French Recommendations For Ultra-High Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concretes
French Recommendations For Ultra-High Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concretes
French Recommendations For Ultra-High Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concretes
This paper draws a brief sketch of the main features of French recommendations for Ultra-High
Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concretes (UHPFRC), drafted by an AFGC work group composed
of all the private and publics organizations working on these new types of material.
The purpose of these recommendations is to give a framework for use of UHPFRC in civil
engineering. The concretes here concerned have a compressive strength over 150 MPa up to 250
MPa and fiber incorporation so as to ensure a ductile behaviour under tensile stress and to replace
the conventional reinforcing steel.
The document is based on a synthesis performed by an AFREM group, on the French Electricity
Board specifications and on the personal experience of members of the work group. It is composed
of three parts :
x A first part dealing with UHPFRC characterization giving specifications about the
mechanical properties to be obtained. This part also deals with the special checks during
production and with concrete placing methods.
x A second part which focuses on design and calculations methods for UHPFRC
engineering structures, taking into account fibers participation and structures without
conventional prestressing or reinforcing steel.
x A third part devoted to UHPFRC durability which describes influential material
properties like transport mechanisms or physical and chemical processes in comparison
with Reinforced Concrete or HPC properties.
It also includes a complete list of references.
1. Introduction
2.1 General
The first part of the recommendations reminds the main UHPFRC mechanical characteristics,
including in annex values given by the principal manufacturers :
· Different kinds of Ductal® concrete, including RPC (reactive powder concrete), resulting
from joint research by Bouygues, Lafarge, and Rhodia, and marketed by Lafarge and Bouygues,
· BSI "Béton Spécial Industriel” (special industrial concrete) developed by Eiffage,
· Laboratory materials are being developed by Electricité de France, LCPC, etc., but are not
yet being marketed
The post-cracking behaviour is very important because it may dispense with the conventional
reinforcement in the design of some structures.
On the other hand, it is quite difficult to characterize this behaviour because it depends very much
on the mixing and placement process :
x Any flow during concrete placing tends to align fibres in the direction of flow,
x Fibres close to walls are naturally aligned parallel to the formwork. This phenomenon
ceases beyond a distance from the formwork in excess of the fibre length. The closer
component thicknesses are to the length of fibres, the greater is the effect on the effective
tensile strength of the parts,
x Preferential gravitational orientation of fibres can sometimes occur, due to the natural
behaviour of fibres in the viscous-liquid phase of concrete before it sets.
The methods outlined in these Recommendations take account of all these phenomena which are
dissociated in two approaches.
Using characterization tests depending on the type of structure studied (thin slabs, thick slabs,
beams, shells), and which can be of two types (direct tensile test or flexural tensile test), the
Recommendations give for each proposed test procedure, the transfer factors to go from test results
to an "intrinsic" curve for tensile behaviour which does not depend on test specimen size or on the
type of test used.
Once the intrinsic curve for tension is determined, the recommendations give instructions for
taking into account of the effect placement methods have on the real strength values to be
considered in calculations. This correction of the intrinsic strength curves consists in applying a
reduction coefficient 1/K representing the difference between the intrinsic curve and what would
have been obtained on specimens taken from an actual structural element.
To determine this K factor, the recommendations impose suitability tests conducted on a
representative models of the actual structure. The tensile strength measured on samples of the
testing model allow to determine the K value. The principal results of this characterization process
applied to the innovative Bourg-Lès-Valence bridges are enclosed herein with the
3.1 Generalities
The design methods proposed in the recommendations are based on the French codes for
prestressed or reinforced concrete (BPEL, BAEL) [16], [17] (based on semi-probabilistic limit
states verifications). The recommendations complete these design codes with specificity
concerning UHPFRC which is essentially the strength provided from fibres which allows to design
a structure without any conventional reinforcement [19], [20], [21].
For calculation, one may use an intrinsic law for characteristic tension drawn up assuming
isotropic distribution of fibres throughout the structure.
In order to integrate the actual disparity in the fibre orientation due to placement, the various
verifications are allocated an “orientation coefficient” 1/K determined by suitability tests as
explained hereabove.
The value of this coefficient depends of the studied phenomena.
