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1st Semester MCQs

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Foundation of Education Semester I

Foundation of Educations
EDUC 3111
Multiple Choice Questions
1 Education is derived from a latin word Answer: (d) Growth resulting from
(a) Educate
5 Education according to John Dewey is
(b) Educere
(a) Preparation for life
(c) Evolution
(b) Getting knowledge
(d) Learning
(c) Learning to do by doing
Answer: (b) Educere
(d) Schooling
2 Educere means
Answer: (c) Learning to do by doing
(a) To draw out
6 Which of the following is not the
(b) To guide characteristic of education
(c) To point out (a) Life long activity
(d) To help (b) Factual absorption
Answer: (a) To draw out (c) Formal and informal activities
3 "Education is the creation of a sound (d) Experiences of life
mind in a sound body" is the saying of
Answer: (b) Factual absorption
(a) Plato
7 The basic source of educational
(b) Comenius objectives is
(c) Aristotle (a) Human experience
(d) Dewey (b) Schools
Answer: (c) Aristotle (c) Educational psychology
4 The best definition of education is that (d) Professional organization
it is
Answers: (a) Human experience
(a) Preparation for life
8 According to crow and crow, the
(b) Getting knowledge purpose of formal education is to
(c) Learning (a) Make students more intelligent
(d) Growth resulting from experiences (b) Make students active and constructive
members of society

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Foundation of Education Semester I

(c) Form definite opinions in the mind of (d) Few rules of entery and exit
Answer: (a) Flexible rules of entery and
(d) Create good name for the nation. exit

Answer: (b) Make students active and 13 Formal education has

constructive members of society
(a) Flexible rules of entery and exit
9 Determining the aim of education is the
responsibility of: (b) Rigid rules of entery and exit

(a) Parents (c) No rules of entery and exit

(b) Teachers (d) Few rules of entry and exit

(c) Students Answer: (b) Rigid rules of entery and exit

(d) Society 14 Informal education has

Answer: (d) Society (a) Flexible rules of emery and exit

10 The real goal of education should be (b) Rigid rules of entery and exit

(a) Securing a certificate (c) No rules of entery and exit

(b) Acquiring skills, habits and knowledge (d) Few rules of entery and exit

(c) Training to make a living Answer: (c) No rules of entery and exit

(d) Mastery of subject matter 15 The education confined to educational

institution is
Answer: (b) Acquiring skills, habits and
knowledge (a) Informal education

11 Education planned with a particular (b) Non-formal education

end in view is (c) Formal education
(a) Formal Education (d) Learning
(b) Informal Education Answer: (c) Formal education
(c) Both a & b 16 Education is imparted mostly by
(d) None a & b correspondence in

Answer: (a) Formal Education (a) Formal education

12 Non-formal education has (b) Informal education

(a) Flexible rules of entery and exit (c) Non formal education

(b) Rigid rules of entry and exit (d) Technical education

(c) No rules of entry and exit Answer: (c) Non formal education

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Foundation of Education Semester I

17 Education is not pre planned in (c) Systematic

(a) Formal education (d) Arranged

(b) Informal education Answer: (b) Incidental

(c)Non-formal education 22 Formal education has well defined

(d) Both a and c (a) Curriculum

Answer: (b) Informal education (b) System

18 Informal education is (c) Method

(a) Just schooling (d) Approach

(b) Time bound Answer: (a) Curriculum

(c) Life long 23 Which is not the element of

educational process?
(d) Preplanned
(a) Aims
Answer: (c) Life long
(b) Curriculum
19 What is the most important element of
non-formal education (c) Evaluation

(a) Teacher (d)Motivation

(b) Student Answer: (d) Motivation

(c) Media 24 The sum of curricular and co-curricular

activities is
(d) School
(a) Aim
Answer: (c) Media
(b) Curriculum
20 Which one is not the source of formal
education (c) Pedagogy

