine an airfoil surface in a single pass. cutting the blank with the second cutting tool to provide a
Referring to FIG. 4A, the cutting tool 40 is illustrated in
more detail. The cutting tool 40 includes adjoining first, sec second airfoil surface on a second blade; and
ond, third and fourth cutting sections 56,58, 60, 66 that are producing an airfoil having the first and second blades.
respectively joined to one another by first and second transi 15 2. The method according to claim 1, wherein the blank
tional cutting surfaces 62, 64. Referring to FIG. 4B, the cut provides an integrally bladed rotor having a hub with the first
ting tool 140 includes adjoining first, second, third and fourth and second blades integral with and extending radially from
cutting sections 156, 158, 160, 166 that are respectively the hub, the integrally bladed rotor providing a unitary struc
joined to one another by first and second transitional cutting 3. The method according to claim 2, wherein the first and
surfaces 162, 164. The cutting sections and transitional cut Second blades are adjacent to one another, and the first and
ting surface may be comprised of one or more splines to second airfoil surfaces face one another.
provide the desired cutting contour. 4. The method according to claim 2, wherein the first and
The cutting tools 40, 140 have cutting surfaces 42, 142
adjoining their shanks 44, 144 and providing a cutting con second blades each extend from a root at the hub to a tip
tour 48,148 corresponding to an airfoil surface (e.g., pressure 25 providing a blade length, and the first and second cutting tools
and suction sides 52,54). The cutting surfaces 42,142 extend each include a cutting length corresponding to a cutting sur
a cutting length axially from their nose 50, 150 to near their face engaging its respective airfoil surface, the cutting length
respective cutting boundary 46,146. Each cutting surface 42, greater than the blade length.
142 has an irregular conical shape, i.e. a non-straight edge 5. The method according to claim 4, wherein the first and
cutting surface, provided by multiple adjoining non-linear 30 Second cutting tool each include a cutting section overlapping
cutting sections between the nose and the cutting boundary. the tip, the first cutting tool cutting section generally annu
Referring to the first cutting tool 40 in FIG. 4A, a non larly concave-shaped, and the second cutting tool cutting
linear cutting section 66 adjoins the cutting boundary 46 and section generally annularly convex-shaped, the first airfoil
is convex and configured to align with a blade tip 28 during Surface corresponding to a suction side of the first blade, and
the cutting operation. Referring to the second cutting tool 140 35 the second airfoil surface corresponding to a pressure side of
the second blade.
in FIG. 4B, a non-linear cutting section 166 adjoins the cut 6. The method according to claim 5, wherein the first and
ting boundary 146 and is concave and configured to align with Second airfoil surfaces are formed in a single cutting pass
a blade tip 28 during the cutting operation. The noses 50, 150 respectively by the first and second cutting tool.
are configured to align with a blade root 26 during the cutting 7. The method according to claim 6, wherein the single
operations. 40
For more complex airfoil surfaces, a more complex cutting pass extends between leading and trailing edges of the first
and second blades.
contour may be used. For example, referring to FIG. 4C, the 8. The method according to claim 1, wherein the first and
cutting tool 240 includes adjoining first, second, third, fourth second cutting tools are milling cutting tools, and the cutting
and fifth cutting sections 256, 258, 260, 266, 268 that are steps are milling operations.
respectively joined to one another by first, second and third 45
9. The method according to claim 1, wherein the first and
transitional cutting surfaces 262. 264, 270. In the example, second cutting tools are super-abrasive cutting tools, and the
the fifth cutting section 268 adjoins the cutting boundary 246 cutting steps are grinding operations.
at the shank 244, and the first cutting section. Thus, the cutting 10. The method according to claim 1, wherein the first and
contour of the cutting tool has a significantly different profile second airfoil surfaces are finished surfaces requiring no
than a conical cutting tool. 50
additional material removal.
Although an example embodiment has been disclosed, a
worker of ordinary skill in this art would recognize that cer

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