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2nd and 3rd Paper

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nf]s ;]jf cfof]u

ck|fljlws -k//fi6«, k|zf;g, n]vfk/LIf0f / ;+;b ;]jf_, /fhkqf+lst t[tLo >]0fL, zfvf clws[t jf ;f] ;/x kbsf] v'nf
k|ltof]lutfTds k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
lnlvt k/LIff M– låtLo r/0f
låtLo kqM– zf;g k|0ffnL
Section (A) - 10 Marks × 3 Questions = 30 Marks
1. /fHo / zf;g
1.1 zf;gsf cfwf/e"t kIfx? M cjwf/0ff, ;Gbe{ / ljz]iftfx?
1.2 zf;gsf] /fhg}lts tyf k|zf;lgs ;+/rgf
1.3 ;"rgfsf] xs / kf/blz{tf
1.4 /fi6« lgdf{0f / /fHo lgdf{0f
1.5 g]kfnsf] zf;g k|0ffnL
1.6 /fli6«o ;'/Iff Joj:yfkg M cjwf/0ff, If]q / g]kfndf /fli6«o ;'/Iffsf ljBdfg k|fjwfgx?
1.7 jx':tl/o zf;g / g]kfn M cgf}krfl/s zf;g, gful/s ;dfhsf] zf;g, :yfgLo zf;g, ;xsf/Ltfd"ns
zf;g, Jofj;flos zf;g / ;+o'St /fi6«;+3

Section (B) - 10 Marks × 2 Questions = 20 Marks

2. ;+ljwfg / sfg"g
2.1 ;+ljwfgjfb\
2.2 g]kfndf ;+a}wflgs ljsf;
2.3 g]kfnsf] jt{dfg ;+ljwfg
2.3.1 d"ne"t ljz]iftfx?, sfo{kflnsf, Joj:yflksf / Gofokflnsf
2.3.2 df}lns xs, lgb]{zs l;4fGt / /fHosf gLltx?
2.3.3 ;+a}wflgs tyf sfg"g lgld{t lgsfox?sf] sfo{ Pj+ ltgsf] sfo{If]q
2.4 dfgj clwsf/
2.5 gful/s r]tgf, hgtfsf st{Jo / lhDd]jf/Lx?
2.6 sfg"gsf >f]tx? Tyf g]kfndf sfg"g lgdf{0fsf] k|lqmof
2.7 sfg"gsf] zf;g, nf]stflGqs d"No / dfGotf, ;dfj]zLs/0f, ;dfg'kflts k|ltlglwTj tyf ;sf/fTds
Section (C) - 10 Marks × 3 Questions = 30 Marks
3. ;fj{hlgs ;]jf tyf ;fj{hlgs Joj:yfkg
3.1 ;fj{hlgs ;]jfsf] cjwf/0ff, sfo{, ljz]iftf / e"ldsf
3.2 ;fj{hlgs ;]jf k|jfx
3.3 /fhg}lts t6:ytf, k|ltj4tf, kf/blz{tf / pQ/bfloTj
3.4 ;fj{hlgs sf]ifsf] ;b'kof]u, ;bfrf/ / g}ltstf
3.5 ;fj{hlgs Joj:yfkg, lghfdtL ;]jf / sd{rf/LtGq
3.6 ;fj{hlgs gLlt M lgdf{0f k|lqmof / ljZn]if0f
3.7 ;fj{hlgs ;]jf j8fkq
3.8 ljB'tLo zf;g

Section (D) - 10 Marks × 2 Questions = 20 Marks

4. >f]t Joj:yfkg / of]hgf
4.1 dfgj >f]t Joj:yfkg M k|flKt, ljsf;, pkof]u / ;Def/
4.2 ;fj{hlgs ljQ Joj:yfkg M g]kfnsf] of]hgf / ah]6 k|0ffnL