(a) School (d) Summative Evaluation

(b) Museum Answer: (b) Curriculum

(c) Library 25 Pedagogy is concerned with

(d) Home (a) Aims

Answer: (d) Home (b) Contents

21 Informal education is (c) Teaching Methods

(a) Planned (d) Evaluation

(b) Incidental Answer: (c) Teaching Methods

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26 To determine the value or worth of any (c) Values

thing is
(d) Culture
(a) Aim
Answer: (a) Knowledge
(b) Content
31 Ontology deals with
(c) Method
(a) Knowledge
(d) Evaluation
(b) Reality
Answer: (d) Evaluation
(c) Values
27 In educational process which one is
evaluated (d) Culture

(a) Aim Answer: (b) Reality

(b) Contents 32 Ontology is also called as

(c) Methods (a) Metaphysics

(d) All of the above (b) Axiology

Answer: (d) All of the above (c) Epistemology

28 The literal meaning of philosophy is (d) Morphology

(a) Love of knowledge Answer: (a) Metaphysics

(b) Love of truth 33 Metaphysics deals with the nature of

(c) Love of values (a)Values

(d) Love of wisdom (b) Knowledge

Answer: (d) Love of wisdom (c)Universe

29 Axiology in philosophy deals with (d) Reality

(a) Knowledge Answer: (d) Reality

(b) Reality 34 Eclecticism means borrowing beliefs

(c) Values
(a) One philosophy
(d) Culture
(b) Two philosophies
Answer: (c) Values
(c) Three philosophy
30 Epistemology deals with
(d) Different philosophies
Answer: (d) Different philosophies
(b) Reality

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35 "Everlasting reality" is focused in (b) Essentialism

(a) Perennialism (c) Progressivism

(b) Essentialism (d) Reconstructionism

(c) Progressivism Answer: (a) Perennialism

(d) Reconstructionism 40 Who is not among major exponent of

Answer: (a) Perennialism
(a) Bentock
36 "Useful culture and skill" is emphasized
in (b) Adler

(a) Perennialism (c) Hutchins

(b) Essentialism (d) John Dewey

(c) Progressivism Answer: (d) John Dewey

(d) Reconstructionism 41 School should be run on democratic

lines is held by
Answer: (b) Essentialism
(a) Perennialism
37 "Life is continuous changing process" is
the base of (b) Essentialism

(a) Perennialism (c) Progressivism

(b) Essentialism (d) Reconstructionism

(c) Progressivism Answer: (c) Progressivism

(d) Reconstructionism 42 Essentialists stress on

Answer: (c) Progressivism (a) Mental discipline

38 "Reforms are necessary in all walks of (b) Innovation

life" is focused in
(c) Change
(a) Perennialism
(d) Reduced knowledge
(b) Essentialism
Answer: (a) Mental discipline
(c) Progressivism
43 "Human nature remains the same
(d) Reconstructionism everywhere hence education should be
same for every one is the philosophy of
Answer: (d) Reconstructionism
(a) Perennialism
39 Study of great books is at the core of
(b) Essentialism
(a) Perennialism
(c) Progressivism

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(d) Reconstructionism 48 Learning should be directly related to

the interest of the child according to
Answer: (a) Perennialism
(a) Essentialism
44 According to which experimental
knowledge is real (b) Progressivism

(a) Perennialism (c) Reconstructionism

(b) Essentialism (d) Perennialism

(c) Progressivism Answer: (b) Progressivism

(d) Reconstructionism 49 Essentialists would get their aim of

education from
Answer: (c) Progressivism
(a) Great books
45 Ethics and aesthetics are components
of (b) Student interest

(a) Cosmology (c) Religion

(b) Ontology (d) Traditions

(c) Epistemology Answer: (d) Traditions

(d) Axiology 50 Essentialist philosophy of education is

Answer: (d) Axiology (a) Content and teacher centered

46 Progressivist teacher put more (b) Child centered

emphasis on
(c) Need centered
(a) Abstract ideas
(d) Society centered
(b) Practical education
Answer: (a) Content and teacher centered
(c) Theoretical concept
51 "Education is life itself, not a
(d) Methods preparation for life", according to

Answer: (b) Practical education (a) Perennialism

47 The curriculum will be `Child centered" (b) Essentialism

if teacher is
(c) Progressivism
(a) Realist
(d) Reconstructionism
(b) Perennialist
Answer: (c) Progressivism
(c) Progressivist

(d) Essentialist
52 According to which philosophy,
Answer: (c) Progressivist "Permanence is more real than change".

