Tolentino, Sam C. (Midterm) PDF
Tolentino, Sam C. (Midterm) PDF
Tolentino, Sam C. (Midterm) PDF
A. Fact storming Web. Give words related to “Social Networking”. Using your answers, formulate a description
based on your understanding.
20-30. What is the relevance of each Unit of your course subject, to you and to the contemporary world?
▪ Unit 1
The relevance of Unit 1 is that we better understand and analyze the changes and improvement of social
media, when it comes to the different features of social network. In here we also discussed the positive and
negative impacts of social network and the rule 150, where in we classify the factors and functions of it in our
society. Social networking change the life of every people when it comes to social interactions and ability to
strengthens the social awareness and empathy and creating a bond between your friends, it also increased
your self-confidence by empowering most especially those introverts to express their feelings.
▪ Unit 2
“The Development of Social Networking” we have talked about the theories, concepts and ideas of
social networking and understanding the real definition or meaning of social network in this unit. Because, of
this unit I have learned the different types of social network where it connects people through their preferences
and interest. For instance, everyday I use Facebook as a source of communication, information and also my
past time when I don’t have many task to do, what I share through the use of social network it connects my
shared post to my friends who also happen to like about my shared post. Therefore, social network connects
people with the shared preferences and interest, also it helps me to learn and apply this concept in my daily
life. Moreover, this concepts and theories helps me to understand people of what they like and involve their
self in social networking, it is important for me because as I am not that exposed to the media this helps me
to understand their interest. Furthermore, this generation is expressive of their interest and preferences so I
need to know where to put myself and limit myself on saying what must and what is not good to say to their
preferences and interest. Hence, this help me to accept the changes of the social network because it keeps
evolving to cater the needs of the people interest and preferences.
▪ Unit 3
This unit talks about fake news and trolls who created or leads people to accept information that are not
proven facts in the society also to a person. Unfortunately, fake news nowadays has been rampant especially
to the youth who do not know how to filter and accept credible information. Therefore, it is undeniable that
being aware of what is the difference between myth and facts information to help people lessen the chances
being a victim of unfair judgement, prejudice, and hatred of the people. This topic is important for us especially
as a so called millennials we should actually be knowledgeable enough to accept credible information, so that
we can avoid misleading people to fake news. And as a student, we should be mindful of sharing information
and we should prioritize the credibility of the information before we share information to the other people. In
that case, because of social network is evolving we should learn to adopt and filter information what is
necessary to the people and what is not, because fake news nowadays is not new even a child who is exposed
to media do know what fake news is. Thus, this change helps people to create a bigger space in understanding
issues regarding fake news so that we can avoid unfair judgement and criticism to the people.
▪ Unit 4
Lastly is the social media in the public sector. This subject matter is most likely related to every people
who uses social media because it teaches us on how to properly use social media in a right manner and what
are the effects of social media to the society. As an individual who uses social media, it is now part of my life
where social media keeps me updated whether it is education or recreation. Learning this topic, gives me a
lot of insights about the purpose of social media and it creates realization why we are using social media this
can be for: education, entertainment, socialization, business and etc. Social Media helps people sharing
information and to become updated of what is happening to the society of to their friends. Hence, social media
provide platform in the contemporary world to influence other people who are most likely disadvantage to
actually understand their situation without prior judgement and as I am being bullied because of this social
media I also use this to influence other people to be mindful and accept differences which may lead to a proper
acceptance of individual differences.
B. Essay-Writing. Based on the readings you conducted for Unit 3, write an essay with the theme, “Fake news in
the Philippines”. Use the following questions as your guide in writing your essay:
a. What is fake news?
b. What are the effects of fake news to students?
c. How does fake news affect our country? Give examples proving this.
d. How will you fight fake news and disinformation?
The spread of fake information in the social media is continuously alarming the public because of the
spread of information that are not credible. Nowadays credibility and reliability are difficult to achieve when it
comes to accepting information through the use of social media. Therefore, it creates malicious effects to the
people or society where people hold to believe it because someone related to them posted or shared it.
Misinformation spread based on the manipulation of the public people or changing some part of the story to
actually deceive the people receiving it. Sadly, fake news has been considered as the one of the most
controversial enemy of the society that gives an effect to the people if they will apply it to their life. In that
case, some of the news have been fabricated and intentionally created to mislead people or worse is to
actually destroy the image of one person and the benefits will go to the people who created or demanded it.
Hence, it provides threats to the security, safety and judgment to the people in the society, so critical analysis
of information being read in the social media must be apply and thought in order to avoid being victimize by
the people who created the false information.
As a student nowadays, we are most likely relying through the use of the social media especially
now that we are facing pandemic, students more on focusing or finding information by using social media as
a medium of credibility and reliability. Nothing Like before, students who are studying is hardly finding
information through the use of school library and books. We should know as students, the continuous spread
of fake information through social media and it is affecting the public opinion where it leads chaos to the
people who believe fictional information spreading online. In that case, the students opinion is also affected
because of the influence of the misinformation that is being spread in the social media and it creates diversity
where it leads to unfair judgement and hatred to the people.. For instance, the spread of fake information of
the Pro Duterte using troll accounts to actually mislead students to the hot issue like the 15 billion money
corrupted by the President of Phil health it is now forgotten by the public because of the unworthy expenses
of the renovation of Manila Bay. In addition, the current issues alarms people because there are some
information that are not credible is spreading online about the Wuhan Virus vaccine and the data of cases
affected by the virus is manipulated by the public or trolls. Another example of fake information affects the
country is the current situation of the Philippines where the unequal treatment of the people are shown in the
public and people are being crazy to find out if Bong Revilla do really visits his father without the guidance of
the authority. Keyboard warriors is also affecting our countries state of credibility because they’re just posting
whatever they wanted to, for the people to mislead the sense of credibility and reliability of the information
being given to them by the credible journalists.
As a future educator and hope of this country (somehow), we should be more responsible and
mindful of what information we disseminate to the other people or through social media. Applying this sense
of responsibility and respect will lead changes to the people, because being critical can truly eradicate or
lessen the cases of misinformation in the country and by analyzing the information people can avoid being
involve in the chaos. In addition, we should ban the people who are hacking and trolling accounts because
this is the source or main source of misinformation to actually eradicate or lessen the fake news in the
Philippines. Moreove, to eradicate fake news people who share information in the public must think critically
and analyze the information being given to them by the social media or people before spreading such
information. As cliché “think before you click” you be always at the center of sharing information.
As an individual, I can used my voice to influence the people especially the youth to critically analyze
and interpret such fictional information spread by troll accounts and to completely eradicate the spread of fake
information that can affect their opinion through a specific issue. And for the betterment of the future
generation we should really create a law that indicates the troll accounts and what we should accept and filter
information, with that we can secure the safety and security of the future generation and the society from
spreading fake information. Nonetheless, we will live in a free hazard of fake news and the news will be based
on factual not fictional just to caught the attention of the people, also credibility and reliability will foster in the