Office of The Alipurduar Ii Panchayat Samiti: E-Procurement) E-Tender (Two Cover System)

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E-Procurement) E-Tender(Two Cover System)
Dated. 18.01.2021
For and on behalf of the Alipurduar II Panchayat Samiti , the Executive Officer, Alipurduar II Panchayat
Samiti invites Tender in Percentage Rates for the following works by two cover System (E-Procurement
from Resourceful and Bonafide Contractors as mentioned in ANNEXURE TO N.I.T.NO. WB APD IINIT
3e)- EXEJAPD/2020-21, The pre-qualification documents are to be uploaded in two separate folders. One of
the folders shall contain Technical documents along with scanned copy of bank challan for Earnest Money.
Financial bids are to be uploaded in another folder.


SI Name of work Amount put to Cost of Pro Price perr Earnest Time Eligibility
.N Tender (in Tender cess setof Money allotted of Participants
Rs.) Document ing tender in Rs.) for
cha document Complet
Tge (for ion fromn
the date
in successful
Rs.) tenderere issue of

r only) w.o.
(in Rs.)
Installation of 10 Nos NIL Having
(as per no. Credential
Solar Street lights at 40.00% n

different booths of 1177-F(Y) similar type of

Dated .28-2- 500.00
works within last
Parokata G.P under Rs 292415.00 14 of 6000.00 30 days
5 (Five Years)
Alipurduar-1l P.S.(Purbo Principal
chikliguri) Secretary
To the Govt.
2 Installation of 10 Nos Rs 292415.00 NILL 500.00 6000.00 30 days Having
Solar Street lights at (as per no. Credential
different booths of 1177-F(Y) 40.00% in
Dated .28-2- similar type of
Samuktala G.P under 14 works within last
5 (Five Years)
Alipurduar-ll Principal
P.S.Baniagaon) Secretary
To the Govt.
Installation of 10 Nos Rs 292415.00 NIL 500.00 6000.00 30 days Having
Solar Street lights at (as per no. Credential
different booths of
1177-F(Y) 40.00% n
Dated .28-2- similar type of
Chaparerpar-ll G.P under 14 of works within last
Alipurduar-I Principal 5 (Five Ycars)

P.S.(Bhelukdabri) Secretary
To the Govt.
Stallation of 10 Nos NIL 500.00 6000.00 30 days Having
dr Street lights at Rs 292415.00 (as per no. Credential
different booths of 1177-F(Y)
Dated .28-2-
40.00% in
similar type of
Majherdabri G.P unde 14 of works within last
Alipurduar-ll P.S. (uttar Principal 5 (Five Years)

Shibkata) Secretary
To the Govt.
Installation of 10 Nos Rs 292415.00 NIL 500.00 6000.00 30 days Haviving
Solar Street lights at (as per no. Credential
village Chaparerpar 1177-F(Y) 40.00% in
Dated .28-2- similar type of
Chaparerpar-1 G.P under 4 of works within last
Alipurduar-ll P.S. Principal 5 (Five Years)
To the Govt.
Installation of 10 Nos Rs 292415.00 NIL 500.00 6000.00 30 days Having
Solar Street lights at (as per no. Credential
different booths 1177-F(Y) 40.00% in
Dated 28-2- similar type of
Samuktala G.P under 14 of works within last
Alipurduar-ll Principal 5 (Five Years)
P.s(Patotola) Secretary
To the Govt.
Installation of 10 Nos Rs 292415.00 NIL
500.00|6000.00 30 days Havi
Solar Street lights at (as per no. Credential
Kayakhata mouza of 1177-F(Y)) 40.00% n
Dated .28-2- similar type of
Tatpara-II G.P under 14 of works within last
Alipurduar-ll P.S. Principal 5 (Five Years)
To the Govt.
8 Installation of 10 Nos Rs 292415.00 NIL 500.00 6000.00 30 days
(as per no. Having
Solar Street lights at Credential
different places of
1177-F(Y) 40.00% in
Dated 28-2- similar type of
Salsalabari mouza 14 0f works within last
Chaparerpar-ll G.Punder Principal 5 (Five Years)

Alipurduar-1I P.S. Secretaryy

To the Govt.
nstallation of 10 Nos Rs 292415.00 NIL 500.00 6000.00
Solar Street 30 days Having
lights at (as per no. Credential
Dakshin Dhalkar mouza 1177-F(Y) 40.00% n

