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Tutorial Easy Comic

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1 Basic

EasyComic© is a vector-based drawing software, which provides nice features to help you
create any comic works easily.

A vector shape is defined as below:

1. A line is composed of several continuous points.
2. A shape is a closed line.
3. Several lines or shapes can be composed as a group.

The point is divided into two kinds:

1. Corner Point, shown as a black square, used for straight line or poly-line.
2. Smooth Point, shown as a red circle, used for curve line.

No matter what kind of line, are made by a number of straight line and a combination of
several curve line. So, you can create any kinds of lines via Corner Points and Smooth

Especially for curve line, tension is a very important factor, which is used to control curve
effect. Greater tension, more curved.

Legend 2

2 Tool Box
The Tool-Box is on the left side of EasyComic© main window, which contains a set of
vector tools.
NO. Icon Feature
1 Select
1. Select and move the shapes.
2. Select and move the point. When the first and the last point overlap, the
line will be into a closed shape.
3. Double click the closed shape, the text editor will show.
2 Create Line
1. Move the cursor , and click to add a corner point.
2. Press CTRL key, the cursor will be into , and click to add a smooth
3. Right click to complete the creation of line.
4. When the first and the last point overlap, a closed shape will be created.
5. Press Escape key to cancel the current action.
3 Insert Corner Point
1. Move the cursor , mouse hover on the line. If the new point can be
insert at the current position, a black small square will show, and then click
to insert a new corner point.
2. If a smooth point is clicked, which will be into a corner point.
3. Can't insert any point into the group shape.
4. Press Escape key to cancel the current action.
4 Insert Smooth Point
1. Move the cursor , mouse hover on the line. If the new point can be
insert at the current position, a red small circle will show, and then click to
insert a new smooth point.
2. If a corner point is clicked, which will be into a smooth point.
3. Can't insert any point into the group shape.
4. Press Escape key to cancel the current action.
5 Cut off Line
1. Move the cursor , mouse hover on the line. If the line can be cut off at
the current position, a red X mark will show, and then click to cut off the line.
2. If a point is clicked, which will be deleted.
3. Can't cut off any lines of the group shape.
4. Press Escape key to cancel the current action.
6 Connect Lines
1. Move the cursor to the first or the last point of the line, press mouse
left button, and move cursor to the another shape's point, Then release the
mouse, the two lines will be connected as a new line.
2. If the start point and end point belong to the same line, the line will be
into a closed shape.
3. Press Escape key to cancel the current action.
7 Rotate
1. Click and select a shape, the rotate handle will show.
2. Press the rotate handle, and drag it around the center point. Then
release mouse to complete the rotation. The rotate degree is on the right
side of the rotate handle.
3. Press Escape key to cancel the current action.
8 Resize
1. Select one or more shapes, the dash frame will show.
2. Press the bottom right handle, and drag it to resize the shapes.
3. Press Escape key to cancel the current action.
9 Create Rectangle
1. Press mouse left button, and move the cursor, and then release mouse
to complete the creation of rectangle.
2. Press mouse left button with SHIFT key, square will be created.
3. Press Escape key to cancel the current action.
Create Ellipse
10 1. Press mouse left button, and move the cursor, and then release mouse
to complete the creation of ellipse.
2. Press mouse left button with SHIFT key, circle will be created.
3. Press Escape key to cancel the current action.
11 Create Bubble
1. Press mouse left button, and move the cursor, and then release mouse
to complete the creation of dialogue bubble.
2. You can move freely the direction point of the bubble.
3. More bubbles are provided in Materials Panel.
4. Press Escape key to cancel the current action.
12 Add Text
1. Move the cursor , click to show text editor.
2. In fact, double click any closed shape, the text editor will show.
3. Press Escape key to cancel the current action.
13 Slice
1. Press mouse left button, and move the cursor, and then release mouse
to add a new slice. EasyComic© will generate some slices automatically,
which are named automatic slices.
Click the menu item to show or hide automatic slices: View->Automatic
2. If the selected slice is automatic, show gray focus, and can't be moved.
3. Click the menu item to export slice: File->Export slice images. You can
choose option ' HTML and images ' or 'Only images '.
4. Press Escape key to cancel the current action.
14 Zoom In
1. Move cursor to the target position, click to zoom in.
2. Press CTRL key and scroll down mouse wheel to zoom in.
3. Press Escape key to cancel the current action.
15 Zoom Out
1. Move cursor to the target position, click to zoom out.
2. Press CTRL key and scroll up mouse wheel to zoom out.
3. Press Escape key to cancel the current action.
Table 1
3 Coloring
The Design-Panel is on the right side of EasyComic© main window, which contains a set
of design tools. Among the tools, the Fill function is most used frequently.

All closed shape can be filled with solid color, gradient color or image. The gradient color
is divided into three kinds: linear, radial, angle.

3.1 Solid Color

Legend 3

 Choose Color
Click color-cell on color-table to choose a solid color. Especially, the last cell is
transparent color.

 Adjust Lightness
The lightness slider is on the bottom of the panel. Press mouse left button and move the
control point to adjust lightness of current color.

 Pick Color
Click ' Pick Color ' button , move cursor to the comic work window, and then click to pick
color at current position.

 Custom Color
Click ' Custom RGB Color ' button , a text editor will be shown. Input color name or color
value, such as: ' white ', ' #FFFFFF ', or ' 255, 255, 255 '.

