DIN Applicant Ion

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Applicant's name (Enter full name and do not use abbreviations)

1(a). First name* :

1(b). Last name* :
1(c). Middle name :
Father's name (Even married women must give father's name)
2(a). First name* :
2(b). Last name* :
2(c). Middle name :
3. Whether a citizen of
India* : Yes No
4. Nationality :
5. Date of birth* : (dd/mm/yyyy)
6. Gender* :
7. Place of birth
8. Income tax permanent
account number
9. Voter's identity card
number :
10. Passport number :
11. Driving license
12(a). Line I* :
Line II :
12(b). City* :
12(c). State* :
12(d). Country* :
12(e). Pin code* :
12(f). Phone :
12(g). Fax :
12(h). Email ID* :
13. Whether present
residential address is same
as permanent residential Yes No
address* :
14(a). Line I :
Line II :
14(b). City :
14(c). State :
14(d). Country :
14(e). Pin code :
14(f). Phone :
14(g). Fax :
*Mandatory Field
Instruction Kit

Following documents are being enclosed :

Proof of identity (Tick against the document being enclosed)

1. Passport
2. Election (voter identity) card
3. Driving license
4. Income-tax PAN card
5. Others-Please Specify

Proof of residence (Tick against the document being enclosed)

1. Passport
2. Election (voter identity) card
3. Ration card
4. Driving license
5. Electricity bill
6. Telephone bill
7. Bank account statement

8. Others-Please Specify

resident of

hereby declare and verify that the information given in this application and the documents enclosed is correct
and complete. I confirm that I do not possess and have not been allotted another Director Identification
Number by the Central Government. I also confirm that no other application (including physical documents)
submitted by me is pending for allotment of Director Identification Number.

Signature of the applicant (to be signed for submission of physical copy of the form with MCA)

Dated (dd/mm/yyyy)

General Guidelines For DIN Application

The applicant should first fill in the application on-line,
generate a provisional DIN and then take a print out for
1. Obtain Provisional DIN dispatch to the DIN Processing Cell. An application
without a provisional DIN cannot be accepted for further
process and would merit straight rejection.
Attestation/ certification of A Public Notary or a Gazette Officer of a Government or
photograph , proof of a Practicing professional (Chartered Accountant/
identity and proof of Company Secretary/ Cost Accountant) or a Company
residence Secretary in full time employment of the company.
The attesting authority must indicate the following while
Particulars of the attesting /
3. attesting the documents:- (i) Signatures; (ii) Name in full
certifying authority
in Capitals; (iii) Registration No.; and (iv) Seal/ Stamp.
In case the proof of identity and proof of residence is in a
language other than Hindi or English, a certified copy of
Language of proofs for
4. translation of the same in Hindi or English should be
identity and residence
enclosed and the translation be also certified by the
professional who has otherwise certified the said proofs.
The proof of identify enclosed with DIN Form should
also contain the Date of Birth of the applicant and the
same should match the Date of Birth filled in the
5. Date of Birth
application form. In case the proof of identify does not
indicate the Date of Birth then additional proof of Date
of Birth, duly certified/ attested, should be attached.
The proof of Identity enclosed with DIN form should
also contain the Father's Name of the applicant and the
same should match the Father's Name filled in the
6. Father's Name application form.In case the proof of Identity does not
indicate the Father's Name then additional proof of
Father's Name, duly certified/attested, should be
While general conditions as mentioned at Sr.No. 1, 3, 4
and 5 would be applicable in these categories also, the
Process for applicants who
certification of attached documents and the photograph
are (i) Indian citizens
may be done by a notary in the home country of the
residing abroad; (ii) foreign
7. applicant or the Managing Director/ CEO of the
nationals residing in India;
Company on which he is a Director or the Company
and (iii) foreign nationals
Secretary in full time employment of the Company.
residing outside India
Further, in the case of a Foreign National, certified copy
of the valid passport should be enclosed.

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