As for beams, the recommendations propose two values for this coefficient :
x A local value concerning designs which propose to use fibre tensile strength in zones of
material of reduced size in comparison with the piece size,
x A global value when justifications concern a sufficiently large zone so as to limit the
effect of the local disparity in fibres orientation.
f tj w
E ij lc
The value of lc depends on the sectional area. For a rectangular or tee cross section, a value of lc =
2 h, where h is the depth of the section gives the same results for both methods.
3.2.1 Minimum fibre content and non-brittleness check
In order to guarantee sufficient ductility (in tension and compression), the recommendations
consider a minimum fibre content and a non-brittleness check, which ensures that fibres can take
tensile stress in case of matrix cracks.
The minimum fibre content is defined below :
3.10 4 f t 28
³ V ( w) dw t
3.10 4 0 2,5
where w is crack width in metres.
The non-brittleness check consists in verifying that the elastic capable moment Mel is within the
ultimate moment MU of the cracked section calculated as below :
x Mel is obtained with calculation for the uncracked section assuming the concrete to
behave as described by the linear elastic law, tension being limited to ftj and compression
to 0.6fcj ,
x MU is determined taking account of the strength provided by fibres. The calculation is
made with the V-w law thus obtained, or with the equivalent V-H law.
Figure 3 : SLS strain hardening law Figure 4 : SLS strain softening law
where :
ftj w 0 ,3 f tj
x He H 0 ,3 , with w0,3 = 0,3 mm
Eij lc Eij
w1% f
x H1% tj , with w1% = 0,01H , H being the height of the bending test
lc Eij
specimen, H lim , lf being the length of a fibre, lc the characteristic length
4l c
V ( w 0 ,3 ) V(w1% )
x V bc 0,6 f cj V bt , and V1% , V( w) being the
characteristic intrinsic parameters of the material curve,
The limit stresses at the SLS are the same as a traditional concrete in case of a reinforced or
prestressed structure (limitation of concrete compression, and steel under tension).
These checks are completed when there is no passive or active reinforcement by prescriptions
concerning crack width :
- 0.3 mm for normal cracking, i.e. H < 0,003 / lc
- 0.2 mm for detrimental cracking, i.e. H < 0,002 / lc
- 0.1 mm for highly detrimental cracking, i.e. H < 0,001 / lc
Figure 5 : ULS strain hardening law Figure 6 : ULS strain softening law
Moreover concrete shear strength of a UHPFRC must be taken different of a traditional concrete,
because of aggregate interlock which increases quite less than the compression strength. Test
results about this phenomenon are lacking for classical FRC [19]. Hence the recommendations
limit concrete shear strength approximately at the value obtained with a C120 concrete.
The ultimate shear strength Vu is given by:
VRb is the term for the participation of the concrete,
Va is the traditional term for the participation of the reinforcement,
Vf is the term for the participation of the fibres.
the distribution of the prestressed concentrated forces. They account for complementary resistance
brought by fibres.
We will not detail all these formulae in this paper, but only note concerning pre-tensioning, that
the recommendations take account of the fact that active-reinforcement anchorage length is quite
reduced in comparison to traditional concrete. This phenomenon tends to increase local stresses
generated by the diffusion of the prestressed concentred forces.
For most of these checks, one may use local value of K, in order to account for local variability of
the fibres tensile strength.
4. Durability of UHPFRC
4.1 Introduction
The recommendations provide the main UHPFRC durability indicators. These indicators have
been proposed by the AFGC working group “durability indicators”.
Moreover, the recommendations deal with specific indicators specific to UHPFRC, and expose
actual knowledge on fire performance.
The results presented above confirm the position of UHPFRC with respect to other types of
concrete: for all the “conventional” durability indicators, the values obtained for UHPFRC indicate
a clear improvement in durability.
4.3.1 Introduction
Are there any kinds of damage specifically related to the features of UHPFRC, i.e. other than the
conventional damage mechanisms that could affect it? The following questions are often asked, for
x How good is the long-term stability of the admixtures used in large quantities (compared
to previous practice)?
x Possible rehydration: because of the limitation of hydration reactions due to the low water
content, there are some residual anhydrites and gypsum. In the long term, could these
grains of calcium sulphate cause swelling and microcracking?
x corrosion of steel fibres
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5. Conclusion
6. References
The references below are a extract of the complete list given in the recommendations.
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