Legend 4
Click accept button to save the color.
Click cancel button to give up the color, hide text editor, and show lightness slider.
 Select Color-Table
Click context button to list color-tables:
1. General
2. Human
3. Nature

 Remark
If there is no any selected shapes, the color will be as paper color of current comic file.

3.2 Linear Gradient

Legend 5

Linear gradient contains at least 2 colors. We can set color’s position and gradient

The color slider with color-stops is on the top of the panel, where you can manage
colors and positions.

The preview control is on the bottom of the panel, where you can change gradient
direction and get a real-time preview.

 Set Color
Click a color-stop to pop up color picker window, choose a color, and then click ' OK '
button to set color.

 Add Color
Click blank place below the color slider, a new color-stop will be added.

 Change Color Position

Press and move a color-stop, the color's position will be changed in real time.

 Delete Color
1. Press a color-stop and move down, the color-stop will be deleted. But, the first and the
last color-stop can't be deleted.
2. Click mouse right button on a color-stop to pop up context menu, and then click menu
item ' Delete ', the color-stop will also be deleted.

 Change Gradient Direction

Drag and move the start point or end point on the preview control, the gradient direction
will be changed in real time.

3.3 Radial Gradient

Legend 6
Radial gradient contains at least 2 colors. We can set color’s position and gradient

The color slider with color-stops is on the top of the panel, where you can manage
colors and positions.

The preview control is on the bottom of the panel, where you can change gradient center
and get a real-time preview.

 Set Color
Click a color-stop to pop up color picker window, choose a color, and then click ' OK '
button to set color.

 Add Color
Click blank place below the color slider, a new color-stop will be added.

 Change Color Position

Press and move a color-stop, the color's position will be changed in real time.

 Delete Color
1. Press a color-stop and move down, the color-stop will be deleted. But, the first and the
last color-stop can't be deleted.
2. Click mouse right button on a color-stop to pop up context menu, and then click menu
item ' Delete ', the color-stop will also be deleted.

 Change Gradient Center

Drag and move the control point on the preview control, the gradient center will be
changed in real time.

3.4 Angle Gradient

Legend 7
Angle gradient contains at least 2 colors. We can set color’s position and gradient

The color slider with color-stops is on the top of the panel, where you can manage
colors and positions.

The preview control is on the bottom of the panel, where you can change gradient center
and get a real-time preview.

 Set Color
Click a color-stop to pop up color picker window, choose a color, and then click ' OK '
button to set color.

 Add Color
Click blank place below the color slider, a new color-stop will be added.

 Change Color Position

Press and move a color-stop, the color's position will be changed in real time.

 Delete Color
1. Press a color-stop and move down, the color-stop will be deleted. But, the first and the
last color-stop can't be deleted.
2. Click mouse right button on a color-stop to pop up context menu, and then click menu
item ' Delete ', the color-stop will also be deleted.

 Change Gradient Center

Drag and move the control point on the preview control, the gradient center will be
changed in real time.
3.5 Image Brush

Legend 8
EasyComic© supports 5 image formats: PNG, JPEG, BMP, GIF, TIFF.

 Browse Image
1. Click Image preview control to pop up a dialog, open a image file.
2. Click mouse right button to pop up context menu, and then click menu item ‘Open...’ to
open a image file.

 Clear Picture
Click mouse right button to pop up context menu, and then click menu item ‘ Clear ’ to
reset the current image brush.

4 Sample
【Step1】Draw Head

Select ‘ Create Ellipse ’ tool on the tool box. Draw a ellipse as the head.


【Step2】Draw Hairs

Select ‘ Create Line ’ tool on the tool box. Draw a closed shape as hairs.

【Step3】Adjust Hairs

Select ‘ Insert Smooth Point ’ tool on the tool box. Select some corner points and convert
them to smooth points.


【Step4】Draw Horns

Select ‘ Create Line ’ tool on the tool box. Draw the horn shapes.


Make the selected horn shapes as a group shape

Create a copy via CTRL+C and CTRL+V ’.


Click ‘ Flip Horizontal ’ button on tool bar, change the left horn to right horn.


Click ‘ Send to Back ‘ button on tool bar to make the horns behind the hairs.


【Step5】Draw Face

Use ‘ Create Line ’ and ‘ Create Ellipse ’ tools on the tool box to draw eyes, brows, nose,
and mouth on the face.

Because the eyes are symmetrical, so you can use ‘ Copy ’ and ‘ Paste ’ functions to
speed up the creation.

Some shapes are very small and not easy to draw. You could zoom in the shapes via
‘ Zoom in ’ tool on the tool box. Additional, you can use the up, down, left or right key on
the keyboard, to fine-tune the points.

【Step6】Draw Body



Fill the shapes with colors via ‘ Fill ’ function of ‘ Design Panel ’, which is on the right side
of the main window.

Especially, for the group shape, you can use ‘ Edit Group ’ function to edit sub-shape’s in
the group, and then save group via ‘Save ’ button on the tool bar.

【Step8】Save as Material

If you want to use this role again later, you can save it as a material in the ‘ Material
Panel ’. Steps:
First, make all the shapes of this role as a new group shape.
Second, right click to pop up context menu, click menu item: Save as Material -> Role.

Now, you can drag this material from ‘ Material Panel ’ into your next comic works directly!

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