#Noomhabitoverhaul: Week 1
#Noomhabitoverhaul: Week 1
#Noomhabitoverhaul: Week 1
In order to lose weight, we need to create positive habits while breaking those that are detrimental to us.
Anyone who has tried to break a bad habit knows that breaking habits can be extremely hard, but Noom Coach
is here to help. Each day in January, try one new healthy habit using this checklist as your guide.
Week 1
1/4/2016 Make mini While long-term goals are important, because they are so far off, it’s
milestones hard to stay accountable. Focus on what you can do short-term to make
your long term goals a reality. And be proud of what you accomplish!
Celebration throughout your journey will keep you motivated.
1/5/2016 Share Tell a friend, family member, or colleague your health goals. Studies have
your goals shown that you have an 89% success rate if you partner with a friend
who is also dieting. One study showed that checking in with a friend who
is also dieting 2-3 times a week and sharing weight achievement goals,
had a success rate of over 89%.
1/6/2016 Write it down Writing down your goals is an important step in accomplishing them. It
will help you to visualize your
goals and remember why you’re doing this, even on the rough days.
1/7/2016 Log every meal Food logging has been proven as the #1 way to lose weight. One study
found that people who kept a food diary six days a week lost about twice
as much weight as those who kept food records one day a week or less.
1/8/2016 Think Did you know positive thinking can have a beneficial effect on your
positive health? Positive thinking is a key part of stress management and
effective stress management has a myriad of health benefits. Positive
thinking does not mean ignoring the harder parts of life but it does mean
approaching them with a positive attitude. Next time you’re in a tough
situation, don’t try to change it; try to change the way you view it.
1/9/2016 Eat at Your body can trick you — especially if it’s used to eating a lot of food.
regular times Make a regular eating plan — every 4 hours works for most people — and
stick to it. Your blood sugar will stay level, you’ll be better able to plan out
your meals, and you will avoid mindless munching.
1/10/2016 Avoid TV Sitting in front of the TV during dinner can have a negative effect on
dinners the number of calories you consume because you are focused on the
television and not what you’re eating. One study showed that people
who ate dinner in front of the TV ate up to 300 calories more per meal
than those who didn’t. Instead of watching TV, chat with family or invite a
friend over. You’ll get exciting social interaction without the calorie bump.
Week 2 - Nutrition
1/11/2016 Satisfy your appetite Try starting with a soup or salad! Research out of Penn
with low-calorie State shows that eating a first-course salad can reduce overall calorie
foods first. intake at a meal by up to 12 percent. And
in a study in Appetite last November, people who started lunch with
vegetable soup ended up eating 20 percent
less than those who skipped the soup.
1/12/2016 Have a Lean meats are a great source of protein but subbing in healthy veggies
meatless meal can reduce fat and caloric intake while still keeping you full. Check out
this article from Real Simple with 6 non-meat proteins and delicious
meals you can make with them.
1/13/2016 Snack on fruits Fruits and veggies can make great and healthy snack food with a small
and veggies caloric impact. Chop up fruit and mix with Greek yogurt for a refreshing
bite or dip veggies in hummus. Not only are fruits and veggies much
more filling than your typical snack food, but they won’t take up a large
amount of your calorie budget.
1/14/2016 Drink Water is a superstar. It keeps you hydrated, keeps skin looking young,
more water helps your body perform at its best, AND it can aid you in eating less!
1/15/2016 Slim down While dairy can play a critical role in bone growth for children, in adults it
your dairy can be a calorie cost. Almond milk has less than half the calories per cup
of even skim milk — and is starting to gain popularity over the traditional
milk substitution soy milk. There are oodles of milk alternatives
— give one a shot!
1/16/2016 Measure It may sound obvious, but measuring portion sizes can have enormous
portion size effects on your weight loss. Try measuring your next meal -- and see how
much you’ve actually been eating! It will make tracking much easier and
will help you to gauge where you should be cutting back, and where you
can add a bit more!
1/17/2016 Choose Even if you’re eating the same calories, research shows that a serving of
whole grain whole grain everyday staves off weight gain. Aside from it’s filling power,
whole grains consist of all 3 parts of the grain packing it with much more
vitamins and nutrients that processed bread.