PSC/Page 1
nf]s ;]jf cfof]u
ck|fljlws -k//fi6«, k|zf;g, n]vfk/LIf0f / ;+;b ;]jf_, /fhkqf+lst t[tLo >]0fL, zfvf clws[t jf ;f] ;/x kbsf] v'nf
k|ltof]lutfTds k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
4.3 g]kfndf ;/sf/L n]vf k|0ffnL / n]vfk/LIf0f k|0ffnL
4.4 ljQLo Joj:yfkg / ;fdflhs pQ/bfloTj
4.5 ljsf; of]hgf / rfn" cfjlws of]hgf
4.6 ;xeflutfd"ns of]hgf / ljsf;
(In English)
Paper II: - Governance Systems
Section (A) - 10 Marks × 3 Questions = 30 Marks
1. State and Governance
1.1 Fundamentals of governance: concept, context and characteristics
1.2 Political and administrative structures of governance
1.3 Right to information and transparency
1.4 Nation building and state building
1.5 Governance systems in Nepal
1.6 National security management: concept, scope and existing provisions of national
security in Nepal
1.7 Multi-level governance and Nepal: informal governance, civil society governance, local
governance, cooperative governance, corporate governance and United Nations
Section (B) - 10 Marks × 2 Questions = 20 Marks
2. Constitution and Law
2.1 Constitutionalism
2.2 Constitutional development in Nepal
2.3 Present constitution of Nepal
2.3.1 Salient features, executive, legislative and judiciary
2.3.2 Fundamental rights, directive principles and policies of the State
2.3.3 Function and jurisdiction of constitutional and statutory bodies
2.4 Human rights
2.5 Civic sense, duties and responsibilities of people
2.6 Sources of law and law making process in Nepal
2.7 Rule of law, democratic values and norms, inclusion, proportional representation and
affirmative action
Section (C) - 10 Marks × 3 Questions = 30 Marks
3. Public Service and Public Management
3.1 Concept, functions, characteristics and role of public service
3.2 Public Service delivery
3.3 Political neutrality, commitment, transparency and accountability
3.4 Utilization of public funds, ethics and morality
3.5 Public management, civil service and bureaucracy
3.6 Public policy: formulation process and analysis
3.7 Public Service Charter
3.8 E-governance
Section (D) - 10 Marks × 2 Questions = 20 Marks
4. Resource Management and Planning
4.1 Human Resource Management : procurement, development, utilization and
4.2 Public financial management: planning and budgeting system in Nepal
4.3 Government accounting and auditing system in Nepal
4.4 Financial management and social accountability

PSC/Page 2
nf]s ;]jf cfof]u
ck|fljlws -k//fi6«, k|zf;g, n]vfk/LIf0f / ;+;b ;]jf_, /fhkqf+lst t[tLo >]0fL, zfvf clws[t jf ;f] ;/x kbsf] v'nf
k|ltof]lutfTds k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
4.5 Development planning and current periodic plan
4.6 Participatory planning and development

låtLo kqM– zf;g k|0ffnLx? laifo gd"gf k|Zgx?

Sample Questions: Paper II- Governance System
Section (A) - 10 Marks × 3 Questions = 30 Marks
1. zf;gsf] cjwf/0ff :ki6 ub}{ o;sf cfwf/e"t kIf tyf ljz]iftfx? pNn]v ug{'xf];\ .
Clarifying the concept of governance, mention its fundamental aspects as well as features.

2. ;"rgfsf] xsnfO{ ;'b[9 kfg{df kf/blz{tfn] k'¥ofPsf] of]ubfgsf] rrf{ ub}{ kf/blz{tfsf] ;Ldf pNn]v ug'{xf];\ .
Discuss the contribution of transparency in strengthening the Right to Information and also
mention the limitation of transparency.

3. /fli6«o ;'/Iff Joj:yfkgsf] If]q pNn]v ug'{xf];\ . g]kfndf /fli6«o ;'/Iffsf ljBdfg k|fjwfgx?sf] ;+lIfKt ;dLIff
ug'{xf];\ .
Mention the scope of National Security Management. Briefly comment on the prevailing
provisions of the national security of Nepal.
Section (B) - 10 Marks × 2 Questions = 20 Marks
4. sfg'gsf >f]tx? pNn]v ub}{ g]kfndf sfg'g lgdf{0fsf] k|lqmof k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .
Mentioning the sources of law, present the process of law formulation in Nepal.

5. nf]stflGqs d"No / dfGotf eGgfn] s] a'e\mg'x'G5 < g]kfndf oL d"No / dfGotfx?sf] k|of]u s;/L ePsf] kfpg'
x'G5 < pNn]v ug'{xf];\ .
What do you understand by democratic value and norm? How are such values and norms practiced
in Nepal? Mention.
Section (C) - 10 Marks × 3 Questions = 30 Marks
6. ;fj{hlgs ;]jfsf] cjwf/0f pNn]v ug'{xf];\ . ;fj{hlgs ;]jf k|jfxnfO{ k|efjsf/L t'Nofpg /fhg}lts t6:ytf,
k|ltj4tf, kf/blz{tf / pQ/bfloTjsf] 7"nf] e"ldsf x'G5 eGg] egfOsf ;Gbe{df cfˆgf] wf/0ff k|i6 kfg'{xf];\ .
Mention the concept of public service delivery. State your own view in the context of the saying
that there is the vital role of political neutrality, commitment, transparency and accountability to
make public service delivery effective.