Majherdabri G.P under Dated28-2- similar type of

14 of works within last
Alipurduar-1l P.S. Principal 5 (Five Years)
To the Govt.
Installation of 10 Nos Rs 292415.00 NIL 500.00 6000.00 30 days Having
Solar Street lights at (as per no. Credential
Sovaganj mouza 1177-F(Y)) 40.00% in
Dated .28-2- similar type of
Chaparerpar-I G.P under 14 of works within last
Alipurduar-ll P.S. Principal 5(Five Years)
To the Govt.
11 Installation of 12 Nos Rs 350898.000 NIL 500.00 6600.00 30 days Having
Solar Street lights (as per no.
at Credential
Forest villages,Nurpur 1177-F(Y) 40.00% in
Dated .28-2- similar type of
,Panbari Dhamsibad 14 of works within last
Turturi G.P under Principal 5 (Five Years )

Alipurduar-ll P.S. Secretaryy

To the Govt.
12 Installation of 10 Nos Rs 292415.00 NIL 500.00 6000.00 30 days Having
Solar Street lights at (as per no. Credential
Tatpara-ll G.P under 1177-F(Y) 40.00% in
Dated .28-2- similar type of
Alipurduar-11 P.S. 4 of works within last
(Karjipara) Principal 5 (Five Years)
To the Govt.
13 Installation of 10 Nos Rs 292415.00 NIL 500.00 6000.00 30 days Having
Solar (as per no.
Street lights at Credential
1177-F(Y) 40.00% in
Majherdabri mouza Dated .28-2- similar type of
Majherdabri G.P under 14 of works within last
Alipurduar-1 P.S.(Uttar Principal
5 (Five Years)

majherdabri) To the Govt.

Installation of 10 Nos Rs 292415.00 NIL 500.00 6000.00 30 days Having
Solar Street lights (as per no. Credential
at 1177-F(Y) 40.00% in
different booths of Dated .28-2- similar type of
Turturi G.P under 14 of
works within last
5 (Five Years)
Alipurduar-Il P.S. Principal
(dhawlajhora) Secretaryy
To the Govt.

Intending bidders may download tender documents from e-procurement portal of our website: from 19-01-2021, 18:00 Hours to 25-01-2021 up to 18:00 Hours. The pre-
qualification bid documents duly filled in all respect may be submitted online before 18:00 hrs (as
per server clock) on 19-01-2021.
Both Technical bid & Financial Bid are to be submitted concurrently dully signed digitally in the
above mentioned portal. The financial ofer of the prospective tenderer will be considered only if
tender qualifies in the technical bid.

Date and time of opening of the pre-qualification (Technical bids) will be notified by The Block
Development Officer , Alipurduar-II Development Block later on.
Date & Time of technically qualified bidders will be communicated Later on, Subject to
completion of verification of technical evaluation.
Date & Time of opening of Financial bid document of the technically qualified bidders will be
communicated Later on.
For e-Tender intending tenderers may download the tender document from said website directly with
the help of Digital Signature Certificate. Earnest
Money shall be deposited by the intending tenderers
by way of RTGS/NEFT through ICICI Bank and the same should be documented for e-Tender and
virus free scanned copies are downloaded.
Payment made otherwise will be rejected
The scan copies of the following shall have to be uploaded in the Technical documents Folder
Copy ofPAN Card.
Valid upto date Professional Tax clearance Certificate
GST Certificate
EPF registration number & current month channel (above 201akh)
OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturing) certificate
Proper Credential Certificate from any Govt. or Quasi Govt, Department Signed by the
competent authority along with work order & Boq/ Schedule, Payment certificate in lieu of
credentials will not be accepted.
All the relevant documents in support of proof of having original equipment manufacturing
certificate of the Tenderer as per requirement
Bank solvency Certificate of the bidder shall be for any date within last 3
of issue of the tender. Bank solvency Amount of Rs 10,00,000/-
(three) months from date
(ten Lakh)
Details of Technical personnel under the incumbency of the Tenderer as
per requirement.
Declaration stating the fact of having well established Laboratory set
up with competent Lab.
Asstt./ Engineers as well as the capability of setting
I n case of Partnership Firm / Registered
of Field laboratory at site as per requirement.
Company the intending Tenderers are
requested to
submit the copy of the DEED of partnership /.
Earnest Money Serial number of the work should be clearly mentioned on the Bank deposit
Challan& Scanned copy of the same challan should be
uploaded in the folder of technical bid.
Payment made otherwise will be rejected.
herein after called the Contractor, will have to execute an
Agreement:The Successful Tenderer,
agreement within 7 (seven ) days on a Non Judicial Stamp as per rules, and shall have to be
purchased two set of Tender Document from this office. Price per set oftender daocument is as
mentioned in Annexure. The same documents are to be submitted to office duly signed by e

tenderer. This will be treated as part of the Agreement.

