Resolution of The Oregon Republican Party Condemning The Betrayal by The Ten House Republicans Who Voted To Impeach President Trump

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Resolution of the Oregon Republican Party Condemning the Betrayal by

the Ten House Republicans Who Voted to Impeach President Trump

Whereas President Trump gave a speech on January 6th encouraging his supporters to exercise their
constitutionally protected right to peacefully assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances;
Whereas the demonstration at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th turned violent and resulted in the tragic deaths
of five persons; and
Whereas the House of Representatives voted on January 8th to impeach President Trump for “incitement of
insurrection” without investigation, evidence, sworn testimony, or serious debate, exhibiting not even a shred
of due process constitutionally guaranteed to President Trump; and

Whereas history tells us that after George Washington appointed Major General Benedict Arnold to command
West Point, Arnold conspired to surrender the fort to the British (; and

Whereas the ten Republican House members, by voting to impeach President Trump, repeated history by
conspiring to surrender our nation to Leftist forces seeking to establish a dictatorship void of all cherished
freedoms and liberties.
Whereas the actual transcript of President Trump’s speech contradicts Democrat claims of “incitement of
insurrection” (
n1327633 and
n1328053); and

Whereas there is growing evidence that the violence at the Capitol was a “false flag” operation designed to
discredit President Trump, his supporters, and all conservative Republicans; this provided the sham motivation
to impeach President Trump in order to advance the Democrat goal of seizing total power, in a frightening
parallel to the February 1933 burning of the German Reichstag (
the-protesters-in-n1325022, and; and

Whereas this false flag effort will support Joe Biden plans to introducing new domestic terrorism legislation
likely placing more emphasis on themes from the post-911 Patriot Act such as allowing those charged with
terrorism to be automatically detained before trial, outlawing donations to government-designated terrorist
groups, allowing electronic surveillance of suspected terrorists, letting the government use evidence from
secret sources in those trials, and perhaps new provisions such as codifying putting conservatives on a secret
no-fly list without recourse to due process and restricting free speech, similar to the Sedition Act of 1798,
which criminalized making “false statements” critical of the Federal government
( and; and

Whereas the way of life and the entire economic future of Oregon and America is under attack, and we should
be able to count on our elected officials to protect us from all enemies, foreign and domestic; and

Whereas a second sham impeachment of President Trump makes it more difficult for Congress to address
serious problems such as aggression by China, Iran, and North Korea, a crushing national debt, and the broken
state-level distribution of COVID19 vaccines.
Now therefore be it resolved by the Oregon Republican Party:
That we condemn the betrayal by the following ten Republican members of Congress who voted in lockstep
with Nancy Pelosi to support a second sham impeachment, and we urge the voters of their districts to replace
them with dedicated and courageous conservatives:

Liz Cheney of Wyoming, Tom Rice of South Carolina, John Katko of New York, Anthony Gonzalez of
Ohio, Peter Meijer of Michigan, Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, Dan Newhouse of Washington, Fred Upton of
Michigan, Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington and David Valadao of California.

That we warn the citizens of Oregon, and the entire nation, that the move to impeach President Trump shows
that we have legitimate reasons to fear what will happen under a Biden/Harris administration; and

That we urge the citizens of Oregon, and the entire nation, to strongly oppose any new domestic terrorism

That we thank Oregon’s 2nd District Republican Congressman Cliff Bentz for challenging Presidential
Electors from disputed states where claims of election irregularities were never resolved and for voting against
President Trump’s impeachment; and

That we acknowledge Oregon’s 5th District Democrat Congressman Kurt Schrader for accurately describing
President Trump’s impeachment was a “lynching”, even though he subsequently was pressured to recant.

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