7. ;fj{hlgs Joj:yfkgsf k|d'v sfo{x? pNn]v ug'{xf];\ .

Mention the major functions of public management.

8. ;fj{hlgs gLltnfO{ kl/eflift ub}{ ;fj{hlgs gLlt lgdf{0f k|lqmof k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .
Defining public policy, present the process how public policy is formulated.
Section (D) - 10 Marks × 2 Questions = 20 Marks
9. dfgj >f]t Joj:yfkgsf k|d'v cfofdx?af/] ;+lIfKt rrf{ ug'{xf];\ .
Briefly discuss the major dimensions of human resource management.
10. ;xeflutfd"ns of]hgfsf k|d'v ljz]iftfx? pNn]v ub}{ g]kfnsf] ljsf; k|zf;gdf ;xeflutfd"ns of]hgfsf]
cEof;sf] cj:yf bzf{pg'xf];\ .
Mentioning the major features of participatory planning, present the status of the practice of
participatory planning in the development administration of Nepal.

PSC/Page 3
nf]s ;]jf cfof]u
ck|fljlws -k//fi6«, k|zf;g, n]vfk/LIf0f / ;+;b ;]jf_, /fhkqf+lst t[tLo >]0fL, zfvf clws[t jf ;f] ;/x kbsf] v'nf
k|ltof]lutfTds k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
t[tLo kqM– ;d;fdlos laifo
Section (A) - 10 Marks × 3 Questions = 30 Marks
1. ;fdflhs dfldnfx?
1.1 ;fdflhs ljjfb tyf åGå
1.2 ;fdflhs Gofo tyf ;dfgtf
1.3 ;fdflhs Pj+ ;f+:s[lts ?kfGt/0f
1.4 >f]t÷;fwgx?sf] ljt/0fdf Gofo M c;dfgtf Pj+ ;LdfGtLs/0f -k|fb]lzs, hfthfltut, n}lËs, u|fdL0f
tyf zx/L_
1.5 ;fdflhs ;+/If0f÷arfp, ;fdflhs ;'/Iff tyf ;fdflhs lhDd]jf/L
1.6 ;f+:s[lts ljljwtf / ;fdflhs kl/rfng
1.7 hg;+Vof -a;f]af;, a;fO;/fO, zx/Ls/0f, k|f}9fj:yf, z/0ffyL{, lj:yflkt hg;+Vof_
1.8 ;+ul7t ck/fw M laB'tLo ck/fw (cyber crime), a]rljvg, ldnf]dTff] (cartelling)÷
Psflwsf/(monopoly), cftÍjfb, e|i6frf/ / cj}w d'b|f lgd{nLs/0f
1.9 vfB ;Dk|e'tf / ;'/Iff
Section (B) - 10 Marks × 2 Questions = 20 Marks

2. cfly{s dfldnfx?
2.1 cfly{s a[l4 tyf cfly{s ljsf;
2.2 cfly{s ljsf;sf k|d'v kIfx? M s[lif, pBf]u, Jofkf/, ko{6g, j}b]lzs /f]huf/ tyf dfgj ;+zfwg
2.3 cfly{s ljsf;df ;fj{hlgs If]q, lghL If]q / ;xsf/L If]qsf] e"ldsf
2.4 j}b]lzs ;xfotf / cGt/f{li6«o ;xof]u
2.5 j}b]lzs nufgLM kf]6{kmf]lnof] / k|ToIf
2.6 k|ljlw x:tfGt/0f -af}l4s ;DklQ clwsf/ ;d]t_
2.7 Jofkf/, ahf/ / >d pbfl/s/0f
2.8 cfly{s s'6gLlt
2.9 ul/jL / j]/fhuf/L
Section (C) - 10 Marks × 3 Questions = 30 Marks
3. ljsf;;Fu ;Da4 dfldnfx?
3.1 dfgj ljsf;
3.2 k"jf{wf/ ljsf;
3.3 lbuf] ljsf; -e"ld, hn tyf k|fs[lts >f]tx? M wfGg ;Sg] Ifdtf / ljsf; gLlt_
3.4 ljsf; k|lqmofdf /fHo / /fHo afx]ssf If]qx?sf] e"ldsf
3.5 zflGt / åGå ;Da]bgzLn ljsf;
3.6 ljs]Gb|Ls/0f tyf :yfgLo :jfoQ zf;g
3.7 ljsf;df gful/ssf] ;+nUgtf
3.8 ;fem]bf/L ljsf; tyf ;d'bfodf cfwfl/t ljsf;
3.9 ljsf;df ;"rgf–;~rf/ k|ljlwsf] e"ldsf
3.10 ljZjJofkLs/0f / ljsf;