Punishment: In the event of failure to execute formal tender agreement within the allotted time or
execute proportionate work within proportionate time, the agency will be liable of
failure to
punishment as per rules.
Acceptance: This authority does not bind himself to accept the lowest offer and reserves the
rightto accept any offer and to reject any/ all the offers without assigning any reason.
Labour Welfare Cess The successful contractor/ Firms/ Regd. Co-Operative Society/ Un-Employed
Eng.Co-Operative Society should obtain Registration from the Regional Labour Offices at Assistant Labour
Commissioner, Jalpaiguri/Alipurduar for each and every works. At the time of payment ofthe bill to
the working contractor @ 1.00 % (at the rate of one percent) Labour Welfare Cess Should be
deducted from the bill.
1. Necessary deduetion: Deduction will be made as per Govt. norms , and security Deposit@8
% of the value of work will be deducted from the bill, for the defect liability period as per govt

Terms and Conditions

>The intending tenderer in the same name and style should have achieved annual turnover of the
year for 100 % ofproposed contract.
> Tenderer should have their own /hired Tools & Plants according to requirement of work
schedule. No materials, Tools & Plants will be supplied by the undersigned.
Rate should be quoted on percentage basis & should be written both in figure and in word.
>The Security Deposit money of Successful bidders will be released after one year of completion of
works for Road Project/ Bridge & six months for Building Project and Repair Works.
The intending Bidders must inspect the alignment of the proposed road and other site condition
before quoting their rates.
A l l the related documents are to be produced IN ORIGINAL to this office as and when will be
Payment will depend on availability of fund and no claim whatsoever will entitled for delay
payment, if any . Intending tenderers may consider these criteria while applying for permission
and while quoting their rates.
Tenders for any supplementary item of work not provided in the estimate but finding a place in the
schedule of rates will be subjected to be same percentage reduction/ increment in rates i.e.
applicable in the original tender.
All the Intending Tenderers are requested to visit the sites of works priort to the submission of
Tender at their own effort and interest
In case of any day, meant for this tender (Only Bid Opening), appears to be an unscheduled
holiday, the next working day will be treated as scheduled/prescribed day for the same purpose.
Bid Validity 180 days after submission of bid.
No preconditioned tender will be accepted.
All the rates of works are inclusive of all taxes , cess , levy, royalties , transportation , loading
unloading, stacking, etc including all other incidental charges therein .
Successful tenderers will be required to produce valid registration Certificate & labour Licence
from respective Regional Labour Offices as per current Labour Regulation Act.
Escalation will not be entertained by the authority.
The authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without
assigning any
reason. And the right to add alters or deletes any of the conditions & terms, laid above, is also
>In Case of inadvertent typographical mistake found in the specific price schedule
will be treated to be so corrected as to conform to the prevailing relevant schedule
of rates, the same
of rates and/ or
technically sanctioned estimate.
Alipurduar II Development Block does not take any responsibility for the delay caused due to non
availability of internet connection traffic jam etc. For the online bids. Both, the Contractor and the
losses due to delay in
employer have agree that it is
not feasible to precisely estimate the amount of the parties have
and the economy, therefore, both
completion of works and the losses to the public

