007 - Navigational Assessment Checklist

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Vessel :

Date :

Voyage : From To

Auditor :

Title :

Checked By :

Title :

Date :

Note : Retention Period of the Completed Form is 3 years


Chapter 1. Objectives

Chapter 2. Bridge Watch-keeping Duties

Chapter 3. Passage Planning

Chapter 4. Log Book & Checklists

Chapter 5. Master & Pilot

Chapter 6. Anchoring

Chapter 7. Navigational Equipment

Chapter 8. Bridge Team Management

Chapter 9. Navigation In Special Condition

Chapter 10. Conduct During Emergency

Chapter 11. Observations Summary

Chapter 1. Objectives

Note : Retention Period of the Completed Form is 3 years

The purpose of the Navigational Assessment is to carry out audit on the navigational
practices and procedures onboard vessel as measured against Company’s SMS and
the best practices in the industry.

The Assessment would ensure that the standards set by the Management are being
maintained and monitored.

Analyses of the assessments allow the Management to identify weak areas in

navigational procedures, thus be able to take appropriate action to resolve problems.

Chapter 2. Bridge Watch-keeping Duties

Note : Retention Period of the Completed Form is 3 years

2.1 Are the watch-keeping officers and crew suitably qualified and are their Y N NS NA
trainings and experiences adequate?
If the Master has been promoted within the last 12 months, describe in the
Comments how he obtained his ship handling experience for this class of vessel.



Qualification of
MASTER C/O 2/O 3/O Extra Officer
Certificate of
Issuing Country
(National or
Bridge Team
GOC Certificate
Years in rank
Years on this type of
Years on all types of
Months on the vessel
this tour of duty
English proficiency


2.1.2 Are the Navigational watch-keeping officers onboard aware of vessel’s Y N NS NA

manoeuvring characteristic and her limitations?


2.1.3Are the watch-keeping officers onboard able to conduct a safe Navigational Y N NS NA

watch? Are they familiar with The International Regulation For Preventing
Collisions At Sea and able to apply it under various conditions?

2.2.1 Is the Navigational watch arrangement in accordance with Company’s SMS Y N NS NA


Note : Retention Period of the Completed Form is 3 years


2.2.2 Is the Navigational watch-keeping level being maintained as prescribed in Y N NS NA

Company’s SMS Manual?


2.2.3 Are the Navigational watch-keeping officers able to give clear and proper Y N NS NA
instructions to their lookouts and are the lookouts being properly utilised?


2.2.4 Are the Navigational watch-keeping officers able to operate and fully utilise Y N NS NA
various types of Navigational equipments onboard and aware of the limitations
of the equipment?


2.2.5Are the procedures of changing and handing over of Navigational watch being Y N NS NA
properly carried out in accordance to Company’s SMS Manual?
Is the ICS Bridge Procedures Guide’s Checklist B-12 Changing Over The
Watch in use as reference and complied with?

2.2.6Has all the Navigational watch-keeping officers read and understood the Y N NS NA
Master’s standing orders and night orders? Are they able to call the Master
without hesitation under any specific circumstances?

2.2.7 Are the Navigational watch-keeping officers fully aware of other activities Y N NS NA
taking place onboard during their watch? Example: look out for safety of crew
working on deck; maintain communication with crew working in pump room;
Note : Retention Period of the Completed Form is 3 years
personnel working in enclosed space, etc.

2.2.8 Are the following Navigational information posters, not limited to, being Y N NS NA
displayed or readily available on the Bridge?


1 Master’s Standing Orders 16 SMS – Bridge and Navigation Procedures

2 Wheelhouse Poster – BPG A4 17 Company’s HSE Policy

Vessel Manoeuvring Diagrams

3 18 Drug & Alcohol Policy
(if available)

4 Squat Table 19 Smoking Policy

Autopilot / Manual hand steering / NFU

5 20 Muster List – Boat & Fire Drill
changeover procedures and vice versa

6 Emergency Steering Procedures 21 Emergency Contact List

ICS Steering Gear Guidance on Test ETA Operation Procedures

7 22
Routines and Check Lists (for vessels above 20 000 DWT)

8 Shadow Sectors of Radars / ARPA 23 Life Saving Signals – SOLAS No.1

9 Navigational Equipment manuals 24 List of Geodetic Datums of the GPS installed

10 Deviation Card 25 Boarding Arrangements for Pilot – BPG A5

11 Handing Over the Watch – BPG B12 26 Pilot Card – Form 019

Navtex Stations
12 Deck/Engine Watch-keeping Arrangement 27
(ALRS Vol. 3 - latest edition)
GMDSS - Distress Reporting and Alert Upon
13 Navigational Watch-keeping Levels 28
Reception Procedures

14 Passage Plan – Berth to Berth 29 Critical Operation Checklist – Form 014

Relevant Nautical Publications –

15 30 Vessel’s Antennas Plan
e.g. Pilot Books, Tide Tables, etc.