PSC/Page 4
nf]s ;]jf cfof]u
ck|fljlws -k//fi6«, k|zf;g, n]vfk/LIf0f / ;+;b ;]jf_, /fhkqf+lst t[tLo >]0fL, zfvf clws[t jf ;f] ;/x kbsf] v'nf
k|ltof]lutfTds k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd

Section (D) - 10 Marks × 2 Questions = 20 Marks

4. jftfj/0f;Fu ;Da4 dfldnfx?
4.1 kfl/l:ylts k|0ffnL
4.2 h}ljs ljljwtf tyf ;+/If0f
4.3 hnjfo' kl/jt{g / sfj{g Jofkf/
4.4 jftfj/0fLo x|f;
4.5 jgljgf;
4.6 ;+s6÷ljkb\ Joj:yfkg
4.7 jftfj/0f / ljsf;
4.8 phf{ ;+s6 tyf phf{ ;+/If0f
4.9 k|b"if0f tyf kmf]x/–d}nf Joj:yfkg
==== ;dfKt ====

(In English)
Paper III: - Contemporary Issues
Section (A) - 10 Marks × 3 Questions = 30 Marks
1. Social issues
1.1 Social disputes and conflict
1.2 Social justice and equality
1.3 Social and cultural transformation
1.4 Distributive justice of resources: disparities and marginalization (regional,
caste/ethnicity, gender, rural and urban)
1.5 Social protection, social security and social responsibility
1.6 Cultural diversity and social mobilization
1.7 Population (settlement, migration, urbanization, aging, refugee, displaced population)
1.8 Organized crime: cyber crime, trafficking, cartelling/monopoly, terrorism, corruption and
money laundering
1.9 Food sovereignty and security

Section (B) - 10 Marks × 2 Questions = 20 Marks

2. Economic issues
2.1 Economic growth and economic development
2.2 Major aspects of economic development: agriculture, industry, trade, tourism, foreign
employment and human resource
2.3 Role of public sector, private sector and cooperative in economic development
2.4 Foreign assistance and international co-operation
2.5 Foreign Investment: portfolio and direct
2.6 Technology transfer including intellectual property rights
2.7 Trade, market and labour liberalization
2.8 Economic diplomacy
2.9 Poverty and unemployment

PSC/Page 5
nf]s ;]jf cfof]u
ck|fljlws -k//fi6«, k|zf;g, n]vfk/LIf0f / ;+;b ;]jf_, /fhkqf+lst t[tLo >]0fL, zfvf clws[t jf ;f] ;/x kbsf] v'nf
k|ltof]lutfTds k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd

Section (C) - 10 Marks × 3 Questions = 30 Marks

3. Developmental Issues
3.1 Human development
3.2 Infrastructure development
3.3 Sustainable development (land, water and natural resources: carrying capacity and
development policy)
3.4 Role of state and non-state actors in development process
3.5 Peace and conflict sensitive development
3.6 Decentralization and local self-governance
3.7 Citizen engagement in development
3.8 Partnership development and community based development
3.9 Role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in development
3.10 Globalization and development

Section (D) - 10 Marks × 2 Questions = 20 Marks

4. Environmental Issues
4.1 Ecosystem
4.2 Bio-diversity and conservation
4.3 Climate change and carbon trade
4.4 Environment degradation
4.5 Deforestation
4.6 Crisis/Disaster management
4.7 Environment and development
4.8 Energy crisis and energy conservation
4.9 Pollution and waste management