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Foundation of Education Semester I

(a) Perennialism (d) Selection of evaluation procedures

(b) Essentialism Answer: (c) Selection of objectives

(c) Progressivism 57 "Philosophy and education are two

sides of a coin, according to
(d) Reconstructionism .
(a) John Dewey
Answer: (a) Perennialism
(b) Ross
53 Perennialism is an educational
philosophy of (c) James

(a) New values (d) Kant

(b) Old values Answer: (b) Ross

(c) Future values 58 An important question of philosophy is

(d) Old and new values (a) What is education?

Answer: (b) Old values (b) What is curriculum?

54 The objective of education comes from (c) What is curiosity?

(a) Philosophy (d) What is universe?

(b) Psychology Answer: (d) What is universe?

(c) Curriculum 59 To seek truth and reality is the subject

(d) Sociology
(a) Education
Answer:(a) Philosophy
(b) Values
55 Sociological aims of education includes
(c) Philosophy
(a) Cultural growth
(d) Psychology
(b) Skills
Answer: (c) Philosophy
(c) Dutifulness
60 Every system of education is based on
(d) All above
(a) Ideology of nation
Answer: (d) All above
(b) Social development
56 The application of philosophy in
education may be (c) Intellectual development

(a) Selection of contents (d) Skill development

(b) Selection of methods Answer: (a) Ideology of nation

(c) Selection of objectives 61 Word philosophy is derived from

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(a) Alpha & Amphia (d) Semi-government

(b) Phila & Sophia Answer: (c) Non-government

(c) Sila & Sophia 66 The Deoband movement used

curriculum revision as
(d) Neo & Latvia
(a) Motive
Answer: (b) Phila & Sophia
(b) Need
62 Expected life outcomes from education
are referred as (c) Agreement

(a) Learning (d)Improvement

(b) Evaluation Answer: (a) Motive

(c) Aims 67 The Ulma of Deobond played a vital

role in
(d) Pedagogy
(a) Spreading English cultures
Answer: (c) Aims
(b) Struggle for independence
63 Being the science of wisdom,
philosophy aims at (c) Awarding scholarship

(a) Search for activity (d) Science education

(b) Search for reality Answer: (b) Struggle for independence

(c) Search for probability 68 The Deoband was established in

(d) Search for utility (a) 1857

Answer: (b) Search for reality (b) 1867

64 The first head of the Deoband was (c) 1885

(a) Maulana Shah Wali-ullah (d) 1906

(b) Maulana M. Yaqub Nanautwi Answer: (b) 1867

(c) Maulana Mehmood ul Hassan 69 The salient feature of Deoband

movement was
(d) Shabir Ahmand Usmani
(a) English system of education
Answer: (b) Maulana M. Yaqub Nanautwi
(b) Proliferation of science
65 The Deoband academy was totally
(c) Revival of religious spirit
(a) Personal
(d) Literature
(b) Government
Answer: (c) Revival of religious spirit
(c) Non-government

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70 The Deoband movement ignored (d) Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar

