Diabetic Retinopathy: Merican Iabetes Ssociation
Diabetic Retinopathy: Merican Iabetes Ssociation
Diabetic Retinopathy: Merican Iabetes Ssociation
Diabetic Retinopathy
SCREENING FOR DIABETIC inopathy. Up to 21% of patients with type 2 measurement of glycated hemoglobin. A
RETINOPATHY — Diabetic retinopa- diabetes have recently been found to have 4-year follow-up examination repeated
thy is a highly specific vascular complica- retinopathy at the time of first diagnosis of the fundus photographs. The WESDR
tion of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. diabetes, and most develop some degree of found the relationship described above
The prevalence of retinopathy is strongly retinopathy over subsequent decades. between onset of retinopathy and dura-
related to the duration of diabetes. After In general, the progression of retinop- tion of diabetes. It also established that
20 years of diabetes, nearly all patients athy is orderly, advancing from mild non- progression of retinopathy was a function
with type 1 diabetes and ⬎60% of pa- proliferative abnormalities, characterized of baseline retinopathy. The more severe
tients with type 2 diabetes have some de- by increased vascular permeability, to the baseline retinopathy, the greater the
gree of retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy moderate and severe nonproliferative di- frequency of progression to vision-
poses a serious threat to vision. In the abetic retinopathy (NPDR), characterized threatening retinopathy. Conversely,
Wisconsin Epidemiologic Study of Dia- by vascular closure, to proliferative dia- among type 2 diabetic patients whose
betic Retinopathy (WESDR), 3.6% of betic retinopathy (PDR), characterized by baseline photographs showed no retinop-
younger-onset patients (aged ⬍30 years the growth of new blood vessels on the athy, there was less PDR or progression to
at diagnosis, an operational definition of retina and posterior surface of the vitre- severe macular edema over 4 years. The
type 1 diabetes) and 1.6% of older-onset ous. Pregnancy, puberty, and cataract WESDR epidemiological data were lim-
patients (aged ⱖ30 years at diagnosis, an surgery can accelerate these changes. ited primarily to white northern Euro-
operational definition of type 2 diabetes) Vision loss due to diabetic retinopa- pean extraction populations and may not
were legally blind. In the younger-onset thy results from several mechanisms. be applicable to African-American, His-
group, 86% of blindness was attributable First, central vision may be impaired by panic-American, or Asian-American pop-
to diabetic retinopathy. In the older-onset macular edema or capillary nonperfusion. ulations or to others with a high
group, where other eye diseases were com- Second, the new blood vessels of PDR and prevalence of diabetes and retinopathy.
mon, one-third of the cases of legal blind- contraction of the accompanying fibrous There has been extensive research on
ness were due to diabetic retinopathy. tissue can distort the retina and lead to potential risk factors for retinopathy. There
Overall, diabetic retinopathy is estimated to tractional retinal detachment, producing is now a large and consistent set of observa-
be the most frequent cause of new cases of severe and often irreversible vision loss. tional studies documenting the association
blindness among adults aged 20 –74 years. Third, the new blood vessels may bleed, of poor glucose control and retinopathy.
The recommendations in this paper adding the further complication of preret- In the Diabetes Control and Complica-
are based on the technical review on the inal or vitreous hemorrhage. tions Trial (DCCT), a definitive relationship
subject (1), which should be consulted There are several epidemiological was demonstrated in type 1 diabetes be-
for further information. studies describing the onset and progres- tween hyperglycemia and diabetic micro-
sion of diabetic retinopathy. The WESDR vascular complications, including
NATURAL HISTORY OF can serve as a representative model. The retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy.
DIABETIC RETINOPATHY — WESDR attempted to identify all diabetic A group of 1,441 patients with type 1 dia-
Screening strategies depend on the rates patients treated by physicians in an 11- betes who had either no retinopathy at base-
of appearance and progression of diabetic county area in southern Wisconsin. Be- line (primary prevention cohort) or with
retinopathy and on risk factors that alter tween 1979 and 1980, 1,210 patients minimal-to-moderate NPDR (secondary
these rates. Vision-threatening retinopa- with younger-onset diabetes and 1,780 progression cohort) were treated by either
thy virtually never appears in type 1 pa- patients with older-onset diabetes were conventional therapy or intensive diabetes
tients in the first 3–5 years of diabetes or entered into the study. Patients had sev- management with three or more daily insu-
before puberty. Over the subsequent 2 de- eral clinical assessments, including seven- lin injections or a continuous subcutaneous
cades, nearly all type 1 patients develop ret- field stereo fundus photographs and insulin infusion. In contrast, conventional
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therapy included one or two daily injections
The recommendations in this paper are based on the evidence reviewed in the following publication: Diabetic of insulin. The patients were followed for
retinopathy (Technical Review). Diabetes Care 21:143–156, 1998.