---The End---

PSC/Page 6
nf]s ;]jf cfof]u
ck|fljlws -k//fi6«, k|zf;g, n]vfk/LIf0f / ;+;b ;]jf_, /fhkqf+lst t[tLo >]0fL, zfvf clws[t jf ;f] ;/x kbsf] v'nf
k|ltof]lutfTds k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
t[tLo kqM– ;d;fdlos laifo gd"gf k|Zgx?
Sample Questions: Paper III- Contemporary Issues

Section (A) - 10 Marks × 3 Questions = 30 Marks

1. åGån] ;fdflhs Pj+ ;f:s[lts ?kfGt/0fdf kfg]{ ;sf/fTds tyf gsf/fTds k|efjx? pNn]v ug'{xf];\ .
Mention the positive and negative effects of conflict in social and cultural transformation?
2. æe|i6frf/ ;fdflhs Gofo tyf ;dfgtfsf] dxfg zq' xf] .Æ o; egfOk|ltsf] cfˆgf] wf/0ff k|i6 kfg'{xf];\ .
"Corruption is the great enemy of social justice and equality". Clearly present your view in this
3. ævfB ;Dk|e'tfÆ sf] cjwf/0ff :ki6 kfb}{ ljsf;f]Gd'v d'n'sdf vfB kbfy{sf] :j:y / ;xh cfk"lt{df b]lvPsf
k|d'v Jojwfgx? pNn]v ug'{xf];\ .
Clearly spell out the concept of "food sovereignty", and also mention the major hindrances of the
healthy and convenient supply of food materials in developing countries.
Section (B) - 10 Marks × 2 Questions = 20 Marks
4. ljsf];f]Gd'v d'n'sx?sf] cfly{s ljsf;df ;xsf/L If]qsf] e"ldsf jf/] ljj]rgf ug'{xf];\ .
Discuss the role of the co-operative sector in the economic development of developing nations.

5. ul/jL / j]/f]huf/LjLrsf] cGt/;DjGw k|i6\ofpb} oL b'j}sf] Go"gLs/0fsf k|efjsf/L pkfox? pNn]v ug'{xf];\ .
Clearly present the interrelationship between poverty and unemployment and suggest the effective
measures for minimizing both of them.
Section (C) - 10 Marks × 3 Questions = 30 Marks
6. dfgj ljsf;sf ;"rsfÍx? pNn]v ug'{xf];\ . ;fy} ;fdflhs cfly{s ljsf;sf] ;fwg / ;fWo dfgj g} xf] eGg]
egfOnfO{ k'li6 ug'{xf];\ .
Write down the human development indicators and also justify that human is both the means and
ends of the social- economic development.
7. zflGt / åGå ;Dj]bgzLn ljsf;sf cfwf/e"t tTjx?sf] ;+lIfKt ljj]rgf ug'{xf];\ .
Briefly discuss the fundamental elements of peace and conflict sensitive development.
8. ;d'bfodf cfwfl/t ljsf;sf k|d'v ljz]iftfx? cfF}NofpFb} u|fdL0f ljsf;df o;k|sf/sf] ljsf;sf] cf}lrTo pNn]v
ug'{xf];\ .
Identifying the main characteristics of community based development, justify the rationale of such
kind of development in rural development.
Section (D) - 10 Marks × 2 Questions = 20 Marks
9. jftfj/0fLo x|f;sf k|d'v sf/sx? cfF}NofpFb} ltgsf] lgoGq0fsf k|efjsf/L pkfox? pNn]v ug'{xf];\ .
Identify the major factors responsible for environmental degradation and also mention the effective
measures for their control.

10. ljkb\ Joj:yfkgsf] cy{ pNn]v ug{xf];\ . ljkb\ Joj:yfkgnfO{ k|efjsf/L agfpg s'gs'g kIfx?df Wofg k'¥ofpg'
kg]{ 7fGg'x'G5 < cfˆgf] wf/0f n]Vg'xf];\ .
Mention the meaning of disaster management. In your opinion, what factors should be taken in
consideration to make disaster management effective?