(a) Science Answer: (b) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

(b) Philosophy 75 M.A.O college was elevated to Aligarh

University in
(c) Logic
(a) 1891
(d) Religion
(b) 1911
Answer: (a) Science
(c) 1921
71 M.A.O High school was established in
(d) 1931
(a) 1857
Answer: (c) 1921
(b) 1865
76 The major impact of the Aligarh
(c) 1875 Movement was
(d) 1885 (a) Political training
Answer: (c) 1875 (b) Teaching of English
72 M.A.O High school was given the rank (c) Social activities
of college in
(d) Religious activities
(a) 1864
Answer: (a) Political training
(b) 1875
77 The major objective promote of
(c) 1877 Aligarh Movement was to promote
(d) 1887 (a) Education
Answer: (c) 1877 (b) Hatred for Hindus
73 Scientific society was established in (c) Scientific look
(a) 1864 (d) Literacy
(b) 1875 Answer: (c) Scientific look
(c) 1877 78 Which one was not among the
(d) 1887 purposes of Aligarh movement

Answer: (a) 1864 (a) To reduce hatred of British

74 Scientific society was established by (b) To prepose Muslims to learn English

(a) Sir Allama Iqbal (c) To prepare Muslims to learn science

(b) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan (d) To prepare Muslims against Hindus

(c) Shibli Nomani

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Answer: (d) To prepare Muslims against (a) Hindus

(b) British
79 Jamia Millia Islamia was established on
(c) Two nation theory
(a) 1900
(d) Tehrik-e-khilafat
(b) 1210
Answer: (c) Two nation theory
(c) 1930
84 Jamia Millia emphasized on
(d) 1940
(a) Religious education
Answer: (c) 1930
(b) Science education
80 Jamia Millia Islamia was established by
(c) Both a and b
(a) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
(d) None of a and b
(b) Moulana Shoukat Ali Johar
Answer: (c) Both a and b
(c) Moulana M. Ali Johar
85 Anjman Himayat-e-Islam was
(d) Hakeem Ajmal Khan established in

Answer: (c) Moulana M. Ali Johar (a) Lahore

81 In Jamia Millia, the medium of (b) Lukhnow

instruction was
(c) Dehli
(a) English
(d) Calcuta
(b) Arabic
Answer: (a) Lahore
(c) Persian
86 Anjman Himayat-e-Islam was
(d) Urdu established on

Answer: (d) Urdu (a) 1857

82 In Jamia Millia, the translation of Holy (b) 1875

Quran was taught as
(c) 1887
(a) Stage 1
(d) 1895
(b) Stage 2
Answer: (c) 1887
(c) Stage 3
87 The founder of Anjman Hamayat-e-
(d) Stage 4 Islam was

Answer: (a) Stage 1 (a) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

83 Jamia Millia could not became popular (b) Caliph Hamid-ud-Din

among Muslims due to its opposition to

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(c) Sir Allama Muhammad Iqbal 92 Education conference 1947 was held
(d) Molana Shibli Nomani
(a) Lahore
Answer: (b) Caliph Hamid-ud-Din
(b) Karachi
88 Nadva-Tul-Ulema was established on
(c) Peshawar
(a) 1884
(d) Quetta
(b) 1894
Answer: (b) Karachi
(c) 1998
93 Education conference 1947 was
(d) 1900 presided by
Answer: (b) 1894 (a) Quaid-e-Azam
89 Nadva-Tul-Ulema was established at (b) Liaqat Ali Khan
(a) Dehli (c) Fazal-ur-Rehman
(b) Aligarh (d) Abdul Rub Nishtar
(c) Lucknow Answer: (c) Fazal-ur-Rehman
(d) Deoband 94 Objective of education under
Answer: (c) Lucknow education conference 1947 were

90 Nadua-Tul-Ulema was established on (a) Conformity with Ideology of life

the initiative of (b) Economic development
(a) Molana Shibli Nomani (c) Character formation
(b) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan (d) All above
(c) Molana M. Ali Mangheri Answer: (d) All above
(d) Molana M. Ali Johar 95 According to the recommendations of
Answer: (a) Molana Shibli Nomani Indian Education Commission, govt took
the responsibility of
91 The first adminstrator of Nadva-Tul-
Ulema was (a) Primary education

(a) Molana Shibli Nomani (b) Secondary education

(b) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan (c) Religeous education