The initial draft of this paper was prepared by Lloyd Paul Aiello, MD, PhD; Thomas W. Gardner, MD;
4 –9 years with seven-field stereoscopic
George L. King, MD; George Blankenship, MD; Jerry D. Cavallerano, OD, PhD; Fredrick L. Ferris, III, MD; photography every 6 months. The DCCT
and Ronald Klein, MD, MPH. The paper was peer-reviewed, modified, and approved by the Professional showed that intensive insulin therapy re-
Practice Committee and the Executive Committee in November 1997. Most recent review/revision, 1998. duced or prevented the development of ret-
Abbreviations: DCCT, Diabetes Control and Complications Trial; DRS, Diabetic Retinopathy Study;
ETDRS, Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study; HRC, high-risk characteristic; NPDR, nonproliferative
inopathy by 27% as compared with
diabetic retinopathy; PDR, proliferative diabetic retinopathy; UKPDS, United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes conventional therapy. In addition, intensive
Study; WESDR, Wisconsin Epidemiologic Study of Diabetic Retinopathy. therapy reduced the progression of diabetic
retinopathy by 34 –76%. Early treatment The DRS tested whether scatter (pan- cate that, provided careful follow-up can
with intensive therapy was most effective. retinal) photocoagulation surgery could be maintained, scatter photocoagulation
However, intensive therapy had a substan- reduce the risk of vision loss from PDR. surgery is not recommended for eyes with
tial beneficial effect over the entire range of There were 1,758 participating patients. mild or moderate NPDR. When retinop-
retinopathy. This improvement was By the 2-year analysis, a dramatic benefit athy is more severe, scatter photocoagu-
achieved with an average 10% reduction in of photocoagulation surgery was evident. lation surgery should be considered, and
HbA1c from 8 to 7.2%. Severe visual loss (i.e., best acuity of usually should not be delayed, if the eye
The largest and longest study on pa- 5/200 or worse) was seen in 15.9% of un- has reached the high-risk proliferative
tients with type 2 diabetes, the United King- treated eyes versus 6.4% of treated eyes. stage. In older-onset patients with severe
dom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS), The benefit was greatest among patients NPDR or less than high-risk PDR, the risk
conclusively demonstrated that improved whose baseline evaluation revealed high- of severe visual loss and vitrectomy is re-
blood glucose control in these patients re- risk characteristics (HRCs) (chiefly disc duced ⬃50% by laser photocoagulation
duces the risk of developing retinopathy neovascularization or vitreous hemor- surgery at these earlier stages.
and nephropathy and possibly reduces neu- rhage with any retinal neovasculariza- Laser photocoagulation surgery in both
ropathy. The overall microvascular compli- tion). Of control eyes with HRC, 26% the DRS and the ETDRS was beneficial in
cations rate was decreased by 25% in progressed to severe visual loss versus reducing the risk of further visual loss, but
patients receiving intensive therapy versus 11% of treated eyes. The absolute benefit generally not beneficial in reversing already
conventional therapy. Epidemiological of photocoagulation surgery was much diminished acuity. This preventive effect
analysis of the UKPDS data showed a con- smaller for eyes that did not have HRC. and the fact that patients with PDR or mac-
tinuous relationship between the risk of mi- Given the risk of a modest loss of visual ular edema may be asymptomatic provide
crovascular complications and glycemia, acuity and of contraction of visual field strong support for a screening program to
such that for every percentage point de- from panretinal laser surgery, such ther- detect diabetic retinopathy.