PSC/Page 7
nf]s ;]jf cfof]u
ck|fljlws -k//fi6«, k|zf;g, n]vfk/LIf0f / ;+;b ;]jf_, /fhkqf+lst t[tLo >]0fL, zfvf clws[t jf ;f] ;/x kbsf] v'nf
k|ltof]lutfTds k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
clGtd k/LIffM – ;Lk k/LIf0f, ;fd"lxs k/LIf0f / cGtjf{tf{ (Skill Test, Group Test & Interview)
ljifoM– ;"rgf k|ljlw ;Lk k/LIf0f (Information Technology Skill Test)
k|of]ufTds k/LIff of]hgf (Practical Examination Scheme)
ljifo k"0ff{Í ljifoj:t' lz{ifs cÍ ;do
Devanagari Typing @=% cÍ % ldg]6
English Typing @=% cÍ % ldg]6
;"rgf k|ljlw ;Lk k/LIf0f Word processing @ cÍ
(IT Skill Test)
!) Electronic Spreadsheet ! cÍ
!) ldg]6
Presentation System ! cÍ
Windows basic, Email and Internet ! cÍ
hDdf !) cÍ @) ldg]6

1. Windows basic, Email and Internet
• Introduction to Graphical User Interface
• Use & Update of Antivirus
• Concept of virus, worm, spam etc.
• Starting and shutting down Windows
• Basic Windows elements - Desktop, Taskbar, My Computer, Recycle Bin, etc.
• Concept of file, folder, menu, toolbar
• Searching files and folders
• Internet browsing & searching the content in the web
• Creating Email ID, Using email and mail client tools
• Basic Network troubleshooting (checking network & internet connectivity)
2. Word processing
• Creating, saving and opening documents
• Typing in Devanagari and English
• Copying, Moving, Deleting and Formatting Text
• Paragraph formatting (alignment, indentation, spacing etc.)
• Creating lists with Bullets and Numbering
• Creating and Manipulating Tables
• Borders and Shading
• Creating Newspaper Style Documents Using Column
• Security Techniques of Document
• Inserting header, footer, page number, Graphics, Pictures, Symbols
• Page setting, previewing and printing of documents
• Mail merge
3. Presentation System
• Introduction to presentation application
• Creating, Opening & Saving Slides
• Formatting Slides, Slide design, Inserting header & footer
• Slide Show
• Animation

PSC/Page 8
nf]s ;]jf cfof]u
ck|fljlws -k//fi6«, k|zf;g, n]vfk/LIf0f / ;+;b ;]jf_, /fhkqf+lst t[tLo >]0fL, zfvf clws[t jf ;f] ;/x kbsf] v'nf
k|ltof]lutfTds k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
• Inserting Built-in picture, Picture, Table, Chart, Graphs, and Organization Chart etc.

4. Electronic Spreadsheet
• Organization of Electronic Spreadsheet applications (Cells, Rows, Columns, Worksheet,
Workbook and Workspace)
• Creating, Opening and Saving Work Book
• Editing, Copying, Moving, Deleting Cell Contents
• Formatting Cells (Font, Border, Pattern, Alignment, Number , Protection, Margins and
text wrap)
• Formatting Rows, Column and Sheets
• Using Formula with Relative and Absolute Cell Reference
• Using Basic Functions (IF, SUM, MAX, MIN, AVERAGE etc)
• Sorting and Filtering Data
• Inserting Header and Footer
• Page Setting, Previewing and Printing


PSC/Page 9
nf]s ;]jf cfof]u
ck|fljlws -k//fi6«, k|zf;g, n]vfk/LIf0f / ;+;b ;]jf_, /fhkqf+lst t[tLo >]0fL, zfvf clws[t jf ;f] ;/x kbsf] v'nf
k|ltof]lutfTds k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd

k|of]ufTds ;"rgf k|ljlw ;Lk k/LIf0fsf gd'gf k|Zgx?

(Sample questions of Information Technology Skill Test)

1. tn lbOPsf] b]jgfu/L] Text nfO{ cfwf/ dfgL 6fOk ug{'xf];\ . [2.5 cÍ ] -5 ldg]6_
-sDtLdf 150 zAbx? ePsf] b]jgfu/L] Text lbOg]5 ._
2. tn lbOPsf] c+u]|hL Text nfO{ cfwf/ dfgL 6fOk ug{'xf];\ . [2.5 cÍ] -5 ldg]6_
-sDtLdf 200 zAbx? ePsf] c+u]|hL Text lbOg]5 ._
-k|Zg g+= #, $, % / ^ sf nflu hDdf 10 ldg]6_
3. Perform the following in Word Processing: [0.54 = 2 cÍ ]
a. Copy and paste the English text typed in question no. 2 in a new document.
b. Insert a table with 3 columns and 5 rows below the text.
c. Insert a picture.
d. Apply Page Border and save it.