Week 3 - Exercise
1/18/2016 Walk Doctors recommend walking 10,000 steps per day. And lucky for you,
10,000 steps your Noom pedometer does all the hard counting work for you. Walking
is a superstar when it comes to exercise — it can reduce risk of arthritis,
heart-disease, and can help to slim and tone your entire body.
1/19/2016 Make time According to the Mayo Clinic, just 75 minutes of vigorous exercise —
for exercise that’s shorter than an episode of The Voice — a week is enough to get
you fit. We know fitting in exercise can be difficult. But try changing your
mindset — make exercise a priority and it will be more likely that you
complete it, even if you have to give up something else instead.
1/20/2016 Work out Studies have shown that we are more likely to honor a workout
with a friend commitment when we make it with a friend.
We are also more likely to work out harder. So grab a
pal and get moving!
1/21/2016 Take A study out of Oregon has found that small bits of exercise —taking the
the stairs stairs, raking, walking — that add up to 30 minutes are just as beneficial
as a trip to the gym. If you find yourself swamped by holiday errands,
don’t sweat it. You don’t need to go to the gym to reap the benefits. Just
make sure you’re fitting in activity where you can — walking to spots that
are close, biking to the store, or taking the stairs.
1/22/2016 Discover a Do you dread the gym? That’s completely normal but it could be because
new exercise you haven’t found an activity you truly enjoy. So switch it up! Not a fan of
the elliptical? Join a dance class, try a spin class, or go for a hike. There
are so many different exercises that can keep you fit — so find one you
enjoy and go for it!
1/23/2016 Stretch In addition to preventing physical injury, stretching for just 15 minutes
can calm and re-energize your mind. If you want to take this to the next
level, try a yoga class — they’re great for toning purposes and can keep
you mentally healthy. Win, win!
1/24/2016 Try a quick workout Burpees burn 50% more fat every minute than moderate exercise like
jogging. Not ready for that intensity? Jumping rope or jumping jacks have
a similar high-impact effect.
Week 4 - Temptation
1/25/2016 Make snacks When we’re hungry, we are at our most vulnerable for overeating —
in advance especially if we have nothing healthy prepared. To keep temptation from
getting the best of you, prepare healthy snacks ahead of time. That way,
when hunger strikes, you don’t have to head for the snack machine.
1/26/2016 Decide how much to Going out is great — from dinner to drinks, going out is a great way to
drink/eat before catch up and spend time with friends. Unfortunately eating out or getting
going out cocktails with the girls can also mean consuming extra calories that you
normally wouldn’t. This doesn’t mean you have to cross going out from
your social schedule, but next time you’re going out make a plan for how
much you plan to eat and drink. If you want to save room for a glass
of wine, track it at the beginning of the day before you’ve had it. That
way you’ll know how much you can eat for the rest of the day while still
enjoying that treat.
1/27/2016 Curb Cravings strike all of us. Whether it’s for something salty or something
cravings sweet, cravings are bound to happen. But studies have shown that it
takes only 20 minutes for a craving to go away. So next time you have a
craving, try taking a 20 minute walk, read a chapter of a book, or watch a
TV show.
1/28/2016 Make a According to the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School,
bedtime routine keeping a regular sleep schedule (ie. going to bed at the same time every
night) can greatly improve the quality of your sleep, leaving you refreshed
and energized.
1/29/2016 Deal The beginning of a new year is an exciting time. But once the honeymoon
with stress phase wears off, we’re once again left with the normal stresses of life.
But this year, make an effort to confront stress and deal with it head on.
Check out our article with tips and tricks for dealing with stress.
1/30/2016 Find Hobbies are a healthy, fun, and natural way to relieve stress. Have you
a hobby ever enjoyed an activity so much that you’ve lost track of time? That’s
the reasoning behind using hobbies as stress relief. Find something you
enjoy — whether it be knitting, reading, or joining a sports club — and let
yourself absorb the moment.
1/31/2016 Celebrate! Are you making progress on your weight loss goals? Have you completed
the habit overhaul? Or did you do a great job at work? You’re working
hard and you deserve to be proud of yourself. So give yourself a pat on
the back and keep up the good work!