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0704 1282 PDF
Jonathan Sondow
1. INTRODUCTION. While there exist geometric proofs of irrationality for √2 [2], [27],
no such proof for e, π , or ln 2 seems to be known. In section 2 we use a geometric
construction to prove that e is irrational. (For other proofs, see [1, pp. 27-28], [3, p. 352],
[6], [10, pp. 78-79], [15, p. 301], [16], [17, p. 11], [19], [20], and [21, p. 302].) The proof
leads in section 3 to a new measure of irrationality for e, that is, a lower bound on the
distance from e to a given rational number, as a function of its denominator. A
connection with the greatest prime factor of a number is discussed in section 4. In section
5 we compare the new irrationality measure for e with a known one, and state a number-
theoretic conjecture that implies the known measure is almost always stronger. The new
measure is applied in section 6 to prove a special case of a result from [24], leading to
another conjecture. Finally, in section 7 we recall a theorem of G. Cantor that can be
proved by a similar construction.
The intersection
∩ I n = {e} (1)
n =1
∑ n! = e . (2)
n =0
When n > 1 the interval I n +1 lies strictly between the endpoints of I n , which are and
a +1
for some integer a = a(n) . It follows that the point of intersection (1) is not a fraction
with denominator n! for any n ≥ 1. Since a rational number p q with q > 0 can be
p p ⋅(q − 1)!
= , (3)
q q!
we conclude that e is irrational. •
p 1
e− > , (4)
q (S(q) + 1)!
where S(q) is the smallest positive integer such that S(q)! is a multiple of q.
(the so-called Smarandache function [28]). We do not use the algorithm in this note.
Proof of Theorem 1. For n > 1 the left endpoint of I n is the closest fraction to e with
denominator not exceeding n!. Since e lies in the interior of the second subinterval of I n ,
m 1
e− > (6)
n! (n + 1)!
for any integer m. Now given integers p and q with q > 1, let m = p⋅S(q)! q and
n = S(q) . In view of (5), m and n are integers. Moreover,
p p⋅S(q)! q m
= = . (7)
q S(q)! n!
Therefore, (6) implies (4). •
In fact, (4) implies that (8) holds for any integer q larger than 1, because S(q) ≤ q always
holds. But (4) is an improvement of (8), just as (7) is a refinement of (3).
Theorem 1 would be false if we replaced the denominator on the right side of (4)
with a smaller factorial. To see this, let p q be an endpoint of I n , which has length n ! . If
we take q = n! , then since evidently
S(n!) = n (9)
and e lies in the interior of I n ,
p 1
e− < . (10)
q S(q)!
(If q < n! , then (10) still holds, since n > 2 , so p q is not an endpoint of I n −1 , hence
S(q) = n .)
4. THE LARGEST PRIME FACTOR OF q. For q ≥ 2 let P(q) denote the largest
prime factor of q. Note that S(q) ≥ P(q) . Also, S(q) = P (q) if and only if S(q) is prime.
(If S(q) were prime but greater than P(q) , then since q divides S(q)! , it would also
divide (S(q) − 1)! , contradicting the minimality of S(q) .)
P. Er dos
ʹ′ʹ′ and I. Kastanas [9] observed that
(Recall that a claim Cq is true for almost all q if the counting function
N(x) = #{q ≤ x : Cq is false} satisfies the asymptotic condition N(x) x → 0 as x → ∞ .)
It follows that Theorem 1 implies an irrationality measure for e involving the simpler
function P(q) .
Corollary 1. For almost all q, the following inequality holds with any integer p:
p 1
e− > . (12)
q (P(q) + 1)!
Corollary 2. Fix q = n!> 1 . Then (12) holds for all p if and only if n is prime.
Proof. If n is prime, then P(q) = n , so (4) and (9) imply (12) for all p. Conversely, if n is
composite, then P(q) < n , and (10) shows that (12) fails for certain p. •
Thus when q > 1 is a factorial, (12) is true for all p if and only if S(q) = P (q) . To
p 65
illustrate this, take q = 4! to be the left endpoint of I4 . Then P(q) = 3 < 4 = S(q) , and
(12) does not hold, although of course (4) does:
1 65 1
0.00833 . . . = < e− = 0.00994 . . . < = 0.04166 . . . .
5! 24 4!
for all p and q with q ≥ q(ε ) . This follows easily from the continued fraction expansion
of e. (See, for example, [23]. For sharper inequalities than (13), see [3, Corollary 11.1],
[4], [7], [10, pp. 112-113], and especially the elegant [26].)
Presumably, (13) is usually stronger than (4). We state this more precisely, and in
a number-theoretic way that does not involve e.
Conjecture 1. The inequality q 2 < S(q)! holds for almost all q. Equivalently, q 2 < P(q)!
for almost all q.
(The equivalence follows from (11).) This is no doubt true; the only thing lacking is a
proof. (Compare [12], where A. Iv icʹ′ proves an asymptotic formula for the counting
function N(x) = #{q ≤ x : P(q) < S(q)} and surveys earlier work, including [9].)
Conjecture 1 implies that (13) is almost always a better measure of irrationality
for e than those in Theorem 1 and Corollary 1. On the other hand, Theorem 1 applies to
all q > 1. Moreover, (4) is stronger than (13) for certain q. For example, let q = n! once
more. Then (4) and (9) give (6), which is stronger than (13) if n > 2 , since
Proof. Use (4), (9), (14), and the fact that every convergent satisfies the reverse of
inequality (13) with ε = 0 [10, p. 24], [17, p. 61]. •
When q n < n! (for example, q 19 = 19! 4000 —see [22, sequence A093101]),
another argument is required, and we can only prove the assertion for almost all n.
However, numerical evidence suggests that much more is true.
Conjecture 2. Only two partial sums of series (2) for e are convergents to e, namely,
s1 = 2 and s 3 = 8 3 .
a1 a2 a3
a0 + + + + ⋅⋅⋅
b1 b1b2 b1b2 b3
is irrational if and only if both a n > 0 and a n < b n − 1 hold infinitely often.
For example, series (2) for e and all subseries (such as Σ n ≥0 (2 n)! = cosh1 and
1 n −1
Σ n ≥0 (2 n +1)! = sinh1) are irrational, but the sum Σ n ≥1 n!
= 1 is rational.
An exposition of the "if" part of Cantor's theorem is given in [17, pp. 7-11]. For
extensions of the theorem, see [8], [11], [18], and [25].
ADDENDUM. Here are some details on why the nested closed intervals I n constructed
in section 2 have intersection e. Recall that I1 = [2, 3], and that for n ≥ 2 we get I n from
I n −1 by cutting it into n equal subintervals and taking the second one. The left-hand
1 1 1
endpoints of I1, I2 , I3 ,… are 2, 2 + 2! , 2 + 2! + 3! ,…, which are also partial sums of the
series (2) for e. Since the endpoints approach the intersection € of the intervals, whose
lengths tend to zero, the intersection is the single point e.
€ €
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Stefan Krämer pointed out the lack of geometric proofs of
irrationality. The referee suggested a version of the question in section 2. Yann Bugeaud
and Wadim Zudilin supplied references on the known irrationality measures for e.
Aleksandar Iv icʹ′ commented on Conjecture 1. Kyle Schalm did calculations [24] on
Conjecture 2, and Yuri Nesterenko related it to Liouville's proof. I am grateful to them
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