C. Kyphosis: Measures An Angle or Allows An Object To Be Rotated To A Precise Angular Motion

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When doing an assessment of the spine of an older adult, you can expect to see which
a. Lordosis
b. Torticollis
c. Kyphosis
d. Scoliosis
2. Mrs. Bautista , a transcriptionist, reports pain and burning in her right hand. What assessment
procedures should you perform next?
a. Trendelenburg and drawer signs
b. Mcmurray and Thomas tests
c. Bulge test and ballottement
d. Phalen and Tinel tests
3. You are assessing a patient who has been diagnosed with a neuromuscular disorder. You note
the patient cannot lift the right leg off the bed when you are applying resistance. You would
document the muscle strength in the right leg as
a. Fair
b. 3
c. 50%
d. Within normal limits
4. The correctly document that ROM in the fingers is full and active, you would write that the
patient can
a. Perform rotation, lateral flexion, and hyperextension
b. Make a fist, spread and close fingers, and do finger-thumb opposition
c. Touch finger to own nose and to examiner's finger back and forth
d. Perform supination, pronation, and lateral deviation
5. Mr. Tukmol was playing soccer and hurt his right knee. It appears swollen. What is the first
assessment you should make?
a. Palpate for crepitus in the knee
b. Compare the swollen knee with the other knee
c. Assess active ROM in the knee
d. Feel the knee for warmth
6. Measures an angle or allows an object to be rotated to a precise angular motion
a. Tape measure
b. Sphygmomanometer
c. Goniometer
d. Barometer
7. A term for paralysis of the arm, leg, and trunk on one side of the body
a. Paraplegia
b. Hemiplegia
c. Quadriplegia
d. Encycloplegia
8. How is Grade 3 muscle strength classified?
a. The patient may move the muscle group against some resistance from the examiner.
b. A trace contraction is noted in the muscle by palpating the muscle while the patient
attempts to move it.
c. The patient may move the muscle against gravity but not against some resistance
from the examiner.
d. The patient is able to actively move the muscle when gravity is eliminated.
9. Inward curvature of a portion of the cervical and lumbar
a. Kyphosis
b. Lordosis
c. Scoliosis
d. Petmalusis
10. What muscle grade is given to a patient who shows evidence of slight contractility
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
11. The 3 smallest bones in the human body.
a. Malleus, incus, stapes
b. Valleus, insan, capitate
c. Scaphoid, injus, scapes
d. Radius, phalanges, lunate

12. Turning outward

a. Adduction
b. Eversion
c. Dorsiflesion
d. Rotation

13. Turning backward

a. Pronation
b. Internal rotation
c. Flexion
d. Radial deviation
14. Turning inward
a. Inversion
b. Planterflexion
c. Eversion
d. Dorsiflexion

15. Moving toward body

a. Abduction
b. Circumduction
c. Adduction
d. Rotation

16. Point upward

a. Dorsiflexion
b. Inversion
c. Plantarflexion
d. Eversion
17. A painful gait is also called
a. Ataxic gait
b. Antalgic gait
c. Shuffling gait
d. Parkinson’s gait
18. Scaphoid fracture will present tenderness on what area
a. Snuffbox
b. Shoulder
c. Lateral epicondyle
d. Knee area
19. To assess for meniscus tear you should perform
a. Straight leg raising
b. Allen’s test
c. Tinel’s sign
d. Mcmurray’s test
20. Knock knees where in the knees turn in is term as
a. Genuvalgum
b. Genuvarum
c. Genurecurvatum
d. Genutalium
21. Muscle involve in extension of the elbow is
a. Biceps brachi
b. Brachialis
c. Triceps
d. Deltoid
22. To document a paralysis of both lower extremities the term to used is
a. Paraplegia
b. Quadriplegia
c. Hemiplegia
d. Semiplegia
23. A test for carpal tunnel syndrome
a. Straight leg raising
b. Allen’s test
c. Tinel’s sign
d. Mcmurray’s test
24. What nerve is trapped in a patient carpal tunnel syndrome
a. Ulnar nerve
b. Radial nerve
c. Median nerve
d. May nerve byus
25. Tennis elbow is condition of inflammation of the
a. Lateral epicondyle
b. Medial epicondyle
c. Medial condyle
d. Lateral condyle

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