to the Employer and not by way of penalty,

contractor shall pay liquidated damages
agree that the
at the rate per week or part thereof stated
in the contract data for the period that the completion
Date is later than the Intended Completion Date. Liquidated
damages at the same rates shall be
in the Contract data. However,
withhed if the Contractor fails to achieve the milestones prescribed
in case the Contractor achieves the next milestone
the amount of the liquidated damages already
in the next payment certif+cate. The
withheld shall be restored to the Contractor by adjustment
that is a reasonable agrees amount of liquidated
employer and the contractor have agreed the contract price. The
not exceed 10% of
and the total amount of liquidated damages shall
due to the contractors. Payment of
employer may deduct liquidated damages from payments Date is
liabilities. If the Intended Completion
liquidated damages shall not affect contractors other
shall correct any overpayment of
extended after liquidated damages have been paid, the Engineer
liquidated damages by the Contractor by adjusting the next payment the agency
and all tender papers submitted by
Any concealment of fact will be seriously viewed
will be treated as Informal & his/ her earnest money will be forfeited.
T h e Intending bidders should clearly understand that whatever may
be the outcome of the present
invitation of bids, no cost of bidding shall be re- imbursed.
refuse without a reasonable time
I f any tenderer withdraws his offer before acceptance or his earnest money shall be liable for
giving any satisfactory explanation for such withdrawals,
forfeiture and shall be disqualified from submission tender in this office
for a minimum period of
1 (one) year..
for each and every work
Royalty money for required quantity of materials to be paid to proper authority
separately, otherwise it will be deduct from the bill.
Work Order Amount Will be change accordingly to availability of fund.

Guiding Schedule of Rate & Supplementary Items Works

Road &Bridge Work
Schedule of Rates for Road & Bridge Works (Volume-1II) (including Materials, Labour & Carriage) With
effect from30.08.18]
BUILDING WORKS [With effect from 30.08.18]
Building and S&P Works_Volume-I for

Abidfor which quoted percentage rate, ishigherthan 20h ofthe provided price schedule rate, the
bid will be considered as unbalanced bid. Moreover no bid will be accepted for which quoted percentage rate
is above than the provided price schedule rate. Additional performancesecurityfor unbalanced bid has to be
deposited at the timeofexecutingformal agreement296of the tendered amount. The Hard Copiesall
uploaded documents should have to be produced to the under signed as and when will be required. The
Contractors/ Suppliers/Agency who has not started the works awarded to him without any valid reason
are debarred from participation in the process. Their papers will not be considered.

The Hard Copies all uploaded documents should have to be produced to the under signed as and when will be
The Contractors/ Agency who has not started the works awarded to him without any valid reason are debarred from
participation in the process. Their papers will not be considered.
N.B:- This Notice may be seen on Website:
As mentioned in Annexure to NIT NO WB APD
1. Name of Work: IINIT 3 (e) -EXE/APD/2020-21.
From 19-01-2021 Time 18:00 Hours
2. Period and time for download of Bidding
To 25-01-2021 Time 18:00 Hours

From 19-01-2021 Time 18:05 Hours

Date &Time of Submission of Bids Time 18:00 Hours
To 25-01-2021
Date &Timefor Opening:_ As Follows,
Technical Bids Date & Time will be communicated later on.
Date Of Publication of Technically Qualified Date & Time will be communicated later on.

C) Date &Time of Opening Financial Bids Date & Time will be communicated later on.
5. Place of opening bids Alipurduar II Development Block.
6. Last Date
ofBid Validity: 180 Days

Officer inviting Bids Executive Officer Alipurduar II P S

POJASODANGA And Dist Alipurduar, PIN 736208
West Bengal

Executive Officer
Alipurduar II Panhayat Samiti

Memo No. 6E0


-T Dated. |80 202)

Copy ForwaYdedfor kindinfbtmation and with therequestofwidecirculation tothe
1. The District Magistrate, Alipurduar.
2. The Additional Executive Officer, Alipurduar Zilla Parisad.
3. The Sub-Divisional Officer, Alipurduar.
4. The D.I.0, N.I.C, Alipurduar with a request to publish in the Alipurduar website.
5. The Sub-Divn. Information Officer, Alipurduar.
6. The Sabhapati, APD-II Panchayat Samiti.
Karmadhyakshya, Purto Karjo o Paribahan Sthayee Samiti, APD-II P.S.
8. Opposition leader, APD-II Panchayat Samiti.
9. All J.E (RWP/AVRWS) of APD-II Panchayat Samiti.
10. Head clerk cum accountant of
APD-II Panchayat Samiti.
11. Office Notice Board.
12. Office Copy.

Executive Officer
Alipurduar II Panchayat Samiti

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by CHIRANJIT
Date: 2021.01.19 12:35:07 IST
Location: West Bengal-WB

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