Office of The Alipurduar Ii Panchayat Samiti: E-Procurement) E-Tender (Two Cover System)
Office of The Alipurduar Ii Panchayat Samiti: E-Procurement) E-Tender (Two Cover System)
Office of The Alipurduar Ii Panchayat Samiti: E-Procurement) E-Tender (Two Cover System)
r only) w.o.
(in Rs.)
Installation of 10 Nos NIL Having
(as per no. Credential
Solar Street lights at 40.00% n
P.S.(Bhelukdabri) Secretary
To the Govt.
Stallation of 10 Nos NIL 500.00 6000.00 30 days Having
dr Street lights at Rs 292415.00 (as per no. Credential
different booths of 1177-F(Y)
Dated .28-2-
40.00% in
similar type of
Majherdabri G.P unde 14 of works within last
Alipurduar-ll P.S. (uttar Principal 5 (Five Years)
Shibkata) Secretary
To the Govt.
Installation of 10 Nos Rs 292415.00 NIL 500.00 6000.00 30 days Haviving
Solar Street lights at (as per no. Credential
village Chaparerpar 1177-F(Y) 40.00% in
Dated .28-2- similar type of
Chaparerpar-1 G.P under 4 of works within last
Alipurduar-ll P.S. Principal 5 (Five Years)
To the Govt.
Installation of 10 Nos Rs 292415.00 NIL 500.00 6000.00 30 days Having
Solar Street lights at (as per no. Credential
different booths 1177-F(Y) 40.00% in
Dated 28-2- similar type of
Samuktala G.P under 14 of works within last
Alipurduar-ll Principal 5 (Five Years)
P.s(Patotola) Secretary
To the Govt.
Installation of 10 Nos Rs 292415.00 NIL
500.00|6000.00 30 days Havi
Solar Street lights at (as per no. Credential
Kayakhata mouza of 1177-F(Y)) 40.00% n
Dated .28-2- similar type of
Tatpara-II G.P under 14 of works within last
Alipurduar-ll P.S. Principal 5 (Five Years)
To the Govt.
8 Installation of 10 Nos Rs 292415.00 NIL 500.00 6000.00 30 days
(as per no. Having
Solar Street lights at Credential
different places of
1177-F(Y) 40.00% in
Dated 28-2- similar type of
Salsalabari mouza 14 0f works within last
Chaparerpar-ll G.Punder Principal 5 (Five Years)
Intending bidders may download tender documents from e-procurement portal of our website: from 19-01-2021, 18:00 Hours to 25-01-2021 up to 18:00 Hours. The pre-
qualification bid documents duly filled in all respect may be submitted online before 18:00 hrs (as
per server clock) on 19-01-2021.
Both Technical bid & Financial Bid are to be submitted concurrently dully signed digitally in the
above mentioned portal. The financial ofer of the prospective tenderer will be considered only if
tender qualifies in the technical bid.
Date and time of opening of the pre-qualification (Technical bids) will be notified by The Block
Development Officer , Alipurduar-II Development Block later on.
Date & Time of technically qualified bidders will be communicated Later on, Subject to
completion of verification of technical evaluation.
Date & Time of opening of Financial bid document of the technically qualified bidders will be
communicated Later on.
For e-Tender intending tenderers may download the tender document from said website directly with
the help of Digital Signature Certificate. Earnest
Money shall be deposited by the intending tenderers
by way of RTGS/NEFT through ICICI Bank and the same should be documented for e-Tender and
virus free scanned copies are downloaded.
Payment made otherwise will be rejected
The scan copies of the following shall have to be uploaded in the Technical documents Folder
Copy ofPAN Card.
Valid upto date Professional Tax clearance Certificate
GST Certificate
EPF registration number & current month channel (above 201akh)
OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturing) certificate
Proper Credential Certificate from any Govt. or Quasi Govt, Department Signed by the
competent authority along with work order & Boq/ Schedule, Payment certificate in lieu of
credentials will not be accepted.
All the relevant documents in support of proof of having original equipment manufacturing
certificate of the Tenderer as per requirement
Bank solvency Certificate of the bidder shall be for any date within last 3
of issue of the tender. Bank solvency Amount of Rs 10,00,000/-
(three) months from date
(ten Lakh)
Details of Technical personnel under the incumbency of the Tenderer as
per requirement.
Declaration stating the fact of having well established Laboratory set
up with competent Lab.
Asstt./ Engineers as well as the capability of setting
I n case of Partnership Firm / Registered
of Field laboratory at site as per requirement.
Company the intending Tenderers are
requested to
submit the copy of the DEED of partnership /.
Earnest Money Serial number of the work should be clearly mentioned on the Bank deposit
Challan& Scanned copy of the same challan should be
uploaded in the folder of technical bid.
Payment made otherwise will be rejected.
herein after called the Contractor, will have to execute an
Agreement:The Successful Tenderer,
agreement within 7 (seven ) days on a Non Judicial Stamp as per rules, and shall have to be
purchased two set of Tender Document from this office. Price per set oftender daocument is as
mentioned in Annexure. The same documents are to be submitted to office duly signed by e
Abidfor which quoted percentage rate, ishigherthan 20h ofthe provided price schedule rate, the
bid will be considered as unbalanced bid. Moreover no bid will be accepted for which quoted percentage rate
is above than the provided price schedule rate. Additional performancesecurityfor unbalanced bid has to be
deposited at the timeofexecutingformal agreement296of the tendered amount. The Hard Copiesall
uploaded documents should have to be produced to the under signed as and when will be required. The
Contractors/ Suppliers/Agency who has not started the works awarded to him without any valid reason
are debarred from participation in the process. Their papers will not be considered.
The Hard Copies all uploaded documents should have to be produced to the under signed as and when will be
The Contractors/ Agency who has not started the works awarded to him without any valid reason are debarred from
participation in the process. Their papers will not be considered.
N.B:- This Notice may be seen on Website:
As mentioned in Annexure to NIT NO WB APD
1. Name of Work: IINIT 3 (e) -EXE/APD/2020-21.
From 19-01-2021 Time 18:00 Hours
2. Period and time for download of Bidding
To 25-01-2021 Time 18:00 Hours
C) Date &Time of Opening Financial Bids Date & Time will be communicated later on.
5. Place of opening bids Alipurduar II Development Block.
6. Last Date
ofBid Validity: 180 Days
Executive Officer
Alipurduar II Panhayat Samiti
Executive Officer
Alipurduar II Panchayat Samiti