Field Visit Report (02-Dec-2020)

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Field Visit Report

Date 02-December-2020
Place visited Blind School Nishtarabad, Garhi Sharif Khan, Tapoo Koroona, Shad Bagh Colony

Visited by: Mr. Ejaz (Project Engineer) and Ms. Rozina Khan (MEAL officer)
Reported on 03-December-2020
Purpose of Visit - Scheme completion MEAL verification
- Client feedbacks regarding the constructed/Rehabilitated schemes

Major Findings
Below are the key highlights of visit.

Location Findings Agreed action Accountable Deadline

School for - 3 Bathrooms and 1 latrine Positive findings
blind children, constructed, 2 of the bathrooms
Nishtarabad and 1 latrine was found
functional and accessible to all.
- These bathrooms and latrine will
benefit around 250 students and
facility staff.
- Proper handrails were installed to
the way towards these
- Entrance of the structures was
normal slopy, hence friendly both
for students with/without
The site selected as per design of the
scheme was shifted to nearby site
with change in direction of the
structure and hence there were
minor changes in the BOQs and
actual structure on ground. (As per
IRC engineer, site was shifted on
demand and consensus of the facility

Pipe to the shower rose was either Recommendation: Contractor was

leaked or lose in of the bathrooms. directed to communicate with
sanitary worker to fix the problem.
Follow up is needed with them for
fixing the problem.
Agreed Action: TBD
Drainage line where Recommendation: Sessions need to
latrines/bathrooms waster water be organized with facility staff and
flows was found full of solid waste available children on waste material
material and may affect the management and proper use of
wastewater flow and cause blockage. available dustbin.
Agreed Action: TBD
1 Bathroom was kept locked by Recommendation: Facility staff was
facility staff and could not be directed to open the Bathroom for
checked. use and access to all, similarly, to let
(As per facility staff, schools are yet the wet plaster dry.
closed till 11th January 2020, and Agreed Action: TBD
children from nearby communities
usually come to facility where they
did not take care of the constructed
bathrooms and may have the risk of
steeling/damage of the installed
equipment i.e. water taps etc.)
But it was noticed that out of 3
bathrooms, only 1 was locked and
Electric switchboards with 1 or 2 Recommendation: These
sockets were fitted outside the switchboards may be shifted inside or
bathrooms/latrine and were may be covered with wooden/plastic
functional. But if rains, Sockets may half covers.
be risky to use and may cause electric Agreed Action: TBD
shock if wet.
Garhi Sharif - Both the hand pumps were found Positive Findings
Khan functional and inclusive with
Parda walls around.
(2 hand - Hand pumps were accessible to
pumps children as well. and they usually
constructed/ use it to collect water for their
installed) households.
- These hand pumps benefit
around 30 households (15
household with each hand
- These hand pump resolved many
issues of the community as in
winter season they usually face
water shortage issue in their
household wells where available.
- Nearby households were found
happy of the handpump
installation. Their feedbacks
collected and entered in online
feedback forms.
Water quality of the hand pump was Agreed Action: TBD
not good, the water was smelly as
well as have taste.
At both the hand pumps, the Recommendation: Hygiene sessions
surrounding area was found need to be organized on priority basis
unhygienic with solid waste i.e. used with men/women/girls and boys
pampers and other materials were specifically where IRC has
thrown at the entrance of handpump installed/constructed water supply
beside the fact that dustbin was schemes. Some of the individuals
found available nearby. This may lead were oriented on the spot but proper
to water contamination as well as an sessions need to be organized at said
obstacle in declaring the open sites.
defecation free environment in said Agreed Action: TBD
At both the hand pumps there found Recommendation: Visibility material
no signboard/visibility material at (small metallic sheet) with IRC name,
handpumps/Parda wall or nearby and logo, hand pump installation date etc.
hence the nearby households were This will help in knowing the
unaware that construction work has community about IRC efforts and
been done by IRC or any other water source initiation date.
organization. Agreed Action: TBD
Tapoo - Both the hand pumps were found Positive findings
Koroona functional and inclusive with
Parda walls around.
- Hand pumps were accessible to
children as well. and they usually
use it to collect water for their
- These hand pumps benefit
around 13 to 14 households (5
household with 1 and 7 to 8 with
- These hand pump resolved many
issues of the community as in
winter season they usually face
water shortage issue in their
household wells where available.
- Nearby households were found
happy of the handpump
installation. Their feedbacks
collected and entered in online
feedback forms.
At both the hand pumps, the Recommendation: Hygiene sessions
surrounding area was found need to be organized on priority basis
unhygienic with solid waste i.e. with men/women/girls and boys
Animal excreta and children faeces specifically where IRC has
and other materials were thrown at installed/constructed water supply
the entrance of handpump beside the schemes.
fact that dustbin was found available Agreed Action: TBD
nearby. This may lead to water
contamination as well as an obstacle
in declaring the open defecation free
environment in said village.
At both the hand pumps there found Recommendation: Visibility material
no signboard/visibility material at (small metallic sheet) with IRC name,
handpumps/Parda wall or nearby and logo, hand pump installation date etc.
hence the nearby households were This will help in knowing the
unaware that construction work has community about IRC efforts and
been done by IRC or any other water source initiation date.
organization. Agreed Action: TBD
Women at nearby households were Recommendation: They have been
found unaware of IRC, WASH project oriented a bit on project and its scope
IWJs structures, TFs etc. and other of work, and the structures formed or
initiatives, nor they have attended working. Field team need to organize
any hygiene sessions or remain part meeting there and orient them on
of any meeting. project and other necessary
awareness raising topics as they were
found keen to learn and take part in
hygiene sessions etc.
Agreed Action: TBD
Shad Construction work was started in the Recommendation: Hard schemes
Bagh/Christian household (informal/unregistered need to be selected in consensus with
Colony church) which was locked by community members and their needs
Government due to some illegal should be given high priority. Proper
property rights and use. Hence site EH plans need to be developed and
selected for construction/ schemes for
rehabilitation work was not construction/rehabilitation should be
appropriate and nearby community prioritized in joint consensus of
were found unaware of any such Community as well as IRC.
initiative of IRC. As per community Agreed Action: TBD
members there are other WASH
related issue exist in their area and
suggested to identify the other WASH
related needs of the community for
further consideration.

Pictorial View

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