(c) Molana M. Ali Mangheri (d) Higher education

(d) Molana M. Ali Johar Answer: (a) Primary education

Answer: (c) Molana M. Ali Mangheri 96 Council of Technical Education was

recommended to establish under

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(a) Education Conference 1947 (b) S. M. Sharif

(b) National Education Commission 1959 (c) Noor khan

(c) National Education Policy 1970 (d) Abdul Rub Nishtas

(d) National Education Policy 1972 Answer: (c) Noor khan

Answer: (a) Education Conference 1947 101 National Education Policy 1972 was
headed by
97 National Education Commission 1959
was established under the headship of (a) Fazal ur Rehman

(a) Fazal ur Rehman (b) S. M. Sharif

(b) S. M. Sharif (c) Noor Khan

(c) Liaqat Ali Khan (d) Abdul Hafeez Pirzada

(d) Abdul Rub. Nishtar Answer: (d) Abdul Hafeez Pirzada

Answer: (b) S. M. Sharif 102 Private educational institutions were

nationalized under
98 Objectives of education under National
Education Commission 1959 were (a) National Educational Commission 1959

(a) Spiritual values (b) National Education Policy 1970

(b) Ideology of Pakistan (c) National Education Policy 1972

(c) Development of individuality (d) National Education Policy 1978

(d) All of the above Answer: (c) National Education Policy

Answer: (d) All of the above
103 Under National Education Policy
99 Text Book Board was recommended to 1972, free education was recommended
establish under upto class
(a) Education conference 1947 (a) 5
(b) National Education Commission 1959 (b) 8
(c) National Education Policy 1970 (c) 10
(d) National Education Policy 1972 (d) 12
Answer: (b) National Education Answer: (c) 10
Commission 1959
104 Open University was established
100 National Education Policy 1970 was under the policy
headed by
(a) 1959
(a) Fazal ur Rchman
(b) 1970

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(c) 1972 Answer: (b) 1000000

(d) 1978 109 The objective of education according

to charter act was
Answer: (c) 1972
(a) Islamic education
105 The focus of National Education Policy
1978 was on (b) Technical education

(a) Islamic values (c) Preaching Chirstianity

(b) Ideology of Pakistan (d) Preaching Hinduism

(c) Both a and b Answer: (c) Preaching Chirstianity

(d) None of a and b 110 The medium of instruction for

promotion of scientific knowledge
Answer: (c) Both a and b according to charter Act will be
106 Charter Act was presented in (a) Urdu
(a) 1800 (b) Hindi
(b) 1806 (c) Sansikrit
(c) 1813 (d) English
(d) 1820 Answer: (d) English
Answer: (c) 1813 111 The charter Act of East India Company
107 According to Charter Act 1813, was renewed in
education is the responsibility of (a) 1815
(a) Governor (b) 1820
(b) East India Company (c) 1830
(c) Madams (d) 1833
(d) Local government Answer: (d) 1833
Answer: (b) East India Company 112 East India Company could not
108 The amount set apart by East India implement Charter Act for
Company for educational purpose will be (a) 5 years
(b) 7 years
(a) 50000
(c) 10 years
(b) 1000000
(d) 15 years
(c) 150000
Answer: (c) 10 years
(d) 2000000

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113 Lord Macaulay Bentick Resolution (a) Bombay, Calcata, Lahore

was passed in
(b) Madras, Calcate, Lahore
(c) Bombay, Calcata, Madras .
(b) 1833
(d) Bombay, Lahore, Madras
(c) 1835
Answer: (c) Bombay, Calcata, Madras .
(d) 1838
118 Punjab university was established in
Answer: (c) 1835
(a) 1880
114 Which is not the characteristic of Lord
Macaulay Report (b) 1887

(a) Revival of eastern knowledge (c) 1890

(b) Proliferation of western and scientific (d) 1906

knowledge Answer: (b) 1887
(c) English as medium of instruction 119 Indian education commission was
(d) All of the above established in