Chapter 3. Passage Planning

3.1 Has the Voyage Planning been carried out in accordance to the guidelines Y N NS NA
Note : Retention Period of the Completed Form is 3 years
stipulated in the Company’s SMS Manual?


3.2 Has the Passage Planning been carried out in accordance to Company’s SMS Y N NS NA
Manual guidelines – i.e. Appraisal, Planning, Execution and Monitoring?
Does the Passage Plan Checklist include Way-Point Plan as well as adequate
navigational information?


3.3 In determining ‘margins of safety’ on passage, are the following, not limited to, Y N NS NA
been taken into account – i.e. CPA, No Go Area, wrecks, buoys, dangerous
areas, expected traffic density, meteorological condition expected, squat effect,
minimum UKC, safe draft, vertical clearance as applicable, contingency plans
when approaching anchorage, alternate routes, abort points / lines, Master and
officers’ past experience on the same passage and the limitations and
constraints of Navigational equipment?


3.4 Are the Voyage Charts and relevant publications available onboard and have Y N NS NA
been corrected up to date? Are charts and publications onboard being
managed as per Company’s policy?


3.5 Are courses of the voyage charted from berth to berth and all gathered Y N NS NA
informations, e.g. Navtex, Nav Warnings and EGC messages incorporated to
relevant charts?


3.6 Are all Navtex messages received onboard being read and signed by all Y N NS NA
navigators, including the Master?
Are warning affecting current voyage duly corrected on affected charts by

Note : Retention Period of the Completed Form is 3 years


3.7 Is the latest NTM delivered onboard within one month after being published? Y N NS NA
If not, has the Master informed Safety Dept?


3.8 Are all T&P Corrections fully corrected on all affected charts for the voyage? Y N NS NA


3.9 Are all available larger scale charts in use for the voyage? Y N NS NA


3.10 Did the Master carry out random check of chart correction and records duly Y N NS NA


3.11 Are the taking and handing over command of the Bridge by the Master duly Y N NS NA
recorded in the Deck Log Book?


Chapter 4. Log Book and Checklists

4.1 Are the ‘Key Bridge Events’ logged in chronological sequence into the Deck Y N NS NA
Note : Retention Period of the Completed Form is 3 years
Log Book, e.g. Course Alteration, Fire Rounds, Changing of Watch and etc?


4.2 Are the various checklists relevant to navigation being utilised accordingly, e.g. Y N NS NA
Taking over/Handing Over Watch, Radar Log Book, Pilot Card and etc?


4.3 Is the ‘Master’s Bridge Order Book’ filled, read, understood and signed daily Y N NS NA
irregardless of whether vessel is at sea or anchored?


4.4 Are the Routine Tests and Checks stipulated in Company’s SMS Manual Y N NS NA
carried out and logged down accordingly?


4.5 Is a Bridge Log Book maintained and is the required information being Y N NS NA
recorded in a proper manner, i.e. written in INK, engine movements, mooring
sequence, tugs particulars, passing sea buoys or landmark and etc?


Chapter 5. Master and Pilot

5.1 Is the ‘Master/Pilot Information Exchange’ carried out prior pilotage and the Y N NS NA
plan of approach discussed and verified?
Note : Retention Period of the Completed Form is 3 years

5.2 Are the Master and deck officers onboard well aware that the presence of pilot Y N NS NA
does not relieve them of their duties and responsibility of safe navigation during


5.3 Does the Master and deck officers onboard well understood their overriding Y N NS NA
authority when the actions of the pilot is deemed to be unsafe and to take the
necessary and proper action to avoid imminent danger?


5.4 Does the Master carry out briefing to the deck officers regarding pilotage Y N NS NA
navigation before pilot boarding and de-briefing upon completion of the


Chapter 6. Anchoring

6.1 Is the position to drop anchor well planned after taking into account the factors Y N NS NA
such as traffic density, weather condition present and to be expected, nature of

Note : Retention Period of the Completed Form is 3 years

the holding ground, past experiences of the Master and deck officers onboard?