4. Prepare a presentation for the following information. [0.52 = 1 cÍ]

(PSC: Independent Constitutional Body,

Established: 15 June 1951,
Functions: selecting meritorious candidates for civil service)

5. Prepare the worksheet as below and insert suitable formula to calculate average salary.
[0.52 = 1 cÍ]
S. No. Name Post Salary
1 X JS 32,000.00
2 Y US 27,500.00
3 Z SO 24,500.00
Average Salary:

6. Perform the following: [1 cÍ]

Set www.psc.gov.np as home page in your internet browser.

b|i6Jo M
• Word Processing, Presentation system, Electronic Spreadsheet / Windows basic, Email and
Internet cGtu{tsf feature x? ;dfj]z ePsf !) ldg]6df ;lsg] k|Zgx? ;f]lwg]5 .

PSC/Page 10
nf]s ;]jf cfof]u
ck|fljlws -k//fi6«, k|zf;g, n]vfk/LIf0f / ;+;b ;]jf_, /fhkqf+lst t[tLo >]0fL, zfvf clws[t jf ;f] ;/x kbsf] v'nf
k|ltof]lutfTds k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
c+u|]hL jf b]jgfu/L Typing Skill Test sf] nflu lgb]{zgM–
1= b]jgfu/L Typing Skill Test sf] nflu !%) zAbx?sf] Pp6f Text lbOg]5 / b]xfo cg';f/ c+s k|bfg
z'4 zAb k|lt ldg]6 -Correct Words/Minute_ kfpg] c+s
% eGbf sd z'4 zAb k|lt ldg]6 afkt ) c+s
% jf ;f] eGbf a9L / &=% eGbf sd z'4 zAb k|lt ldg]6 afkt )=%) c+s
&=% jf ;f] eGbf a9L / !) eGbf sd z'4 zAb k|lt ldg]6 afkt )=&% c+s
!) jf ;f] eGbf a9L / !@=% eGbf sd z'4 zAb k|lt ldg]6 afkt !=)) c+s
!@=% jf ;f] eGbf a9L / !% eGbf sd z'4 zAb k|lt ldg]6 afkt !=@% c+s
!% jf ;f] eGbf a9L / !&=% eGbf sd z'4 zAb k|lt ldg]6 afkt !=%) c+s
!&=% jf ;f] eGbf a9L / @) eGbf sd z'4 zAb k|lt ldg]6 afkt !=&% c+s
@) jf ;f] eGbf a9L / @@=% eGbf sd z'4 zAb k|lt ldg]6 afkt @=)) c+s
@@=% jf ;f]eGbf a9L / @% eGbf sd z'4 zAb k|lt ldg]6 afkt @=@% c+s
@% jf ;f] eGbf a9L z'4 zAb k|lt ldg]6 afkt @=%) c+s

2. English Typing Skill Test sf] nflu @)) zAbx?sf] Pp6f Text lbOg]5 / b]xfo cg';f/ c+s k|bfg
z'4 zAb k|lt ldg]6 -Correct Words/Minute_ kfpg] c+s
^ eGbf sd z'4 zAb k|lt ldg]6 afkt ) c+s
^ jf ;f] eGbf a9L / ( eGbf sd z'4 zAb k|lt ldg]6 afkt )=%) c+s
( jf ;f] eGbf a9L / !@ eGbf sd z'4 zAb k|lt ldg]6 afkt )=&% c+s
!@ jf ;f] eGbf a9L / !% eGbf sd z'4 zAb k|lt ldg]6 afkt !=)) c+s
!% jf ;f] eGbf a9L / !* eGbf sd z'4 zAb k|lt ldg]6 afkt !=@% c+s
!* jf ;f] eGbf a9L / @! eGbf sd z'4 zAb k|lt ldg]6 afkt !=%) c+s
@! jf ;f] eGbf a9L / @$ eGbf sd z'4 zAb k|lt ldg]6 afkt !=&% c+s
@$ jf ;f] eGbf a9L / @& eGbf sd z'4 zAb k|lt ldg]6 afkt @=)) c+s
@& jf ;f]eGbf a9L / #) eGbf sd z'4 zAb k|lt ldg]6 afkt @=@% c+s
#) jf ;f] eGbf a9L z'4 zAb k|lt ldg]6 afkt @=%) c+s