crease in HbA1c (e.g., 9 to 8%), there was a apy has been primarily recommended for
35% reduction in the risk of microvascular eyes approaching or reaching HRCs. COST-EFFECTIVENESS OF
complications. ETDRS assessed the value of argon laser SCREENING FOR
The results of the DCCT and UKPDS surgery and aspirin in early PDR, moderate- RETINOPATHY — There have been
showed that while intensive therapy does to-severe NPDR, and diabetic macular several cost-effectiveness analyses of
not prevent retinopathy completely, it re- edema (a complication seen in the presence screening for diabetic retinopathy. The
duces the risk of the development and pro- of both PDR and NPDR). The ETDRS estab- currently published analyses have as-
gression of diabetic retinopathy. This can be lished the benefit of focal laser photocoagu- sessed semiannual, annual, and biennial
translated clinically to a preservation of eye- lation surgery in eyes with macular edema, screening programs. Although the mod-
sight and reduced need for laser treatment. particularly those with clinically significant eling techniques and the component costs
It also seems clear that proteinuria is macular edema. In the part of the ETDRS have differed substantially, the basic mes-
associated with retinopathy. High blood that studied macular edema, 1,490 eyes sage of all these analyses is the same.
pressure is an established risk factor for the with macular edema were randomized to Screening for diabetic retinopathy saves
development of macular edema and is asso- deferral of photocoagulation surgery (until vision at a relatively low cost, and even
ciated with the presence of PDR. Observa- PDR with HRC occurred) and 754 eyes this cost is often less than the disability
tions indicate an association of serum lipid were randomized to immediate focal pho- payments provided to people who would
levels with lipid in the retina (hard exu- tocoagulation surgery. In patients with clin- go blind in the absence of a screening pro-
dates) and visual loss. Thus, systemic con- ically significant macular edema after 2 gram.
trol of blood pressure and serum lipids may years, 20% of untreated eyes had a doubling
be important in the management of diabetic of the visual angle (e.g., 20/50 to 20/100) SUMMARY AND
retinopathy. In addition, several case series compared with 8% of treated eyes. In other RECOMMENDATIONS — T r e a t -
and a controlled prospective study suggest results from the ETDRS, aspirin did not pre- ment modalities exist that can prevent or
that pregnancy in type 1 diabetic patients vent the development of high-risk PDR and delay the onset of diabetic retinopathy, as
may aggravate retinopathy. did not reduce the risk of visual loss, nor well as prevent loss of vision, in a large
increase the risk of vitreous hemorrhage. proportion of patients with diabetes. The
EFFICACY OF LASER The relative risk of vitreous or preretinal DCCT and the UKPDS established that
PHOTOCOAGULATION hemorrhage for patients assigned to aspirin intensive diabetes management to obtain
SURGERY — One of the main moti- compared with patients assigned to placebo near-euglycemic control can prevent and
vations for screening for diabetic retinop- in eyes that had new vessels definitely delay the progression of diabetic retinop-
athy is the established efficacy of laser present at baseline was 1.05 (99% CI [0.81– athy in patients with diabetes. Timely la-
photocoagulation surgery in preventing 1.36]). This included patients in the deferral ser photocoagulation therapy can also
visual loss. Two large National Institutes group who in follow-up had scatter laser prevent loss of vision in a large proportion
of Health-sponsored trials, the Diabetic photocoagulation surgery on reaching of patients with severe NPDR and PDR
Retinopathy Study (DRS) and the Early HRC. These findings suggest there are no and/or macular edema. Since some pa-
Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study ocular contraindications to aspirin when re- tients with vision-threatening pathologies
(ETDRS), provide the strongest support quired for cardiovascular disease or other may not have symptoms, ongoing evalu-
for the therapeutic benefit of photocoag- medical indications. ation for retinopathy is a valuable and re-
ulation surgery. Other results from the ETDRS indi- quired strategy.
Dilated ETDRS seven-standard field subsequent ophthalmologic evaluation of uria or poor glycemic control (⬎2 SD
stereoscopic 30° fundus photography is patients with diabetes are stated below from the mean of the nondiabetic pop-
more sensitive at detecting retinopathy and summarized in Table 1: ulation), annual examinations were in-
than is clinical examination, although dicated even if the initial review using
clinical examination is often superior for GUIDELINES fundus photography revealed no reti-
detecting retinal thickening associated nopathy. Despite the WESDR findings,
with macular edema and may be better at 1. Patients ⱖ10 years of age with type 1 we believe that an annual eye examina-
identifying fine caliber neovascularization diabetes should have an initial dilated tion is still warranted for the following
of the optic disk or elsewhere in the ret- and comprehensive eye examination reasons. First, these data were derived
ina. Proper fundus photographs require a by an ophthalmologist or optometrist from a study that evaluated white,
photographer skilled in obtaining the rig- within 3–5 years after the onset of di- northern European-extraction patients
orously defined and technically challeng- abetes. In general, screening for diabetic with diabetes living in southern Wiscon-
ing ETDRS photographic fields of eye disease is not necessary before 10 sin. The results may not be applicable to
appropriate quality and a reader skilled in years of age. However, some evidence African-American, Hispanic-American,
the interpretation of the photographs. If suggests that the prepubertal duration of Asian-American, or other populations
either of these components is not avail- diabetes may be important in the devel- where it is unknown if retinopathy
able or do not meet the defined standards, opment of microvascular complications; progresses in the same manner. Second,
then they cannot be substituted for a di- therefore, clinical judgment should be a well-designed quality-control program
lated ophthalmic examination by an eye used when applying these recommen- was used in WESDR to ensure accurate
care provider with experience in the man- dations to individual patients. Patients interpretation of fundus photographs.