6.2 Does the anchoring procedure in accordance to the Company’s SMS Manual Y N NS NA
guidance with appropriate communication maintained and key elements


6.3 While the vessel is at anchor, have adequate and proper measures, precaution Y N NS NA
taken to monitor the safety of the vessel?
Is the Anchor Log maintained hourly?
Position of nearest vessel in the vicinity monitored and plotted on chart?
Is the main engine on short notice and ready for immediate use?


6.4 If the vessel is anchored within the Port limits, are the Master and personnel Y N NS NA
onboard aware of and in compliance with Company’s policy (in port) as well as
local Port’s rules and regulations?


6.5 Is at least one radar being kept on at all times at the anchorage? Y N NS NA


Chapter 7. Navigational Equipment

7.1 Are all the Navigational Equipment onboard operational as per manufacturers’ Y N NS NA
Note : Retention Period of the Completed Form is 3 years

7.2 Are the maintenance of Navigational Equipment onboard being carried out as Y N NS NA
per manufacturers’ recommendations and Company’s instructions / PMS?


7.3 Have all the Watch-keeping officers acquainted themselves with the operating Y N NS NA
of all Navigational Equipment, particularly with regards to the setting up of the
controls and the procedures to be followed in the event of equipment failure?


7.4 Are sufficient spares for various Navigational Equipment being maintained Y N NS NA
onboard and properly stowed?


Chapter 8. Bridge Team Management

8.1 Have the Master and Watch-keeping officers attended formal training of Y N NS NA
Bridge Team Management?
Note : Retention Period of the Completed Form is 3 years

8.2 Does the Bridge team make use of knowledge gained through the exercises Y N NS NA
conducted in courses regarding Bridge Team Management, e.g. officers able to
carry out respective Bridge duties as well as able to support others bridge team


8.3 Is the Bridge team’s communication loop in order and conducive to efficient Y N NS NA
and safe navigation?


8.4 Is the Bridge team’s communication with outside parties deemed to be Y N NS NA

effective; e.g. condusive, concise and closed communication loop, etc?


8.5 Does the Master carry out briefing to the deck officers regarding navigational Y N NS NA
matters before the voyage begins and de-briefing upon completion of the


Chapter 9. Navigation In Special Condition

9.1 Are the Master and Watch-keeping officers familiar with COLREGS Rule 19 Y N NS NA
as well as Company’s guidance and instructions on Navigation in Restricted
Note : Retention Period of the Completed Form is 3 years
Visibility as stipulated in the SMS Manual?
Is the ‘Critical Operation Checklist’ posted and being utilised effectively?


9.2 Are the Master and Watch-keeping officers familiar with Company’s guidance Y N NS NA
and instructions on Navigation in Heavy Weather as stipulated in the SMS
Is the preparation for heavy weather well understood by Bridge team members
and the ‘Critical Operation Checklist’ posted and being utilised effectively?


9.3 Are the Master and Watch-keeping officers familiar with Company’s guidance Y N NS NA
and instructions on Navigation in Narrow Channel and Congested Waters as
stipulated in the SMS Manual?
Is the preparation for Passing Plan, inspections and checks been carried out
before entering Narrow Channel and the ‘Critical Operation Checklist’ posted
and being utilised effectively?


Chapter 10. Conduct During Emergency

10.1 Are the Master and Watch-keeping officers conversant with the Company’s Y N NS NA
guidance and instructions on various emergency situations as listed in the SMS

Note : Retention Period of the Completed Form is 3 years

Manual, i.e. Collision, Flooding, Abandon Ship, Search & Rescue, Grounding,
Man Over board, M/E or Steering Failure, Oil Spill, Fire or Explosion, Pirate
Attack and etc?


10.2 Are the Master and Watch-keeping officers familiar with Port and Flag State’s Y N NS NA
rules and regulations, Company’s guidance and instructions on the
communication and reporting procedures during Emergency?
Is the International Code of Signal accessible for guidance/reference when


10.3 Are the Master and Watch-keeping officers involved in various shipboard Y N NS NA
training, drills and mustering as required by SOLAS?
Is the training, drills, and mustering in accordance to Company’s instructions
and guidelines?


Chapter 11. Observations Summary

Note : Retention Period of the Completed Form is 3 years

All negative observations to be summarised in the existing form, Vessel Inspection
Deficiency Report, including corrective actions and/or recommendations to prevent
recurrence, with the expected completion date duly set out.

Deficiency Status Report is to be follow-up on a monthly basis until all the defects are
being closed out.

This Navigational Assessment Checklist is to facilitate the Navigational Assessment

Report, which is of a narrative version.

Note : Retention Period of the Completed Form is 3 years


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