Answer: (a) Revival of eastern knowledge (a) 1882

115 According to Lord Macaulay one (b) 1887

purpose of education was (c) 1890
(a) To develop moral values (d) 1892
(b) To produce clerks Answer: (a) 1882
(c) Intellectual development 120 Indian education commission was
(d) Physical development established under headship of

Answer: (b) To produce clerks (a) Sir Chasles Wood

116 Charles Wood Despatch was (b) Lord Maculay

presented in (c) Sir Thomas
(a) 1833 (d) Sir William Hunter
(b) 1854 Answer: (d) Sir William Hunter
(c) 1857 121 Planned and systematic effort by an
(d) 1870 organization to provide an individual of
any age a second chance of education is
Answer: (b) 1854
(a) Formal Education
117 Under wood Dispatch in 1857, three
universities established were: (b) Informal Education

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(c) Non-formal Education (b) Essentialism

(d) Post Formal Education . (c) Progressivism

Answer: (c) Non-formal Education (d) Reconstruction

122 Formal and informal types of Answer: (b) Essentialism

education are:
126 Learning theories define learning and
(a) Supplementary to each other explain how learning takes place, hence
change in learning theory changes:
(b) Opposite to each other
(a) Pedagogy
(c) Compulsory for all
(b) Curriculum
(d) For children only
(c) Objectives
Answer: (a) Supplementary to each other
(d) Contents
123 The process in which all community
members learn from each other without Answer: (a) Pedagogy
prior planning is:
127 Field of study directly concerned with
(a) Global Education teaching learning process and
improvement in student learning is:
(b) Informal Education
(a) Philosophy
(c) Universal Education
(b) Sociology
(d) Operational Education
(c) Psychology
Answer: (b) Informal Education
(d) Biology
124 The field of study associated with
exploring realities and general principles Answer: (c) Psychology
is called:
128 The main purpose of Deoband
(a) Psychology Movement was to:

(b) Sociology (a) Preserve the Islamic identity of Muslims

of Sub-Continent
(c) Anthropology
(b) Motivate Muslims for independence
(d) Philosophy
(c) Bridging gap between modern and
Answer: (d) Philosophy religious education
125 Education philosophy which lays (d) Imparting Muslims with scientific
emphasis on delivery of standard knowledge
curriculum through subject centred direct
instruction by teacher: Answer: (a) Preserve the Islamic identity
of Muslims of Sub-Continent
(a) Perennialism

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129 Nadva Movement was established to (c) 2003-2007

develop and promote:
(d) 2004-2008
(a) Religious education only
Answer: (a) 2001-2005
(b) Modern education only
133 Sociological roles of education are:
(c) Both religious and modern education
(a) Conservative, Critical, Creative
(d) Two Nation Theory
(b) Creative, Critical, Evaluation
Answer: (c) Both religious and modern
education (c) Pedagogical, Critical, Conservative

130 The common element between (d) Creative, Conservative, Pedagogical

Nadva Movement and Jamia Millia Answer: (a) Conservative, Critical,
Islamia was emphasis on: Creative
(a) Vocational education 134 Elements of educational process
(b) Oriental Education include:

(c) Elimination of differences between (a) Aims, Curriculum, Medium, Philosophy

Muslims (b) Aims, Curriculum, Philosophy,
(d) Modern and religious education Administration

Answer: (d) Modern and religious (c) Aims, Curriculum, Administration,

education Medium

131 It was decided that primary education (d) Aim, Curriculum, Pedagogy, Evaluation
upto class five will become universal by Answer: (d) Aim, Curriculum, Pedagogy,
1979 and for girls by 1982 and upto class Evaluation
eight for boys by 1982 and for girls by

(a) Educational Conference 1947

(b) National Education Commission 1959

(c) National Education Policy 1972-80

(d) Third Five Year Plan 1965-70

Answer: (c) National Education Policy


132 Education Sector Reform (ESR) is an

action plan of:

(a) 2001-2005

(b) 2002-2006

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