3. c+u|]hL jf b]jgfu/L Typing df lbOPsf] Text nfO{ cfwf/ dfgL 6fOk u/]sf] Text ;Fu le8fO{ r]s ul/g]5 .
lbOPsf] c+u|]hL jf b]jgfu/L Text df pNn]lvt :yfg adf]lhd k/LIffyL{x?n] cfkm\gf] Text df Punctuation
6fOk gu/]sf] kfOPdf To;sf] zAbdf u0fgf ul/g] 5}g . tTkZrft lgDg Formula k|of]u u/L z'4 zAb k|lt
ldg]6(Correct words/minute) lgsflng]5 .
(Total words typed − Wrong words)
z'4 zAb k|lt ldg]6 (Correct words/minute) =

PSC/Page 11
nf]s ;]jf cfof]u
ck|fljlws -k//fi6«, k|zf;g, n]vfk/LIf0f / ;+;b ;]jf_, /fhkqf+lst t[tLo >]0fL, zfvf clws[t jf ;f] ;/x kbsf] v'nf
k|ltof]lutfTds k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd

;fd"lxs k/LIf0f (Group Test)

;fd'lxs k/LIf0f JolQmTj k/LIf0f (Personality Test) sf] Ps c+z xf] . lghfdtL ;]jfsf] If]q lj:tf/ tyf
sfo{ k4lt kl/jt{g ;d]t e}/x]]sf] ;Gbe{df g]kfn ;/sf/sf gLlt, of]hgf, sfo{qmd cflb dfly ljrf/–ljdz{, 5nkmn
u/L ltgsf] cem} a9L k|efjsf/L tyf sfof{Gjog of]Uo ;dfwfg klxNofpg] ;DaGwdf pDd]bjf/x?sf] Ifdtf klxrfg
ug'{ o; k/LIf0fsf] d"n dd{ xf] . . o;sf] nflu 5nkmn, ljrf/–ljdz{ u/L kl/l:ylt a'‰g ;Sg], lg0f{o lbg], hgtfnfO{
lqmofzLn agfpg], lrQ a'emfpg], lgwf{l/t nIo cg';f/ sfd ug]{÷u/fpg], h:tf sfdsf nflu n]vg Ifdtfsf
;fy;fy} ;d:ofnfO{ oyfy{k/s 9+un] klxrfg ug{ ;Sg], jfsk6'tf, lzi6tf, ts{zlQmsf] klg cfjZostf kb{5 .
To;}n] o; k/LIf0fdf pDd]bjf/x?sf] jf}l4s Ifdtf, ;+rf/ ;Lk, ;d"x ultlzntf, Jojxf/, JolQmTj, dgf]j[lt,
lqmofzLntf, lg0f{ozlQm, ;d:of ;dfwfg Ifdtf, g]t[Tj Ifdtf, ;do Joj:yfkg tyf JolQmTjdf ePsf cGo u'0fx?sf]
cf+sng cyf{t k/LIf0f / d"NofÍg ug{sf] nflu pDd]bjf/x?nfO{ s'g} ;d;fdlos ljifo÷;jfn÷;d:ofdf ;fd"lxs
5nkmn u/L k|efjsf/L / sfof{Gjog of]Uo ;dfwfg lgsfNg lbOG5 .

;fd"lxs 5nkmn (Group Discussion)

o; k|of]hgsf] nflu ul/g] k/LIf0f !) k"0ff{Í / #) ldg]6 cjlwsf] x'g]5 h'g g]tfljlxg ;fd"lxs 5nkmn
(Leaderless Group Discussion) sf] ?kdf cjnDjg ul/g] 5 . lbOPsf] k|Zg jf Topic sf ljifodf kfn}kfnf];Fu
lglb{i6 ;doleq ;d"xjLr 5nkmn ub}{ k|To]s pDd]bjf/n] JolQmut k|:t'lt (Individual Presentation) ug'{ kg]{5
. o; k/LIf0fdf d"NofÍgsf] nflu b]xfo cg';f/sf] # hgf eGbf a9Lsf] ;ldlt /xg]5 .
cfof]usf ;b:o – cWoIf
cfof]usf ;b:o – ;b:o
dgf]lj1 – ;b:o
bIf÷lj1 -! hgf_ – ;b:o

;fd"lxs 5nkmndf lbOg] gd'gf k|Zg jf Topic

pbfx/0fsf] nflu – phf{ ;+s6, u/LaL lgjf/0f, :jf:Yo aLdf, vfB ;'/Iff, k|ltef knfog h:tf Topics dWo] s'g}
Ps Topic dfq lbOg]5 .

PSC/Page 12

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