agement of diabetic retinopathy, even for with type 2 diabetes should have an ini- Such quality control efforts have not
screening purposes. tial dilated and comprehensive eye ex- been standardized or completely de-
Recent techniques permit the acqui- amination by an ophthalmologist or scribed, let alone adopted nationwide.
sition of high-quality photographs optometrist shortly after the diagnosis of Third, the potential for patient loss to
through undilated pupils and the acqui- diabetes is made. follow-up induced by an extended hia-
sition of images in digital format. Al- 2. Subsequent examinations for both type tus between ophthalmic evaluations in-
though this may eventually permit 1 and type 2 diabetic patients should be troduces further uncertainty.
undilated photographic retinopathy repeated annually by an ophthalmolo- 3. When planning pregnancy, women
screening, no rigorous studies to date val- gist or optometrist who is knowledge- with preexisting diabetes should have a
idate the equivalence of these photo- able and experienced in diagnosing the comprehensive eye examination and
graphs with seven-standard field presence of diabetic retinopathy and is should be counseled on the risk of de-
stereoscopic 30° fundus photography for aware of its management. Examinations velopment and/or progression of dia-
assessing diabetic retinopathy. The use of will be required more frequently if reti- betic retinopathy. Women with diabetes
the nonmydriatic camera for follow-up of nopathy is progressing. This follow-up who become pregnant should have a
patients with diabetes in the physician’s interval is recommended recognizing comprehensive eye examination in the
office might be considered only in situa- that there are limited data addressing 1st trimester and close follow-up
tions where dilated eye examination can- this issue. As previously discussed, data throughout pregnancy (Table 1). This
not be obtained. However, at this time, from WESDR showed that patients with guideline does not apply to women who
these technologies are not considered a type 2 diabetes who received ETDRS develop gestational diabetes because
replacement for dilated seven- standard standard seven-field stereoscopic color such individuals are not at increased risk
field stereoscopic fundus photography or fundus photographs that revealed no for diabetic retinopathy.
for eye examinations by an experienced retinopathy when evaluated by a skilled 4. Patients with any level of macular
ophthalmologist or optometrist for the reader did not generally require another edema, severe NPDR, or any PDR re-
screening, diagnosis, grading, or treat- retinopathy examination for 4 years be- quire the prompt care of an ophthal-
ment of diabetic retinopathy. cause of low risk of disease progression. mologist who is knowledgeable and
The recommendations for initial and However, in patients with gross protein- experienced in the management and
treatment of diabetic retinopathy. Re- 5. Patients who experience vision loss D. Cavallerano, OD, PhD), and the American
ferral to an ophthalmologist should from diabetes should be encouraged to Academy of Ophthalmology (George Blanken-
not be delayed until PDR has devel- pursue visual rehabilitation with an ship, MD). We gratefully acknowledge the in-
oped in patients who are known to ophthalmologist or optometrist who is valuable assistance of these associations and
their designated representatives.
have severe nonproliferative or more trained or experienced in low-vision
advanced retinopathy. Early referral to care.
an ophthalmologist is particularly im-
portant for patients with type 2 diabe- References
tes and severe NPDR, since laser Acknowledgments — This manuscript was 1. Aiello LP, Gardner TW, King GL, Blanken-
treatment at this stage is associated developed in cooperation with the American ship G, Cavallerano JD, Ferris FL, Klein R:
with a 50% reduction in the risk of College of Physicians (Daniel E. Singer, MD), Diabetic retinopathy (Technical Review).
severe visual loss and vitrectomy. the American Optometric Association (Jerry Diabetes Care 21:143–156, 1998