Fall 2010 ASG Student Poll
Fall 2010 ASG Student Poll
Fall 2010 ASG Student Poll
NET Evaluation
Fall 2010 ASG Student Poll
Date Created: 10/14/2010 1:28:32 PM
Date Range: 10/15/2010 12:00:00 AM - 11/4/2010 11:59:00 PM
Total Respondents: 2406
Q44. Are you attending the University of Arkansas on an out-of-state tuition waiver?
Count Percent
1721 75.38% No
2283 Respondents
Q45. Would you still attend the University of Arkansas without the out-of-state tuition waiver?
Count Percent
561 Respondents
Q51. How familiar are you with the case of the West Memphis Three?
Count Percent
2281 Respondents
Count Percent
33 3.84% Definitely no
859 Respondents
Count Percent
2282 Respondents
Count Percent
1111 Respondents
Count Percent
2280 Respondents
Count Percent
98 13.88% Definitely no
706 Respondents
Count Percent
35 1.54% Socialist
2268 Respondents
Count Percent
2281 Respondents
198 8.69% 7.48% Dale Bumpers School of Agriculture, Food and Life
2278 Respondents
2646 Responses
Count Percent
5 0.22% Transgender
2276 Respondents
Count Percent
2279 Respondents
2278 Respondents
4965 Responses
Count Percent
2279 Respondents
Q65. Which of the following describe you? (Check all that apply)
393 17.54% 10.88% Are now (or have ever been) married or equivalent
279 12.45% 7.72% Work full-time (35 hours or more) while taking classes
518 23.11% 14.34% Are considered financially independent for the purposes of
determining eligibility for financial aid
199 8.88% 5.51% Did not start college in the same calendar year you finished
high school (waited a while before starting college)
252 11.24% 6.97% Started college but before finishing your degree, stopped
out for more than one semester, and then returned to
resume your college education
2241 Respondents
3613 Responses
Q66. Did you start your college career at a different university and transfer to UA? (If you earned an undergrad degree elsewhere and then came to
UA for graduate school, but did not transfer graduate credits, please check ''No.'')
Count Percent
1738 76.46% No
2273 Respondents
Count Percent
2222 Respondents